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VRATIOAL Problem statement to detine he py write HCC TIO WI homnded scope of the project ye IHC T AVE your projeet title) ibliwhewent, “detwe the COM ol sats OYE A yshboe pouyed RATICAL SIGNIFICANC To analyze the b © Fequirement of sofware product and to generate problem statement and to analyze the bounded scope of the software product Knowledge gineering tool, PoS — Communication, ‘This practical is expected to develop the following skills. . Write a program statement while decid editors, ing. title of the project text * You can use Microsoft World, Notepad ete. for writing problem statement. IV] REL VANT COURSE OUTCOMES:- Co I: select suitable process model for software development. Co 2:- prepare software requirement specification, V] PRACTICAL OUTCOMES:- Write a problem statement to define the perfect title the perfect title with bounded scope of the project. VI] RELEVANT A\ CTIVE DO MAIN RELATED OUTCOMES:- 1. Follow precaution measured. pati Pamar D gonad Pa > Yost Wome » » yt CONCLUSION ean mi Weeieak Steed. ches. dte watts. Gheklern te | ese RIREOCL. TNC: xil) EXERCISE: 1. Describe the characteristics of software, 2. Write note on development fhamework. emda a melky s. PRATICAL-2 Jt process saect relevant process model of define activities & related tasks set of assignment project jgnment project. proven Write your project title); define activities & a “PARE “cla.ted.. tasks, select and. x IFICANCE to select and analyze the relevant mod i ; - re et for assigned project lel for assigned project and to define activities and related |). RELEVANT PROGRAM OUTCOMES, Pol - Basic Knowledge. Po? - Discipline Knowledge. po3 «Individual & Teamwork, Pos - Communication. Pos - Lifelong learning. II] RELEVANT OUTCOME SOURCE. Select suitable process model for software development, IV] PRACTICAL OUTCOMES. Write a program statement to define project, Project title wth bounded scope the project VL RELEVANT AFFECTIVE DOMAIN RELATED OUTCOMES. 1. Follow precautionally measures. 2. Demonstrate working as a leader or two members. 3. Follow ethical practices. Vi] MINIMUM THEORATICAL. BACKGR' UND. PROCESS MODEL:- we have used waterfall model for the i \f projects are vi Hl wyirements 0! ‘ery well known, Cle jects i red. In om pret ee ar and fixed our projects is very small to be I t iti ie pevelnment es bro! eftion of project are not changed the frequently, In our project here is m0 neee OF OUT Participation in all phase. Software the waterfall model is suitable process ode! for OU project ‘yi CONCLUSION: vill EXERCISE: 1. Explain waterfall model. 2. Explain the basic process fame work activities. 3, Select relevant process model of define activities & related tasks set of your project. CV.MOPELUING... IX] REFERENCES:- 1. Textbook of software engineering by pressman. 2. 3. Marks obtained Sign of Teacher Process Product AE Related(7.5) Related(17.5) otal(25) PRATICAL -3 Gather Application Specific requirements for assimilate into RE model pRATICAL SIGNIFICANCE ‘ , Gather Application Specific requirements for assimilate into RE model. The functional requirement is organized in two section; Requirement of your project and requirement of your personal computer. ; Ste ps - 11] RELEVANT PROGRAM OUTCOMES:- ) inuption Pol - Basic Knowledge « 2) Elvcidat Po2 — Discipline Knowledge ‘ 3) er Po3 — Life Long Knowledge Po4 — Engineering tool. PoS — Communication. 1] COMPETENCY AND PRACTICAL SKILL! 7) This practical is expected to’develop the following skills. ‘4 Gather application specific requirement for your project. # You can use Microsoft World, Notepad etc. for writing problem statement, IV] RELEVANT COURSE OUTCOMES:- Co 1: select suitable process model for software development. Co 2:- prepare software requirement specification. V] PRACTICAL OUTCOMES:- Gathered functional and nonfunctional requirement for given project. Vi] RELEVANT AFFECTIVE DOMAIN RELATED OUTCOMES:- 4. Follow the project title. 