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51. Rural health centers conduct home 55.

“Huwag ka ng mahuhulisalakad, “ ayon

visitation. Babies are vaccinated kay Shiela. “Oonaman, “ sagot ng
early to avoid pulmonary tuberculosis. kapatid. Ano ang kahulugan ng sagot?
However, what is the WHO findings?
a. Sasamasiyatalaga
a. Most fathers spit blood and infect babies
b. Sasamasiyangunitdependesagising
b. Babies are immuned from TB
c. Di nakatitiyaksiya’ymakakasama
c. Most children suffer from pulmonary
61. “Join the rally,” the activists shouted,
What was asked of the listeners,
d. Mothers sick with TB transmit their
a. Sympathy for a cause
disease by breast feeding
b. Apathy for a cause
52. Ang sagingkailanman ay di magbubunga
ng santol. Ang salawikain ay c. Empathy for crusaders
nagpapahiwatigna d. Avoidance of street action
a. Maaringmagbunga ng bayabas ang 62. The Philippines counts more than 7, 114
isangpunongsantol islands. Why are some islands
b. Walangpagbabago ang anoman not fully identified?
c. Ang bunga ng isangkahoy ay a. Some are not inhabited
galingsasarilinglahi b. Some submerged after a volcanic eruption
d. Walangbungang di galingsasarilingpuno c. Some have not been surveyed
53. The different counties around the d. Some are only seen during low tides
Philippines have limits in fishing.
63. Los Banos is known for its rice
Which incident violated this territorial researches. Where do the students
conduct their researches?
a. Establishing ports and camp with the U.N.
consent a. UP Manila

b. Mining oil in Twi-tawi with Amoa b. UP Cebu

c. Flying planes over free territories c. UPLB

d. Catching fish at Sarangani Bay d. UP Iloilo

54. The menace of drugs has affected the 64. Families in the troubled Mindanao areas
Philippine economy greatly. were _____.

Which of these drugs are found most a. Scared so they left their homes,
destructive to one’s brain? b. Satified with the peace efforts,
a. Opium c. Unmindful of the events so they stayed
b. Marijuana home,

c. Methyl salicilate d. Happy gunshots filled the air,

d. Shabu 65. A girl scout qualified to join an

encampment in England. What
advantages would she profit from the The following another 10% was added to the
experience? price. How much was the
a. Understanding of other girls in the world eventual cost of the glassware?
b. See the world a. P192
c. Present Filipino values at the camp b. P195
d. Feel the sisterhood among other girls c. P176
66. Siya’yisang pipi, ngunit kaya niyang d. P193.60
mag-guhit ng larawan. Siya’yisang
71. If 35% of the graduating class failed in
a. Pintor NSAT and 260 passed. How many
b. Manunulat failed?
c. Artista a. 105
d. Dalubahasasasiyensya b. 140
67. A new building is 360 meters high. c. 130
There will be 120 storey in this
72. Children are fond of pets. One time a pet
building. What is the height of each storey? dog growled and bit a child.
a. 3.5 meters How will the owner handle the situation?
b. 3 meters a. Allow the dog to be observed for 10-18
days before giving anti-rabies
c. 4 meters
d. 5 meters
b. Use the dog’s brain to treat the wound
68. The weather bureau gave this warning
during thunderstorm. Which c. Kill the dog
comes first? d. Tie the dog and feed it regularly
a. Lightning flashes first 73. Local peace negotiations should be the
primary concern of what office?
b. Lightning and thunder are simultaneous
a. Local municipal and provincial executives
c. Thunder sounds spread fast
b. Church hierarchy
d. Thunder follows all lightnings
c. Philippine National Police
69. Which of these group of capital words
do not belong to same sound? d. Philippine marine SWAT force
a. THOSE are hers to claims 74. Give the exponential function of y = f(x)
b. THIS is my nature land a. y = x – 5
c. THAT’S the truth b. y = x = 1
d. THESE are times that try men’s soul c. /= 2x – 2
70. A glassware was marked P160. After a d. / = 5 x(squared)
day the price increased by 10%.
75. All the grand daughters were present but
the eldest was perceived to be
matured than ________. _____________.
a. Any girl of her like a. Smart
b. Any one of her age b. McDonald
c. Any of her age c. Bell
d. Any other girl of her age d. PLDT
76. Students from different countries are 81. Congress passed the Fisherman’s Act.
offered scholarship in university in How did promote the local
America and Europe. What does this imply? fishermen?
a. Knowledge is not a monopoly of one race a. Shorelines were not open to big shipping
b. Students can earn degrees abroad
b. Foreign fishing vessels could catch fish at
c. There is the university of knowledge
any distance in Philippine
d. Admission of Asians in United States
universities is limited to nationals
c. Deep sea fishing was allowed within five
77. Give the product of (4 + 25)( 5 – 35)
kilometers from the shorelines
a. –720
d. Local government had control of the
b. 710 shorelines within 15 kilometers
c. 720 82. Conducting PRC examinations aboard to
d. –710 OFC in different countries are

