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Dear Mother

Part Two

Written By; Golden Vessel

Chapter One


A Changed Life


Pastor Victor prayed for Felix after his confession. He asked him to go for 21 days fasting and
prayer for forgiveness of sin from God. Felix complied to Pastor Vic's instructions and he
confessed his sins before God and pleaded for God's mercy.

Matilda couldn't believe her father got his wealth been a secret cult member. She was traumatized
for days, even to the extent of discovering that her dumbness was as a result of his father's doing.
She had no option than to keep hoping and believing God will intervene in her case.

Felix was confused on what to do with his properties, he decided to sell all his properties but
Maureen frowned at the idea of selling all his properties.

"So, you will sell all you have laboured for just because you are a born again Christian..... Is that
what that Pastor instructed you to do? Haaaaaa..... All these Pastors and their way of scamming
people.... All the offerings they are collecting everyday, is blood money not part of it? The gifts their
members or strangers usually gift to them, do they know where it comes from?" Maureen laughed
sarcastically as she posed the questions at Felix.

"Maureen, I am now a new being in Christ Jesus..." Maureen cuts him off before he could utter
another statement.

"And being a new creature does not mean you should sell out your properties and give to the poor.
Felix, be wise.... These Pastors will just mislead you and you will regret it, living in abject of
poverty. You know the kind of person I am, I will definitely ignore you, if you come begging for
money...." Maureen picked up her bag and walked out of Felix's mansion. Leaving Felix all alone
brooding on the decision to take next.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Dylan resigned his post as the CEO of Blush Magazine immediately after his father's confession.

He spoke with some of his friends who helped him get a job. His friend offered him a job as a
production manager in his company.

He left his cars, and other vital gadgets to start a new life of his own. He left with his mother and
Alyson tagged along.

He rented a room and parlor self-contain somewhere close to his working place. His friend helped
him with the rent and other things needed.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Few months after Gloria's death, the children arranged for their mother's burial. The children had
mourned their mother for weeks, before resuming back to their various works of life. Thelma had
returned to her husband's house. Thankfully, during the period she mourned her mother, Philip
stood by her. He helped out in the burial arrangements and supported his wife financially. Mr
Uzomba, 'Thelma's father-in-law' was not left out. He paid for necessary things which the children
lacked during the burial arrangements. Racheal, Thelma's mother-in-law supported in the food
aspect of the burial, she even persuaded the children to pick Aso-Ebi for the burial celebration.

"#45,000! For Aso-Ebi. Haba!" Tina exclaimed after Thelma announced the amount for the Aso-
Ebi, which her mother-in-law had selected for the burial.

"This is too expensive! People will start assuming things in their heads" Tony said and shook his
head in dismissal.

"People will start spreading the rumours of how we did not take proper care of our mother when
she was alive, and how we paraded in expensive attires for the burial rite. I am totally against
this....." Tina was saying and Tonia cuts her in.

"I see nothing wrong in doing this... People! People! People! Yes, leave people alone and let them
assume things in their heads. Do you know the kind of people coming to grace this occasion?"
Tonia stood to her feet as she stood in the middle to face her siblings, staring at them each, one
after another.

"Your colleagues are all coming, including your bosses." She said pointing at each one of them
except Tony who had no stable job yet.

"I just want us to think about how mother will feel if she sees us from heaven as people says. She
would be so glad to see we the children doing things together in harmony and giving our last

respect to her in a magnificent way. We all know, we did not fulfill our role as children when mother
was alive. At least, let's try and make mother happy." She pointed out and took her seat.

Tina recalled her dream about her mother the day she died. At least, she wanted to lead by
example and does not want any argument among them that could lead to fight.

"I was against this idea too when my mother-in-law came with this idea of Aso-Ebi of a thing. But,
she stated some facts as Tonia just stated now. I think we should go for it.... To honour mom and
pay our last respect to mother." Thelma suggested.

"If that should be the case, no probs...." Tina concluded and they discussed about other things
pertaining to the burial ceremony.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

The date for the burial was fixed to 20th of August and everything went in accordance. The guests
wore beautiful and colourful attires to grace the occasion. Some wore the Aso-Ebi, while some put
on their own attires. Racheal invited her social club members to grace the occasion. Her attire was
the most expensive among all. The children of the deceased cried their eyes out when they were
asked to pour ashes for ashes by the Pastor at the burial ground.

Gloria was buried in her home. She had gave an order on where she would loved to be buried
when she was alive, after the first survival of the operation.

Tony in particular cried so hard, he knew he's going to miss his mother the most, because he was
the closest to his mother than the rest when Gloria was still alive.

Tina showed her gratitude to the well-wishers.

"The children and the entire families of Johnson and Uzomba express our profound gratitude to
God Almighty who made this day memorable and glorious. To all our relations, friend and well-
wishers we sincerely thank you all for your messages of condolence, gifts, expression of love and
for your esteemed prescence which contributed to making this funeral ceremony a huge success.
It is our prayer that the good Lord will bless, guide and lead you to your respective destinations
safely in Jesus name. Amen." She returned the microphone to the M.C (Master Of Ceremony) and
was applauded.

Few weeks after the burial, things went back to normal. Tony was able to get a well-paid job as a
manager in Papa John's Pizza in Abuja. So, he relocated to Abuja and started a new life of his.

Tina resigned and took charge of her mother's business. She was connected by Jane's husband in
meeting some foreign investors who also deals in production of flour. They help in rebranding it
into cassava flour and she signed a deal by having a forty percent shares from the cassava flour.
She took the business seriously. Tina renovated her mother's shop and stocked the shop with
household items in wholesales and retails, the rebranded Fufu was not left out.

Evergreen High School folded up and all the staff left to find job elsewhere. Tonia, who had no
savings started searching for a well-paid job. She later found a job in a prestigious school on the

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Ella received the news that she could still be back on her feet, if she is transferred to an
Orthopaedic Specialist Hospital for proper treatment. She was happy after her P.A broke the good
news to her.

Few weeks later, Ella was transferred to a specialist hospital in Abuja. The Orthopaedist were
experts in their fields, they were mostly Indians. They bombarded Ella with accurate treatments on
the first day of Ella's arrival at the hospital. A lot of changes had occured within her.

Matilda and Dylan came to check up on her. Ella's attitude towards Matilda had changed and got
better. She asked after Alyson, and Matilda told her how she had refused to come along with them.

"Hmmmm...." She sighed heavily as she sat on the hospital bed resting her back on her pillow. The
pillow was placed on the headboard.

"Alyson is really angry at me.... I need to be on my feet again and make amendments. I need to be
there for Alyson." She blurted out remorseful and Dylan held her hand consoling her.

"How is Felix? He stopped checking up on me.... Or, is he mad at me as well?" Matilda shook her
head and Dylan kept mute. He thought the best thing he could do is to keep mute concerning his
father's issue and would tell Ella everything when she's back on her feet.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Why did Felix refused coming to the meeting? Its been months now...." An elderly man observed.
They were in the meeting room, all dressed in same attire. They all put on Black Mafia Suits with a
Red cap. They were up to 19 members present, they were all seated round a very long and wide
table leaving only an empty seat in the middle.... The middle seat is meant for Felix.

"As the Chief Seer of Billionaire's club, he has no right to skip meetings no matter how tight his
schedule was." A dark tall young man added.

"Or, could it be because of Ella?" Another man suggested but the dark tall young man interrupted

"Ella being involved in an accident does not prevent him from attending meetings...."

"What could be the matter then?" The elderly man asked looking confused. "I even called his
number, he wasn't picking up either...." He added.

"Let's be patient..... But, our suggestion of changing the meeting point is pointless..... Had it been,
we were still meeting at his residence back then, we would have known what the matter could be."
A man of Felix's age group said.

"We know why the plan changed..... Pa James was planning this headquaters before he died.....
And, history has it....." A dark short man corrected, reflecting on what had occured in the past....



Chief Adegbile was a popular businessman. He hails from Osun State, he met one of the
Billionaire's Club members while his business was crawling. The member of the Club introduced
him to Pa James (Felix's father-in-law.)

Chief Adegbile joined the Billionaire's Club..... During the period he joined Pa James was planning
to have branches globally... He made Chief Adegbile the representative Chief Seer for Seoul
District in South Korea. He moved to South Korea with his family and took charge of the post.... He
started with four members, and, from four to twelve, twelve to twenty..... In fact, he managed the
post so well and the meeting was always held in his Villa.

Adegbile married a prayer warrior as a wife. He picked a day of the week when he knew his wife
would have gone for vigils and the meeting was always held once a month. He had a secret
passage that leads to the secret room where the meeting was always held.

That night, they were having their usual meeting and his wife had went for vigil, even if she was not
going for vigil she would be sent abroad by her husband to go look after his business abroad as a
sign to excuse her, so the meeting would be held in her abscence. But, that very night, Mrs
Adegbile left for vigil, but, the service was very fast and she left the prayer meeting immediately,
instead of waiting for daybreak. She felt like grabbing a proper sleep on her own bed rather than
staying behind, because she had a long day at work and had no time to rest before going for the
prayer meeting. She wanted to cancel the prayer meeting that night but her husband persuaded
her to go using the contract he was pursuing to hasten her up, despite how stressed she was she
went for the meeting.

Driving back home into the garage of Chief Adegbile's residence in Seoul. The garage was so
spacious that it could contain 100 cars at a time. Mrs Adegbile was so surprised to see fleet of cars
parked inside their garage, they were of latest model. Whenever the meeting is being held, Chief
Adegbile's security guard was always discharged of his duty post, so as not to be seen when the
members would be entering. Whoever witnesses this must either join the cult or die. Just like that
of Felix and Pa James, he witnessed it and joined. Chief Adegbile knew his wife would never come
at such an ungodly hour as this was not his first time of hosting the meeting at his residence.

Mrs Adegbile thought they were having a party, she racked her brain trying to figure out what might
be happening for her husband to have such numbers of guest at that particular hour of the day. It

was not their wedding anniversary, and it was not yet her birthday. Last year, her husband pulled a
surprise for her on her birthday as she clocked forty.

What kind of surprise could he be pulling at this time around?' She thought within herself.

As she was about to step into the main entrance, she heard footsteps approaching through the
backyard. She tiptoed towards the direction of the approaching footsteps, to her biggest
astonishment she saw some men stepping out through a secret door which she had been seeing
on a daily basis as a wall with a beautiful art design on it. They were putting on matching outfits,
black mafia suits with red caps and shoes to-match. She was so scared and shocked that she
forgot to hide until she was caught by the secret cult members. Chief Adegbile who doted so much
on his wife was shocked to see his wife home at that specific time. Mrs Adegbile was so
disappointed in what she discovered and which was so obvious about her husband. She rushed
back to her car where she had parked it earlier at the garage and plopped into the driver's seat.
She grabbed the handle and slammed the car door shut.

Chief Adegbile hurried around to the other side of the car while she dug through her purse for the

Her frantic search produced the keys and she started the engine.

Just as she got the car started, Chief Adegbile ran up and pounded on her window. She stared at
him through the glass.

"I don't have anything to say to you..." She yelled, jamming the gear into drive.

Chief Adegbile flew to the front of the car and planted his hands on the hood, she revved the
engine with her right foot, keeping her left foot pressed hard against the brake.

"Hold up," a young man out of the cult members ran up to the window side. "You can't run him
over.... I'll talk to him." He pleaded.

Mrs Adegbile returned the car to park, then took her foot off the gas pedal. The young man rushed
to pull Chief Adegbile from the car. She watched the two standing and the man pulling him away.
She started the engine and drove out of the mansion. The car tires bringing out a creaking sound.
She pulled into the streets facing the oncoming vehicle and her car got crashed to pieces by a
trailer. She died instantly.

This issue caused a great havoc among the BILLIONAIRE'S CLUB globally. Even, Chief Adegbile
died of heart attack. Since, then.... Pa James had warned other branches to build houses outside
where the meetings will be held.



"Am having bad feelings about this..... Felix might......" A chubby guy drawled as the memories of
what had happened in the past stopped playing.

To be continued

Chapter Two


Ella's Comeback


"Honey! Hope no problem? Why are you arriving home so late? Its so unusual of you." Thelma
questionned in a cool manner as she gets the door opened for Philip.

"And, who are you to question my whereabouts." He retorted sharply and head straight for his
room without looking back at perplexed Thelma.

Thelma sank into an empty chair, she knew Philip had changed for a better person, but his
response sounded very cold and sharp. She just hope all is well. She thought of keeping the news
about her pregnancy to herself for tonight, because it seemed Philip was not in the right mood. She
lifted the pregnancy result she had received from the laboratory from the chair where she had sat
waiting patiently for her husband's return, so she could break the good news to him. She stared at
the enveloped result for seconds before heading for her room.

Philip and Thelma shared separate rooms, this was the order given by Philip since they got
married, and the rules had not yet changed.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Philip kept on pacing up and down his room. The issue that happened between him and Susan at
his office today played before him.

Susan had barged into his office and announced to Philip....

"I am pregnant" Susan announced and Philip stood to his feet abruptly from his seat with his eyes
stared into hers.

"Susan! Is this some kind of joke?" He asked with his heart beating faster.

"You heard me right......" She dropped her bag on Philip's desk and plopped on the empty chair
before Philip.

"Susan, you should know am married for goodness sake.."

"Its an arranged marriage you know...." Susan cuts him in. Philip was dumbfounded, he couldn't
believe his ears.

Thelma's constant knock on his door brought him back from the memories that was playing before

"Dinner is set..." Thelma announced and Philip sighed heavily.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Williams had been visiting Tonia constantly after Gloria's death, and Tonia is falling in love...

One sunny afternoon, Williams invited Tonia over to a pool, he wanted her to go swimming with
him, in which she honoured the invitation.

"Hello, am there... where exactly are you?" Tonia put a call through to Williams as soon as she
arrived at the entrance of the pool. Williams step out of his Formatic Benz. He was putting on a pair
of blue rugged jean trousers and a Nike round neck top with an Airforce 1 Nike Aini Suede
Sneakers. Tonia's jaw almost drop with amazement as she admired his dressing from head-to-toe.

Williams looked stunning.....

"You look more beautiful today, my princess" Williams flattered her and offered her his hand to
take as they both walked into the pool area hand-in-hand.

"This place is nice and attractive." Tonia marveled at the vicinity of the pool side.

"The view is magnificent" Williams said in a romantic manner as he offered her a seat. Tonia
looked round appreciating the beauty of the place as she took her seat.

"Well, this is my usual spot of relaxation... After the hustle and bustle of the working days.... I come
here every Sunday to relax and refresh my brain." He was still talking when his phone buzzed from
his trouser pocket. He brought it out to check the caller...

Maureen was the caller....

He purposely ignored her call and return the phone back to his pocket.

"Guess you are a good swimmer?" He asked with his well-curved brow raised in question.

"I bet am good than you...." She replied seductively and in a funny manner, Williams laughed so

"Well, let's go for confirmation.." Williams said gesturing towards the changing room. Tonia stood
to her feet with Williams help and she head for the Ladies changing room while Williams went for
the males..

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Alyson, your mom is on the phone and would love to speak with you...." Dylan announced offering
Alyson his phone to speak with Ella, but Alyson walked away from the livingroom to the room
shared by her and Matilda.

"Am sorry, maybe I will call you back...... I will try and talk to her." Dylan said placing the phone
back to his ear.

"Thank you so much Dylan. I deserved to be punished by Alyson with all the years i spent to focus
on my career rather than giving my only child the full attention she deserved. Thank you...." Ella
ended the call sniffling before Dylan could utter a word to her.

Dylan head for Alyson's room immediately

He knocked on the door.

"Coming in....." Dylan announced as he step into the little room.

"Alyson" he said as he took his seat next to her. Alyson was looking raged in anger.

"Bro, please..... I don't want to listening to anything pertaining to that woman."

"But that woman is still your mother, nothing can change that for crying out loud. You are taking
this too far Alyson. You are new born creature in Christ Jesus and the Holy Bible stated that,
'Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new.' Alyson, is there any other thing you are still nurturing in your mind?
Because I see no reason why you will detest your mother this much." Just then, Matilda walked in
with a hand towel, she overheard their discussions while preparing dinner for the children.

Alyson looked away, staring at nothing in particular as tears came gushing out of her eyes. She
started sniffling as she wiped her tears away continuously with her hands.

Dylan stood to his feet and Matilda sat next to her and drew her closer to her and held her hands
stroking it and placed Alyson's head to rest on her shoulder. Dylan sighed and step out of the
room, leaving the two alone.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Felix Jacobs! So, you are obviously in the country and refused attending meeting even as the
Chief Seer."

"Gbenro Adams! Am sorry, I...I....I....."

"You what? Felix...say it out" Gbenro yelled over the phone at Felix.

"I do not belong to that cult anymore." He managed to say as he knew what would be at stake if he
declares such.

"I guess you are joking!" Gbenro exclaimed laughing sarcastically.

"Am dead serious, Gbenro."

"And you know what is at stake Felix.." Felix disconnected the call immediately without waiting to
hear more of what Gbenro has to say.

"Hmmmmm....." He sighed heavily as he tossed his phone on the four-poster bed where he sat
speaking to Gbenro on phone.

He scanned the room, looking at each interior decor, thinking of how he got his wealth. He stood to
his feet on touch them one after another, having a deep thought as he touches it.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Ella was able to walk again. She was taking a stroll at the waiting lobby of the hospital where she
was admitted taking a step-at-a-time all by herself. Her P.A. (Maria) had gone to meet the doctor in
charge to ask when she will be discharged from the hospital.

When Ella was back to her private ward, she picked up her phone from the bedside where she had
kept it before going for the stroll, she started surfing the net. Clicking from WhatsApp to Facebook
to Twitter and then to Instagram. She was so amazed to see her pictures all over the net.

