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Portfolio Project: My Creative Journey

Welcome to my portfolio! This project showcases my skills, creativity, and passion for
web development. As an aspiring designer and developer, I’ve poured my heart into
creating a space that reflects who I am and what I can offer.

1. Home Page:
o A brief introduction about me.
o A hero section with a captivating background image.
o Links to other sections (About, Projects, Contact).
2. About Me:
o A concise bio highlighting my journey, interests, and goals.
o A fun fact or quirky detail to engage visitors.
3. Projects Showcase:
o A gallery of my recent projects.
o Each project card includes a title, description, and link to the live site or
GitHub repository.
o Hover effects to make it interactive.
4. Contact Form:
o A simple form for visitors to reach out to me.
o Fields for name, email, and message.
o A submit button that triggers an email (backend functionality not
implemented yet).
5. Responsive Design:
o The site adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes (mobile, tablet,
o Media queries ensure readability and usability across devices.
6. Extras:
o Smooth Scrolling: Implemented using JavaScript for a seamless
navigation experience.
o Custom CSS: I’ve styled the site with a unique color palette and
o SVG Icons: Added playful icons for social media links.

Link to My Portfolio:
My Portfolio

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