Cannabis Dissertation

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Writing a dissertation on cannabis can be an incredibly challenging task.

Not only does it require in-

depth research and analysis, but it also demands a comprehensive understanding of the subject
matter and its various implications. From exploring the scientific aspects of cannabis to examining its
social, legal, and economic impacts, the breadth of topics that can be covered in a cannabis
dissertation is vast and complex.

One of the biggest challenges of writing a cannabis dissertation is navigating the evolving landscape
of cannabis laws and regulations. With legalization efforts underway in many parts of the world,
staying up-to-date with the latest developments and understanding their implications is crucial for
producing a relevant and insightful dissertation.

Furthermore, conducting original research on cannabis can be particularly challenging due to the
stigma and legal restrictions surrounding the plant. Access to reliable data and resources may be
limited, making it difficult to gather the necessary information to support your arguments and

Given these challenges, many students find themselves overwhelmed and unsure of where to begin
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The paper will discuss the implications of legalization of marijuana for medicinal and recreational
use. The report was subsequently published as a clothbound book by the National Academy Press; it
can also be viewed on the Press's web site. For this reason, researchers hope to discover pain
relievers that act on the body in a different way than opiates do. Evidently, this increase can be
attributed to the attitude change evoked by the legalization of the drug in many states. There are few
research reports about the tissue culture of hemp. The use of marijuana in most countries across the
world is a crime with penalties including fines and in other cases imprisonment. These include the
principal ingredient in Marinol, a legal medication. The choice to use drugs of any kind is down to
the individual involved and their lifestyle, not because they have used any one kind of drug first
which has led to the use of harder drugs. Finding a rapid way to deliver cannabinoids to the body,
other than smoking, could lessen some of marijuana's worst side effects. University of colorado mfa
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problem solving method how to write an essay high school student. Surveys of marijuana buyers'
clubs indicate that most of their members do, in fact, have serious medical conditions. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. Surely such resources and money spent on this and
other similar cases could have been spent more effectively. Since marijuana is used for medicinal
purposes, it needs to be treated like other prescription drugs. Tobacco contains over 2000 other
chemicals, such as tar and nicotine, which effect the body in negative ways. Schedule 1 substances
are defined as having: “.a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in
the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical
supervision.”. Placing marijuana in this Schedule contradicts evidence that proves otherwise, as
marijuana has found medicinal use in 15 states so far. The potency of cannabis can vary depending
on the levels of THC contained (Vaidya et al, 2011).The most common way of using cannabis would
be to smoke it with tobacco, using rolling paper, which is referred to as a joint or zoot. However,
since they appear to reinforce the effects of opiates, cannabinoids may be useful as an adjunct to the
stronger drugs. It then delves into various medical concerns that plague specific disciplines of
medicine such as psychiatry, cardiology, gastrointestinal and neurology, among others. Scientists can
also use natural compounds as a basis for creating new medicines. It is used to produce hemp fibre
and as a psychotropic drug. Such was the case 90 years ago, and such is the case today. Its
availability for medical use, personal cultivation is allowed along with personal possession of
cannabis. Additionally, according to findings from my second paper, in which I analyze sales from a
single medical cannabis company in New York State, approximately half of patients make clinically
inconsistent purchases despite their being sufficient research to suggest that certain cannabis
products are most therapeutic for their conditions. Standard therapies for cachexia include
intravenous or tube feeding as well as treatment with megestrol acetate (Megace), an appetite
stimulant. The Oxford Dictionary of English 2 nd Edition 2003 describes cannabinoid as “any of a
group of closely related compounds which include cannabinol and the active constituents of
cannabis.” And Cannabinol is “a crystalline compound whose derivatives, especially THC, are the
active constituents of cannabis.”. Even with the outlawing of a product, consumers will still demand
it and seek it out, even through illegal means. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google
Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. We have known for years that using cannabis makes the
symptoms of schizophrenia far worse in people who already have the illness. Harry Anslinger, who is
the Commissioner of Narcotics in the Bureau of Narcotics, saw that.
The collection of the information via Survey Monkey 4. Until now it has been difficult for people
other than scientists to find unbiased answers to questions about the medical use of
marijuana—questions that have often drawn conflicting responses from either side of the debate. On
days when patients received the two highest doses—15 and 20 milligrams of the drug, as compared
with 0, 5, or 10 milligrams—they reported significant pain relief. (By comparison, when patients