"This picture was secretly taken by a Reporter who had probably been lurking around this hospital
to gather vital information about me...." She muttered to herself, checking the pictures and her
hospital cloth. Just then, Maria walked in.

"Ma, the doctor said you will be....." She couldn't end her statement when Ella interrupted her with
what she saw online about herself.

"Maria, you can't believe a Reporter had been lurking around this hospital putting a tail on my
movement and recovery...." She said handing over the phone to Maria to get a better picture of
what she was talking about.

"Gabriella Jacobs back on her FEET.." Maria reads out the headline in amazement.

"15,000 + comments in less than thirty minutes.... AMAZING!" She exclaimed with her mouth
widely opened as she clicked on the comment section. Ella listened with joy to the comments
Maria was reading out, she gave a cheerful smile at each positive comments gave by her fans.

"We can't wait to have our Noble Woman back on screen....." Another comments says...."Enemies
thought they won but God no shame Ella....." Ella and Maria laughed out so hard at that comment.

"Maria... I have a plan.." Ella announced which caused Maria to stop reading the comments and
listened to what Ella has to say.

"I want to go Live and announce my comeback to my fans. This is not stopping my career." She
said pointing at her two legs and Maria nodded.

"You are very right Madam Ella. Lisa is taking over your place and this won't stop us. You need to
take back your place."

"Who is Lisa? And being down for almost two years doesn't mean i can't take back my place. You
just sit with your fingers crossed and watch me take back that place." She demonstrated proudly.

"So, do I get you a Make-up artist?" Maria asked

"No, am very much fine with this. If I should go apply make-up, my fans might get the wrong idea."
Ella stood to her feet and adjust the hospital wear she was putting on, and asked Maria to help her
get her hair combed.

Indeed, the Entertainment Industry is really competitive.......


Maureen sat comfortably on the chair with her other club members, she was putting on a big smile.
She was extremely happy today because the Club leader passed away few months back and
today will be the day another leader will be elected via voting.

Maureen was among the three members to be voted for.

"SHUGGIES MAMA!" A lady of about 45 years of age called out the attention of other members as
she mounts the podium.

"WE ENJOY THE RIDE!!!" They all chorused and focused their attention at the lady on the podium.

"Let's go straight to business....." She started by flashing her long artificial nails.

"A minute silence to honour of our former Leader who died of Breast Cancer....Madam Helena
Ajileti...." They all stood to their feet and the hall went silent for a minute.

"We all know why we are here....." She continued after a minute silence and other members took
their seats.

"Its time to cast our vote for the next leader of SHUGGIES CLUB. And our aspirants for the post
are.... Mabel Friday." Mabel stood to her feet as her name was mentionned and was given a round
of applause.

"Second aspirant is in person of Suzy Collins." Suzy stood to her feet as well and was given a
round of applause.

"And our last contestant which is the third aspirant is in person of Maureen Jacobs" Maureen stood
to her feet as well, but she was applauded more than other two aspirants, which is very obvious
she might win the election.

The ballot box was placed on a long table and all members stood to their feet to cast their votes
except the aspirants.

After the vote was been casted, the lady mounts the podium. "We are going on a short break to
collate the results and afterwards announce the winner." She announced and left the podium while
some women collate the results.

Thirty minutes after, the lady mounts the podium to announce the winner for the next leader of

"And....the winner for the next leader of this unique club... SHUGGIES CLUB is......." She took a
pause leaving the aspirants in suspense.

"No other person but....." She took another pause and all members gawped as they were much
eager to know who their next leader would be. Maureen sat comfortably without being worried
what the result might be. She seemed confidence in herself.

"Is.... Maureen Jacobs......." She finally announced after much suspense and other members
cheered Maureen up as she stood to her feet. The D.J blasts the popular, victorious song.....

As she mounts the podium the two aspirants looked at her with envy, some members scoffed as
she walk passed them.

"Thank you Mandie...." She said as she took the microphone from her.

"SHUGGIES MAMA!" Maureen greeted first with their slang.

"WE ENJOY THE RIDE!" Other members chorused aside other two aspirants and other members
who supported them.

"I am so priviledged to be the next leader of this unique Club. I pledge to be a good leader to
support the movement of this Club and to bring it forward." She was applauded for the appreciation
and short speech, as she passed the microphone back to Mandie.

Chapter Three


Before Ella could start the Live video, a mocking video has popped up on the net and Maria
hurriedly handed over her phone to Ella. It was Lisa, Ella's counterpart who was trying to take the
post of Ella in the industry.

Monalisa, popularly called Lisa by her fans had been seducing international producers and
directors to take the lead roles in international movies and this had helped her rise to stardom
while Ella was bedridden. She now had multiple followers on Instagram to that of Ella. Ella formerly
had 12 million followers on Twitter and 30 million followers on Instagram, but Lisa who barely had
1 million followers now had multiple to hers.

"Hello Lisa fans..... Its been a while.... Have been so so busy.... moving from one locations to
another.... But something urgent came up now which prompted me to go Live. I saw pictures of
some measly actress all over the net. Oh, my bad...... " She smiled scornfully flipping her long
blonde hair before she continues.

"I forgot she's an elderly woman to me, so she deserves a little respect. Those pictures you see
online are photoshopped. Ella practically bribed some so-called reporters to help her rise back to
fame. Don't be fooled by mere pictures..... Ella is bedridden as i speak to you, and the last time i
visited her at one local hospital..... I am so sorry to say this, it's unprofessional of me to say this,
but i need to clear some facts. Some Anti-fans started mocking me, saying it is finished, for me
Lisa." She laughed so hard.

"Do you know your goddess legs has been amputated? Oh.... Ok..... Let me.... " Maria snatched
the phone away from Ella because she was getting furious and agitated as she watched. But, Lisa
was spreading some fake information to start a rumour about Ella.

"You must be so stupid for spewing nonsense about me. Who is she? One useless gutter girl.....
Did she know who i am? Maria bring back my phone. I wished to watch everything this useless girl
has to say with her filthy mouth."

"You don't need all these, all you need now is to relax and watch. James is planning something
enormous regarding your comeback. Just relax and get yourself prepared, ignore this international
whore." Maria advised and it calm Ella down.

"You have a point Maria...... "

The internet was in chaos as Lisa ended the Live video. Some Anti-fan were abusing her while
some of her fans were in support of her words and actions.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Tonia walked into the living room with Williams. She had informed Tina about bringing her fiance
home for brief introduction. Tina too had prepared a lovely dish for the guest.

Williams was putting on an emerald green senator wear. The senator wear was well-ironed.

"Good evening ma...." Williams greeted Tina prostrating.

"Good evening and glorious Sunday to you......" Tina greeted back and offered him a seat.

"This is Williams, Williams my elder sister and mother... " Tonia introduced them to each other
and Tina cuts her in.

"I knew him so well...... He helped out a lot when mum was admitted at the hospital. He is a very
nice man." Tina admitted with a smile. "So Williams, what do you do for living?" Tina asked looking
into Williams eyes for an answer.

"Am into importing and exporting of goods." He answered after a brief pause.

"What type of goods and services do you deal with?" Tina asked and Tonia took the words from
Williams mouth.

"He exports textiles, and imports cars in...." Tonia replied and Williams affirmed it to be true.

"That's nice..... " Tina said "What do i offer you? There is yam and egg, egunsi and fufu with
orisirisi (assorted meat)..... " They all laughed out so hard as Tina listed all kinds of food available
for Williams to pick.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Tonia! Hope you prayed fervently concerning this man? I don't want you to take the wrong step
just because of wealth....." Tina advised after Williams had left.

"My own case is quite different from that of Thelma. There's nothing like an arranged marriage
here. Williams walked up to me and profess his love to me." Tonia corrected.

"No problem, but ask Pastor Vic to help you in prayer." Tina added and Tonia nodded her head in
reply and walk away heading for her room. It was very obvious the last statement was not sitting
well with her.

Tina sighed heavily as she watched Tonia walk away. She continued to clean the dinning table
where she had entertained the guest.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Papa John's pizza has its branches across the globe. It is owned by an Italian man. Tony was
opportuned to be the manager of one of its branches in Abuja, Nigeria through Dylan's connection.
His salary is enormous, he was given an accomodation with an official car.

Tony happened to meet a calm and religious lady named Lydia in Abuja. Lydia worked in a private
hospital also at Abuja. Meeting Lydia was a great blessing to Tony, because her character
reminded him always of his late mother.

"Hey beauty!" Tony waved Lydia who was stepping out of her working place heading home. He
had been waiting by his car for more than thirty minutes as he knew the exact shift she was having
at the clinic.

"I can always find my way back home." Lydia said as she approached him.

"And, it is my duty to make sure you are home safe and sound mademoiselle...." He said with a
cheerful smile as he gets the door opened.

"Thank you my handsome chauffeur." Lydia tongued out at Tony as she hopped into the car and
Tony closed the door behind with a huge smile as he heads for the driver's seat.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Felix Jacobs! The Chief Seer of the Billionaire's Club." One of Felix cult members praised as he
strode into Felix's living room majestically.

"Jerry....." Felix stood to his feet abruptly, he was so scared to see one of his cult members in his
condo univited. He ended the call with Matt his (P. A) He was discussing about his plan to go
check his businesses in the US, and Matt would manage the businesses in Nigeria for the main
time as Dylan had resigned, before Jerry walked in.

Jerry was holding a red feathers. Holding the red feathers had a great meaning in the Billionaire's

"Are you surprised?" He said with his arms spread. "Being the Chief Seer and a very long time
member of this Club, you must surely know what this means..." Jerry said laughing sardonically,
rolling the feathers back and forth.

"Jerry..... I..... I....." Felix could not find a good excuse to give, he was just repeating a word.

"I hope you can change your mind and come back to your senses before it gets too late." He
continues pacing up and down the vast living room, still rolling the red feathers in his hands and
Felix started shivering, he of course knew what this entails.

"We have made enquiries about you from Baba Ige and he confirmed you confessed in some
sanctuary. He even stated that you are claiming what you are not practising and i wonder why you
are endangering your life." Jerry dropped the red feathers on the centre-table and took his seat.

"No.... Jerry... No... Take it back.... Please.... I am not swaying away..." Felix pleaded on his knees
shivering. The feathers which Jerry had dropped on the centre-table had turned to a big wild cat.
The eyes of the big wild cat were bringing out fire. It was ready to devour Felix. Jerry laughed
sardonically and tapped his fingers thrice and the big wild cat turned back to red feathers.

"So, we are expecting you in the next meeting. You can never forget the date or should i try to
remind you? And, don't forget what to come along with. I shouldn't tell you that, you know the rules
of the Club." Jerry pick up the red feathers from the centre-table and strode out of the living room
laughing and walking majestically.

Felix held his head in his hands and crouched to his feet, he was practically feeling a severe
headache immediately Jerry left.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Sugar boy..... What has gotten over you?" Maureen asked as Williams gave her a tight hug. She
was looking raged and partially pushing Williams away from her.

"Am not joking Williams. It's been months now... Oh, now i get the clear picture...." She said and
free herself from William's embrace.

"You are seeing some other women....." She scoffed. "Can they satisfy you better than me?"

"Mama, why are you acting like a kid? You know you are all i have. No woman can take your place
in my heart." He placed his hand on his chest as if pledging to someone. "I was investing in the
business i told you of last time we met and i was duped. I have been trying my best to track down
the guyswho duped me.... Which is impossible, he had flee the country with my money ASAP."
Williams explained remorsefully and Maureen felt sorry for him, she pulled Williams into a tight
hug. Williams smiled quietly as Maureen couldn't see his face from the back, he knew his trick had
worked on Maureen.

"How much are we talking about?" Maureen finally asked freeing herself from the embrace.

"4 million naira....."

"Wow! It's huge! And am so glad you have been putting all the money have been offering you into
good use. I will surely make you happy before you leave here and make sure you make me happy
too." Maureen said with a seductive smile and Williams understood her body language. He gave
her a deep kiss, then, he started smooching her two breasts and caressing her. They began to go
naughty, and he was driving Maureen nuts as he already knew her weak points.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Alyson went to school by Uber. Dylan had helped her order for Uber before she was ready to take
her leave. Dylan had no car of his own for now, if not, he would have loved to drop her at school.

"Good day class!" The male teacher greeted as he walked into the class.

"Good day Master Ade...." The students all chorused.

"We are having a new student in our midst this morning." Master Ade announced cheerfully.
"Come forward and introduce yourself." Master Ade beckoned on Alyson who was feeling timid to
introduce herself. The students all clapped her as she comes forward to introduce herself.

"My name is Alyson." She introduced herself briefly and went back to her seat, but was stopped
mid-way by a student's question.

Master Ade left the class immediately after the short introduction Alyson gave.

"Alyson what? You must have a surname." A lanky tall student asked.

"Jacobs" Alyson answered sharply without looking at the back and took back her seat.

"Oh, you must be Gabriella Jacob's daughter. You look beautiful just like your mom and the
resemblance is there for anyone to notice. Can we be friends?" A female student requested, she
was sitting next to Alyson.

"Your mother's career is gone... Wait oo... But your mother has a school..... Oh! I heard just of
recent that your school folded up. Is that why you left your mother's school and come to this
middle-class school? What a pity!" A dark tall female student exclaimed scornfully, but Alyson kept
her cool as Dylan had advised her earlier before leaving for school.

"Who is Gabriella Jacobs?" A chubby student asked pretending she doesn't know who Alyson
mother is.

"Remember, that woman that got involved in an accident almost two years back. Her legs had
been amputated as i speak." A slim female student chipped in.

"Come on girls, why acting so rash? Today is her first day at school, at least welcome her warmly
and stop discriminating her mother in her prescence." A male pupil advised and walked closer to
Alyson offering her a handshake.

"Am Scott Rowland" he introduced himself and Alyson ignored his handshake. Scott was a cool
guy, he withdrew his hand and pocketed it as he head back to his seat.

"Good Samaritan, just take a look at the way he was shunned..... Those measly actresses's
children lack manners and are too proud for my liking." The chubby female student said mockingly
and most of the students all laughed out so hard.

Alyson was getting agitated by the awful comments from the pupils to her mother. She resents her
mother so much, but not to the extent of hearing those awful comments about her.

"A one-time celebrity.... " another male student added and they all laughed again.

Alyson could not withstand it anymore, she banged her desk with her fist clenched together in
anger, and the students all kept quiet. She stood to her feet with the sounds of the creaking chair,
she went out of the class in annoyance.

To Be Continued......

PDF of 'Dear Mother Part One' is still available for sale....


Chapter Four


Thelma Is Aware


"You will be discharged today, i spoke with the doctor already." James (Ella's manager) was
saying..... He took his seat on the sofa in Ella's private ward. Maria was standing by Ella's bed
helping her with the beverages, Ella sat up on the hospital bed listening to what James was

"I want to you to get prepared for the event that is to take place soon. The foreigners are
sponsoring the event and the flyer is everywhere on the net, you would be going Live on that
special day and you will seize this opportunity to announce your comeback." James said swiftly
and Maria offered the beverage she had prepared to Ella. Ella took a sip of the beverage and held
the cup in her hand, Maria went over to Ella's luggage and started arranging them, she brought out
a nice dress for her to wear when leaving the hospital. In short, her private ward had almost
become her personal bedroom, as everywhere was filled with her personal things.

"Initially, i was planning we have a press conference... But, giving it another thought, i thought it's
not necessary." James added and Maria's phone rang, she received the call and turned to Maria
after ending the call with the unknown caller and announced....

"A car is waiting for us at the parking lot, it was sent to you by your husband."

"The event is in three weeks time, right?"

Ella asked and James nodded his head.

"I can't wait to give this Lisa a little piece of my mind. She thought she's winning..." Ella said in

"You don't need to act childish. Just keep calm and do your things your own way."

James advised.

"You have a promising future than that slut. You can't just allow that bitch tarnish your reputation in
the industry. The reputation you've built for years." James added.

"So, how is the event going to be like?" Ella asked waving off her worries about Lisa.

"Tirany Entertainment invited you over to the Los Angeles for the American Premiere for the movie
you shot last before the accident occured." James explained further.

"And, this event will also serve as your comeback." Maria added.

"But, i thought you mentionned something like an event earlier?" Ella questioned looking confused
and James nodded before giving a reply.

"I spoke with some foreigners who are into entertainment about your comeback and they were
having a popular brand to advertise along with the event...." James clicked on the flyer on his tab
and showed it to Ella.

"I thought a press conference will do for my comeback." Ella suggested as she stood to her feet.

"That is not necessary. The event is far better than that.... Your fans have flooded the comment
section....." James offered Ella is tab, he was helping her manage her Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram account since she was bedridden. Ella received the phone and check the comments
from her fans.

"You can see how eager they are...." James said as he saw Ella blushing as she reads the
comments and skip some.

"The events and movie premiere will send a message to Lisa and it would be a slap on her face."
James added and Maria concluded...........

"Because, the event and movie premiere will serve as a warning to her. Action they say, speaks
louder than voice."

"It's so nice to have people like you around me." Ella showed her sincere appreciation to James
and Maria.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Susan sat at a lounge waiting for Philip's arrival. Philip had made an appointment to meet with her
at their usual spot of meeting so as to discuss about the pregnancy. Moments later, Philip strode
into the lounge and his eyes ran through the seas of faces at the lounge in search of Susan. Susan
could see him, but she purposely didn't give him signal to locate where she had sat. She was very
angry at him, soon Philip spotted her where she sat, he walked up to meet her.

"Why do you keep me waiting? Have been here waiting more than two hours." Susan growled at
him, but the sound of the music the D.J was blasting prevented other customers from hearing her,
only few who could watch her facial expression and seated closed to her noticed she was mad at

"Susan, am so sorry. I had to attend an event with my wife...." Philip was still explaining when
Susan cuts him in sharply.

"And when does Thelma your betrothed wife became a 'Wife'? Thought you claimed you were not
in love with her?"