78. Quezon is quoted after on, “I prefer a perceived as a

government run like hell by a. Service to overseas workers
Filipino...” This means: b. Propaganda of government
a. Filipinos can better run their country c. A pleasure trip for PRC officers
b. Filipinos are not good leaders d. Service to earn dollars
c. Filipinos should be governed by 83. A rectangular tank is 2m long and 1.5m
foreigners wide and 1m deep. If you fill the
d. Filipinos should depend on foreigners for said tank half-full, how many cubic meters
good governance will it have?
79. Sabini Balagtas, “ a. 10 cm
b. 15 cm
Ito’ytulad ng:
c. 16 cm
a. Batangwalangpakiramdamsahirap
d. 5 cm
b. Batang di sumusunodsamagulang
84. Mis Viloria has eleven children. Her
c. Batang di natutosaklase
husband decided to send them to
d. Kawayannamataas
Manila and seek jobs. The eldest child is
80. The theory on the effective use of only 16 years old. What right is
cellular phones is credited to
violated by the father?
a. Right of the children to assistance, proper was present in the confession. What was
care and attention violated?
b. Right of family to family living wage a. The prisoner should have a lawyer of his
c. Right to education
b. The confession was without due
d. Right of the child to work and
c. The prisoner was approached properly
85. What do this study reveal? During
student individual secondary d. The choice of the lawyer was made by the
undergraduates who are politically far right,
far left or adherents to 89. “Ang di
marunonglumingonsapinanggalingan ay di
ideologies of any type decreases.
makararatingsaparoroonan. “Itoy
a. Undergraduates of political inclination
become rabid ideologist a. Babalasamaikli ang pag-iisip
b. Undergraduates tend to be less active as b. Babalasamgamayaman
they ascend in college
c. Babalasanakalimot ng
c. Freshman are radical activist kanyangtunaynabuhay
d. Individual ascendancy effect attitudes of d. Babalasabagongmayaman
college undergraduates
90. Unleaded gas used to cost P18.01 liter.
positively The next day the same was sold
for P18.13 a liter. The station sold 11,001
liters. How much gas was realized
86. There are 18 Tagalog maids and 12
Visayan maids serving in a hotel. in a day?
Give the ratio of the Tagalog to the entire a. P13,200.12
group and express them in simple
b. P1,320.12
c. P11,320.12
a. 3/2
d. P15,102.12
b. 2/5
91. The Philippine National Bank soars and
c. C has use a symbol for its
d. 3/5 advertisement it is:
87. Solve –6x-7=3x+12. a. The pigeon
a. 5/3 b. The hawk
b. 3 c. The eagle
c. 5 d. The parrot
d. 9/5 92. The hostage victims were heard asking
the rescuers to hold on the fort.
88. A prisoner was made to confess of his
guilt. A lawyer of the respondent What was the message?
a. Rescue them fast and early
b. Disregard the peace negotiations 98. A traveler was helped by other
passengers for his extra weight of 112kg.
c. Surrender in arms
There were travelers who gave their
d. Keep on with the fight
allotment of 25kg. How many more
93. Text messages are used for fast
extra weight will be pay?
communication. What does this
a. 35 kg
message mean? “Ur have to meet friends 5
A.M.” b. 37 kg
a. You have friends to meet at A.M. c. 48 kg
b. You should meet your friends at five in d. 38 kg
the morning.
99. How are families assisted by the media?
c. You have to be here at 5 in the afternoon.
a. Free packages sent door to door to
d. Be there at five in the morning. families.
94. Empty bottles and cases of pesticides b. Sponsored free long distance call offered
must be disposed of properly. by PLDT.
Which is the best way. c. Free communication and messages to
family members in different radio
a. Burying containers in deep pits
b. Washing with soap suds
d. Free telephone calls are offered by some
c. Burning in a pit
radio stations.
d. Breaking the bottles in waste boxes
100. The continuous flooding in Davao and
95. How many years are there in a decade? Agusan is traced to:
a. 10 years a. Cultural minority discriminated
b. 50 years b. Wanton cutting of trees
c. 20 years c. Rich rice fields to be irrigated
d. 5 years d. Water transportation availability
96. The crimes were considered serious 101. How did the explorers who rode up to
because the penalty was. the moon managed to survive?
a. A total exile in a foreign land a. Food in jelly form
b. A life sentence b. Food in capsule form
c. Lethal injection c. Food in biscuit form
d. To die in jail d. Food through liquid form
97. Criminals sentenced to death through 102. Volcanic eruptions caused evacuees to
lethal injection were positive of: be insecure. Choose the
a. Shabu situation reflecting the situation.
b. Tuberculosis a. Ash falls are blessings for fertility of soil.
c. Malaria b. The lava attracted tourists.
d. AIDs
c. Government aid was immediate and confiscated drugs.
a. 40 3/8 kg
d. Crops covered by lava will affect
b. 41 3⁄4 kg
livelihood and earning.
c. 42 5/8 kg
103. There are several advertisements that
encourage people to take this d. 21 1⁄2 kg
supplement so that they can grow 3 to 5 107. Which of the given fractions is equal to
