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Lesson plan for FF2-FF3

1. 1. Introduction.
1. 1) Introduce yourself to students and ask them to introduce themselves.
e.g. – Hello! My name is……. .
- I'm a teacher.
- I live in …… .
- I've got a big/small family.
- I like dogs and parrots/ books/ toys .
1. 2) Ask to choose a card (Appendix 1) and ask another person a question (students
exchange the cards and ask another person in a group a question with the word in
the card).
-What’s your favourite …..?
-Have you got ….?
-Can you ….. ?
-What can you do in … (winter/summer) ?
- Do you like ….?
1. 3) Teacher: - How are you? – I'm …. (Student's answer).
Then hand out cards (Appendix 2) but tell them to hide the cards.
Ask to choose a person and ask him/ her questions.
• - How are you? (the partner is miming the answer)
• - Are you ……? (trying to guess)
• - Why are you ……?

1. 2. Revision of the vocabulary ‘Food’.

1) Brainstorm ‘Food’. Ask students to name any words connected with the topic
‘Food’. Take food cards and revise the vocabulary.
- Show the cards. Children repeat after you.
- Show the cards and ask “What’s this?”
- Show the part of the card slowly, children name the words.
- Write the words on the board. Students should go to the board and match the
words with the cards.
- Children choose cards and do not show to the others. Others should ask a
question: Have you got … ?
1. 1) Ask questions:
• - What’s your favourite food or dish?
• - What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?
1. 3. A game “Vegetable or not’.
Write the word Vegetables on the board. Stick cards of different vegetables on
the board and name them for students to repeat. Read different types of food.
When the students hear the word of vegetable, they clap their hands.
1. 4. Play “A long sentence” with FRUIT names.
Stick cards of different fruit on the board and name them for students to
Introduce the sentence “I like apples ” / “I don’t like apples”. Throw a ball to
any student. The student must repeat your phrase and add a new word “I like
apples and oranges”. The student then passes the ball to another student in
the circle. The game continues until a student fails to add a new word.
1. 5. Pair work.
Students work in pairs. They ask each other about their favourite food.
• - Do you like apple juice?
• - What’s your favourite food?
Then the teacher tries to find out what their partner’s favourite food is.
-What does (partner’s name)like?
-What’s his/her favourite food is?

6. Food riddles. Students guess different food and get points for this.(Appendix 3)
7. 7. Reading chants with different emotions. (Appendix 4) First read the chant for
the students. Translate the unknown words. Then ask them to repeat after you. Next
read the poem in chorus.
Students pick the card with an emotion (Appendix 2) and read the chant.
8. Dancing task. "Go bananas" video on TV. Before starting, name the fruit
and vegetables in the song and show the cards.
banana; corn; potato; orange; onion.
Explain and show them the movements: form; peel; slice; mash; squeeze;
dice; cry; pop.
9. Explain the food. Students get the card (Fruit or Vegetable cards) and
describe the food on the card to their teammates: "I'm .... (big /small/green/red
/ fruit / vegetable). Teammates should guess the food.
10. Dialogues. Tell them that they are going to role-play the given situation.
Write down some useful constructions ON THE BOARD. Give the students
the script (Appendix 5) or let them improvise.

GROUP 1: At the cafe:

S1-Hi! How are you?
S2-Hello! I'm.... How are you?
S1-I'm hungry!
S2-Let's go to the cafe!
S1-That's a great idea!
S2 – What do you want to eat?
S1 – I’d like … . And what about you?
S2 – I’d like ...

GROUP 2: At home:
Mum- Hi! How're you?
Ch - Hello, mum! I'm tired. And you?
M - I'm ok! You need energy! Eat a banana!
C- I don't like bananas!
M- Do you like...?
C - Yes, I do! Bring it, please!
M- Here you are. It has got a lot of vitamins.
C- Thank you, mum!
M- You're welcome.

13. Project work: Make up a menu for your restaurant

Divide students into 2 groups. Tell them to imagine that they are going
to open their own restaurant. They should give it a name and make up the
best menu of the day.
Give them time to complete the task. The team that has got the most dishes is
the winner.
12. Game Edible / Inedible Teacher throws a ball and name the food. If the
food is edible, the child catches the ball. If the food is inedible, the child
doesn’t catch it.
13. Summing-up.
Ask students what they like / remember most of the lesson (words, phrases,
video situation, discussion, etc)

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