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According to Wilson (1990), there are four (4) types reading. These are:

Elementary Reading. This is the basic type of reading. It consists merely of recognizing the words and
literal comprehension of the sentences. Most high school students encounter difficulties in
comprehension. The comprehension skill must be developed because it is a requisite to research.
Without comprehending what one reads, it will be difficult to have a good analysis and synthesis of

Systematic Reading. This is a prerequisite to analytical reading which requires time. This is a type of
reading in which the articles or materials are discerned if they can be included for analysis. This can be
done in different ways such as looking into the title of the book or the said article. If the title carries one
of the required variables or themes, then it is more or less related to the study.

Analytical Reading. After selecting the article or book through systematic skimming, the researcher does
analytical reading. Ample time is required for this. Since analysis is a process of breaking the whole into
parts for better understanding, then an article is examined paragraph by paragraph; a paragraph is
dissected sentence by sentence, and a sentence is read word by word.

Comparative Reading. This is the highest level of reading, in which the researcher analyzes several
articles or books. At this point, the concepts and principles from the various points of view of authors
are compared and contrasted. A generalized summary or the meta-analysis of various written work
related to your topic is the output of this type of reading.

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