Dissertation Obesity Ideas

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Struggling with your dissertation on obesity? You're not alone.

Many students find the process of

writing a dissertation to be incredibly challenging, especially when it comes to such a complex and
multifaceted topic like obesity. From conducting extensive research to organizing your thoughts
coherently, the journey to completing a dissertation can feel overwhelming.

Obesity is a pressing issue in today's society, encompassing various factors such as dietary habits,
lifestyle choices, genetics, socioeconomic status, and environmental influences. Crafting original
ideas and conducting thorough research to contribute meaningfully to the existing body of
knowledge on obesity requires time, effort, and expertise.

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For students undertaking extra-curricular activities, lunch may be extended to as late as 4.00pm
further increasing the chances for such students to overeat or take junk foods. That memory has been
stuck in my mind, and I will never forget it. A distressing trend that can lead to health issues
including type 2 diabetes and heart disease c. Obesity has reached an alarming situation in United
States, it is taking more severe form as compared to the flu or any other disease condition. Long and
Short Essays on Obesity for Students and Kids in English In this article, we have provided a long
essay and a short essay, along with ten lines on the topic, to help students write this essay in
examinations. However, most researchers define obesity as the presence of excessive fat in the body
that is characterized by the presence of adipose tissue. In addition, another factor that came into
notice is that most of the research centres on qualitative factors such as reasons for increased obesity
and the causes of obesity in children. In addition, the physical and mental health issues of children
may also affect and increase stress among parents (Brannan et al., 2003), which also runs back to the
risk of child obesity. One simplest way to tackle the issue is that parents can refrain children from
using electronic gadgets and encourage them to play sports such as football, hockey. The aim was to
find out the occurrence of obesity along with its associated aspects in students. Unfortunately, these
efforts proved fruitless, as several factors contributed to their failure. Secondly, by doing some
physical activities like walking, jogging, running, or exercising one can also burn unwanted fat and
calories, thereby reducing obesity. And are several potential essay areas in which effective
involvement of primary care in reducing overweight and obesity could be increased. The issue with
obesity is already in the public consciousness. There have been trials where individuals injected with
leptin serum lost weight (Hamidi et al., 2007). Consequently, the risk a child has of becoming an
overweight adult is directly related to the child’s age. Such an increase in weight can lead to health
issues. Question 2. What are the causes of Obesity. It helps people with such illnesses to learn how to
manage and improve their health. Similarly, if there are attempts by a particular student to overcome
obesity, good co-operation from the school and the peer group is very necessary. Civic leaders must
promote farmers markets and create a community coalition to address childhood overweight, also
they must enhance the access to public facilities for all communities (Childhood Obesity Prevention).
Now that I’m older I realized that a lot of my weight gain was tied to my emotions. A number of
barriers to an effective obesity management program have been identified. Childhood Obesity
Argumentative Paper: Captivating Topics How to Write a Research Paper on Obesity Once you do,
then you of science essay.Essay good how to write creator a thesis statement to to become a more
common.Manager creator how to write a thesis statement for research an argumentative essay good.It
is a problem that an awareness essay as including awareness of healthy living and and continental
initiative. Low self-esteem resulting from obesity can also affect how students interact with their
peers even when out of school. The study also analyses in relative detail the similarities between The
Causes of Obesity in children and in adults. Portion control genetics serving size distortion
demographics. Physical, emotional and psychological well-being all significantly and negatively
correlated with shame, as perceived by their teachers and counselors. It is imperative to fight the
condition of obesity on the priority basis, not only to induce good health but also to prevent the onset
of dreaded diseases in the society. One of the most significant public health problems faced by the
United States is obesity and overweight, especially in children. The changes in lifestyle and the
continued access to fast foods and technology have related to the increasing number of obesity cases
in Saudi Arabia (Al-Hazzaa et al. An increase of 120% is noted in the prevalence of overweight
African American and Hispanic American children in the United states, as compared with the 50%
for white non-Hispanic children between 1986 and 1998 (CDC, 2007).
If the lifestyle is sedentary it is essential to control the weight through diet. According to studies,
most people view obesity among adolescents as an acceptable trend and believe that such individuals
will change their lifestyle once young adulthood sets in. There are various causes of obesity right
from genetic to habit related. However, in obese children many diseases that normally do not occur in
children begin to surface. Additionally, there are individuals who might be overweight but not obese.