"Susan, come on! Am a changed man. Thelma is so precious to me and she's a great blessing to
my life." Philip explained calmly but Susan shunned him off by sneering at him and Philip shut his

"Let's talk about why we are here...." Susan said after minites of silence between the two.

"Please Susan, am still pleading to you to get rid of it...."

"You must be joking. And you know the kind of human being i am....."

"Please, Suaan... I can't get married to two wives and my home is at stake if i should rent an
apartment for you outside... There's no way i can shuffle the two together, my wife will get to find
out... " Philip said and Susan scoffed.

"And you think am going to accept that offer from you?"

"This has never been done in my lineage, Susan.... Please..... I beg of you....."

"And you will never be the first on this planet to try such.... Is there anything new under the sun?"
Susan retorted sharply and Philip became perplexed as Susan was proving stubborn regarding the

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Oh Lord my God.... I know you have a big plan ahead for me concerning my marital status.
Nothing is too hard for You Lord..... What You say is what you will surely do my maker......" Tina
was on her knees pouring out her mind to God Almighty. Tears had clouded her eyes as she
speaks and her heart seems too heavy as she prays to God.

Tina would be thirty-six next month, she is definitely overdue for marriage. Thelma her immediate
sister got married yet the right man is not coming to her for marriage proposal. She was still
interacting with God in tears when her phone rang.... She opened her eyes, wiped off her tears and
stretched out her hands to pick her phone from the bed.

It was Alicia, her former colleague at Blush Magazine. She sniffled and cleared her throat before
picking the call.

"What's up girl?" Alicia greeted as she picks the call.

"Hey girl! " Tina exclaimed in the cheeriest voice she could muster. They exchanged pleasantries.

"Babes, am sorry i did not visit you after the burial.... I was busy with so many things, am so sorry."
Alicia pleaded to her. Then, Alicia made the matter worse as she announced her wedding date to
Tina over the phone.

"So babes, you are the Chief bridesmaid. And am sending some styles to you on WhatsApp, right
now, so you can pick your choice and i will forward it to my fiancé so he would come along with it
when coming." Tina was so excited to hear the news that Alicia was getting married soon, but the
thought of the age difference between she and Alicia made her feel sad. She couldn't believe that
Alicia that was of Thelma's peergroup is about to wed.

"Wow! You later met your long time invincible Britain husband.." Tina chuckled.

Alicia had met her Britain Fiancé online while she and Tina were still working together. Sometimes,
Alicia would lament about her fiancé, if he's truly not a ghost, and Tina in return would crack up a
joke of 'Invincible Britain Husband'.

"We finally met a year ago, after your mom's burial. Tina... You won't believe Zach is more
handsome than he look in pictures. Babe, i just dey blush as i set my eyes on this man. Omo....

(Slang) too handsome to resist!" Alicia gave Tina the gist of their first time of meeting and Tina
listened keenly, some parts of Alicia's gist got Tina laughing so hard.

"So, 28th of September is the date. How about the Bachelorette Party? Or, are we not going to
have it?" Tina asked.

"You should know i can never skip that part of the ceremony..." Alicia replied and they discussed
about other things before the call was ended by Alicia.

Tina sat motionless brooding on her case after tossing her phone to the other side of the bed.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Thelma was throwing up constantly even at work, most of the staff had noticed she was pregnant.
Her female colleaugues were so happy that Thelma is finally pregnant after three years of waiting.
But, her husband and in-law are yet to receive the news.

Thelma look so exhausted as she drove into her garage. Her maid rushed out to get her bag and

"Welcome madam." Felicia (the housemaid) greeted as Thelma alighted from her car.

"Is my husband home already?" She asked as Felicia brought out some foodstuffs Thelma had
brought along with her way from the market. She had branched the market after leaving her

"Yes ma, he arrived not quite long ma" she replied and head inside with the loads in her hands
while Thelma got the car locked before stepping into the house.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Williams carefully walked into Maureen's restroom with his phone vibrating in his hand.

Tonia was the caller...

"Hello....." He said in the lowest voice..

"Hey baby, where did you keep your phone all this while? Have been calling you repeatedly... You
scared me off by not picking up on time.." Tonia said over the phone. She was seated in one of the
best salon on the Island, she was getting her nail fixed, she had a function to attend over the

"Am sorry baby, am feeling weak so i used some drugs and slept off." He said switching on the tap
and left it running on its own, he was trying to play smart with Maureen, so she could think he is
defecating in the restroom and wouldn't badge in and caught him receiving a call, which might
cause a stir of trouble between them.

He could remember vividly when he just started servicing Maureen, he had a doting girlfriend then.
She usually calls Williams almost every minutes of the day just to monitor his movement. That day,
his girlfriend called all of a sudden while Maureen and Williams were having fun with each other.
Williams stopped to pick her call, trying to tell her to call back. But, Maureen was smart enough to
snatch the phone from him and threw it away in annoyance. Williams's phone got spoilt that day.
Maureen was really mad at Williams's act, he started pleading to her though, he was so angry at
Maureen for spoiling his phone out of anger, but because of the money she would offer him, he
kept his cool and pleaded to her but Maureen in return reduced the price. She reduced the price by
20% of what she had promised him earlier before the incident occured.

"How are you feeling now? Your voice sounded so small, baby, try take a rest for me please. Our
introduction ceremony is around the corner ooo." Tonia said in a childish manner.

"Alright baby... I will."

"Baby, how about the money i requested for?" Tonia asked pouting her mouth, she knew Williams
will surely send the money.

"I will do that as soon as am out." Williams replied

"But baby, you always do your transfers on your phones, you can easily do it now, why going out?"
Tonia questioned looking so eager for Williams to forward the money ASAP as she was already
running out of cash and she has other expenses to cover with money.

"My network is bad here baby, just hold on a bit for me...." He said hurriedly and ends the call as
he saw shadow of Maureen walking towards the the restroom. The restroom had a transparent
door so its easy for him to see her coming. He began smiling sheepishly as Maureen stepped in
stark naked.

"Sugar boy......... You are taking too long in the restroom." She said seductively and hugged him
from the back.

"I was about to step out..."

"Sugar... What are you doing with that phone?" Maureen cuts him in as her eyes caught the phone
he was hiding in his hand behind his back. Williams's eyes almost popped out of the eye socket.

"I.... I... I was actually watching porn videos online and decided not to disturb you with the
sounds..... You know i love the sounds.... So, i decided to stay back in the restroom and watch."

"Oh, sugar boy..... You should have woke me up, you know how much i loved watching porns."
Maureen said bringing out her tongue seductively. She started licking Williams on his back and
Williams free himself from her embrace and turned to face her and things went wild between the

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Tonia on the other hand was shocked as William ended the call without a romantic goodbye and 'i
love you' that normally ended their conversations on phone. She was about to call him back to
querry him why he acted in such manner, but her nail technician called her attention to bring her
other hand for fixing. She dropped the phone back into her bag and decided to call back later.

"So.. Auntie Tonia, as i was saying before you decided to check up on your boifriend..."

"Point of correction..... Fiancé and not boifriend." Tonia corrected with a frown on her face.

"Am sorry auntie..... Abeg no vex... As i was saying... That was how Chiamaka got impregnated by
a driver oooo.." Tonia and the nail technician both laughed out so hard.

"So, Nonso....." Tonia was still laughing "Are you sure this gist is real?"

"Auntie... Am for real oooo.... Like for real" Nonso picked one of the container filled with sequence
and add them gently to the top of the artificial nails on Tonia's fingers neatly. "Chiamaka is my
immediate sister's best friend back then in my village. I don't just know why some ladies are so
much in love with money." Nonso said demonstrating like a female and chewing gums at the same
time. "She was deceived by gadgets and automobile... Hmmmm..... Auntie, some ladies ehn.....
Once they see car like this..memory don lost be that." He said cleaning the excess part of the nail
polish with a cottonwool that has been soaked in cleanser.

"You know she's a village girl, so she's tend to be easily freaked by flashy things." Tonia chipped in

"Titus tricked Chiamaka.... Big time..... This is Lagos...... Lagos for show" Nonso said blowing the
bubbles of the gum.

"Nonso.... Can't you concentrate on your work and stop delaying my clients with your cooked
stories... She might have an important place to go from here. Do you think every other person is
like you?" The C.E.O of Amazon Salon shunned Nonso off. She turned to Tonia who was just
smiling.. "Am so sorry madam...."

"I was actually enjoying my stay here, with Nonso's hot gist... Tonia emphasized the 'hot gist' and
the C.E.O smiled broadly. "There's never a boring moment with Nonso, he is one of the reasons
why am still patronising this place..." Tonia concluded with a smile and Nonso gave Tonia a
thumbs up.

"We have no complaint from any customers, but am only trying to correct him, so he would caution
himself whenever there are many customers on ground."

"He's doing a good job.... in fact, all your staff here are all well-mannered. I love them all....... They
are more reasons i keep coming here, especially my gist partner Nonso."

"Wow, i love this feedback.... May i have your number ma, so i can contact you often and send
complimentary messages to you.... This is our usual way of relating with our regular customers."
Tonia dictated her WhatsApp number to the C.E.O of Amazon Salon and they both exchanged

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Thelma ascends the stairs carefully to go call Philip out for dinner. She had not set her eyes on
him since she came back, she had rushed to the kitchen immediately to get dinner prepared. She
definitely knew Phil will be in his room upstairs.

As she approached her husband's door, she noticed it was half-opened and noticed her husband
was conversing with someone over the phone. She wanted to give the door a knock but she heard
a statement her husband made to the person he was conversing with over the phone and her
folded hand hung midway as she was about to knock on the door.

"You need to abort that pregnancy Susan. Why are you so adamant about this issue?" Thelma
couldn't believe her ears..... She was literally shaking, her legs failed her as she heard about her
husband impregnanting someone.... Which means Phil had not changed for better, he was still
having extra-marital affairs, and faking the love he had for her.

Tears had clouded her eyes. She was having a thought of breaking the news about her pregnancy
to her husband over dinner tonight, but here she is, listening to the bad piece of news.

To be continued.........

Chapter Five




Thelma waited for another minutes before giving the door a mild knock. She was at the door as
Philip kept pleading to Susan over the phone for more than five minutes. Thelma had cried her
eyes out, she wiped it off and cleared her throat before saying something.

"Come in darling." Philip said from inside trying so hard to conceal the trouble he was battling with
at the moment.

"Your food is ready..." She said but her voice was shaking, she walked back through the stairs
swiftly. She was about to burst into another round of tears.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Philip had been sitting at the dinning hall for minutes waiting for Thelma to come join him, as that
was their usual way of eating since they reconciled, but she was taking too long than he had
expected. He stood to his feet and head for Thelma's room.

Philip knocked on the door mildly. "Sweetheart! What happened? Why are you not out yet?" Philip
asked at the door. Thelma who was in her room wailing stood to her feet in haste and flee to the
restroom. When she looked into the mirror, she couldn't believe what she saw. Her face was
streaked with mascara, her eyes were swollen from her tears and her hair was a tangled mess.
She washed her face, brushed her hair with the hairbrush she usually left by the mirror, then went
out back into her room. But she was shocked to see her husband standing by the door to the

"Sweetheart, why is it taking you so long to join me at the dinning?" Philip asked unaware of her
reaction. "Hope all is well?" He asked in a romantic manner and Thelma smiled thinking of what to

"I... I was washing my undies in the restroom and was stained....." Thelma stopped speaking.... Did
she just say 'stained'.... Oh! No! Why would she lie with that?

"Oh, you are on?" He asked raising his brow and Thelma nodded her head in reply. Philip grabbed
her by her waist as they both walked side-by-side out of the room to the dinning hall. The
housemaid was there serving them water and get whatever else needed for dinner.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Pastor Vic called me over the phone and asked me to inform you to go for 21 days fasting and
prayers concerning th...." Dylan was still saying when the door was being knocked.

"Yes, come in.. The door is opened." Dylan said and Alyson walked in slowly. She was not walking
freely. Dylan stood to his feet in haste.

"What happened Alyson? You look so pale.... Are you having trouble regarding your extra
lessions?" Dylan asked with a look of confusion, but Alyson ignored his questions and ran to the
little room she shared with Matilda.

Matilda stood abruptly regarding Alyson's reaction, it was obvious all is not well with Alyson.

Dylan went after her and Matilda followed behind. Before they reach out for the door, Alyson had
jammed the door and got it locked in haste, causing the mother and son to exchange glances.

"Alyson.... Open this door." He gave the door a rough bang but Alyson was persistent. "Alyson,
please open this door and talk to me... Am sorry if the tutor was too harsh on you.... Or. Could this
be about your classmates? If you hate your new school so much, i promise, i will help you change
it.... Just get the door open and talk to me..." Dylan was saying as if he was confessing his sins
before his creator.

Alyson crouched on the floor resting her back on the door, she was wailing silently, covering her
mouth as she wails. She does not want the two standing by the door to hear her cry. The
memories of what occured earlier today played before her.....

Alyson got a call from Matt (Felix's P.A) at school, he had called her to meet with him. He asked
where she was at the moment and Alyson dumbly told him where she was.

During closing hour, Matt was already at the gate waiting for Alyson to step out of the school
compound. His eyes caught Alyson in an instant as Alyson was walking alone while some students
were making jest of her as she walks alone. Their mockery disappeared when Matt jumped out of
his Venza and walked up to Alyson, the students were shocked to see Alyson leaving the school
premises in an exotic car while they walk home by foot. Scott watched Alyson from afar as she sat
in the car looking miserable, she also seemed scared to him. Scott knew in an instant that all is not
well with Alyson. She seemed as if she was been kidnapped by a stranger, but what got Scott

confused was that she greeted the man in question which indicates she knew him so well. But why
was she putting on that face?

Matt drove into a big compound which looks like his house.

"Come down" he gave an order to Alyson as he put the gear into drive, Alyson obeyed his order
and alighted from the car. Matt walked ahead of her and got the entrance door opened, but Alyson
was walking slowly.

"Come on in!" He urged her to walk faster as he urshered her into the house, and locked the door

Alyson was about to take her seat when Matt grabbed her by her waist, he turned her to face him
and she appeared as nothing but a scaredy cat. He took off her backpack and threw it on the floor.
He started smooching, caressing and fondling with her two breasts. He was really playing rough
with her, tears had clouded Alyson's eyes. Without wasting time, Matt swept her off her feet,
carrying her in his arms into the masters bedroom of his duplex.

Matt was in the bathroom having a quick shower. Alyson sat up on Matt's four-poster bed looking
exhausted. She was looking about as if searching for something when Matt walked in from the

"I really missed you my baby" Matt said in a seductive manner as he walked closer to the other
side of the bed where Alyson sat.

"Uncle Matt.... Ple....please, am exhausted..... Please." Alyson pleaded with a shaky voice.

"You should know i can't resist you anytime i set my eyes on you... And, as a matter of fact. It's
been a very long time we had it last..." He said bringing out his tongue and started licking all parts
of Alyson's body, but Alyson was trying so hard to resist him, she knew him too well, that if she did
not yield to his pleasure, she knew its going to be tug of war.

A quick flash of how Matt had disvirgined her appeared in front if her as Matt was fondling and
began sucking her breast.

PAST °°°°°°

That day, Alyson and Matilda were the only one in the mansion. Matt was sent home by Felix to
help him get an important file which he had forgot at home before leaving for work that morning.
Alyson was on holiday, her nanny, Yna had travelled to her country to spend her sabbatical and
the chief housemaid 'Mrs Roberts' had went to market to get foodstuffs, in essence, no one was at
home except Alyson, Matilda and the security at the gate. Matilda was in her room sleeping, she
was feeling strong as at then. During that period, Dylan had been sent abroad by his father to go
for his master degree, so Matilda fell sick for being separated by her only child.

Alyson was in the livingroom watching Zeeworld when Matt had come in.

"Good morning Uncle Matt" Alyson greeted after taking a glance at Matt and turned back to the
Telenovela she was watching before he steps in, she was really enjoying the programme. But Matt
stood by the door admiring Alyson from head-to-toe. Alyson was putting on a mini-skirt and a
backless top which was revealing the upper part of her breast. Alyson was not aware that Matt had
been standing for almost thirty minutes fantasizing her and his erection was standing on its own
already. He was lost emotionally, he had completely lost his memory not to think of sleeping with
an underage and her boss's daughter to be precise. He began imagining things in his head. In an
instant, Matt locked the door behind him skeptically and rushed towards where Alyson sat
watching T.V, he lifted her up, before she could scream for help, Matt had covered her mouth with
his hand and carried her through the stairs and straight into Alyson room, he threw her on her bed
and played naughty with her, causing Alyson to wail as he got her disvirgined that morning.

Blood stains were everywhere on Alyson's bedspread. Matt took care of it when he was done and
threatened Alyson never to tell anyone. He promised to make it up to her and told her that he will
stop by, by evening to give Alyson some drugs to take, which will prevent her from getting

When Matt left, Alyson cried her eyes out, she had nobody to share what had happened to her to.
Alyson was just 13 years of age when she was raped by Matt, and she had been keeping it to
herself for more than 4 years.

PRESENT °°°°°°

'Is this ever going to ever end?' She thought within herself, as Matt inserted his big junior again and
started pounding on her so hard. She felt like crying, but her eyes were dry to produce the tears
from pouring out.

"Alyson... Open this door" Dylan instructed screaming, calling back Alyson from her
subconsciousness. He and Matilda had been knocking on the door for more than thirty minutes.
She stood up slowly and open the door, but rushed out of the room, pushing past Dylan and his
mother. She head for the restroom and lock the door behind.

Dylan wanted to make a move to stop her, but Matilda held him back. He faced his mother staring
into his mother's eyes, they both looked lost and confused.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Baby, howdy?" Williams greeted as he approached Tonia outside her workplace. He stretched out
his arms to receive her into a hug. Some students and her colleagues saw this, they started
blushing. Williams made the scenario worse by planting a kiss on her glossy lips.

