SBI Unusual Prompsideas

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SBI unusual promps/ideas

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: Dream SMP
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video
Blogging RPF), TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF),
Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & Phil
Watson, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Philza/Kristin,
Dadza/Mumza, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Kristin
Rosales Watson & Phil Watson, Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Phil Watson
(Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo
(Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Kristin Rosales Watson, Mumza,
Dadza - Character, Angels (Supernatural)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Mermaid, Idea - Freeform,
Tubbo mermaid, wilbur mermaid, Technoblade mermaid, Phil atson
mermaid, Human TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Fluff and Angst,
Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, spiderwick chronicles,
Tommyinnit!Spiderwick, Technoblade!Spiderwick, Wilbur
Soot!Spiderwick, Phil Watson!Spiderwick, Kristin Rosales Watson!
spiderwick, Human, Monsters, Trolls, Passerine, Passerine AU, Arcane -
Freeform, Arcane AU, Human/Vampire Relationship, vampire, Vampire
Wilbur Soot, Vampire Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Vampire Phil
Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Vampire TommyInnit (Video Blogging
RPF), Apocalypse, angel apocalypse, Musician TommyInnit (Video
Blogging RPF), alien sbi, Mental Health Issues, TommyInnit-centric
(Video Blogging RPF)
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-08-11 Completed: 2024-03-03 Words: 2,530 Chapters:
SBI unusual promps/ideas
by aska234, N1m3b_rok_or_wolfik_1234


SBI au ideas that you can use to make your own story, be creative and follow your heart

If you intend to use one please give credit ^^

See the end of the work for notes
Mermaid au
Chapter by N1m3b_rok_or_wolfik_1234

So, hear me out. I got inspirated and had to do this.I dont see many things like this so-

Tommy is living in family thats not cruel or a using, they just dont give him attention and he
is left alone to deal with his problems. His parents are perfectionalist and expect the best of

One afternoon, in his summer house (it was summer break), he gone on the beach.

As he sat there 2 or so hours later the Thunder started to form. As he didnt actknowlage it the
waves got bigger and bigger.

It was this moment that he recognized that his shoes are wet, and then he shot up and started
going home.

Half way through beach he was met with a wave that swing him off his feet and made him

Everybody knows how water takes shell it left behind right? And The exact thing happened
to Tommy. He got carried a little nearer the see. He tried to stand up but another wave hit

Moana time when she is under water the first time. But he cant free himself.
Suddenly theres arms around him as something collapses at him with force.

He is freed, tho his leg looks messed up.

When he looks back at see, theres nothing there. He stands up and slowely walks home.

Wilbur was siren, but he alweys liked sun and land. He didnt know why, its just how it was.
He loved this one plase, it was quite beautiful. The only thing he disliked about it is that Fish
alweys got cought up in some trash. So he went there to realx and help Fish that need help.

What he didnt expect was to see mermaid- or was it merman- wihougbt a tail, struggeling in
the water. As he knew some things about surface, wich his father, Philza, forbited him and his
brother Technoblade, to search for, he knew that creatures there couldnt breathe under water.
And this one seemed to be one of them.

He quickly swam and collapsed at it with streangh he knew will let it free and wont hurt it
too bad. And he succed! He was proud he let another creature live, but he couldnt help being
curios to what it was. He wasnt stupid by any mean! He just never saw it before. So the next
day he waited, but it didnt came.
He went to chack another day. Fish, after storm, got cought up in things that see took with it.
As he jelped few fish he saw the thing he rescued.

The rest is in your heands to write autor! Put passion into it, and dont forget to let me know
you made chapter if you do. I cant wait to see if someone will make this into something
amazing :) good luck.
spiderwick chronicles
Chapter Summary

In the world we all know... theres also things outside, that we cannot hear nor see. But
what if a family ended up in a house, where magic is real, many creatures are hunting
and waiting for them to come out?

!!! Knowing the storyline of the orginal books/movie really helps to understand it !!!

SBI ! spiderwick chronices AU promp

Chapter Notes

First! I want to thank my coworkers on this promp :) yall amazing! Second! thank you
for opening this fic and reading :) hope youll enjoy.