The research was based on the survey conducted on a representative sample of 1108 adults so that
they could determine the ideas and attitudes about childhood obesity. Keep on browsing if you are
OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. These parameters must be set to be healthy and
accordingly diet has to be manipulated. The research also used testing and augmented causality tests
to provide information on the possible causes of obesity on randomly selected people. According to
environmental campaigner, John Gibbons, “much like burning coal, processed foods laden with salt,
sugar and fats are only cheap as long as you don’t have to pay to clean up the mess, and society,
rather than the producers and polluters, continues to pick up the tab” (Debate on Obesity Our view:
Hooked on junk food). We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Furthermore, it has
been classified that one-third of the population belonging to the age group above twenty years is
suffering from obesity (Weight-Control Information Network 2010). In fact, in the United States,
Black men, and White men and women have increased overweight status of nearly 10% (Young et
al., 2008). Starting in the 1960s, more than half of Black women have become overweight (CDC,
2007). Although these vending machines provide revenue to high schools, their implications on the
health of students cannot be ignored. The media should also play a role by promoting activities and
measures that can reduce this issue (Boyse 2008, Biddle et al 2009). Constant re-evaluation of
contracts should be performed, bribe in any form may not be in the interest of students. In many
countries, the consumption of fast food has become a highly dangerous habit. I mean, hey, an extra
snack or two can't really harm a kid, can it. Such activities are more likely to be famous with
students as they present new experiences and a chance for students to compete. Some people say that
it is because of its low cost, while others make the lack of time an excuse. It is imperative to fight the
condition of obesity on the priority basis, not only to induce good health but also to prevent the
onset of dreaded diseases in the society. It is quite true that junk food is attractive and a healthy plate
looks dull but to stay healthy and fit, one needs to choose the healthy plate over junk. As a result of
the increasing incidences of obesity and overweight cases, the cost is predicted to increase further to
an estimate of 0. It is important to put into consideration factors such as the severity of obesity and
risk factor assessment. This is not only a question of cost involved but the population is demanding
quality and efficient services within a short period of time. Shame has been measured through the
summative evaluations of teachers and counselors on the Multi-Body Relations scale. The motive of
Smart Snacks is to bring a transition from chocolates, cookies, fruit flavoured candies, donut and
colas to peanuts, light popcorns, granola bars, a cup of fruits, non-flavoured water etc (Competitive
Foods in Schools). With the realization of the growing concern as pertains to the problems of obesity
in the United Kingdom and other countries, this essay will discuss the main factors involved and
outline some of the possible solutions to this global epidemic. Whether it is childhood obesity
research paper or child obesity research paper, it is no way difficult for a writer but it has been a
common observation that Obesity Research Papers Topics and thesis statements fall short to the
standards. The secret of avoiding excess weight is decreasing the number of calories taken and
increasing physical activity appropriate for one’s age and health condition.
Psychological can be depression, low self-esteem, eating in a response to negative emotions, and
binge eating. (OAC, 2010) I know for me it was a combination of all factors mentioned. Obese kids
also have more skin disorders than children of a healthy weight. This review will examine the effects
on body weight and the risk of obesity of sedentary lifestyles, within the context of dietary habits.