"Awwwnnn.... So adorable!" A female colleague commented blushing.

"Two lovey-dovey!" Another commented and they both walk away leaving the two lovers to play
their Romeo and Julliet.

"How has been your day my love?" Williams asked freeing Tonia from his embrace and held her
hand as he leads her to his car.

"My day was stressful, am tired of this job... arggggh..." Tonia complained growling with her eyes
stared as she narrated how her day went, hopping into the car.

"You read education at school, so you shouldn't be tired of your job." Williams said jokingly as he
gets the door locked behind Tonia and head for the driver's seat but Tonia frowned at what
Williams said.

"Oh, see my baby..... Are you angry at what i just said?" He asked as if he was talking to a baby
and Tonia in return was still frowning and acting like a baby she is.

"Ok baby, i promise to establish a big school for you. Once we get married you are quitting this job.
And you know our marriage is in few months time." Williams said with his sexy curved brows raised
and Tonia was excited seeing the curved brows she usually fall for, and happy at what he said at

the same time. Her facial expression changed in an instant and she stretched out her arms to
receive Williams into a hug. She gave him a tight hug.

"You are a darling." She said in a seductive tone and Williams planted another kiss on her glossy
lips and forehead.

"I love you." He said

"Are we going to be here all day, playing Romeo and Julliet by your workplace gate?" Williams
asked, when Tonia was not ready to free him from her embrace. Tonia smiled and free him from
her embrace. Williams started the engine, pulled the car into reverse and zoomed off.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Ella arrived Lagos from Abuja where she was treated. The driver that Felix had sent over from one
of his companies in Abuja drove her and Maria to the airport in Abuja. Ella boarded a plane from
Abuja to Lagos with the ticket Felix had bought online for her. She bidded her manager goodbye
as they would meet next in America, for the American Movie Première in Los Angeles.

James had few things to do in Nigeria before travelling back to his family in the States. James
Murphy is an half-cast, his mother is a Nigerian while his father a black American. He had been
managing Ella since she got married to Felix. Felix made the connection between the two. They
have been working together since then without issues.

On Ella's arrival at Lagos, Felix had made a huge preparation for her arrival. He threw a surprise
party for her and Ella was so surprised and excited to see her loving husband playing the role of a
caring husband in the prescence of everyone.

All household staff of Felix welcomed Ella back warmly, including Felix's employees from Blush
Magazine among others. A female blogger who took Ella's pictures which causes stir online, had
followed her from Abuja to Lagos. She captured the events secretly with her Iphone and
immediately uploaded it online.

"I am overwhelmed." That was the only word Ella could utter at the moment. Felix pulled a big
surprise by offering her a brand new car of latest model. Tears of joy ran out freely of Ella's eyes,
she was speechless and Felix pulled her into a very tight hug by planting a deep kiss on her lip.

Ella hop into the car and test run it. Her pictures were captured by almost everyone present,
including Maria (her P.A).

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Tina went to see Pastor Vic for prayers concerning her marital delay.

"I would like to urge you to go on a 3-day fasting and prayers as instructed by the Holy Spirit."
Pastor Vic was saying after the prayer session

"I had a vision as i prayed.... There were some stumbling blocks obstructing you from meeting your
future husband. And those stumbling blocks might be family issues, financial issues and so on. So,
you need to pray to God Almighty to help you in removing those stumbling blocks, so your future

husband would come to you on time. In fact, he is very near to you, but Sister Tina, you need to
pray fervently. It is well with you." Pastor Vic stood to his feet and Tonia kneel down bowing her
head for prayer.

"Heavenly father......" Pastor Vic prayed concerning the vision he had.

To be continued.....

If Ella should know about Felix's secret, will she flee or stay with him?

So, Matt is the reason behind Alyson having a knife..... Hmmmmm.....

Chapter Six


Uncontrollable Tears


Over dinner, Thelma was not eating well. Her mind kept rumminating over what she heard earlier.
She thought of how Philip has been behaving well after her mother's death. They both attended
events together which has never happened before. He also followed her to Church every Sunday
and Phil who was an addicted smoker and chronic drunkard had changed for better. The only
issue she was facing with him was just the issue of sharing separate rooms, it was not sitting well
with her. She attended marriage seminars frequently and she could read online that sharing
separate rooms as a couple is very bad. Thelma couldn't finish her meal, at a time, Phil had to prod
her to call her attention back to the food, he even asked if she was alright and she feigned a smile
to assure him that she was perfectly alright.

After dinner, Thelma went back to her room, which was so unusual of her. Thelma would still sit
back with Phil in the living room and discussed about how their day went.

Phil was about to suspect her, but he felt maybe she had an hectic day at work plus her menstrual

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Alyson woke up earlier than her usual time of waking up. She brushed her teeth, took her bath and
dressed up for school. Dylan usually leaves for work as early as 5.00 a.m. Matilda was still on bed,
but she woke up immediately she heard Alyson was bathing. Matilda rushed to the kitchen to get
breakfast ready for her before she left. While she was still at it, Alyson dashed out of the house
without having breakfast or bidding Matilda goodbye.

Matilda was confused and disturbed about Alyson's sudden changes.

Could it be, she was missing her mother?


She isn't comfortable with this new lifestyle she found herself?

Diverse kind of thoughts ran through Matilda's mind. She picked up her phone and text a message
to Dylan about Alyson.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Felix attended the meeting after a long period of skipping meetings. Almost all the members of the
secret cult were annoyed at him. Felix was trying to give excuses regarding his sudden
disappearance, but Baba Ige had revealed to all the members of the group about everything that
had occured.

"Hope you have come with your sacrifice?" That was the first question thrown at him as he stood in
their prescence with his head bowed 90°

"What Baba Ige requested for is too much....." Felix said in pity with his head bowed and they all
hissed at what he said.

"Offering your daughter as a sacrifice is not too much for you. You even tricked us back then,
when you were asked to offer a sacrifice as the new Chief Seer. But, this time around, your
daughter needed to be in our midst while the sacrifice is been performed, so you won't trick us the
second time." An elderly man said firmly.

"You have been demoted from that seat" a short chubby man with pot-belly said with a frown,
pointing at the empty seat.

"Pardon me.... I promise to make it up... I will make amendment...." Felix knelt down and started

"You cannot offer the sacrifice needed to sit back on that golden seat.... Allow Lanlehin to take
over, he has been acting in your abscence..." A fair young man said

"You tricked us to take this post.... Do you think we can be fooled by you the second time?"

"But... I.. I.. thought the sacrifice Baba Ige requested for is for the seat....." Felix said still on his

"No, it can never be for this seat.... You should know the protocols, so why acting as if you are just
a novice in this game... I shouldn't be the one to explain to you what the sacrifice is meant
for....."the elderly man said sharply.

"Its a sacrifice for forgiveness....." The chubby short man said firmly.

"We are giving you five days to bring forth the sacrifice... Failure to do so..."the elderly man added

"ATTRACTS DEATH" all members chorused after the elderly man and Felix was perplexed...

°°° °°° °°° °°°

During the 3-days fasting and prayers, Tina was having a lot of revelations pertaining to her
siblings and on the last day, it was revealed to her in a dream who her future husband was, but
she smiled when she woke up from the dream, because whom the Lord has shown to her was the
least person she expected to see in her dream.

The last time she sets her eyes on the man in question was during her mother's burial and since
then, they haven't set eyes on each other. And, they were not best of friends, talk more of talking
partner. She neither has his number nor him having hers. So, how could such person be her

°°° °°° °°° °°°

When Tonia was back from work, Tina sat her down to talk to her about the revelation she had
concerning her and Williams.

"Sis, am all ears.... What was the dream or revelation about? Is it good or bad?" Tonia questioned,
eager to hear what Tina has to say and Tina began narrating.

"We were having a special ceremony and all family were present, you came along with Williams.
While we were dancing and merrying, Williams suddenly disappeared from our midst, we started
searching for him and after searching everywhere, our search proved abortive, you sat and looked
confused. Then, my eyes caught Wiilliams... and i saw him with a strange woman at a corner of the
hall, i prompted you to look towards the direction, you stood to your feet abruptly and rushed
towards the direction i pointed at. When you got there, Williams legs and hands were bounded
together with that of the strange woman's, they were both bounded with a very strong and thick
shackles.... " Tina was still narrating when Tonia cuts her in.

"Sis, hold up... Are you narrating a movie?" She asked smiling and Tina was surprised by her
response to the revelation she had.

"Williams is not bounded physically to any strange woman, talk more of spiritually.... I knew him
more than he knew himself. I already know the conclusion of this story, and i will never go to any
Pastor for prayers. Williams is godsent and we are made for each other... no strange woman can
come between us." Tonia retorted sharply and stood to her feet with her bag lifted up and went to
her room.

"Lord.... Have mercy.." That was all that Tina could utter as she sat still watching Tonia
disappearing from the living room to her room.

She picked up her phone and dialed Thelma's number.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Thelma was sitting on her bed brooding on Philip's issue when her phone rang, she checked the
caller and it was 'Sisto', that was what she used in saving Tina's number on her phone. She sighed
heavily and picked the call on the fourth ring.

"Sisto..." She said, but her voice was shaking and cracking, so she cleared her throat.

"Thelma.. Are you alright?" Tina asked as she could notice that all was not well with her through
her voice.

"Am... okay.... Am just waking up..." Thelma lied but Tina didn't buy it.

"Thelma... Waking up by this time of the evening? This is just 7. 00 p.m, and i could guess you are
just back from work. Because, the last time you visited last week discussing about your shifts, you
said, you will be on...." Before Tina could finish saying, Thelma bursted into tears over the phone
like a baby. Tina's eyes almost popped out of her eye socket, she seemed shocked as she listened
to her sister wails..

"The... Thelma... What is it... that you are hiding from me? Talk to me..." Tina said carefully and it
took her almost forty minutes to calm her down over the phone. Still, Thelma refused to utter a
word toTina, she was just sniffling countless times, trying to control the tears but the tears were

"Please...whatever the situation is... Please, don't think or do anything funny... am on my way to
your house." Tina said calmly and ended the call. Tears streamed down freely from Thelma's eyes,
as the phone was still hung to her ears after Tina ended the call. Her heart were heavy with words
and she needed someone to talk to at the moment.

Philip had told her in the morning as she was dressing up for work, that he would be embarking on
a 3-day business trip to Akure, and he would be back by weekend. But, Thelma knew it was a lie,
he had definitely gone to meet his mistress... The thought of this made matter worse.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Honey, are you saying, Alyson left with Dylan and his mom, because she was still angry at me?
But... why did Dylan left with his mom? Am not understanding this at all...." Ella asked looking
confused as she sat with Felix by the poolside of the building.

Felix on the other hand, had planned on what to say once Ella comes back asking after them.

"Dylan is planning to settle down soon, so he decided to move out of the house with his mom and
Alyson tagged along... Aside been angry at you, you should know Alyson is so attached to Dylan."
He lied and Ella was a bit confused with his cooked-up story.

"But, i wish to see Alyson...." Ella said with a remorseful look and Felix moved closer to her and
gave her a hug.

"I will talk to Dylan to come along with her..."

"Can't i go there myself? Have hurt that poor girl enough...." Ella said with a pleading look and she
seemed very ready to go visiting Alyson.

"Darling, you are just getting better... please... and besides..... It's late, we can do that tomorrow."
Felix said convincingly and Ella was about to say something again but Felix distracted her with her
career issue.

To be continued.....

Chapter Seven




Dylan was not feeling comfortable at work since he received the message of how Alyson had left
home from his mother over the phone. He was just pacing up and down his office, he couldn't lay
a finger on all the files set before him. He was not concentrating, his mind was elsewhere. He felt
like leaving his office for Alyson's school to ask if everything was alright.

He could recall when he was still a boss of his own, he would have left in an instant, he could still
try such, he of course knew his friend would permit him, but he does not want to take such
advantage and wanted to discipline himself. What if he's working under a stranger, would he have
took such an advantage? He kept on checking the time on his wrist-watch countless times, waiting
for the time to clock 5.00 P.M. He was seriously having mixed feelings about Alyson, she is
definitely not all right.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Tina drove for over thirty minutes in the busy metropolis of Lagos, her mind was filled with worries.

What is going on with Thelma?

Why was she wailing over the phone?

But... the last time we saw.... she was looking radiant and cheerful...

And... Philip had changed for better....

They were even planning to spend Thelma's sabbatical in Italy, when they last visited her.

Why this?

Diverse kind of thoughts ran through Tina's mind as she drove into Grandsville Estate, where
Thelma's matrimonial home was situated.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Felix couldn't grab a sleep, Ella had slept off already, after much worries about her daughter's

Felix sat up quietly on the bed and shifted the duvet to Ella's side, been mindful of not waking her
up, he placed his feet on the tiled floor carefully and stood to his feet, walking towards the door,
opening it quietly, avoiding the creaking sounds of the door.

As he ascends the stairs, the thought of what to do and how to get Alyson with the charms given
by Baba Ige, and go with her to the next meeting ran through his mind.

He had made up his mind to offer her daughter as a sacrifice, after all... she was not his only child,
and a child of a mistress at that, offering her isn't a big deal and would not affect him. He knew
where Dylan stays, it won't be difficult if he visits them. But, if he leaves with Alyson and she
doesn't come back, it would make him look suspicious.

He sat on the sofa in the livingroom to make an effective plan on his move, without being
suspected by anyone.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Thelma... What happen?" Tina asked as Thelma ushered her in, her eyes were red and swollen
from cries.

"What should i offer you sisto?" Thelma asked feigning a smile as she offer Tina a seat.

"I am not here for entertainment Thelma, i am here to listen to the reason behind your wailings
over the phone.. I sensed everything is not okay with you and here i am to witness my immediate
sister's eyes swollen as if you are Anthony Joshua.." Tina challenged Thelma, dropping her car
keys on the side table that stood beside the chair she was sitting.

"Oge..." Thelma called out her housemaid and Oge responded to her calling on time, she came out
from the kitchen in a rush.

"Yes ma... am here ma.." Oga said as she kneels down to greet Tina and answerimg her boss at
the same time.

"Serve my sister a glass of chilled juice with cashew nuts." Thelma instructed Oge and she stood
to her feet to go get the order given to her by her madam. But, Tina stopped her.

"Don't bother yourself my dear... am okay." Tina said asking Oge to go back to whatever she was
busy doing in the kitchen, that was not her reason for visiting, she could smell a serious matter in
the air.

"So, talk to me.." Tina urged Thelma by moving closer to her and grabbed her by her hands, but
Thelma's hands were warm.

"Thelma... are you sure you are okay? Your palms are warm... where is Phil?" Tina asked in a
confused manner and Thelma began shedding another round of tears, getting Tina more confused.
Tina drew closer to her and placed her head on her shoulder, consoling her. She could see her
heart is heavy and she needed someone to console her...

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"You are not going back home.... we had plans already. Why do you have to change plans?"
Susan said in fury.

"Susan, why are you punishing me? You know am legally married... Why? What have i done? Talk
to me... if it's about money, i promise to settle your price." Phil said remorsefully and
Susan went over to get the door locked, she kept the keys inside her bra.

"Susan, am truly going on a business trip and i agreed to branch here as planned to sort things
out. But, here you are locking me up as if am a prisoner..."

"Yeah... you are the PRISONER... and i am the JAILER." Susan replied plopping on the sofa in her
little livingroom, she picked up the DSTV remote control which she had placed on the sofa before
going to get the door locked. She started changing stations. Philip was boiling with anger, he knew
being obstinate won't solve this situation, so he took his seat next to Susan trying to cajole her, but

Susan looked away frowning. He placed his hands carefully on her shoulder, thinking of the right
words to utter that won't get her angry.

"Baby, fine... I am accepting the child, but... you... I... I can't bring you to my matrimonial home.
Please...reason with me." Philip pleaded trying to persuade Susan and she scoffed.

"Phil, am not daft..." Susan threw his hands away and turned her face to him in anger. "Accepting
the baby means you are accepting me. I refused to be your Baby Mama. You must surely marry
me legally as you do to your arranged marriage." Susan said firmly with a very serious look and
Phil began shivering.

"Susan... You are making this matter worse... why? In my lineage... no one has ever try such and i
refused to be the first." Philip was still saying, when Susan stood to her feet and went into her room
hissing, leaving Phil behind. Phil who look sad and confused sighed heavily.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Dylan arrived home late to meet the abscence of Alyson, after going to her school in search of her.
It was past 10.00 p.m. Matilda began to feel uneasy as her son explained that the search was
futile. Dylan brought out his phone from his trousers pocket and dialed Alyson's number
repeatedly, but she was not picking up. They both looked more than worried.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Thelma narrated everything to Tina, Tina was speechless at first, but she needed to console her
sister, with the right words.

"Thelma... all you need now is prayer... Philip is now a changed man, but... this seductress is
willing to destroy this home, and it will never happen in Jesus name. You need to separate them
with prayers.. You really need to.." Tina held her sister's hand and stared into Thelma's teary and
swollen eyes.

"Let us have vigil this midnight. Thank God Phil is not home, i will sleep over and can seize this
opportunity to hold a night vigil today at exactly 1.00 a.m, we join hands in prayers and separate
them physically and spiritually. One thing am certained of is that, the Lord am serving will surely
answer our prayers." Tina wiped away her sister's tears with her kerchief.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Alyson woke up abruptly from her sleep and sat up, she looked her side and saw Matt snoring.
She guessed she has not slept for too long. As she stood to her feet, she felt a sharp headache....

"Ouch.." She muttered softly, she held her forehead and head for the restroom.

Alyson stood before the mirror leaving the shower running, as what had occured earlier played
before her.