inches more even after the age of 20. 15/75?
a. This is not possible because there is a. 3/5
definite pattern of growth of bones b. 2/5
and muscles c. 1/5
b. This is true because the AD would not d. 4/5
have been allowed
108. Everyday there are reports of vehicular
c. This is not true because there are no accidents. What preventive
specific individuals mentioned
measure is done to identify drivers who take
d. This is true because of the protein content drugs?
104. Crimes does not pay and rapists cannot a. Drivers’ licenses are released after
avoid ______. clearance from barangay chairman
a. Electric prosecution b. Drivers are exempted from psychological
b. Genocide tests
c. Lethal injection c. Drivers are given road tests
d. Hostage d. Drivers licenses are released after a drug
test clearance
105. A twin was born to a Russian mother,
during the war she gave up her 109. Agriculture centers have found lately
varieties of coconut propagation.
twins to volunteers and foster parents. How
could the adoption papers be How did their varieties get discovered and
made legitimate?
a. Putting up nurseries
a. Seek the consent of the real mother and go
ahead with adoption b. Laboratory tissue culture
proceeding c. Fielding scholars
b. Proper adoption paper approved by both d. Seed selection process
countries 110. “Pare-pareho kayo. Wala
c. Conceal the call from authorities akongmapagpilian, “ wika ng
d. Sell the birth certificate isanggurongpuno ng galitsamgalalaki.
Siya’y _____.
106. A policeman caught a pusher carrying
prohibited drugs. Each package a. Nawalan ng ganasapagtuturo
weighed 12 kg, 10 1/8 kg, 11 3⁄4 kg, and 8 b. Nawalan ng tiwalasamgalalaki
kg. Give the weight of the c. Nawalan ng ganasabuhay
d. Nawalan ng tiwalasalahat ng tao Agriculture is using cooperatives to promote
productivity. What windows
111. Environmentalist believe that
___________, are open to farmer members of
a. Opening dumping sites will solve waste
disposal best a. Loan packages for purchase of working
animals, tractors and fertilizers
b. Burying plastic will ease clogging of
water canals. b. Loan package for irrigation pumps
c. Classifying garbage identify c. Loan packages seedling and fertilizers
biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.
d. Loan packages for the educational
d. Burning garbage is the safest approached. expenses of farmers
112. What comes out of this conversation? 116. The impeachment led Filipinos to
“Really?” “Yes, she wanted to ___________.
find out all about your house. She even a. Understand the judge’s comments
asked how old your servants were.”
b. Hate administration trials
And Jeanne burst out laughing. “I’m
c. Appreciate the democratic process of
distrustful Isn’t it. Very natural to feel
uneasy about what one cannot understand.”
d. Listen to the proceedings.
a. Someone was scrutinizing Jeanne
117. The class was in a state of confusion,
b. Jeanne was wary about the questions what was uttered by the teacher
to put all at ease?
c. There is an inquiry going on
a. Class, what’s wrong? At ease.
d. People can be snoopy at times
b. Class, be seated
113. Ang tamangbabalanaipipinturasapader
c. Class, listen to me
d. Class, sit down
a. Ditonakatira ang durugista
118. Ayawniyang _________ dahil di
b. Mag-ingatsadurigistasapaligid
c. Bahay ng durigista: mag-ingat
a. Umaalis
d. Parisan ninyo ang nakatiraditto
b. Aalis
114. Famine in Africa found very many
c. Umalis
malnourished children. Several had
d. Mag-alis
poor teeth and sight. This is a sign of
________. 119. In one drug rehabilitation center most
inmates who were found deep
a. Deficiency in Vitamin A and D
in prohibited drugs were:
b. Deficiency in protein
a. Children who were lazy and vicious
c. Deficiency in Vitamin B
b. Children who had no identity to speak up
d. Deficiency in iron
c. Children wanting of parental love and
115. Cooperative concept started in Europe.
Now the Department of
d. Children who have so much to spend a. A prick of a needle from an AIDS patient
is dangerous
b. AIDS can be cured by injections
120. Food preparations are handled well to
avoid spoilage caused by c. AIDS is transmitted by touch
_______ of products. d. AIDS virus easily enter open wounds and
a. Unsanitary condition
125. Noongpanahon ng Haponlumaban ang
b. Miscalculation
Filipino sagitna ng kahirapan.
c. Unlimited preservatives
Ang pinakamahirapnadinanas ng kawal ang
d. Mislabeling mahabanglakbay.
121. Under trade relations what facilitated Itoytinatawagna ______.
the entrance and exchange of
a. Death March
products with other countries?
b. Return of MacArthur
a. UNESCO declarations
c. Fall of Corregidor
b. Dumberton Act
d. Fall of Bataan
c. United Nation Act
126. AyonsaPresidente, kung
d. General agreement on Tariff and Trade siya’yhahamunin, sila’y _______.
122. Divide 35 in the ratio of 3:4. a. Ikukulong
a. 10:25 b. Dudurugin
b. 13:22 c. Babarilin
c. 5:30 d.Aamuhin
d. 15:20 127. Liza received her grades in PEHM. For
123. Ano ang dahilan kung umunlad ang the fourth grading period, the
maiklingkuwentonoongpanahon ng grades were 83, 86, 80 and 88. What was her
Hapon? average grade?