Fast food industry is one of the prime contributors of the spread of obesity all over the world in
general and in the USA in particular. This indicates how the situation has become alarming over the
years and hence, has drawn the attention of many researchers and scholars who feel that it can be the
reason for an alarming situation in the years to come. In addition, another factor that came into
notice is that most of the research centres on qualitative factors such as reasons for increased obesity
and the causes of obesity in children. Trends in overweight of children show greater prevalence of
overweight or at risk for overweight in certain ethnic groups and states where higher populations of
these groups reside. I remember how I felt as a young girl being teased. Furthermore, the obese
children find difficulty in leading a normal childhood because their weight and body structure make
it difficult for them to carry out normal activities done by the children. Online course There are a
about range of policy areas that could influence about food environments. Not only the amount of
food intake plays a crucial role but, the content of the food is also imperative. As mentioned in the
previous section, shame has been mesured through the Multi-Body Relations Scale, while well-being
was assessed through a single direct statement, asking for teachers’ and counselors’ evaluations on
the physical, emotional, and psyhological well-being of these children. A person is obese if she has
an excess amount of body fat. Obesity can be a generic problem or disorder that is caused due to
unhealthy lifestyle habits of a person. All of this can create serious problems for the child and for our
health care system. Additionally, the government should seek to make physical education compulsory
for all high school students. Whether it is childhood obesity research paper or child obesity research
paper, it is no way difficult for a writer but it has been a common observation that Obesity Research
Papers Topics and thesis statements fall short to the standards. Observation reveals that if high
calorific food is consumed even in small amount it leads to obesity as compared to the individuals
who consume a lot of low calorific or low energy food (What Can We Do To Fight Obesity?). This
study explores the subject of obesity in children in the United States in detail. Surgical methods may
also include liposuction, which offers a radical option as cited by Kirillov. In 2003, the health Survey
of England has also reported that the obesity among 2-10 years old was recorded as 27. Obesity is a
widespread the problem affecting our young people in the United States. The children are our future,
and thus, it is unacceptable to put them at risk for obesity and the health problems associated with
being overweight. I’m an active person, but when I’m depressed I’m not as active. According to The
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the incidence of obesity in the
United States could be estimated by means of data for height to weight ratio. This is an expository
essay that informs us about the serious social problem that we are experiencing due to the high rate of
obesity that we find worldwide, due to poor diet and bad habits of people. This is not an example of
the work written by professional essay writers. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the most common
tool used to measure obesity. Among the more prominent diseases associated with obesity are:
cardiovascular problems which could lead to heart attack, insulin resistance which could lead to
diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke, cancer, osteoarthritis, gout, gallstones and even sleep
apnea. Making rules for health education, providing educators with health education materials and
allocating funds for promoting as well as monitoring health promotion programs (Childhood Obesity
This diagnosis of obesity is from the 2000 CDC growth charts for the us (Trujillo, 2007, p. Hence, the
teachers also should make efforts to make the children understand the ill-effects of obesity so that
they get motivated to involve more in physical activity and eat in a healthy manner (Timperio, 2004).
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Also, the possible consequences in the future,
in the medium or long term, should be enough to prevent them from continuing with this behavior.
Essential therapeutic concern and management requires to deal with comorbid states, resulting in the
financial burden on the nation and deficit in upcoming healthcare endowment. In America, Obese
children have become a major area of concern because they are on the track to lead a life of poor
health throughout their adult lives. Lowry, R. et al. (2012). Association of Sleep Duration with
Obesity among US High School Students. Causes of obesity essay Obesity occurs when a person
weight is above its ideal body weight, and this is a major problem in America. Additionally, obesity is
even caused due to genetics as well. The second cause of obesity is a decrease in physical activities.
Specifically, it was also found that obese children have a strong appearance evaluation orientation.
Healthy food has been replaced by junk food and deep fried food. Thus occur a grey area between
both the perspectives. From these observations, there is need to protect obese students from
discrimination by their peers. Schools must work to increase physical activities through physical
education (PE) classes to improve physical fitness. The researcher is supposed to gather basic and
essential information about obesity to come up with real and convincing facts and figure that would
make the reader read the research work completely. People consuming fast foods two-three times per
week and vegetables once or twice a week are more prone to obesity as compared to people who
take more vegetables than fast food. The author of this essay aims to analyze the roots of obesity
such as lack of physical activity, poor eating habits and how it affects the physical and mental health
of an obese person. This problem is of gravest concern in the West where junk food has now become
the part of their everyday routine. Even now being at my heaviest I’m not happy, so gaining more
weight wasn’t the answer. Obesity has been identified to cause poorer academic performance among
high school students. A small study the done in a cafeteria setting effective was designed to look at
the effects of availability and price on the consumption of fruit and salad. According to a study
carried out in 2014, some fat contained in junk food can interact with “obesity genes” to trigger
obesity. There have been trials where individuals injected with leptin serum lost weight (Hamidi et
al., 2007). Consequently, the risk a child has of becoming an overweight adult is directly related to
the child’s age. Therefore, People become obese for many Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Obesity
occurs when a person weight is above its ideal body weight, and this is a major problem in America.
Data from a meta-analysis showed that the essay relative risks across categories of BMI for various
cancers ranged about 1. Physical education and scheduled play time can help tremendously in
providing this much needed physical activity to children. High school students interviewed reported
that they would consider physical appearance, obesity included, as one of the factors when choosing
friends. However, aside from the costs associated with this method, the risks associated with surgery
should not be disregarded. Under such a situation the appetite increase and the chances to fill oneself
with junk food enhances.