She had left home as early as 6.30 a.m, which was so unusual of her, Matt had told her to come
meet with him somewhere closed to her school. Alyson met Matt at the meeting point and Matt
drove her to a Clinic on the Mainland.

Alyson had complained to him earlier about how she had been missing her period for more than
two years and she doesn't know why it was so. So, Matt had agreed to take her to the Clinic for

"Matthew.... Matt, Matt... Longest time padi(friend)" the doctor stood to his feet offering Matt a
handshake as they both stepped into his office. He waved at Alyson before offering them a seat.

Matt had been friends with Doctor Ade since their Secondary School days and they had been
friends till date. They both attended same higher institution. Whenever Matt impregnate a girl, he
would bring such girl to Ade. Then... Ade was still an undergraduate, but due to the fact that his
father also was a doctor and has a Clinic made him had the knowledge about abortion. In a
nutshell, he had practically used several girls in training of abortions and he had succeded. No
death has been recorded so far. Matt had came with Alyson when Alyson was once pregnant for
him. Ade aborted the pregnancy via D&C, back then.

After exchanging pleasantries.... Matt stated his reasons for coming as he had informed him on
phone, that he would be coming.

"Hmmm.. I will have to run some test on her" Ade said swiftly and called out an auxiliary nurse, the
auxiliary nurse came in a rush and left with Alyson after listening to what Ade instructed her to do.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Mum... Her number is going through, but she refused to pick up her calls. I hope Alyson is not in
danger!" Dylan exclaimed worriedly, throwing the phone on an empty chair. He was still thinking of
how or where to find Alyson when his phone vibrated on the chair. As he scurried to check who the
caller was, with the hope to see Alyson's name popped up, his jaw dropped and Matilda snatched
the phone from him to check who the caller was, her jaw dropped as well, as she saw who the
caller was.

Dylan received the phone back from his mother and was trying to dial back Ella's number, but her
call came in immediately after the first missed calls.

"Good evening.... Auntie Ella.... How has been your day ma?" Dylan asked stuttering and feeling
uneasy at the same time, if Ella was vigilant enough, she should have detected it in his manner of
interacting with her, that all is not well.

"Dylan... How are you doing and how is mum doing? How is my baby doing?" Ella asked calmly
even with a tone of regret. She was aware that Felix had left the room leaving her behind, he
thought she was fast asleep, so she seized that opportunity to call Dylan, she knew Alyson won't
pick her call, so she preffered calling through Dylan, at least, speaking with Dylan will get her rest
assured that Alyson is fine.

"We are all fine..." Dylan replied, still feeling uncomfortable.

"I guess Alyson is still mad at me.. But, do please, send my regards to her and..... help me tell her i
love her with all my heart. You can also inform her have been discharged and am presently at
Lagos and i really wished to see her face-to-face and apologise." Ella's voice began to shake, she
ended the call in hurry.

Dylan stood perplexed as Ella ended the call.

How is he going to handle this?

Ella is back and Alyson had gone missing.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"The result shows that she's having an infection and that was why she has not been seeing her
period. The infection seized the period." Alyson looked so perturbed as the doctor explained the
outcome of the result to them.

"Is there a solution?" Matt asked

"Yeah.... It can be treated..." Doctor Ade said firmly and picked up a pen and jotter from his desk
and wrote down the prescription of the drugs that could help cure the infection.

"She need to get this in a Pharmacy and her menstruation will surely come." Doctor Ade concluded
passing the sheet of paper to Matt. Matt received it and thanked him for being of help along other
chit chats.

Matt got the drugs for Alyson on their way back to Island.

"This is past 12..." Matt said as he drove out of the Pharmacy where he had got the drugs.

"Time is gone.. You won't be able to go to school today, you can't meet up with classes and you
might be punished for coming late. Let's go home and catch some fun, to while away the time
before closing hour." Matt raised is brow in question and Alyson obliged to his command like a

@Matt's Mansion....

He offered Alyson an alcoholic drink which she refused at first, but after Matt persuaded her, she
agreed to drink and after gulping down two cups she began to feel intoxicated, from there, they
went on more than 5 rounds of sex and slept off. Alyson happened to wake up around past 11.

She stepped out of the restroom to check what the time says on her phone.

It was past 11....

And she had had thirty something missed calls from her brother.

Alyson placed her hands on her head... She began feeling uneasy.

What would she use as an excuse when she gets back home? 1001 questions ran through her
head as she woke Matt up in haste.

To be continued......

Chapter Eight




The prayer session that was held in Thelma's house lasted for two hours. The prayer points were
very hot, in fact Tina is blessed to be called a Prayer Warrior. It ended at 3.a.m.

After prayers, Tina slept in the guest room while Thelma went to her room to grab some sleep
before daybreak. She was going to work the next day. As a Neurosurgeon, she had a cancer
patient to operate on. One of the reasons why she is loved by her father-in-law.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Maureen had a wonderful and memorable night together with Williams as usual.

Williams had purposely sets his phone on silence, and Tonia on the other end had called countless
times. She couldn't sleep, she was practically having diverse kind of thoughts as why Williams had
refused to pick her call all through the night. She had a quick flash on Tina's revelation concerning
Williams, but she waved the thought aside.

"He might probably went on a business trip, and maybe he tried putting his phone on silence."
Tonia said to herself, trying to console herself from having a bad thought about him.

Williams woke up in the morning to see Seventy something missed calls of Tonia on his phone.

"What's the issue with this babe? We never marry she don become monitoring spirit. If we don
marry nko...hian.... na CCTV camera she go plant for my body, watching every step i take."
Williams was talking to himself as he tossed the phone to the passenger's seat angrily. He started
the engine of his car, and drove out of Maureen's Condo.

Tonia woke up sharply from a terrible dream. She was sweating profusely and sat up abruptly.

"No.... never.... My very own Williams with a strange woman... Impossible." She laid back down on
herbed, facing up, and staring at the ceilings. Flashes of the dreams were still haunting her.

"But, this dream is terrifying ooo..." She said to herself as she kept on staring at the ceilings. Still,
the flashes of the dream she had was still popping up in her head, she could recall it by seeing the
picture clearly on the ceilings.


In her dream, Williams was been stabbed with a knife by a strange woman. The strange woman
looked terrifying and Williams was lying in his own pool of blood, pleading for help and mercy, and
at the same time struggling for his life.

The flashes of the dream disappeared off the ceilings.

"It can't be.... It's just a dream." Tonia said to herself as she closed her eyes to grab some sleep.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Marekopsha, nadrekpo, ka pa ka ta...." Pastor Vic was speaking in tongues, pacing up and down
the room he shared with his wife. His wife who was fast asleep, woke up in an instant and sat up
abruptly, wondering what her husband saw this time around.

Pastor Vic was transferred to USA, by the headquater of the Church he pastored in. He is a
Residential Pastor of a renowed Church here in Nigeria, and he has been transferred to different
states within the country, before he was transferred to Dallas, Texas two years back. Pastor Vic did
not saw his transfer coming, but someone who came to one of the church's branch on the Island
witnessed how God had been using him to work wonders. He had been communicating with Dylan
over the phone since he left the country, because he was posted after Felix's confession and
conversion into Christ. He had instructed Dylan over the phone to go for fasting and prayers
concerning his mother's issue and that of Felix to help his spirituality. But, Felix had been ignoring
Pastor Vic's call for some period of time after concluding to join the Secret Cult again. He asked
Dylan why, and Dylan told him he is having a doubting mind that his father had changed for better.

"Honey! What happen?" Pastor Vic's wife, Margaret asked after Pastor Vic stopped speaking in
tongues. He picked his phone up from the bed-side table and dialed a number.

"I need to speak with Mr Felix this very moment." Pastor Vic answered his wife placing the phone
to his ear. Margaret could get the clear picture of what triggered the speaking in tongues without
much explanation from Pastor Vic.

"Oh another terrible dream about Mr Felix!" Margaret exclaimed as she step out of the bed.

"It's another terrible one this time around.... Mr Felix had gotten into another trouble."

"This is serious! Lord have mercy on Mr Felix!" Margaret knelt by the side of the bed. Pastor Vic
tossed his phone on the bed.

"I guessed... He placed my number on blacklist. And... Bro Dylan had moved out of his father's

"But, Bro Dylan ought to have stayed back and helped his spirituality. He needed someone to help
him, based on his past.... Oh Lord of mercy! Have mercy on Bro Felix and touch his heart wherever
he is." Margaret closed her eyes and began praying, Pastor Vic too knelt down at the other side of
the bed and they began praying fervently for Felix.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Tina sets out to leave at exactly 8.00a.m. Thelma had woke her up to inform her that she was
ready to leave for work.

They bidded each other goodbye and was about to hop into her car when Thelma rushed back into
the building throwing up. Tina ran after her, leaving her car door opened.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Where were you all through the night Alyson?" Dylan asked sternly and Alyson was just facing
down without uttering a word. Matilda sat at the arm rest of a chair looking at Alyson with pity.

"Alyson, am talking to you... where were you last night?" Dylan yelled at her and Alyson was
shaking with a measure of fear, Dylan had never raised his voice on her before. Definitely, Dylan
was angry at her.

Matilda made a sign to Dylan, signaling to him to calm down.

"Oh my goodness!" Dylan placed his hand on his forehead, he was already losing his temper, he
couldn't control himself anymore, he raised his hand up and gave Alyson a resounding slap on her
face. Alyson was shocked at Dylan's action, she held where Dylan had slapped her, as tears
clouded her eyes.

"You must tell me where you went last night... I and mum were worried sick, thinking you were in
danger.... " Alyson walked out of the house leaving Dylan and his mother behind. Dylan looked
astonished as Alyson jammed the entrance door so hard, he stood to his feet in a rush and ran
after her.

"Alyson! Alyson! Stop right there" hecommanded, yelling and rushing to stop her from leaving.
Alyson was already at the gate, before Dylan could stop Alyson, she had stopped a bike and
boarded it without bargaining the price.

"Oh... What have i done? Oh my God!" Dylan said gasping for breath as he watched the bike
leave with Alysin, he stared at the palm he used in slapping Alyson, he, of course, regretted his

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Baby, you need to see how many people bought the Aso-Ebi in the Sanctuary last Sunday.... The
love was massive... All department in my church bought the attires. I was overwhelmed."

"You know, you are an extrovert, and you love making friends. I believe the guest coming from
your end would be more than mine, on that day. Let's wait and see." Matt said jokingly over
breakfast. He dropped the fork and knife he was using to eat and held Felicia's hand staring into
her eyes.

"Felicia.. Meeting you has been a great blessing to me. I do not regret it for once. Thanks so much
for loving me unconditionally and also willing ti spend the rest of your life with a poor boy like me."
Matt stroke Felicia's hands romantically.

"Did i just hear you say Poor Boy?" Felicia questionned laughing out so hard, Matt was still staring
at her, and was about to plant a kiss to her lips, but the doorbell obstructed him from doing so.

He jerked back to reality, and stood to his feet to check who was at the door. He was not
expecting a visitor though.

Felicia's eyes were fixed to the door, she was eager to see who the visitor was. But, she noticed
Matt stood by the door muttering some words to whoever was at the door, and at the same time
obstructing the visitor from coming in. She stood to her feet to check what the matter was and who
was by the door.

"Who is it?" She asked after standing behind Mark, she tiptoed to see who the visitor was, as Matt
was taller than her. Matt was shocked, as Felicia's question startled him, he wasn't expecting her
to come over and check.

Felicia looked surprised to see a teenage girl, standing by the door looking sad and confused. Matt
smiled sheepishly as Felicia gave him a questionning look staring at the two people standing
before her at a time.

"She's my boss's daughter. Her name is Alyson." He said wittily but Felicia was not convinced.

"So?" Felicia questionned back with her brow raised in question. She wondered why his boss's
daughter was in his place.

"She usually come here to...." He paused and was wishing he could find the right statement to safe
him from 'Detective Felicia.'

Felicia is highly inquisitive and intelligent, reasons why she studied Law in a prestigious University
here in Nigeria, and coupled with the fact that her father was a barrister and owns a Law firm
where she worked presently in Abuja.

Felicia arrived this morning unannounced, and Matt was shocked to see her, but was still thanking
his god that he wasn't caught in the act. Alyson had left as early as possible before Felicia's arrival.
And, Felicia had arrived Lagos since the night before. She came to give some of her friends the
Aso-Ebi for their forthcoming wedding, and also seized the opportunity to visit Williams before
going back.

He began racking his brain on what to say to convince Felicia.

"She usually come here to...." Matt stared into Felicia's eyes, hoping she was not suspecting him.

To be continued....

Chapter Nine


Golden Opportunity


"Am all hears Matt." Felicia's countenance made fear grip Matt. He cleared his throat and was
about to utter a word when Alyson cuts him off.

"I came as usual, to ask you to help me out with my mid-term result. Dad would get mad at me
again if i should show this to him..." Alyson dropped her backpack and opened it, bringing out a
folded slip, Felicia snatched the slip from her just to confirm if what she was saying was true. She
checked the result and saw how poor the result was.

"Matt, this is very bad... How could you be helping her fabricating her results? You are
encouraging her not to focus on her studies... Oh no! Matt, this is bad... You need to stop this
act..." Felicia turned to Alyson folding back the slip.

"Baby girl, try and focus more on your studies, do not fabricate your results. You can easily talk to
your parents to enroll you for extra-curricular classes. I bet you are going to change for better. You
have a very bright and promising future my dear." Felicia tucked the slip back into Alyson's hands
after giving her word of advice to her. Alyson kept the slip back into her backpack and thanked
Felicia, then, she turn to take her leave.

"Matt, don't you ever try such again... Don't you know....." Felicia's mouth was dangling as Matt
was lost in his own thought, he never knew Alyson was this smart, he wore a quick smile and pull
Felicia into embrace and planted a kiss on her mouth, obstructing her from saying more.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"How many months gone are you Thelma?" Tina gave Thelma a questionning look as Thelma
rested her head on the back rest of one of the one-seater in her livingroom.

Thelma had rushed back into the visitor's restroom and puke, Tina ran back along and watch as
she puke. Tina could guess that Thelma was pregnant.

"2 months..." Thelma managed to say, she was still feeling weak, she wiped away the sprinkles of
water she had on her forehead.

"So, you definitely know you are pregnant and willing to keep this within yourself, just because your
husband hurt your feelings. Thelma, i know you too well, you've been keeping up with this attitude
right from childhood, when are you going to change. You are married for goodness sake, and there
are so many things that needed to be changed once you are married, there are so many attitude
you need to keep away. Don't you attend marriage seminars?"

"Sisto, i will definitely inform him. But, i guess he's battling with his result for extra-marital affair and
he won't be able to..." Thelma was still saying when Tina cuts her in.

"Why should you be scared? You are the legal wife here my dear, that's his own battle to fight, you
are less concerned about his so-called extra-marital affairs. What am certain of is that, he would
never bring the harlot to this house. That's impossible!" Tina corrected Thelma's supposition.

Thelma sat up as she could hear the sounds of her phone vibrating from her bag.

"That would be from the hospital." She said and was about to stood to her feet, but Tina held her
hand, preventing her from taking the phone.

"You can't go for any operation in this condition." Tina advised and brings out the phone from the
bag where it was vibrating.

"No... Sisto... Please, i can go... Am perfectly okay. No other neurosurgeon in that hospital can do
it better. Please... Even if this will be the last i will do before i give birth. At least, allow me save this
woman's life." Thelma pleaded with tears and a shaky voice, she remembered how she had
neglected her own mother when she was alive and here a woman's hope lies in her hands. Tina
knew what Thelma meant, she handed the phone to Thelma, as tears had clouded her eyes too.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"My angel! My sweetness! My all in all! Don't be mad at me. I actually used a sleeping drug last
night. I was having this severe headache and couldn't sleep. My head hurts so bad, immediately i
used the drugs, i slept off, leaving my phone in the living room where it's been charged." Williams
explained what had prevented him from picking her calls and Tonia bought the lies. She looked at
him in pity and rushed towards him trying to check his temperature and all.

"Am perfectly alright now, sweetheart."

"You should have called me, i would have come over there in a rush and be your nurse throughout
the night." Tina said and Williams laughed out so hard.

"Baby, reasons why i can't stop loving you. Your love for me is real."He said and planted a kiss on
her lips.

"You are getting late for work, you need to be at work by now. My sweetness." Williams urged her
as he held her hand and got the car door opened and Tonia hopped into the car, while he went
straight to the driver's seat ready to take Tonia to work.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Ella left for The States without checking up on her daughter, though she had it in mind on checking
up on her, but James's call came through as everything regarding the events was ready and he
had also helped her got a commercial advertisement from a popular company in Los Angeles. She
arrived California at night with Maria her P.A and went straight to her hotel room to grab some
sleep before the next day.

The next day came, the event was a success. Ella was opportuned to announce her comeback
during the event.

Her fans were excited to watch the live stream of her comeback, some anti-fans were also
throwing tantrums at the comment section of the live stream.

After the event, Ella went straight to the location where the shoot for the advert would be taken in
James's car with Maria.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

The brand representative laughed gently as he watched Ella and the male model in front of camera
ready for the shoot.

"I just feel that they give off a substantial couple vibe." The brand representative said to the
Director, and the director was dumbfounded for a moment as he rubbed his chin in careful thought.

The first scene of the commercial was swiftly completed, so the photography team quickly
reassembled at the next location.

The second scene was of the couple running towards the chapel. On the way, the bride sprains
her ankle and the groom helps her remove her shoes before carrying her on his back up some
stairs. Not too far away in the distance, stood a beautiful European-style chapel on the resort
grounds. During the entire scene the chapel would remain in the distance.

But this did not hinder the beauty of the image created.

This time Ella would actually get to wear a wedding dress.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Phil tiptoed and stole the key from Susan's drawer, where she had kept it, when they were having
a nice time together. He played along with Susan by dancing to her tune and Susan slept off
soundly after the do.

