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I like surfing Test
Imię i nazwisko ......................................................................... Klasa ..................
RAZEM: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and circle.

16 ............ /4
Posłuchaj i zakreśl.

1 Tony likes 3 Fiona's wearing

a b c a b c

2 Kate likes 4 Peter's got

a b c a b c

2 Listen and circle.

17 ............ /4
Posłuchaj i zakreśl.

1 She likes swimming / surfing. 3 He likes basketball / baseball.

2 She doesn’t like roller skating / 4 He doesn’t like tennis / football.


3 Read and tick (✔) or cross (✘). ............ /4

Przeczytaj i zaznacz ✔ (tak) lub nie (✘).

Bethany Bevies POP STAR
Do you like sports, Bethany?
Yes. I like riding. I ride a horse at the weekend.
Do you like surfing or diving?
I don’t like diving. But I like surfing. I’ve got a new surfboard!
Do you like roller skating?
Yes, I like roller skating in parks.
Thank you, Bethany!
2 3 4

P H OTO CO P I A B L E © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 3 43

4 Look, read and write. ............ /4
Popatrz, przeczytaj i napisz.

like don’t like likes doesn’t like

1 2

I’m Jim. I 1 This is my sister, Jessica.

swimming. She 2 swimming!

3 4

She 3 tennis. I4 _____ tennis!

5 Look and write. Then write about yourself. ............ /4

Popatrz i napisz. Następnie napisz o sobie.

She likes

and . diving 
She doesn't like baseball

or . basketball

What about you?

I like and .

I don't like or .

44 P H OTO CO P I A B L E © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 3

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