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Account Receivables (1610)

1. Define customer account groups

In the SAP Fiori Launch pad, click on Account groups Customer app

Click on new entries

Enter the Account group as 3010 and Meaning as domestic Customer Groups

Double click on Company Code Data

Double click on Account Management field
Here we see Reconciliation Account as optional entry

Here we assign reconciliation entry to required entry

Click on save

Click on Continue
Here data was saved

Click on next entry

Enter Account Group as 3011 and Meaning as Foreign customer Groups

Double Click on Company Code Data

Double click on Account Management

Here we see reconciliation account as optional entry

Select reconciliation account as required entry

Click on save

Here data was saved and click on new entry

Enter the Account Group as 3012 and click on Service customer groups

Click on Account Management

Here we see reconciliation account as optional entry

Select reconciliation account as required entry

Click on save

Here data was saved

2. Create Number Ranges For Customer Master

Enter SPRO in the ok field and click on enter

Click on SAP Reference IMG

Expand Financial Accounting (New)→Expand Account Receivables and Accounts Payable→
expand Customer Accounts → Expand Master Data
Expand Master Data-→ Expand preparations for creating customer Master Data→Click on
create Number Ranges for customer Accounts

Click on edit intervals

Click on insert line

Enter below details and click on enter

Again click on Insert line

Enter below details and click on enter

Click on insert line

Enter below details and click on enter

Click on save
Click on continue

Here the changes were saved

Click on back arrow

3. Assign Number Ranges To Customer Account Groups

Go to SPRO→ Financial Accounting (New)→Account Receivables and Accounts Payable→

Customer Accounts → Master Data Expand Master Data-→ Preparations for creating customer
Master Data→Click on Assign Number Ranges to customer Accounts Groups
Click on position

Enter Account Group as 3010 and click on continue

Assign number range for the account groups and click on save

Click on Continue
Here data was saved

Click on back
4. Create a Reconciliation Account

Go to Sap Fiori launch pad, Enter Manage G/L Account Master Data

Click on the Manage G/L account master Data

Click on ‘+’ icon

Enter G/L Account as 200300

Enter below details

In the company code assignment, Click on ‘+’ icon

In the header tab, enter new company code Assignment as 2018

In the Control Data tab, Enter Account Currency as INR and enter Reconciliation Account for
Account Type as customers
In the Sort Key as 031

In the Create/Bank/Interest and enter field status Group as G067

Click on ok

Click on Save
Here Data was saved

5. Create Customer Master Record

Click on Maintain Business partner

Click on Organization Checkbox and click on continue

Enter Create BP role as Customer (Fin Accounting) (New)

Grouping as Internal Numbering for standard use

In the Address tab enter title as company and Name as SAP PVT LTD

Enter search term as SAP

Enter below details

Enter language as English

Click on Company code button

Enter company code as 2018 and we see that customer is external

In the Customer account Management, Enter Reconciliation Account as 200300

Click on General Data

Click on three dots and click on customer general data

In the Customer general Data, enter External Customer No as 2001 and click on enter
Click on Save

Business Partner 1000151is created

6. Post Customer Sales Invoice

Path → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Receivables → Document Entry →


Enter company code and click on enter

Click to search the customer

Click to Find

Select the customer for 2001 and click to copy

Enter the Invoice & Posting date

Enter the amount

Enter the G/L Account for 300000 and Amount and click on Enter
Click on simulate button

The Journal Entry will be generate

Come to back arrow

Click to simulate on Journal Ledger Entry level

The Entry will be generate in Gender ledger view level

Come on back arrow

Click on Post button

Message is Document 3000 was posted in company code 2018
7. Display / Change Customer Line Items Reports

Click on Search Options

Enter the Customer Line Items

Double click on manager Customer Line items

Enter the Customer Number and company code

Select the status is Open Items

Click on GO
Here see the Line will be Display

Line item status is Open Items

8. Display Customer Balances

Click on Search Options

Enter the Display Customer balances

Double click on Display Customer Balances

Enter the customer number and company code

Click to GO

The customer balances will update on current period

Double click on Sales Amount 100000

The Open item will be Display

9. Post Customer Returns (Credit Memo)

Follow on path

Path → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Receivables → Document Entry →

Credit Memo (General)

Enter the Document & Posting date, Document type

Enter the Company code and Currency/Rate

Select to search the customer

Click on Find the Customer

Select the Customer

Click on Copy

Here see your Customer Number and click on Enter

Enter the Customer Returns amount

Enter the Posting Key and G/L Account for sales and Press on Enter
Enter the Credit Amount and Text

Click on Simulate
The Journal Entry will be generate

Click on Post
Message is Document 4000 was posted in company code 2018
10. Display / Change Customer Line Items Reports

Click on Search Options

Enter the Customer Line Items

Double click on manage Customer Line items

Enter the Customer Number and company code

Select the status is Open Items

Click on GO
Here see the Line Items will be Display in sales and customer Returns.

Line item status is Open Items and Balance amount will display in Rs: 65000
11. Display Customer Balances

Click on Search Options

Enter the Display Customer balances

Double click on Display Customer Balances

Enter the customer number and company code

Click to GO

The customer balances will update on current period

Double click on Balance Sales Amount 65000

The Open item will be Display

12. Incoming Payment From Customer

Path → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Receivables → Document Entry →

Incoming Payment (F-28)

On the sap Fiori search icon enter tile as Post incoming Payments

Enter below details

Enter Account type and click on propose items

Here we will see the clearing amount for the account 2001

Here actual balance is 65000 and click on clear button of 100000 amount
Here we will see the remaining amount as 35000 and click on clear button of 35000 amount

Here amount is cleared and balance amount is 0.00

Click on simulate
Click on post

Here we see journal entry has been saved successfully

13. Display / Change Customer Line Items Reports:

Click on Search Options

Enter the Customer Line Items

Double click on manager Customer Line items

Enter the Customer Number and company code

Select the status is Cleared Items

Click on GO

Here see the Line Items will be Display in sales and customer Returns.
Line item status is Open Items and Balance amount will display in Rs: 0.0

14. Display Customer Balances

Click on Search Options

Enter the Display Customer balances

Double click on Display Customer Balances

Enter the customer number and company code

Click to GO
The customer balances will update on current period

Double click on Balance Sales Amount 65000

The cleared item will be Display and The invoice and credit memo status is cleared.

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