Phil thought of going with his car and was thinking of how he would leave Susan's compound
without waking her up with the sound of his car.

Then, an idea struck his mind. He rushed to the gate and open it quietly and carefully before going
over to start his car. As Susan came out in a rush, he had drove out of the compound and sped

He was so excited that he had escaped the snare of Susan. As he drove, he started ransacking his
trousers pocket for his phone, but couldn't find it. He pulled his car over to the roadside and search
for it but to no avail. It dawn on Phil that he had left his two phones at Susan's care while he was
sneaking out.

"Oh no!" He hit the steering so hard, he looked back the route of where he had escaped from and
the thought of going back sounds as if he would be going back to serve a jail term of life
imprisonment. He started the car engine and head straight for where he had an appointment
earlier, before stopping by at Susan's house.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Have been putting a call through to Philip, but he's not picking up." Director Uzomba explained to
his wife worriedly.

He was trying to inform Philip over the phone about his wife's condition.

"But, why would Thelma try to perform a surgery in her condition?" Racheal questionned with a
worried look.

Thelma had went into the operating room to perform the surgery. While at it, she felt like throwing
up, but she kept on holding it and enduring....

When she was almost done, she began to feel dizzy as she was sweating profusely. Her
colleagues noticed the sudden changes in her, but whenever each one of them asked if everything
was alright she would give a nod in reply. Within her, she wanted to save the woman's life and
wanted the surgery to be a success.

The scapel fell off her hands and was going down bit-by-bit, but was grabbed by a male colleague.
Thelma passed out and was rushed out of the operating room and someone else finish up the
surgery in her abscence.

The nurses after running a little test on why Thelma passed out, went over to broke the news of
her pregnancy to her father-in-law.

Director Uzomba was angry at how Philip would know his wife's condition and would still permit her
to come perform a surgery. He had been calling to ask, but Philip was not picking up.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Susan went back in fury, she kept on pacing up and down her livingroom, thinking of another plan
to trap Philip down as her previous plan was not working on him.

"What do i do to extort money from this brat?" Susan was soliloquizing when she heard a phone
ringing. She paid full attention to where the sounds was coming from and she heard it was coming
from her room. She went straight to her room and found out it was Philip's phone, the secomd
phone was lying beside it. She hissed at first, but then, the thought of what to do with the phone
struck her mind.

Her facial expression changed from anger to happiness.

She held Philip's phone in her hand, she was so excited, an idea struck had her mind immediately.
She knew Philip's password very well and she knew transferring money from his bank account to
hers would be a brilliant idea and serve as punishment to him, besides why was she faking the
pregnancy if not because she wanted to extort money from him and this a golden opportunity for

She smiled broadly as she unlock the phone, she switched on the data and went straight to the
banking App, click on it, it requested for a password.

Susan thought for a minute trying to recall the password he had entered in her prescence back
then, when he was making some transactions to his workers.

"20...20..19.." She entered the code and it was correct.

"Yipeee! Jackpot!" She screamed and started dancing to no music. She hastily check the balance
and Susan was sweating profusely at the total amount she saw on Philip's account balance.

To be continued...

Chapter Ten


Meeting her in-laws


Felix was expected by his Cult members to produce his sacrifice at the next meeting which would
held in two days.

Felix began rumminating on the tactic he could use to capture Alyson. He was able to come up
with an idea. He drove out of his company's garage wearing a big smile.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Some minutes later, he was at the entrance to Dylan's house. He brought a little black box and
dipped his finger into the box, bringing out his index finger, it had turned to black. There were some
black substances on it. He said some incantations to the black substance and licked his index

When he was done, he kept back the black box into the car safe, he alighted from the car and went
straight to Dylan's apartment.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"How are you feeling?" Racheal asked Thelma who was lying on the hospital bed. She was finally
awake after she passed out, she was given an IV fluid.

"How is she?" Thema questionned her mother-in-law's question. Racheal was confused, she was
wondering who was the 'she' she was referring to.

"Who is she?" Racheal questionned back.

"Mrs Alade..." Thelma replied but Racheal was still confused, she began to look worried,
wondering if everything is alright with her daughter-in-law. She stood to her feet and ring her
husband on phone.

"She's awake.... But... She was calling a strange name..." Racheal said on phone with her gaze
fixed on Thelma. Thelma was looking at the catheter that was been passed in her left hand.
Thelma's father-in-law stepped into Thelma's ward in a rush, he thought it was an emergency.

"How is Mrs Alade?" Thelma questionned her father-in-law as he step into the ward.

"She is fine..." Her father-in-law already knew what Thelma meant, she was referring to the woman
she was performing surgery on before she passed out. Thelma sighed heavily with her father-in-
law's word of assurance, it was certain that the operation was successful.

"But, Thelma you are 2 months gone and yet you still perform a surgery in your condition... You
should have inform me, my husband would have treated the patient instead. You got us worried,

that we started running helter skelter because of you." Racheal said as soon as she could
understand what Thelma meant.

"Am sorry mom...." Thelma pleaded coyly.

"Am still trying to reach your husband.. At some point, it was ringing.. But, right now it's switched
off. I wonder what exactly is going on with Philip...." Director Uzomba drawled the last statement
with a careful thought.

"He went on a 3-day business trip" Thelma managed to say.

"Oh, really! But, he should have at least pick up his call." Racheal suggested

"He might be having a serious meeting with his..." Thelma stopped mid-sentence, a quick flash of
how she had caught Philip in his conversation with his strange woman appeared before her....

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Susan took her bath and packed her clothes into a luggage in a haste. She had contacted an
international travel agency company which one of her friends had introduced to her to be trusted
and reliable.

She decided not to transfer the money yet, until she meet with the agent she had contacted earlier
on phone. She does not want to take the risk of being duped.

Susan was literally planning on fleeing to Canada with Philip's hard-earned money.

The money he had in his two different accounts were huge. One is his company's account and the
other, his personal account.

Susan thought of transferring part of the money to her mother and siblings who resides in Akwa-
Ibom, but she felt they would easily track their account, and she thought the best and wise decision
she could make now is to flee to Canada before she would be caught. She of course knew Philip
would still be busy with his business. So he might not even have it in mind that she could try such.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Philip was already in Akure to check the site that would be work on by him and his workers.

Philip is into digging of borehole. At first, he knew nothing about the job, but his friend who is into
such business put him through and gave him guidelines on what he needed to establish such
business. He was able to get all equipment ready and employ people who has more knowledge
about the borehole business. Truly, the digging of borehole business had helped Philip a lot.

As a spoilt brat, he depended so much on his father's wealth, but once he married Thelma, his life
changed for better. Thelma reshaped so many things in him, after the reconciliation. He pleaded
for forgiveness to how he treated Thelma in the past. After settling issues, his wife encouraged him
to think about a business he could easily do on his own and the one that could fetch him more
money and would make him forget his father's wealth by depending on himself. Philip sticked to
Thelma words of advice and it really work for him. He even thanked his stars for meeting a woman
like Thelma.

Philp's mind wasn't feeling comfortable because of his phone, but he felt Susan does not know his
password and even if...she can never try anything funny.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Tonia had travelled down to Ekiti State with her fiancé to meet and visit her in-laws, that was where
most of Williams's family resided.

Williams was born into an average family, he had three siblings from his mother side, but eight
siblings from his father's side. He was the first child of the family. His father was an old time
politician, so when he was still ruling a very popular party then, he had married a new wife.
Williams's mother happened to be the first wife, she was abandoned by her husband when he
married a new wife. So, Williams's mother had been the one taking care of her children.

Williams left for Lagos when he was twenty years of age. He had no family in Lagos, he stayed
with a friend on his arrival to Lagos. He was able to do some menial jobs and paid his way into
Lagos State University. There, he met some guys who introduced him to Shuggies Club, he was
opportuned to meet Maureen. Maureen helped him with his school fees and other things needed.

At 300 level in the University, Williams had been using exotic car, and some students wondered
where he got his money from, as they knew how he usually do part-time jobs to pay for anything
needed to be done at school with money. Some even concluded that he had started Yahoo
business, because the kind of people he moved and do things together with on campus all have
exotic cars they ride on campus. No one would ever thought they have sugar mummies they
render services to.

Williams had also used the money he usually received from Maureen to build a house for his
mother and send his siblings to Universities. He made sure they never lack any good thing.

"Welcome my dear daughter." Tonia's mother-in-law to be welcomed her warmly.

"Thank you ma." Tonia replied coyly

"Immediately i heard Williams was coming home to introduce his fianceé to me... i was so excited...
I had to do a lot of preparations. So, my dear, what do you care for? " William's mother asked

" still okay for now.. maybe later...." Tinia replied in a shy manner.

"Is it because your husband is not here with us? Could that be the reason you are not ready to

Williams after introducing Tonia to his mum and siblings had went out to pay a visit to some of his
friends and relatives. It's been a very long time he visited his himetown last.

"My dear, be free with me.. Am not one of those mother-in-law who hates to see their daughter-in-
law. In fact, you are not my daughter-in-law, you are my daughter. So, stand to your feet now and
join me in the kitchen. I prepared your husband's favourite delicacy before your arrival, pounded
yam with efo-riro. I will serve your food now, my dear daughter." Williams's mother stood to her
feet and grab Tonia's hand and they both head for the kitchen.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Pastor Vic started a 7-days fasting and prayer on Felix's issue. He saw so many strange things
about him in vision, and he binds the devil controlling and ruling Felix's mind each time he had
strange visions about him. He had pleaded to Dylan over the phone to pray along with him on his

father's case. But, Dylan declined the request. He said he was not ready to waste his energy on a
devil like his father who is not ready to change for better.

Pastor Vic preached to him, he convinced him that there's nothing prayers cannot do. It can
change the heart of a hardened soul. He even sited examples of those who were hard-heartened
in the Bible, but Dylan was not ready to head on a journey to save his father from the occultic

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Alyson came home looking sad and worried, she was very sad and angry at what she saw at
Matt's house. So, Matt had a girlfriend, and yet he was promising her marriage.

Alyson saw herself as been used and dumped. She began rolling back and forth on the bed she
shared with Matilda.

Matilda was in the livingroom watching a sermon.

While she was thinking of what to do, her phone rang. It was Matt. She hesitated at first, then,
she picked the call after a second thought.

"I can't believe how smart you are... You played very smart today and am so so excited. So, baby
what do you want as a reward for this?" Matt asked with a cheerful voice over the phone.

"Who is she?" Alyson asked angrily.

"Are you jealous? I can hear.. you're sounding jealous..." Matt said jokingly.

"So, are you trying to use and dump me?" Alyson asked and Matt's eyes almost popped out. He
couldn't believe his ears. So, this young girl actually believed him back then when he promised to
make it up to her after the rape. She actually bought his lies, believing he was actually going to
marry her once she's done schooling.



Reasons why teenagers are difficult to date, they believe whatever you say to them.' Matt thought
within himself as he went mute for minutes thinking of what to say to convince Alyson.

To be continued......

Chapter Eleven




Felix strode into Dylan's compound with boldness, he was confident in the charms he had used in
his car earlier.

He gave the door a mild knock and waited patiently for the door to be opened. But no response.

He gave the door a mild knock the second time, yet no response.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Do you love the treat?" Dylan asked his mum and Alyson.

He had closed from work early and was so happy to see Alyson back home. Alyson who was on
call with Matt, ended the call abruptly when she heard Dylan was home. So, she couldn't listen to
Matt's excuse.

"Thanks so much bro..." Alyson appreciated as she did justice to the crunchy chicken in the plate
placed in her front. Matilda took the serviette paper in her tray and wiped off the oil at the corner of

Alyson's mouth. She thanked her with a smile. Alyson was moved to tears by the love that was
shown to her by the mother and son but she held back the tears.

"Alyson..." Dylan called her attention dropping his cutlery and focused on Alyson.

"Yes bro..." Alyson responded with her eyes still glued to the crunchy chicken she was battling
with. She couldn't lift her eyes up, tears had clouded it already and she's fighting back the
uncontrollable tears.

"There's a programme i would love you to attend this weekend..." He paused and lifted up the Cola
drink and sip part of it with the straw in it. "Its a 3-days programme for teenagers. The programme
is attached with lot of varieties... Girls Talk, skill acquisition, moral values, quiz and many more."
Dylan stopped saying waiting to hear her opinion. He was praying within himself that the Lord
should touch her heart so she could attend the programme. He wanted the best out of her. He
brought his phone and clicked on his phone gallery, he swipe up and click on the flyer and handed
it over to her.

Alyson received the phone from him, mere looking at the graphic design, she was thrilled.

"Wow! Am interested..." She exclaimed with a broad smile.

"I will order a cab to take you down to Ikeja where the programme will be held... Accomodation is
available, If you wish to camp there for three days, and it's free. But, if you wish to go from home
for the 3-days, its fine by me."

"Bro, we can't be wasting resources for now... We all know what is ahead of us and i know you are
really trying your best to make i and mum happy...." Alyson said tearfully and Dylan wiped her
tears away with his face towel. Little did he knew the reason behind her tears. He thought it was
because of her last statement, but within her, she was feeling guilty, that despite the love shown to
her by Dylan and his mom, she refused to open up on what she had passed through in the past
and was still passing through at the moment.

"Am so sorry for how i treated you the last time... Am sorry for raising my voice at you... Am sorry
for raising my hands at you... Am sorry for hitting you..." Alyson cuts him in.

"It's okay bro... I know you love me and there's no point in saying sorry, you have the right to
correct me when am wrong." Dylan was surprised by Alyson's statement, he could see that
maturity has set in completely. Matilda too smiled at her response, the mother and son were glad
that Alyson agreed to go for the programme.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Pastor Vic and his wife were still on 7-days fasting and prayer for Felix. The prayers were so hot.

On the seventh day, while praying, Pastor Vic had a revelation again about Felix. He prayed
fervently to God on Felix's behalf as he could see Felix was in total bondage, he was treading on
the path that could cause him to lose his soul.

"My Father and my God..... Deliver Bro Felix from these occultism... Let Your Holy angels visit
him.... Touch his soul, make him a changed man... I want him to testistify to Your wonder working
powers oh Lord... This special soul is not meant for the devil... It is meant for Your kingdom....
Therefore i take authority over you dark powers over Felix's life..." Pastor Vic was praying and

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Felix had noticed that nobody was at home, he had went back into his car, and waited patiently,
hoping he could see Alyson coming home before others arrived.

As he sat in the car, with the engine running, he switched on the Air conditioner with his eyes
running back and forth at any passers-by.

Suddenly, something from nowhere hit his heart so hard.... He began coughing repeatedly.

His eyes were turning red and he began to feel dizzy. He was practically sweating under A.C...

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Philip's mind was not stable during the little time he spent at Akure. He borrowed a phone to try his
mobile number, but it was switched off.

He wished he could transport himself from Akure back to Lagos and inside Susan's house to get
his phone back.

He did not know what Susan was scheming, but he definitely knew whatever she might be
scheming, won't do him no good.

He handed over everything he ought to do in Akure to his Personal Assistant to help him continue
the work and travelled back to Lagos.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Are you saying you can't process the traveling immediately and leave the country as i wish?"
Susan asked feeling unstable, she was not satisfied with what the agent was saying to her on

"Madam, calm down... If you are in a hurry.. There are other places you can stay for now before
you can finally move to Canada." The agent tried explaining, but Susan was not patient enough.

"Okay, fine... Two weeks."

"Yes madam... In two weeks all necessary documents will have been processed, then you will be
out of the country."

"I will make a transaction of 3 million naira you requested for now.. And please, that two weeks
should be two weeks..." She said and ended the call.

Susan had changed her sim card immediately she left her house, she lodged in a hotel, where no
one could suspect her movement. She had transferred the money from the two accounts to her
three different accounts. She had switched off Phil's phone when she was done.

She made the transaction of 3 million naira to the agent immediately she ended the call. She
checked the little cash she had left with her and noticed it won't last her for the next two weeks.
She had no reasons of going out of the hotel room, the power is 24/7, and money, they say, is
power. Even if she needs to get something outside her hotel room, she can easily send the hotel
cleaners and tip them to help her run the errands.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Thelma was back home from hospital. Her father-in-law granted her the permission to go on
maternity leave for a period of two months. After that period of two months, she can be visiting the
hospital but won't be allowed to perform any surgery.

Racheal instructed her maid to help her in whatever needed to be done pertaining to house

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Tonia and Williams journeyed back to Lagos after the visitation of meeting her in-laws. She was
loved by her everybody in Williams's family. Williams's parents picked the date for the wedding.
The date was scheduled to two months after.

Williams dropped Tonia off at her house and they also informed Tina about the scheduled date. It
was not sitting well with Tina, she wished God could show Tonia in her dream what she saw
concerning this young man. But who is she to say no....

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Inside the change room, with the assistant of the make-up artist, Ella was quickly getting her make-
up done. Next hung to her was the beautiful champagne coloured sleeveless wedding dress she
was to wear. It simply had multiple layers of gauze without any diamond or gemstones. But, it did
have a delicately hand-embroidered pattern giving the dress an exquisitely

gorgeous look. Also, the dress did not flare out too much. The simpleness of the design was
because the brand did not want it to look too overwhelming.

Maria resisted the urge to say anything. It wasn't until Ella changed into the dress and stood in
front of the mirror did she exclaim, "You are so beautiful madam!"

"I agree. The wedding dress is quite normal, but the person wearing it is gorgeous." The make-up
artist praised, after helping Ella position the hem of her dress neatly, the make-up artist left the

Ella suddenly looked sober.

"Madam, hope all is well?" Maria questioned.

"I haven't set my eyes on my daughter since i got involved in the accident. Alyson had refused to
see me... I don't know my offence... I knew i failed as a mother, but this punishment is too much
for me to bear... Am only trying to be okay by putting on a fake smile in the prescence of
everyone.. Am not okay..." She said tearfully.