This offers the best option for morbid obesity because other methods such as dieting and weight
gain are less likely to be effective. An obese persons weight is above the standard weight range for
his or her height. The third reason is related to heredity or genetics. Girls are more prone to the effect
of obesity on academic performance with studies showing that obese girls not only perform poorer,
but are also less likely to join college. Further, they have access to junk food at home, school, and in-
between, so by educating children and parents as to the importance of diet and increasing physical
activity, the child will have the best chance of maintaining a healthy weight. These may also be
recommended in genetic-based cases to help reduce fat digestion. So, it only remains to analyze what
its causes are and how people can be sensitized to take action in this regard. With such medical
complications within a society, health facilities experience a serious strain as well as high mortality
rates. A comparison of obesity rates in 2014 and the rates in 1980 reveals that the figures have
double. Some of the treatments are such that are related to changes in diet and adapting to physical
activities. The research also included a margin of sampling error at 3%. Nowadays, junk food is
becoming popular among children and adults. Disregarding the puberty stage, girls at the age of 5-12
have higher level of overweight prevalence than boys in the same age group (200% vs 25%) (Lieu,
2007). The second yardstick is to compare with a standard of weight measurements. The author
outlines the economic and health impact of obesity in the USA. What strategies are used to make us
feel alarmed about childhood obesity (a. Health conditions may also be responsible for specific cases
of obesity, and these include endocrine disorders, psychiatric illnesses as well as some medications
used in treating these conditions. One of the major issues with obesity in children is that it is very
difficult to keep it in control and the process of getting the body to normal is gradual (Ogden, Carroll
and Flegal). Children who eat unhealthy foods and spend too much time watching television and
playing video games b. People in middle school and high school feel the struggles of adversity
because of bullies and bad friends. Medical treatments for obesity include drug treatment and
surgeries like bariatric surgery. Water is an essential component required for survival of the life.
Which of the following statements concerning his cardiac output at 140 kg compared with his cardiac
output at his ideal body weight 70 kg is. Positive evaluations move people to obtain positive. Parents
who were themselves obese (63%) were more concerned about the obesity of their children rather
than parents who were not obese (50%) (rwjf.org, 2006). Even though this research showed the
awareness among a high number of participants, the results made it clear that this awareness did not
translate much into action. South 302 followed by the midwest 301 what is the bmi classification for
underweight. 592022 12513 AM 8 Answers. Increasing opportunities for physical education can also
be an important measure. An obese persons weight is above the standard weight range for his or her
height. An obese child turns out to be an obese adult and therefore, an appropriate discipline is
desired in the life cycle of adults and children, i.e. the entire family. The triggering factors to eat
more could be varied, starting from loneliness to eating discipline. In fact, there is a dearth of dietary
education in our society.
It also has a high impact on the way in which both physiological and psychological development
takes place in children (Berkowitz et al, 2003). Doctors have recently found that nearly thirteen
percent of all children suffer from this problem and that statistic seems to go up each year. Parents
who were themselves obese (63%) were more concerned about the obesity of their children rather
than parents who were not obese (50%) (rwjf.org, 2006). Even though this research showed the
awareness among a high number of participants, the results made it clear that this awareness did not
translate much into action. Policy alone is unlikely to achieve this, health facilitating the process.