5. Collect functional and nonfunctional requirement. VU] MINIMUM THEROTICAL BACKGROUND: 1, Hardware personal computer(i3-i5 preferable) 2. Operating System Windows 7/ windows 8/ windows 10/ linux or any other xP ENERCISE Gather and write application specific requirement for your any micro projec cific requit fe je 5 What is requires ment clicitation write i te in detail? ERATICAL-4 prepare broad SRS (Software requirement Software) forthe above selected projects pROIECTYWrite Your project title prepare broad SRS (Software requirement Software) for the above selected projects IRELEVANTPROGRAMOUTCOMES:.. a) Fume bonad Regie erent Pol - Basic Knowledge BY Extertal'Inbordace Po2 — Discipline Knowledge Po ~Life Long Knowledge OC), System Pot=Engnettngioo. =) Non Funchon al PoS - Communication , ' jl] PRACTICAL OUTCOME Prepared broad software requirement sperification forthe above defined project. IV) RELEVANT AFFECTIVE DOMAIN RELATED OUTCOMES: 1. Follow the project ttl, 2. Demonstrate working ata leaderteam member. V| MINIMUM THEROTICAL BACKGROUND (Related with your project):- « PURPOSE: Indended..oudiente and user : Mare, Fewatuch “and hyees” er Yeu au. panna... bd. “pcan Ont as... yl UAL. Ae. Peat 0 reguéa? Moeptaodl 480. ond. five. Aloe and. 4 the prodiinel” . Y.yau ore ey VII] CONCLUSIO! 1. Hardware personal computer(i3-iS. preferable) 2. Operating System Windows 7/ windows 8/ windows 10/ linux or any other a., com b. http://softwarebaba.com_ c. Software Engineering by press man Marks obtained Sign of Teacher Process Product Related(7.5) Related(17.5) Total(@25) PRATICAL-S ° ing Tool Prepare USE Cases and Draw Use Case Diagram using modelling PROJECT(Write your project title): TLPRATICAL, SIGNIFICANCE on sib y a user uses Sym, A use case diagram software and system engineering term that desc Sia that fea Bh to accomplish particular goal. A use case act as a software modeling ne bad features to be implemented and the resolution of any errors that may be en' Il] RELEVANT PROGRAM OUTCOMES:- Pol - Basic Knowledge Po2 - Discipline Knowledge Po3 ~ Life Long Knowledge Pod ~ Engineering tool. PoS ~ Communication. INN] PRACTICAL OUTCOME To prepare use case and draw use case diagram using software modelling tool. IV] RELEVANT AFFECTIVE DOMAIN RELATED OUTCOMES:- 1. Follow the project title. 2. Follow properly method, 3. Demonstrate working at a leader/team member. 4, Use current tool for practical. V] MINIMUM THEROTICAL BACKGROUND (Related with your project):- © diagram: . i dl ae Act TAMER Use case: 1, Hardware personal computer(i3-i5 preferable) 2. Operating System Windows 7/ windows 8/ windows 10/ linux or any other : Vil] CONCLUSION: MUL REFERENCES:- d. hitp:/ _ e. “© f° Software Engineering by press mari ~ IX] PRACTICAL RELATED QUESTION: 1, Describe relationship between use cases. 2. Explain categories of actors. PRATICAL - Develop data Designs using DFD, Decision Table & Et diagram PROJECT(Write your project title): 1] PRATICAL SIGNIFICANCE tion 1h : of repre There are several notation as well as languages exists for the purpose ue oe pinto design. Some of them help to describe a structural organization, some ar behavior of system. ‘© DFD (Data Flow Diagram). * ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) * Decision Table. Il] RELEVANT PROGRAM OUTCOMES:- Pol - Basic Knowledge Po2 — Discipline Knowledge Po3'- Life Long Knowledge Pod — Engineering tool. PoS - Communication. II] PRACTICAL OUTCOME We develop data Designs using DFD Decision Table & ER diagram IV] RELEVANT AFFECTIVE DOMAIN RELATED OUTCOMES:- ¢ Follow the project title. © Follow properly method. ¢ Demonstrate working at a leader/team member. * Use current too! for practical. V] MINIMUM THEROTICAL BACKGROUND (Related with your project):- LevelODFD: &4- Sape Stop Sustom, Level 2 DF! VILRESQURCES REQUIRED:- * Hardware personal computer(i3-i5, preferable) + Operating System Windows 7/ windows 8/ windows 10/ linux or any other VII] CONCLUSION: VINLREEERENCES:- ¢ _ http:/ _ © Software Engineering by press man IX] PRACTICAL RELATED QUESTION: 1. Explain term attribute with example. 2. Explain the symbol of DED. GAN. & SaBSoN.| SAlvh ON Marks obtained Sign of Teacher Process Related(7.5) Product Related(17.5) |, Total(25) ee

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