"You will ruin your make-up madam..." Maria brought a white kerchief and gently wiped the little
drop of tears from Ella's eyes without ruining the make-up.

"" Maria shooed her off like a baby from uttering another word.

"Madam, when we get back home... You should try all your possible best to meet with her and
plead to her to forgive you. I knew she will be missing you as well..." Maria advised in a cool

"It's time..." James announced as he step into the change room, he wasn't aware of the present
situation in the change room. He was just admiring the dress that Ella was putting on.

"Amazing! Let's go for it..." He exclaimed with a smile and Ella walked out of the change room,
everyone admired her in amazement.

To be continued....

Chapter Twelve


Matilda Speaks


"Dad!" Dylan shook his father who had rested his head on the steering while he was unconscious.

When Felix was fighting back his life from what had struck his heart, he rolled the car window down
for fresh air, because despite the Air condition being on, the car was as hot as an oven to him. And
immediately he fell asleep with his head resting on the steering.

The trio were coming back from the restaurant when they spotted Felix's car from afar. Felix
jumped out of the cab they had boarded from the restaurant in haste and rushed towards his
father's car, he had saw Felix head was placed on the steering and he could tell that something is
wrong with his father.

"Daddy..." Alyson called out as well as Dylan. Dylan opened the car door from inside. Felix was
resting his head on the steering without moving, his eyes were closed and he looked so pale.

"We need to take him to the hospital..." Matilda said and Dylan who was lifting his father up
stopped midway, he heard the voice he had never heard before... It was not the voice of Alyson,
but he could tell it was a strange voice. He looked back and asked...

"Who spoke just now?" Alyson too was shocked, because she was standing next to Matilda, and
could hear her clearly.

" mom.." Alyson stuttered pointing at Matilda.

"Mom...can you repeat that?" He asked in excitement.

"We do not have time for this.... Let's take him to the nearest hospital." Matilda replied not minding
the shock and excitement written over the children's faces.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

The journey from Akure to Lagos took Philip six hours... There was traffic logjam along Ore-Ijebu
road. His mind was not settled all through. he had mixed feelings that Susan could try something
funny with his phone.

He thought Susan could put a call through to his wife and inform her about the pregnancy. He was
having a severe headache as he drove into Susan's street.

Philip parked his car at Susan's gate and alight his car in haste.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"What if he comes back from his trip? What if..... Oh no.... I need to get out of this country ASAP."
Susan soliloquize on what to do next concerning the issue of travelling before she would be caught
by Philip. She picked her phone and call back the agent in charge of her travelling process....

But, his number was switched off.

Susan became furious.

"What sort of travel agent switches off his phone? Oh my..." She began pacing up and down her
hotel room, she kept on trying his number again, but yet, switched off.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"I have been calling his number also countless times here... It was saying switched off..." Thelma
was on call with her mother-in-law.

Racheal who has been trying Philip's digit all day noticed it was not going through yet. So, he
placed a call to Thelma to confirm if he actually called her.

"But, Philip's mobile is always active... What exactly is going on?" Racheal asked worriedly.

"Mum, let me put a call through to his P.A.. Am very sure they might be together." Thelma
suggested and Racheal urged her to do so.

She dialed Philip's P.A immediately she ended her conversation with Racheal, he picked her call
on the third ring.

"Good evening ma..." He greeted as he picks the call.

"Good evening Mr Jay... Please, are you with my husband? Can you please give the phone to
him?" Thelma asked without wasting time.

"He should be back to Lagos by now... He left Akure few hours back."

"This is past 11, my husband is not home yet.... Did he stated his reasons for coming back to you?"

"No ma... He didn't state any reasons for going back... But, i could guess he was worried about
something before he left here."

"Worried?" Thelma questionned.

"Yes ma'am. He wasn't stable within the few hours he spent here." Jay replied and Thelma
thanked him before ending the call.

Thelma's mind travelled straight to Susans, she definitely knew Philip might have gone to meet his

She was not happy about this as she sank into an empty chair in the living room.

"This lady wants to destroy my home.. You have failed! You are a liar! I serve a wonder working
God and i believe within me that He will surely direct my husband's path back to me." She declared
with boldness.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Am beginning to suspect you Williams... What sort of business have you been dealing with that
makes you not to have my time anymore?" Maureen spat out angrily at Williams who stood in front
of her. He tried bribing her with a hug as usual, but Maureen pushed him away.

"My Sweetness! My Angel! Am so sorry...."

"Don't sorry me, Willie.... All i need is your explanation.... It's been two weeks and am dying to
have you here...." Maureen was still vibrating with anger when Williams suddenly planted a kiss on
her lips and gave her a deep kissing. She was lost.... Williams moved from kissing to smooching
and from smooching he lifted her up and head straight for her room.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Philip kept on knocking on Susan's door. He thought she purposely ignored him and wanting to
punish him for what he did earier.

"Good evening sir...." One of Susan's neighbour stepped out of his apartment to talk to whoever
that was by Susan's door knocking for close to two hours.

"Good evening..." Philip drawled turning his head towards the direction of the neighbour that was
approaching him.

"I noticed you have been knocking this door for...." The neighbour stopped abruptly. He looked so
shocked to see Philip in his compound.

"Mr Philip Uzomba!" The neighbour exclaimed surprisingly and Phil took a close look at the
neighbour. He was shocked also after taking a closer look at him.

"Mr Olojode..." Philip recognized him and they both shook hands. The neighbour happened to be
his account officer.

"What are you doing here Mr Philip?" He asked and Philip sighed before explaining.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Mr Dylan, i can't really place your father's condition. He is not responding to treatment at all." The
doctor in charge said worriedly.

"Doctor, what do we do?" Dylan questionned

"I suggest you take him somewhere else.... Am sure this is not normal... You can take him
somewhere else based on your religion." The doctor replied and Dylan knew what he meant
without further explanation. He thanked the doctor and stepped out of the doctor's office back into
the lobby.

"How was it?" Maureen asked and Alyson rushed towards Dylan to know about their father's
condition. Dylan who was racking his brain on where to take his father to for spiritual aid, mavelled
at how his mother had regained her speech. He had no time yet to question her about the miracle
that had occured. He smiled and relayed the doctor's message to them.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Tonia..... This is getting out of hand... Your fiance stated here before he left that he wanted a low-
key wedding, but here you are elaborating it. Haba! Williams might have his reasons for saying

"Sisto..... Inviting 100 guests from my own side is not much at all... You should know i attend
functions a lot and i have a lot of friends, how won't i invite them, even if na lowkey wedding..."
Tonia replied Tina who stared at her suprisingly.

"I even overheard your conversation to someone over the phone not quite long... You wanted the
person to help you send the exact wedding dress the popular international musician wore on her
wedding day.... Tonia, you need to take things easy... Wedding is just a day, but marriage is for
eternity, you don't need to impress anyone or showcase how rich your fiance is to anyone. It's your
marriage that matters ooo not this wedding ceremony oooo." Tina gave her word of advice. "Good
night." She picked up her phone and stood to her feet and heads for her room.

"What is it sef? Hian! Wedding is for a day ooo... Marriage is lifetime..." Tonia began mimicking
her sister.

"Arrrgh.... Nobody can teach me how i prepare my own wedding ooo... I don't blame her sha, she's
overdue for marriage and yet she does not sees it as a problem." Tonia picked up her phone and
dialed a number on her phone.

To be continued.....

Chapter Thirteen


Wedding Preparation 3


"Mr Philip, you made a grave mistake.... Susan is a big time call girl, she had numerous men who
comes in and out of her apartment on a daily basis, a lady like Susan can never be pregnant..." Mr
Olojede said firmly.

Kay had invited Philip over to his apartment for discussion on what had occured between Philip
and Susan, and Philip explained all that had occured to him.

"I was worried all through about my phone... I hope she won't disclose to my wife about the
pregnancy.." Philip said exasperatedly

"Mr Philip, you shouldn't be worried about that oo... Because, the Susan i know is very smart to do
the unexpected."

"Unexpected? In what sense? Mr Kay?" Philip's accountant's full name is Kayode Olojede.
Sometimes, Philip call him Kay. Kay' is the short form for Kayode'.

"Did she know your mobile phone's password?" Kay asked.

"No...." Philip responded unassuredly.

"Hmmmm.... Mr Uzomba, there is fire on the mountain. And this is not the time to sit but run."

"Maybe she might tamper with the money in my account?"

"See Mr Philip... Tamper ke? Or wire all the money from your account.." Kay corrected.

"No... It can't be... Please.. I need to go to the nearest ATM stand to check my balance." Philip said
in a rush and sped out of Kay's apartment. Kay stood to his feet and ran after him.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Felix finally regained his consciousness after a powerful deliverance by Doctor Gilbert, Dylan's
school fellowship president who led him to Christ.

Felix was brought to Doctor Gilbert's hospital. Dylan couldn't think of where else to take his father
to except Doctor Gilberts'.

The deliverance session was held in a private ward all through the night. It was indeed powerful...
It was revealed to Doctor Gilbert in a vision that Felix's cult members had attacked him for failing
to bring the sacrifice they had requested for. Gilbert too was strong spiritually, if not they were
ready to attack him for interfering.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Mum.... How come? How did it happened?" Dylan questioned his mother as they got home from
hospital. Alyson had retired to sleep as it was late already before they got back home.

"Hmmmmm..... Exodus 23:25 says; 'And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless
thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.' My dear son, there
is nothing as sweet as serving the Lord... The fasting and prayer which Pastor Vic instructed us to
have, worked for me. The prayer points he sent were powerful. That afternoon, in my dream... I
saw myself being held by some strange and terrifying faces, i was tied to a very big and tall tree. A
man was standing in front of me, knotting my neck with a very thick rope, i was feeling pain all over
my neck, i wanted to scream for help but couldn't... I was wailing and all of a sudden an elderly
man in white Agbada appeared and walked up to those strange people, he said some powerful
words and commanded them to free me... Behold, those strange people disappeared and i
screamed 'thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus! until i woke up i found my voice
still repeating Thank You Jesus... That was how i regained my speech. I was delivered in my
dream 2 days ago." Matilda explained and Dylan marveled at her explanation.

"Glory be to God in the Highest! We serve a miracle working God...." Dylan praised the name of
God in excitement.

"But mom, you kept the testimony within yourself for two good days.... Mum, it's unfair oo.." Dylan
lamented in a childish manner and Matilda smiled.

"I want to give you a suprise and i could guess my surprise works.." Matilda said jokingly.

"Anyways... Am happy for you mom... Glory!!!"

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Williams left Maureen's house in excitement. She had transferred a sum of five million naira to him.
He was so excited, because of what he intended to do with the money. He planned on spending it
for his forthcoming honeymoon.

He had asked Tonia to choose her favourite country where they would spend their honeymoon
and Tonia choose Paris.

Williams was happy that he would finally fulfill his fianceé's dream. But, little did Williams know that
each time he copulate with Maureen, all his glory would be automatically transferred to Maureen.
Maureen's glory would continue to shine and she would continue to excel in her own businesses
with Williams's glory.

He sent some cash to Tonia for the wedding preparation. He thought of not spending the five
million naira gave to him on the wedding preparation, but he kept it specially for the honeymoon.

Williams had known Maureen for close to five years, yet he had not put the money he was offered
for services into good use, aside from gadgets, cars.....

Despite the fact that he rides the latest model of car, he's still living in a rented apartment. Despite
the cash he receives for each services rendered, he had no business of his own. The money is
only meant for flexing... Even if the thought of putting the money into good use crosses his mind,
he would surely loose it one way or the other. He can and would never put the money into good


Because of where the money originated from.....

That is the covenant attached to it.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Tonia woke up from a dream and couldn't recall what the dream was all about. But, she knew it
was a terrible one. She tried her best to recall it, but it seemed something wiped the dream off her
memory, each time she tries to recall it.

But a statement kept ringing in her head...


"What should i not do?" She soliloquized as she turn off the gas stove and pour little portion of the
hot water into the beverage she had in the mug.

"What should you not do?" Tina asked as she stepped into the kitchen.

"Sisto, i had a dream...a terrible one...i wished i could recall the dream. I tried to replay it in my
head, but it wasn't... All i could recall is a voice saying.... 'DON'T DO IT'... " Tonia explained as she

stirs the beverages together with a spoon, the hot water was bringing out vapour and she lifted the
spoon to sips little by blowing it first.

"Do you pray before going to bed at night...i mean every night?" Tina asked and Tonia turned deaf
at her question, she knew where Tina was directing her speech to.

"You see, prayer is very essential in one's life. I could guess that dream had a powerful message
to deliver to you, and it might be a strict warning against something that might occur later in future.
In my own view...i could tell that God is passing a message and warning to you concerning
something crucial... But, the devil is hijacking the dream from you by not recalling it. My dear sister,
i want you to fast and pray concerning that dream, you will definitely recall it. That is if you believe
and trust it in God's hands." Tina advised, but it was not sitting well with Tonia. She's so tired of her
sister's spirituality...

"Thanks sisto..." She managed to say and walked out of the kitchen with the cup of hot tea in her

"I don't know what exactly is going on with this my sister.... She's not even taking her own case
serious, not minding her own business.... Fasting ko praying ni...." Tonia said as she closed the
door to her room. Her phone started ringing, she dropped the cup of tea on her drawer and rushed
to pick the call.

"Hello, baby love!"

"Where have you been? Have called twice, but you are not picking up.." Williams queried and
Tonia explained herself.

"Check your SMS for confirmation of the money i sent to you." Williams instructed and ended the

Tonia hastily click on her inbox. She had received an alert of two million naira from Williams.

"Oh! What a darling! I love him so much.... I bless the day i met him..." Tonia praised as she puts a
call through back to Williams to thank him.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Felicia spent a week at Matt's house. Throughout her stay, Matt could not control his sexual urge,
he was praying within himself for Felicia to leave on time, so he could satisfy his sexual urge with

Felicia is a virgin and had told Matt before going into the relationship with him that she's against
sex before marriage. Matt too had obliged to her rules.

The only romantic feelings the two usually had is kissing and each time they kiss Matt couldn't
control it, he always felt like having it, sometimes he ran off to one of the other rooms in his
apartment to masturbate.

There was once a time he wanted to force Felicia into it. Felicia being a strong and determined
lady was able to free herself from his sexual urge... This act from Matt made Felicia wanting to
breakup, but several pleas from Matt and his friends made her forgive him.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Philip had checked his account balance....

He was shocked and sad to see what Susan had done to his account in less than twelve hours. He
sat on the tiled floor of the ATM stand looking derailed.

"Four million naira gone...." Philip lamented in tears.

"Mr Philip... This isn't the time to sit here and start lamenting. This is not the solution to the problem
on ground and i could tell Susan will do more." Mr Kay urged Philip as he helped him to stand to
his feet.

"What do i do? What do i do? That's my personal savings..."

"How much do you have in your company's account?" Mr Kay questioned

"37 million naira and the money to run the two contracts i just got is among. The month is going to
an end, i will still need to pay my employees from it..." Philip confessed sadly.

"I just pray she does nothing with that yet before morning comes.... As early as possible tomorrow
morning, we will go to my workplace together and i will try my best to block the two accounts. You
need to pend any transaction for now.... That is, if you are expecting some cash from your clients."
Mr Kay stated firmly but Philip was pained. He never thought Susan could try something of such to

°°° °°° °°° °°°

The next day was Friday, and Dylan does not want Alyson to use their father's ailment as an
excuse of not attending the annual girls meeting for all teenagers throughout the country.

Matilda adviced her to focus on whatever will be taught there and also to make new godly friends.

"Not every girls you meet in that programme tends to be a good girl or come from good home or
has a godly character.. You might have heard of the popular saying.... Show me your friend and i
will tell you whom you are. My dear, the Lord will be with you... And, i personally promise to put a
call through to you frequently." Matilda gave her word of advice to Alyson.

"Dad is fine... So be focused." Dylan concluded. "The cab is here..." Dylan announced and helped
Alyson in lifting up her backpack where she had her clothes. Matilda stood to her feet and they
both escort Alyson to the cab at the gate.

To be continued....

Chapter Fourteen


Day One


"What Felix did is too bad and he needs to be punished...." Jerry, one of Felix's cult members
stated with a stern look.

"I can't even imagine myself reflecting on what happened to Baba Ige..... The image is still very
fresh in my memory. Oh! It's terrifying!" Gbenro exclaimed.

"One side of his body from head to toe got burnt... I bet you can't recognize this man anymore..."
Jerry explained to others.

"Where has Felix gone to renew his power? Is he that desperate to get the post back by all
means?" A chubby man questioned thoughtfully.

"I guessed has much Mr Alonge..." Gbenro replied.

"Now that Baba Ige can't do a single thing concerning the matter on ground... I guess it's high time
for us to look for someone that is more powerful than Baba Ige to help deal with Felix..." Jerry
suggested as his big eye balls ran at each members at the long table where they were all seated
for discussion.

"You are making sense Jerry.... I know of a powerful man in my hometown.... If his name is been
mentionned anywhere, it will travel far to where he is and if you are calling him with a bad
intention, he will appear." Mr Alonge suggested firmly, and all member marvel at how powerful the
man could be.

"That is the type of person we need to help deal with Felix and his so-called back-ups." Gbenro
accepted the offer and the others too nodded their heads in agreement.

"I will visit my hometown and discuss the issue with him and invite him over.... But, bringing him
down here won't be easy ooo.... He hates leaving his shrine, but, i will try my best to convince him."

"If that should be the case, which means we will all visit your hometown ourselves once you are
done discussing the issues with him." A fair young man suggested and they all agreed.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Susan's phone was ringing consistently as she held Philip's phone trying to transfer the remaining
balance she had promised the travel agency, but it wasn't going through. It was just displaying
'error.... Visit the nearest branch...'

"Madam.... Am expecting the balance, you promised to send it and it's over an hour, am yet to
receive the alert... What's the issue madam?" The travel agency said once she took the call.