a. Ang karamihansainilalathala noon a. 85

sapahayagan ay sawikang Tagalog b. 84 1⁄4
b. Bihirangmanunulat ang naglimbag ng c. 86
kuwentong Ingles
d. 84
c. Ang dating manunulat ng
128. Alin ang babalanadapatsundin ng
maiklingkuwentosa Ingles ay
lumipatsapagsusulat ng Tagalog
a. Itapon ang basurasatabing-dagat
d. Ipinagbawal ng hukbongHapon ang
b. Bayaran ang buwis para ang basura ay
paggamit ng Ingles
124. Why do nurses and doctors use gloves
c. Gawin ang paghihiwalay ng mgabasura
when injecting patients with
d. Itapon ang basurasa Pasig
129. A rich candidate bought a big family by d. 5 or more
the thousand. On election day
134. “I am a Filipino ... child of the marriage
no one was allowed to leave their homes. of the East and West.” Romulo
What right was deprived the
members of the family?
a. Filipinos deserve to be called Asians
a. Right to life, liberty
b. Filipinos are oriental
b. Right to due process
c. Filipinos are occidental
c. Right to eminent domain
d. Filipinos is a mix of the Orient and
d. Right to participate in democracy Occident
130. What is the floor area of a 4-storey 135. Famers complain of crops getting
apartment if each floor is made of rotten during rainy season. The
12 by 23 meters? government project that answers the
situation is through _________.
a. 1444 sq m
a. Constructing farm to market roads
b. 1111 sq m
b. Putting up cooperatives
c. 1004 sq m
c. Ask middle man to intervene
d. 1104 sq m
d. Seminars with agriculturists
131. During international gathering, which
nationality embraces dignitaries? 136. The BIR sold 20,400 documentary
stamps @ P0.30 per document. She
a. British
remitted at the end of the day P5,800. What
b. Palestine
is left with the seller?
c. Filipino
a. P320
d. Japan
b. P3,200
132. The latest EDSA 2 recognized the
c. P32
effects of communication through
d. P3,150
what means? People resorted to _______.
137. In biogardening, the farmers are taught
a. Announcement through media
b. Exchange of message by fax machine
a. How to identify poisonous plants
c. Telephone
b. How to utilize organic fertilizers
d. Utilization of text messages
c. How to use chemicals in their farms
133. Singapore at a time banned the growth
d. How to protect plants from strong winds
of families beyond economic
138. Sounds differ though spelled alike.
control. They decreed the number of
Which does not belong to the
children to a limit of:
a. 1
a. The leader chided the followers
b. 2
b. She sounded victorious
c. 3
c. She wanted a chaperon d. Put vegetables in freezers
d. Baby screamed for help 144. The Secretary of Education admits that
text messages keep parents
139. After two pregnancies some of these
mothers loose a pair of teeth or abreast of their children’s whereabouts. He
registered concern on the
so. What could be the cause?
effects on ____________.
a. Too much sweets in the diet
a. Spelling of words
b. Poor brushing habits
b. Connect communication
c. Lack of iron and other minerals in the diet
during pregnancy c. Structural distortions
d. Diet during pregnancy lacks Sulphur d. Vocabulary limitation
140. Three times a certain number less 25 145. Milk is rationed to school children
equals twice the number less 15. under a nutrition program of
What is the number? Senators. This project is made
a. 20
a. Supplement the food nutrients of grade
b. 10
one pupils
c. 12
b. Arrest malnutrition among grade one
d. 15 pupils
141. How do children celebrate the U.N. c. Sell out milk from factories
Day? By _______.
d. Get votes for election
a. Dancing the ati-atihan
146. Prose written in direct discourse are
b. Parading in Kimono often used in _______.
c. Joining the Sta. Cruz parade a. Transcribed court proceedings
d. Flying flags of different countries b. Description of situations