* The mother:unknown, up for the author to decide
* The young boy: Techno
* The father: unknown, up for the author to decide

This is a multi-choice prompt; these are outlines, what happens afterwards is up to you:

* Once there was a family of 3. A mother, father and their son. They had moved to a new
house away from civilisation because they wanted to live slow and happy life. However one
day, as the son and his father were playing outside the house, the kids mother was sitting on
their porch, on a old rocking chair, watching her husband and son play. The house was
beautiful wooden cabin, surrounded by many beautiful plants and trees. The wierdest thing
about this house however, was a circle of flowers that surrounded the house, but they didn’t
bother to changing it since the circle looked magical. Her little nine year old son was running
around with his father trying to catch him. Everything was perfect... but all things must come
to the end. As soon as her son left the circle of flowers, he tripped and was dragged in the
opposite direction. He screamed in horror as something bit into his leg, still pulling him to
forest. His dad was fast to jump into action, running towards his son and pulling him back.
With some struggle, he managed and pushed his boy in the direction of the house.
Unfortunately, he was caught before he could make a run for it himself, something large
pulled him into forest, not getting a chance to fight back, watching as his trousers were split
in two. The mother was terrified by the scene in front of her, rushing over to her boy and
checking for any other injuries.

Here the story splits with one of two options:

* The boy’s mother was suddenly lifted up by strange creatures, resembling that of fantastical
faeries. She was never seen again.
* Several years later, a family of four were on a car ride, they got lost at some point and
ended up in a forest, not being able to find their way back. As they were driving, strangely
enough, the suddenly car stopped working. They didn’t know why, but after seeing that not
much could be done on such short notice and no mobile service, they all agreed to stay in the
car for a while, thinking about what they could do. After a couple of minutes had passed,
something heavy hit the windshield, causing spiderwebs of cracks to arch across the glass.
Alarmed, the parents yelled at kids to unbuckle their seat belts quickly and to exit the vehicle.
There was another, stronger hit and the glass shattered, leaving a large hole in its place. Just
as the mother opened her car door, some invisible force grabbed her neck and started
chocking her, prying the thing fo her neck, she pulled it off and almost fell out of the car.
Turning towards her husband and kids, she started running, grabbing her youngest as her
husband grabbed ahold of their first born. They ran until they saw a house, a cabin if you
will. They ran up past the stairs and started banging on the front door, hoping that someone
was in. Some shuffling could be heard and then a man with long pink hair opened the door,
not waiting for the owner to speak, they rushed into the house and slammed the door behind
them. The man was confused and angry at the intrusion, but the moment he heard another set
of banging on the door, he ran around and locked all doors and windows that were currently
open. After everything went quiet and had settled down, the man took a look at the front
yard. The line of flowers had been stomped on.
The barrier was destroyed. Unactivated. He straightened his back up and sped to the kitchen
area, coming back quickly in thicker, padded clothes and wierd glasses. Throwing open the
door, he rushed outside with a very heavy bag of salt. The man started to pour salt an inch or
two away from the damaged flowers, so the barrier could start up again. Taking what looked
to be like bulbs out of his pocket, he started planting new ones in place of the stomped ones.
It had to work if they wanted to survive.


* The boys’ mother was shocked. After a few days since the accident, they moved to the local
town. His mother met a nice man a few years of living there, the man having 2 kids of his
own, their mother not in the picture. They got married and agreed that they wanted to have
place for their kids to grow up with freedom. After many, oh so many, talks about moving,
they finally decided to move back to the mother and son’s old cabin, seeing as it had a lot of
space for the three boys to grow. They would go there and check the area, seeing if anything
suspicious had happened or if anything… dangerous would happen, and if not, they would
move there for real. When they viewed the cabin, nothing happened and deemed it safe
enough, so they moved there for good. Little did they know, however, that they were in big
trouble; the mother and son’s history coming back to haunt them, and the wierd flowers
around the house will save their lives so many times.

* The father: Phil/Dadza
* The eldest: Wilbur
* The youngest: Tommy
* The mother: Kristin/Mumza
Chapter by N1m3b_rok_or_wolfik_1234

Chapter Summary

make something with this

make so.ething only with this:


They are some pictures i found and thought: hey, they look like them: and just did them

-blood god

Yea- none for tommy tho, thats an au idk what you will pick. So get to work ppl, im waiting
for fiction.
Chapter by N1m3b_rok_or_wolfik_1234



so, it would go like normaly it would, but when Sapnap kills him, make it that the knife just
injures him pretty bad. Then he is in shrine or smth to heal him so he wont die, and with so
much fluff from techno, on the end we will have tommy who is ok now tho some
permanentny damage has been done like he cant walk or cant really run cuz of it but he is
alive and well.

