Research Gap and Aims

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Four Ways in describing a Research Gap

Lack of insufficient studies

- On an aspect of the research topic
- On the geographical area covered in previous studies
Lack of clarity or understanding / statement of controversy
Limitations of previous studies
- On the aspect of size
- On the findings
Unresolved problem (real world problem)



Research Aims/Objectives are the intentions of the research. They are also called
the desired outcomes of the research. They must be SPECIFIC, FEASIBLE, and

Writing Research Objectives:

State the research objective in declarative form.
State the research objective in more specific terms.
“The study intends to establish the causes of academic performance among SHS students in
public schools.”
State the research objective in time-bounded statements.
“The study seeks to prove the association between academic performance and gender
patterns among Filipino Grade 10 students from 2010-2011.”
State the research objective that captures the main variables of the study.
“The study seeks to find the relationship between consumer spending patterns and social
media influence in grocery stores.

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