142. Sino samgasumusunod ang c. Feature writing
d. News interviews
a. Ang lolo at lola
147. Respect and reverence is in these lines.
b. Ang ina at ama Choose one
c. Ang kuya a. Have faith in Divine Providence...
d. Ang bunso b. Love your country .. it’s the home of your
143. Health officials advised mothers about people
preservatives used in c. I die just when I see the dawn break...
vegetables. Which advice should be d. I have but one life to give....
followed to ensure safe vegetables?
148. “I prefer a government run like hell by
a. Wash the vegetables very well Filipinos rather than one run by
b. Soak the vegetables in cold ice foreigners. This according to Quezon means
c. Wrap the vegetables in newspapers a. Governance by Filipinos is excellent
b. Leadership of Filipinos are full of troubles c. It’s possible they escape
c. Filipinos given the chance can lead d. It’s possible they paid ransom
d. Foreigners are strong leaders 153. Whose values are most evident in
children before
149. Paanonalaman ang mgatalaisipan at
saloobin ng mgamatanda ng they go to school?
panahon? a. Peer value system
a. Pamamagitan ng mgakuwento ng mgalola b. Teacher-classmate value system
b. Pamamagitan ng Kartilya c. Mother-father value system
c. Pamamagitan ng sulatsabuho d. The maid or yaya value
d. Pamamagitan ng awit at verso 154. Obesity among children was traced to:
150. “I die just when the dawn breaks to a. Voracious reading of books
herald the day” is a quotation from
b. Addiction to television shows
Rizal. This gives the time of his death which
c. Proper watch of diet
d. Frequent visits to shopping malls
a. Sometime at sunset
155. Ang gulay ay dinadala ng
b. Sometime at dawn
c. Sometime in midnight
bayan sapamamagitan ng kalabaw at
d. Sometime at noon ________.
151. A blind mother was allowed to work in a. Tren
a place
b. Kangga
where her fingers could be productive. Why
c. Kareta
is this
d. Jeep
156. The parents of May and Jose are living
a. Disable person are given special attention
in slums.
b. The disabled and handicapped are given
Their children reached only grade one and
two. What
protection of the law
right is violated in this situation?
c. Blind individuals are discouraged from
a. Right to security in abide
b. Right to suffrage
d. Blind individuals can still be productive
c. Right to quality education at all levels
152. The hostages were set free. What are
the d. Right to economic survival
a. It’s possible the hostage compromised 157. A trader sent promelos from Davao. His
with the cargo was
captors 360 kilos. He was entitled to 35 kilos only.
How much
b. It’s possible the hostage was obedient
will he pay for his overweight at P50 per a. 7516 kg
b. 756kg
a. P16,250
c. 7560 kg.
b. P16,550
d. 7.56kg
c. P15,850
162. Tourists are not free from harassment.
d. P15,650 Very
158. Which of the following is expressed recently several tourists were ______in
when 7 1⁄2% Malaysia.
expressed as a fraction in the lowest term? a. Kidnapped
a. 15/200 b. Molested and killed
b. 15/100 c. Held hostage
c. 15/2 d. Transported to job
d. 3/40 163. Sino ang may sabing “Ang
159. When two missing digits in a given hindimagmahalsasarilingwikahigitpa ang
number are
replaced, the number is divisible by 99.
a. Apolinario Mabini
What is the
b. Marcelo H. Del Pilar
c. Gregorio Del Pilar
a. 85021
d. Jose Rizal
b. 85031
164. The father was sentenced to death
c. 85041
because he
d. 85051
committed rape against his own daughter.
160. No country will progress unless he is a The crime
part of a
then is classified:
world organization and its agreement. What
a. Murder
is referred
b. Heinous
c. Homicide
d. Parricide
165. The cook mixed wine with other
c. WHO
otherwise___the recipe.