take Marinol for AIDS wasting, an approved indication, they commonly take it in 5-milligram doses,
with a maximum dosage of 20 milligrams per day. Once each individual has agreed to participate in
the survey and they will provide their email to me in order to receive the link for the survey. This
data represents 60% of the respondents felt favorably towards the legalization of medical marijuana,
as opposed to 40% that were still not sure. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a
free PDF, if available. The economic reality is that huge amounts of money can be realized by
tapping into the illicit drug trade. The fibre of the cannabis plant extracted from the stem and used to
make rope, strong fabrics, fiberboard and paper. Patients may also develop tolerance, dependence,
and withdrawal—conditions associated with marijuana use —when taking proper doses of several
commonly prescribed medications. Although the argument has been argued before, the topic has
never left the table. The first, drawing on the work of Aristotle, holds that the virtues (such as
justice, charity and generosity) are dispositions to act in ways that benefit both the person and
possessing them and that person’s society. At the beginning of the 21 st century, perceptions and
preconceptions about cannabis and its uses have never been more blurred. To adapt the IOM's
publication for a general audience, considerable technical detail has been removed and in-depth
explanations added of several key studies reviewed in the original report. Most clinical trials of
antiemetics—medicines that prevent vomiting—tend to be conducted on patients being treated with
cisplatin, because drugs that decrease vomiting following cisplatin treatment are likely to work at
least as well as other chemotherapy agents. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to
go directly to that page in the book. Team members compared the effectiveness of using marijuana
versus approved medicines to treat numerous specific disorders. Most tend to suffer from chronic
illnesses or pain that defy conventional treatments. Though prohibited in all CARICOM Member
States, it is considered by many citizens as just one of many available traditional and culturally
appropriate “bush” medicines available in their back yard pharmacopeia. Different parts of the plant
can be used to produce a variety of substances. Creation Date December Description Last Updated
May 10, cannabis tissue culture dissertation pdf download, a. It may also be possible to reduce the
adverse effects of specific cannabinoids through chemical modification, as previously noted. With
this in mind, the discussion of ganja reform as a platform for progressive social transformation needs
to take center stage going forward. These include the principal ingredient in Marinol, a legal
medication. Limiting the use of marijuana is one of the factors that affects personal freedom in very
many ways. Those who meet the following conditions could then be provided with marijuana for use
under close medical supervision. Since then up to now, people have fought for the right to use it as a
drug, unsuccessfully. I heard that it can be useful in the treatment of cancer, glaucoma, AIDS,
multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and chronic pain. The report was subsequently published as a clothbound
book by the National Academy Press; it can also be viewed on the Press's web site. This document
and trademark(s) contained herein are protected by law. Since most people take medication for
moderate pain, it would have been more useful to evaluate the ability of THC to relieve pain
between the extremes that were actually measured (researchers commonly do this by asking
participants to use a.
Cannabis, until now, has been classified as a Class B drug, carrying a sentence of up to five years for
possession and fifteen years for trafficking. They felt that this brought the law into disrepute and
that rather than enforce it more rigorously it should be changed. (Runciman, 1999) This view also
fits in with the Rule Utilitarian theory. In addition, marijuana kills its smokers and also increases
chances of lung cancer. The United States considers marijuana as a drug, in some other countries
they say it is a natural herb that is grown from the ground. Unique identifying numbers for this
dissertation in the Digital Library or other systems. Theses and dissertations represent a wealth of
scholarly and artistic content created by masters and doctoral students in the degree-seeking process.
This publication is part of the RAND dissertation series. Our government likes to spend our money
chasing peaceful people on boats who like to get high, The taxpayers end up having to foot the bill
for there lockup. Class A drugs are considered the most harmful and carry the most severe sentences
for both possession and trafficking while Class C drugs are considered the least dangerous and carry
much lighter sentences. Cannabis can also reduce the reaction time in an individual, and this is
important in road traffic accidents. In addition, many patients in clinical studies—in contrast to
accounts of several patients who spoke at the IOM's public sessions—have found the side effects of
marijuana to be intolerable. For these reasons the IOM study team recommended that researchers test
the combined effects of cannabinoids and other antiemetics in suppressing nausea and vomiting in
patients who respond poorly to standard treatments. So the government could end up spending our
money on more important issues if Marijuana was legal. Researchers have also studied how marijuana
use affects individuals and society as a whole. Biochanin A has been known to have an
antiestrogenic acitivity in mammals. What are the main options facing the government on taxation