Now my mother wasn’t a very thin lady but she wasn’t a size fourteen either. The goal of this
research was to identify how childhood obesity varies among the gender as well as various
communities. Parents must set a good example to eat healthy and maintain body weight in front of
their child (Childhood Obesity). Inactive, sedentary, or desk-bounded lifestyle had become a
common routine in the today's life that is leading towards overweight, which is the main reason of
obesity, particularly amongst the young generation. Children who eat unhealthy foods and spend too
much time watching television and playing video games b. However, genetics contribute to only a
small number of obesity cases since most people with obesity genes do not become obese. Effective
intervention group also showed significantly lower BMI and the the essay the about group. Children
should be trained in schools and sports activities should be encouraged amongst them. No matter
what the exact definition, obesity is, simply, excess body fat. Other institutions, though, suggest that
a child whose body weight is at least 20% higher than a child of a similar height is obese. There are
various natural as well as medical treatments available for obesity. They believe that this leads to
overworking of health care providers and increased taxation of the public in general. Living in
walkable communities and having parks and other recreation facilities health were consistently
associated with higher levels of about activity in youth, adults, and older adults. He expressed
concerns about me becoming obese by the time I was a teenager. The First lady Michelle Obama has
also taken initiative to eliminate the condition of childhood obesity within a generation and has
launched the nationwide campaign known as Let’s Move. We use cookies to personalyze your web-
site experience. The nutrition component of the diet should be modified on the basis of the lifestyle
and other habits. It is unacceptable that future generations have lower life expectancies than current
ones. By creating and maintaining safe neighborhoods for physical activity as well as improving
access to playgrounds and parks reduce the incidence of obesity in children and their parents
(National Recreation and Park Association). The perceptions of teachers and counselors of the
performance of obese children in school were also ascertained. However, child obesity is bordering
on epidemic proportions. Obesity has also been linked to psychological conditions such as stress and
depression. Therefore, the body slowly moves into the condition of obesity. In about study, fifth
grade students were assigned to the one-year school-based intervention focused on overcoming the
barriers in obesity physical activity areas, increasing obesity availability of fruits and vegetables and
increasing health support, and students public as control group. Vending machines are a common
feature in school cafeterias where students eat on daily basis. Parents are required to spend quality
time with their children.
These nutritious foods are associated with the development of obesity with consequential diseases in
children and students at early age. It is important to put into consideration factors such as the
severity of obesity and risk factor assessment. However, there is not a solo and simple solution to
obesity epidemic and therefore solution to obesity relies on the combined efforts of states, society,
schools and parents by opting healthy food choice for children, youngsters and families.
Administrative barriers can also be seen as a cause of obesity among high school students. Some
people think of obesity as only a cosmetic and physical concern but that’s not true. Observation
reveals that children are becoming dependent on fast food which are readymade, easy to cook,
tempting and pleasing to tongue. The nature of obesity makes it difficult to clearly define the
condition. It is okay to have indulgence in junk food once in a while, but on a regular basis, a
balanced diet that provides adequate amount of nutrients should be encouraged. Gynoid, on the
other hand, excess fat is located in the lower part of the body. Pregnancy especially at a later age is
also cited as a possible cause of obesity. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers
as your own, that is cheating. Also you. A three year randomized controlled study of 1,704 3rd grade
children which provided two healthy meals a day in combination with an exercise program and
dietary counseling failed to show a significant reduction in percentage body fat when compared to a
control group. By making it a mandatory requirement, the government will increase the number of
students taking part in physical education and reduce. MyHealth for Mobile A policy-based school
intervention has been found to essay effective for the prevention and essay of obesity. Due to
obesity, focus has shifted to moderate-to-vigorous physical activities (School Based Physical
Education). Find out the answers to these questions and others by taking this quiz based on
information from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases NIDDK.
The research of Franklin et al. (2006) discovered that even by the age of 11, obesity has an obvious
and measurable influence on self-esteem. The current research study overview, conclusions and
recommendations are presented here. Individuals with fat located primarily in the abdominal area ie
whose body is apple-shaped are at greater risk for obesity-related complications eg heart disease than
are those whose fat is primarily located in the upper legs ie whose body is pear-shaped. The condition
is determined and defined by the use of the “Body Mass Index” parameter (BMI). Constant re-
evaluation of contracts should be performed, bribe in any form may not be in the interest of
students. A comparison of obesity rates in 2014 and the rates in 1980 reveals that the figures have
double. Skill-based instructions on the importance of maintaining a healthy nutrition should also be
provided through the wellness plan. Lack of enough physical exercises caused by the need to spend
more time in classes has combined with other factors such as easy access of junk foods to contribute
to the high rate of obesity. Review of Literature Obesity in very terms is defined as the excess
amount of fat in the body. Can a person be so overcome with revenge that they lose all practical
knowledge and become a monster, seeking only their enemy's destruction. This implies that
inadequate sleep cannot independently lead to obesity. Parents too lead a busy lifestyle and hence, a
change in the lifestyle has occurred during the past few years (Freedman et al, 2007). However, it
has to be noted that most of them have side-effects. In addition, Mexican American men and women
have also shown a prevalence of overweight status (Shu, 2006).

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