161. A water bed is 180cm wide, 210 cm
a. Everyone will ask and question
long and 20 cm
b. Everyone will question
thick. What is its mass in kilograms when it
is full of c. Everyone will be questioning
water? d. Everyone will be questioned
166. Before a piece of land is converted to a d. Harvested crops were well fertilized
170. A pancake was cut into 8 pieces. Three
which office gives the final approval? brothers at
a. The Barangay Council one piece each. What part of the cake was
b. Provincial Governor
a. 1⁄2 b. 5/8 c. 2/8 d. 1⁄4
c. The Municipal Council
171. Which nation normally observes the
d. The Provincial Board
supremacy of
167. The best source of perfume had been
men? Even during meals the wives have to
identified by
serve their
several scientists. One of the most expensive
husbands first before she takes her food. The
sources is:
country is
a. Shark skin
recorded as __________.
b. Shark fins
a. England
c. Ilang-ilang flower
b. Japan
d. Shark oil
c. Spain
168. A big majority of teachers were found
d. United States
to be
172. A patient underwent a surgery. The
suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis.
What approach
hardly had an immediate effect on him.
can best address this problem?
Where was the
a. Require sick teachers to cover their nose
case traced? To his_______.
and mouth
a. Physical weakness
with sanitary mask
b. Being an alcoholic
b. Subject all teachers to yearly x-ray
examination c. Heredity
c. Follow-up cases and treatment and d. Being allergic
coordinate with
173. Two times a certain number added to
the Department of Health 40 gives the
d. Ask the teachers to go on leave or resign same result as three times the same number
169. The rice granary of Mindanao had been
affected by from 75. What is the number?
peace problems. What was the negative a. 20 b. 15 c. 30 d. 10
effects on the
174. Ang mgabatangnakasuot ng
crops? kulayluntian ay napag-
a. Ricefields were abandoned alamangmga_______.
b. Ricefields were rat infested a. Boy scout
c. Rice crops were well fertilized b. Pulis
c. Girl scout A baby cries every time she is hungry. What
value is
d. Army
175. Food remnants, plants and other animal
wastes a. Survival trait
should be separated in waste disposal since; b. Self assertion
a. These hardly decay c. Denial trait
b. These invite flies d. Self defense
c. These are easy pray to rodents 179. Anoang_____nganakmobagolumisan?
d. These can be converted to organic a. Pinangako
b. Pangako
176. Alice ate a cake in wonderland. She is
c. Pangakuin
in these lines”... ate a little bit, and said
anxiously, to 180. Which of these pests are carriers of
herself. “Which way?” “Which way?”
Holding her hand a. Butterflies
on the top of her head to feel which way it b. Flies
was growing; c. Ants
and she was quite surprised to find that she d. Doves
181. During the census, the family was
the same size. Here Alice was __________ asked on the
a. Imagination was fast of frustration languages used at home. The response was:
b. Expecting miracles a. We communicate only in Ilocano
c. Not accepting her sizes as hope b. We can communicate in Tagalog, Ilocano
d. Finding a way of transformation and English
177. A young girl left her baby at the c. We are fluent in English
household of a d. I’m fluent in Spanish
monastery. The child grew up without 182. Rural families do not believe in
knowing her limiting the number
mother and father. What right is deprived of of children since they argue:
the child?
a. A small family is not ideal for farmers
a. Right to assert individuality who own
b. Right to freedom of choice animals and work on wide track of land
c. Right to life b. A big family is always happy and
d. Right to quality education economically
178. Stages of values development make advantageous