and public spen. In 1973, Mikuriya traced the medicinal value of the herb plant. However, the
downgrading of cannabis from a Class B drug to a Class C drug is set to go ahead on the 29 th of
January 2003. Download Free PDF View PDF Herbal Cannabis as Medicine: a Biocultural Analysis
Vanessa Mardones, PhD Subsequent to the passage of the California Compassionate Use Act
(Proposition 215), a voter initiative passed on November 5, 1996 permitting the cultivation,
possession, and use of cannabis for medical purposes in California, fifteen other US states and the
District of Columbia have followed suit and decriminalized cannabis for medicinal use. Because the
following key concepts underlie our discussion of medical marijuana, familiarizing yourself with
them will help you make the most of your reading. Willow bark contains a pain-relieving compound;
marijuana contains cannabinoids such as THC, which lessens nausea. The matter of the legality of
marijuana seems to have been polemic for a long time. The first chapter identifies U.S. national-level
patterns of cannabis acquisition and use and from 2002 to 2013, roughly the decade of policy
liberalization that preceded the first non-medical cannabis regimes. Petiole and the stem tissue from
mature trees were the best explants for initiation and proliferation of calli. By analyzing the results
of such trials, medical scientists could significantly increase their knowledge of both the positive and
the negative effects of medical marijuana use. Some Americans even took to making their own
alcoholic beverages, through various means. Currently classified with controlled substances such as
anabolic steroids, Marinol was moved from a more restrictive category, which included cocaine and
morphine, in July 1999. Cannabis is classed as a hallucinogen and dissociative or psychedelic
drug.Tetra hydro cannabinol (THC) is the chemical that gives cannabis its effects. This variability
makes marijuana at best a crude remedy, more akin to herbal supplements such as St. Each patient
received the entire range of pills, which were identical in appearance, over successive days. This
means that an individual needs the medicine in large quantities.Mary Lynn Mathre, MSN RN CARN
Perspectives on Addictions Nursing Vol. 4, No. 2 pages 8-9. June 1993 This article states that
marijuana contains medicinal value through chemicals found in buds, leaves, and resin of the plant.
This empowering volume examines several key points, including. Rule Utilitarianism says check
what rules apply and assess their impact on your decision-making. So the government could end up
spending our money on more important issues if Marijuana was legal. Evidently, the attitude toward
the risk factor has been softened among adolescents for the past few years. As described in the IOM
report, individual trials would be used to gather information to help develop alternative delivery
methods for cannabinoid medications. And it definitely doesn’t mean that when they leave prison
they won’t smoke the drug again. Does your state currently legalize medical marijuana. Third, some
categories of people constitute the permanent underclass without any considerable social
opportunities. Somatic pain signals travel to the brain via peripheral nerves, and are typically
experienced as a constant, dull ache in the injured region. Marijuana should be available medicinally
and recreationally. They also visited four so-called cannabis buyers' clubs and two HIV-AIDS clinics.
In a study that directly compared smoked marijuana with THC, researchers found that both
prevented vomiting to a similar degree. Delta-8-THC is a less potent variant of delta-9-THC, the
primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. The change experienced when the user stands up after
sitting can lead to a sensation of faintness and sometimes nausea. Only one in four people in this
study of 20 patients achieved complete control of chemotherapy-induced vomiting with either drug.
6 Each underwent chemotherapy twice during the trial. Evidence of long-term effects of cannabis
will be added to as new scientific knowledge becomes available. I decided to do my research on the
change of stigma associated with cannabis in Northern Ireland. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Because of this, the question has
been asked many times- should cannabis be legalised. At the time she was a member of the
California Senior Legislature, an elected body that represents the interests of older Californians. If it
is smoked before the age of 14 it is more likely for the user to have these problems later in life.
However, another way to view herbal remedies is to recognize that if they are effective, they contain
specific active ingredients. Thesis Statement For Legalization Of Marijuana Free Essays 2019-02-04.
RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest. Since marijuana is used for
medicinal purposes, it needs to be treated like other prescription drugs. Provided By UNT Libraries
The UNT Libraries serve the university and community by providing access to physical and online
collections, fostering information literacy, supporting academic research, and much, much more.
Some agents, including cisplatin, cause nearly every patient to vomit repeatedly; others, such as
methotrexate, produce this. Class A drugs are considered the most harmful and carry the most severe
sentences for both possession and trafficking while Class C drugs are considered the least dangerous
and carry much lighter sentences. Ultimately, drug laws must address moral, social, and political
concerns as well as science and medicine. The team's draft report was reviewed and critiqued
anonymously by more than a dozen experts, whose comments were addressed.

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