Do that please.
Chapter by N1m3b_rok_or_wolfik_1234

ok- Arcane au, Tommy is Jinx. I dont need to say anything more. Just do that :)

Or tommy would be this police girl and Jinx is wilblur sooty and vi is Technooooooo

U have 2 options only lmao do something with that cuz im hype

Angel apocalypse
Chapter by N1m3b_rok_or_wolfik_1234

Chapter Summary

never seen that one, you know the drill

Chapter Notes

Make sure to credit me as the creator of this au!

Tommy is a teenager that lives with his family and is friends with Tubbo and Ranboo on
discord ( could be any character youd like! ). He lives a normal school life but that is until
apocalypse starts. the cause is up to you but i guess it would be everyone stop beliving in
angels. They would start falling out of the sky and the hell would break loose.

There would be no right or wrong anymore. Everyone will try to survive and a few remaining
angels on earth who did not died cause the fall would be after them for kicking them out of
haven. The hunting would begin. Everyone would hide and try thir best to survive while
angels are lurking on the streets.

Tommy (or anyone you will write this au as centric character) will try to fing his family and
meet friends along the way. Not everyone is friendly remember, some may be working with
angels or/ and anything that caused this.
The adventure would begain trying to find water, food and place to sleep while trying not to
freeze to deathon a colder days and nights.
The time span of the fic is up to you. could be from 2 years to the end of the universe, could
become harder to survive as the food is limited but coud be easier if yo kill good amount of
angels and theres less to worry about.

The ending is up to the writer. Character could not find his family and live alone and scared,
they can die, can survive with some other camps or their family. Its all up to the creator.

Just dont make it too easy, cant have them have good time in the apocalypse.

Thats all for this prompt i think! If you want to use it make sure you give me credit as the
creaton of this au, pretty sure i am ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
i got inspirated by "T • Yukio_" on youtube

Alien SBI but with music
Chapter by N1m3b_rok_or_wolfik_1234

Chapter Summary

Imagine if Tommy when being captured was walking from his (pretend) violin class and
had his instrument with him?


Tommy was walking home from his violin class late in the Winter. He was learning many
instrument at once, not once failling his classes in normal school. He was sighned into them
at a very young age when he told his parents about his growing love for music. They wasted
no time in sighning him in, they knew it would give a lot of money back when he mastered
all of the instrument. The first one being piano and violin, Tommy loved playing but as time
went his parents became more and more pushy His parents are very strict about music and
how he must Learn it the best he can. He is met with SBI Who go "oh no, we were spotted
and it will kill us and then proceeds to snatch him up from earth with everything he had on

After all the things that heppend and bonding, when Tommy finally learns what it means to
be free from controlling parents he is happyly living with them. With his better hearing and
agility he helps them a lot with their work After a while they finally ask what this thing is and
he plays for them songs and teaches then how it works and human music. Tommy finally
plays for sake of playing and his love for music he forgotten of.
Out of fandom, out of ideas
Chapter by N1m3b_rok_or_wolfik_1234

Chapter Summary

Thats was a good run i suppose

Chapter Notes

Whatever is written there has not been read through even once so dont bother
understanding lmao

Before anything, read the notes above.

As yall can see the fic was not updated for quite a while, it doesnt have anything to do with
The wilbur situation, I fell out of the fandom around a year ago.

I have not touched the DSPM or SBI for the longest time and I lack motivation or ideas to
add anything to what I have alredy wrote down.

So this is the official goodbye to the fandom. Feels wierd saying that but it had to happen
someday. Im not particually happy with The circumstances that this is happening in but we
cant all be winners.

To everyone still in the fandom, Have fun with writing and/or reading fics that youre
enjoying and feel free to use the prompts i wrote/ tried to write haha.

My terrible writing is not any better then it was before so bear with this haha!

The DSPM fandom was such a huge part of the life that i lived before but I am ready to move
on from it and start anew. I have started a new mulitfandom prompt fic wich ill be updating if
and when I have any idea from any fandom haha.

For now im in BSD a little bit and Vanitas, but those are not long term obsessions haha. So it
will take time for me to update the fic at all. If you do wish to see something that i came up
with, feel free to give suggestions of fandoms i could make or what you want to see.
If you wish to see what Im up to feel free to check out my instagram. I post there my
artworks which May inspire some people haha. They are by no means original works, most
of them are fandom/video inspired fanarts but it would mean a lot for me if you did at least
took a Look at them.

That is not to Say that they are any good haha, for as much as I love digital art im not the
Best at it!

Wish you all the best and take care!☆

End Notes

Sorry for all grammar issues. I suck :,)

Tags will be added with new capters.

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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