such changes.
c. Having more children means more d. Mango tart
helping hands
187. Tomatoes come in abundance at certain
d. God does the limiting of children not man times of
183. Ano ang pagkakasukat ng talang “Ang the year. How can the supply be assured?
Daigdig at
a. Encourage preservation of tomatoes
Ako” ni Alejandro G. Abadilla?
b. Plant during rainy season
a. May sukat at tugma
c. Use substitute to tomatoes
b. May tugma at taludturan
d. Avoid using tomatoes
c. Malayangtaludturan
188. Sa digmaan, ano ang utos ng
d. May sukat at taludturan isangKapitan?
184. National surveys are conducted to a. “Sugod, kababayan!”
b. “Tinginsakananbagotumawid!”
a. Guide presidents whom to appoint in the
c. “Attention!”
d. “Ayonsabatas; palaban at urongna kayo!”
b. Assess the perception of people on
cultural issues
c. Get the population of the country 189. Give product of 9 multiplied by C.
d. Estimate the political gains of presidents a. 4
185. There are forty professional boards b. 3 1⁄2
under the c. 5 1⁄2
Professional Regulation Commission d. 6
190. The appointment of cabinet members
member are asked to abide closely to: was recalled
a. The Code of Ethics of each Profession because ___________.
b. The Ten Commandments a. The official had no clearance
c. The Philippine Constitution b. The resistance was strong
d. The Bill of Rights c. The official was incompetent
186. A Philippine fruit that has attracted d. The appointing officer was mislead
other Asian
191. The carabao is the working animal of
countries has gained prominence in farmers.
Thailand. In the
However, these herd were converted for
processing of mango wheat, which product meat
has gained
purposes. How did the government respond
refined and quality output in Cebu? to the lack
a. Mango jelly of carabaos?
b. Mango juice a. Put up a carabao project in CLSU
c. Mango dried slices
b. Converted farms into subdivision and d. Decisiveness
housing areas
196. During national census each household
c. Imported buffalos from Australia member is
d. Distributed tractors and other machinery asked to give _____________.
192. Farmers are encouraged to have varied a. His earnings for ten years
crops at
b. His nationality and religious
different times. This is done to.
c. His reason for staying in there house
a. Allow porous soil in the farm
d. His data called for like-age, sex,
b. Preserve the fertility of the soil language, etc.
c. Rotate crops for better yield 197. A meat dealer sold his butchered cow
for P21,500.
d. Raise variety of crops
If each kilo of beef cost P120 each how
193. Ang mabilismaglakad, kung matinik ay
many kilos were
realized from one cow?
a. Ang sakuna ay nangyayarisapagmamadali
a. 178 kg
b. Dapatlumingonsapinaggalingan
b. 179.16 kg
c. Mag-isipbagogumawa ng anuman d.
Dahang-bigla c. 179.18 kg
194. The urbanization of municipalities have d. 180 kg
198. A man is 4 times as old as his son. Five
delays in the Agrarian Reform efforts, year ago,
because _____.
the sum of their age is 65. How old is the
a. Limited land area resulted in converting son?
public land to
a. 15 b. 17 c. 19 d. 21
199. Choose the number that is NOT
b. Agricultural lands were converted to divisible by 4?
residential areas
a. 134
c. Coordination of DAR, DA, AND DILG is
b. 200
c. 548
d. Agricultural lands were sold to industrial
d. 320
200. There was a tourism promo. All
195. “To be or not to be, that is the
students bought
question,” this is
tickets for the hip. The promotion was
Hamlet’s frame of mind. What is being
portrayed then? a. Understood and accepted
a. Pride b. Educational and affordable
b. Pity c. Done systematically
c. Indecision d. Motivated well and costly

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