Buffer LAb 2

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School of Computer Science Engineering and Technology

Course- B.Tech Type- Core

Course Code- CSET203 Course Name- Microprocessor & Computer
Year- 2023 Semester- Odd (3rd)
Date- 20/11/23 Batch- 2022-2025

Q1 √
Q2 √
Q3 √
Q4 √

1. Students will revise all the concept of MIPS programming done so far in previous labs


1. Write a MIPS code to reverse a given user defined number.

2. Write MIPS code to input an integer by the user and check if it is present in a given array.

3. Write a MIPS program to convert a number entered by the user from decimal to binary.

4. Write a MIPS program to check whether a given letter is a vowel or consonant .

Submission Instructions:
1. Submit your .asm files in your respective batches in LMS. Save all the files as per theformat
RollNo_Lab#_QuestionNo.asm (Example: E21CSE0356_Lab6_Q2.asm).
2. Write your Name and Roll No. as comment before starting of each program.
3. Make it sure that in each program, you have mentioned enough comments regarding the
explanation of program instructions.
4. In the LMS please submit in your respective batch’s submission portal. Submission in otherbatch’s
submission portal will not be checked.
5. Write your Name and Roll No in the .asm file itself (Use # to insert comment lines).
6. Without this you will score zero for that question.
7. Late submission will lead to penalty.
School of Computer Science Engineering and Technology

8. Any form of plagiarism/copying from peer or internet sources will lead penalty.

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