"Be patient... Am on it... I guess the network is very bad." Susan said sweating profusely as she
ends the call without waiting to hear to more complaint from the agent. She lifted the phone up
towards almost the edges of the hotel room, thinking it might be network issue.

"What exactly is the ish.. Oh.... Am going crazy here! What the hell is going on?" She said
impatiently and landed on the bed heavily in frustration.

She sat up all of a sudden and jumped to her feet....

"Yes! Let me put a call through to Micheal... He should be able to explain what the problem is to
me...." She said with a glimpse of excitement.

Micheal happened to be Susan's Ex, who worked in a bank. She picked her phone and search for
his mobile number but couldn't find it.

"Oh no! I forgot.... I changed my sim card. What the fuck!" She said in frustration as she racked her
brain on how to find Micheal's digit.

"Oh! Facebook!" She exclaimed in excitement as she typed 'Micheal Olajide' on the Facebook
Search Engine'.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Ella arrived Nigeria to hear the news of Felix been admitted in hospital. She left for the hospital as
soon as the security in charge of the house relayed the message to her.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Boss... You have not been eating for good three days... Try and take this Pap from mama so as to
gain little strength." Matt persuaded Felix who laid on the bed wriggling in pain. Matilda is referred
to as Mama.

She sat beside Felix holding a spoonful of Akamu (Pap) trying to spoonfeed him with plea.

"Please try and take few spoons at least. We can see that you are passing through a lot of pain,
but please, manage yourself and take little portion. It will help...." Matilda pleaded but Felix was
persistent. He was not ready to take anything as the pain was becoming unbearable for him.

"Mama, i guess i should go call the doctor..." Matt suggested and rushed out of the ward.

"Ma..... Matilda... W... will i be given at least one last chance?" Felix said amidst pains. He looked
so pathetic.

"Felix, with God all things are possible... Just take me as a perfect example of what God cannot do
does not exist. Do i even have the thought of regaining my speech all through the remaining days
assigned to me by God to spend on earth. Felix, have never dream of it for once.... But God
perform wonders in my life. The same God that did mine will surely do yours Felix." Matilda said
consoling him with an assuring look.

Matt came back into the private ward with Doctor Gilbert.....

"Mr Felix, we've carried out all necessary test, even the ones that was carried out in the hospital
you were first admitted shows same results. All you need is to be pleading for God's mercy... I
annointed you last night before you sleep and also instructed you to recite Psalm 51... Did you

even recite it at all sir?" Doctor Gilbert asked and Felix shook his head in dismissal before

"Doc.... Doc, i .. i can't stand up to read the..."

"The Bible" Gilbert helped him completed the statement as it was too difficult for him to end it.

"You can definitely read your Bible the way you lay. It's not necessarily until you sit up or kneel by
the bedside before God can answer your prayers. He surely sees your heart." Gilbert said and
held one of his hands and said.....

"Now say after me..."Gilbert closed his eyes after instructing Felix on what to do.

"Have mercy upon me, o God, according to thy lovingkindness....." Gilbert recited Psalm 51 from
verses 1 and Felix repeated after him bit by bit.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Thelma was so worried about herhusband, his phone was finally reachable but he was not taking
his calls. She had been trying his number for almost thirty minutes her calls were been rejected.

"Haaa... Lord of mercy! What is going on?" Thelma lamented in worry and tried his number back,
but it was switched off again.

blurted out tearfully as she threw her phone to the bed in frustration, and went on her knees for

"I could sense Philip is in danger.... Oh Lord have mercy on my husband and deliver him from this
woman's bondage..." She prayed with tears streaming down her eyes.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Tonia went with two of her friends on shopping for her wedding dress and also the ones she would
be needing for the introduction as the introduction ceremony is fast approaching.

"Am not buying my wedding dress here in Nigeria... I had rather send Jessica to help me send the
type i want from Italy..." Tonia said arrogantly.

"Ose.... Italo connection..." One of her friend praised and the trio laughed.

"Ose Ore mi... Ko ni baje fun e...(thanks my friend... It shall be well with you....)" Tonia replied and
they both gave each other a high-five.

"I guess you should pick the shoe also from Italy. You know Williams also knows a lot about
fashion and his dress sense is top notch." The other suggested.

"Jemaima, you are very right. Reasons why i brought you guys here to help me out.. I know you
guys will surely never run out of ideas no matter what." Tonia said firmly and walked up to some
set of laces that was hung in the store they went to purchase items.

"Babes, i thought of going for emerald green... What do you think?" Tonia asked looking into her
friends's faces for reply.

"Emerald is one of the trendy colours in town and i know it will suit you and Williams."

"Thank you Dèsìre... I appreciate." They started picking some samples of exotic laces that are
emerald green in colour and the sales girl listed the prices one after the other without making

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Tina went visiting her spiritual father for prayers concerning Tonia, as the dream kept on
reoccuring to her.

"Sir, i could see dangers ahead.... But, my sister is not ready to listen. She was having same
dream as mine but, she kept on ignoring it. And the introduction ceremony is fast approaching."
Tina lamented to her spiritual father.

"When is it holding?" He asked

"In two weeks Papa..."

"Do you notice or probably think if they've gone intimate?" Papa asked with a serious look.

"No sir... I once asked her." Tina said thoughtfully. "When i asked her to pray and she refused...
Her refusal prompted me to ask and she said never.... That she's not ready to be used and
dumped by any man as her last relationship had taught her a great lesson." Tina replied.

"Fine!" Papa said with his lips pressed before going further.

"Let's go on a 3-day fasting and prayer for her and our vital prayer point is to ask God to reveal
whatever is hidden about this particular brother to her. And also, to touch her hardened soul so she
could listen and see the dangers ahead of her." Papa instructed and Tina nodded her head

"Back to yours sister Tina, has God revealed him to you?" Papa asked with a smile and Tina

"Am confused Papa..." She replied coyly.

"Confused? Why? Are you doubting God?" Papa asked and Tina shook her head in dismissal.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Alyson was present at the Annual meeting for all teenagers in the country. The meeting was to be
held for 3-days at Ikeja. Almost 15,000 teenagers were present for the programme. Most of them
were from outside the state, so they were provided free accomodation for somewhere not to far

from the hall where the programme would be held. Some teenagers who are based in Lagos and
wished to camp there were also giving accomodation.

The host of the programme is in person of 'Pastor Mrs Rebecca Adams'.

She hosted the programme and invited some guests for the talk and other events that would be
held alongside.

Pastor Mrs Rebecca Adams mounted the podium and introduced herself and welcome all
teenagers present. After introduction alongside jokes she prayed before commencing.

"Halleluyah!" She said after prayer waving her hands to God Almighty.

"Halleluyah..." The teenagers said waving their hands.

"Let's have our seat and go straight to business...." She instructed and they all seated.

"This is Day 1 of this years Annual Christian Teenagers Programme. It is a programme designed
for all teenagers starting from ages 13 to 19.... We are here to discuss about so many things, as
displayed in the flyers given to you. Can i see the hands of those who saw our flyers online?" She
asked and many teenagers raised up there hands.

"Praise God!" The teenagers all chorused halleluyah and she welcomed every one.

"Like i said earlier on, this is Day 1." She staryed and mounts the podium.

"So am going to talk about 12 Things Every Christian Teenager Should Know..." She stepped
down from the podium and moved into the midst of the over 15,000 teenagers present for the

"I haven't been a teenager for several years, but i still remember those days like it was yesterday. I
reflect back on junior high and high school mixed emotions. Part of me feels joy for all the things
the Lord allowed me to experience. The other part of me feels sorrow for not feeling well prepared
to deal with life. Now that am in my late twenties, i feel like i can offer a few pieces of advice to
Christian teenagers. What are they?" She left the midst of the crowd back to the podium and
unlocks her tab.

"Here's 12 things every Christian teenager should know:

1) Obey God." She lifted her head from what she had listed on her tab and faced the crowd.

You were created by God to live for Him (Colosians 1: 16). You'll only be happy if you do so. At this
stage, you're probably starting to experience peer pressure to sin in some way (e.g., drinking
alcohol, premarital sex, e.t.c.) Don't give in. It's not worth it." She paused a bit before she goes

"The things the world has to offer are temporarily gratifying. But the things God has to offer are
eternally satisfying. God is not a killjoy. He has your greatest interests in mind. The Bible really
means it when it says that God is the only source of satisfaction in this life." She paused amd
stepped down the podium again.

To be continued....

Chapter Fifteen


Consulting the oracles


"Honey, what happened? You got me worried...." Thelma said with a shaky voice, she was about
to burst into tears as she saw Philip strode into the house looking haggard and exhausted.

Before Philip could utter a word back to his wife, he pulled her into his embrace and hugged her so
tight. Thelma's eyes almost got popped out of her eye socket as she stared with a surprise look.

"Am so sorry Honey.... I almost lost everything due to my infidelity..." He said dejectedly while still
embracing his wife.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Leave me alone...." Tonia screamed out as she woke up from a very terrible dream. She sat up
abruptly. She began panting and sweating profusely.

"What's happening to me? I can't place this dream am having..." She soliloquized.

"I was about to see the face of the young man that was...." She said thoughtfully as she recalled
the dream.

In her dream....☁️

Tonia was heading somewhere important in a cab. All of a sudden the driver pulled over stating
that he can't go further as the path she was heading to is too bad for his car. Tonia was greatly
annoyed at the cab driver, she alighted from the cab without paying the driver, she thought the
driver would plead to her and take her to her destination. But to her biggest surprise, the driver
took a U-turn and drove away in haste.

She was very annoyed, she almost caused the driver, but, she decided to continue the important
journey she was heading by foot... She was walking alone along the rough path. It got to a point,
she was scared as everywhere was dark and yet covered with fog.

She began to hear distant chatter from afar as she thread along that path. As she keeps moving
she could hear someone wailing and a voice chattering and laughing. She halted when she saw a
woman strangling the neck of a young man. The young man's body was filled with blood. Tonia
was shocked and she couldn't lift her leg to flee, but she wanted to. The young man that was
being tortured was about to turn his face as he was facing another side while being tortured. Then,
someone dragged Tonia away and she screamed.... "Leave me alone...." From her dream to

She switches on the light in her room and stepped out of her room into the livingroom. She laid on
the sofa, she seemed too scared to sleep in her room. She checked the time from the wall clock
that was hung in the livingroom. It was 1.00am.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Use the portions rightly, and i assure you this convention you are planning towards will pull larger
crowds this time around more than before. You said you are shocked to receive 2 million crowds
at the last convention... This time around, it will be triple to that 2 million."

Mr Alonge sat in the waiting room, waiting patiently for the herbalist he had recommended to his
cult members to come attend to him.

"Thank you so much Baba... I appreciate... Immediately i get to Lagos, i will make sure i transfer
the balance to you. Thank you once again..." The visitor said stepping out of the herbalist's power
room. Mr Alonge was shocked to see Pastor Alade of a very popular church in Lagos that has the
largest congregation. He knew he was from his hometown, but he couldn't believe his eyes that
Pastor Alade usually come here for powers... No wonder... He wanted to greet him, but he kept
quiet and does not want him to feel uncomfortable.

"Alonge.... You may come in." Baba called Mr Alonge in. He was carried away as he watched the
pastor leaves.

"What do you call his name?" Baba asked Mr Alonge as soon as he step into the power room, and
Mr Alonge gave Felix's full name.

The herbalist consulted his oracles and make some incantations into a black large pot (Ikoko dudu)
calling Felix's name in full.

"This one am looking at only has limited time on this planet. As i speak... Alonge, he is living-dead.
He is of no use." Baba said after making the incantations.

"Baba, our wish is too receive the news of his death.... If this man is alive... He will reveal all our
secrets to the world. He knows a lot about us... He confessed in a church few months back before
returning to us. This time around he might reveal all out secrets to the world, and you know the
post i hold in the society.... Kinni ka ti gbo Baba? Baba, please... We want him dead and not living
dead." Mr Alonge pleaded and Baba consulted his oracles again.

"We will need to summon his spirit man at exactly 1.00am, it is left for you and your members to
decide when you wish to do so." Baba said after consulting his oracles.

"Thank you Baba, i trust you and i know you can and will never fail me." Mr Alonge appreciated
and dipped his hand into his sokoto (trousers) and brought at a bale of 1000 notes and offer it to
Baba by placing it on the red cloth that was spread in front of a statue that is referred to as (Orisa)

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Are you saying the account is not meant for you?" Micheal asked Susan over the phone.

She was able to find Micheal on Instagram after recalling his Instagram handle as she could not
find him on Facebook. He had changed his Facebook name and it was difficult to find him. She
sent a DM to him on Instagram and requested for his number. Micheal recognized her at once and
he sent his mobile number to her. Susan, without wasting time placed a call through to him and
explained her reasons for calling after exchanging pleasantries.

"The account is my fiancé's, he was cheating on me and i wanted to teach him a lesson." She lied.

"Susan... Cheating on you or not... You do not have the right to tamper with another person's
account. It is fraud." Micheal corrected and Susan frowned at the other end of the call.

"Are you referring to me as a fraudster?"

"Susan, haba! Am just correcting you. He is not yet married to you, and even if, you do not have
the right to transfer...." Before Micheal could end his statement Susan cuts him in.

"Fine, explain to me why i was not able to access his account."

"There's no doubt, he has definitely blocked his account, and...." Micheal was still saying when
Susan ended the call on him.

"So, Philip outsmarted me...." She said looking raged.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Felix.... What happened? What is going on?" Ella questioned as soon as Felix woke up, but Felix
could not utter a word.

"I thought dad explained things to you when you came back from hospital back then." Dylan said
drawing Ella's attention to him. They were seated in Felix's private ward. Ella sat on the bed next to
Felix, while Dylan sat on the sofa that sat oposite the bed.

"He only told me that you wanted to settle down and that was why you moved out of the house with
your mom and Alyson tagged along." Ella replied looking confused.

"Is that all what dad said to you?" Dylan said surprisingly and Ella nodded her head in affirmation.

"Dad, why? You confessed your sin and admit to God that you are a sinner. You repent and
believed that God loves you, that Jesus died for you. You invited Jesus into your life through
prayers of faith. But yet, you return to your vomit like a dog. Like a washed pig, you return to the
mud. Daddy why? Why? Why?" Dylan's words sounded strange to Ella's ears. She kept on
glancing at the father and son.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"2) Obey Your Parents." Pastor Mrs Rebecca Adams continued in her ministration to the

"The book of Ephesians 6 verses 1 to verses 3 says: 'Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for
this is right.

Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)

That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.' And also.. Exodus 20 verse
12 says: 'Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the
LORD thy God giveth thee.'

John Calvin also puts it this way: 'we are to show them (Your Parents) respect, obedience, and
thankfulness, and to render to them every service possible. For it is the Lord's will that we should
act like this to those who have given us life. And it is of little importance whether they are worthy or
unworthy of this honour for whatever they may be, they have been given to us as father and
mother by the Lord, who has willed that we should honour them.'


If you're like me, Calvin's quote convicts you.

I know that you probably think your parents are uncool, and they sometimes get on your nerves
(believe me, you get on their nerves too.) But God ordained that they...yes, your mother and your
father... would be your parents, and he commands that you obey them. While i may sometimes

disagree with my parents, i always regret it when i disobey them. So, obey your moms and pops so
your days may be long on earth." She took a brief pause and continue.

"3) Obey the authorities.

Paul says, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities." (Romans 13 verse 1) Paul
then calls the authorities as 'God's Servants' and 'ministers of God' in verse 4 and verse 6. The
words in Greek that Paul uses for these two verses is the exact same words that Paul uses
speaking about Christian ministers of the Church elsewhere. Here's the point: God wants you to
respect and obey them.

At your age, it may seem cool to be rebellious to authorities. But that is exactly one of the biggest
problems with your generation and mine: a lack of respect for authority.

Whether it's a police officer or tax collector or pastor or grandparent, you have to understand
certain people have authority over you, and you have to obey.

4) Get Plugged into the Local Church.

God's plan A is the church, and there's no Plan B. I hope and pray your parents are attending a
church, and not just a church because there are churches too.... a Bible believing church. If they
are not, ask them to start attitude. If the church has a youth group, get plugged in. Go to the
summer camps. Invite your friends to youth group. Get involved right now. Give your life, time, and
energy to God's bride.

Praise God!" The teenagers all chorused 'Halleluyah....

"What number is next?" She asked to know if they are fully following...

"Number 5." They all replied.

To be continued....

Are you a teenager?

Are you experiencing what Alyson the character in this story is experiencing?

Feel free to share what you are experiencing to an adult you can trust.

Or call my number on 08118584021. You can send a WhatsApp message as well to that same

God Loves you.

Chapter Sixteen


No Cause For Alarm


"Wow! AM GOING TO BE A FATHER!" Philip screamed excitedly immediately Thelma broke the
news about the pregnancy to him, his smiles radiated love and happiness.

"Calm down baby...." Thelma said as Philip danced round the living room to no music in particular.

"Are you that excited?"

"Happy is an understatement Sweetheart... It's not easy to be a father you know.... And am
cocksure they are twin...." Philip said excitedly and the smile on Thelma's face disappeared. It was
obvious she doesn't want a twin.

"They are twin baby.... Be prepared..." Philip said jokingly and lifted her up in his arms and carried
her gently through the stairs and straight to the room.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Tonia was not bothered about the dream she had this time around. Though, it was terrifying. But
she assured herself that it was just a dream and there's no curse for alarm. But, the picture of the

young man that was being strangled by a particular woman kept flashing through her memories.
She wished she was opportuned to see the face of that young man.

Dream can sometimes be funny... She thought within herself as she stood up from the sofa she
had used as solace when she had the terrifying dream at midnight.

"Haahaa... Tonia, what happened? Why did you sleep here?" Tina asked as she stepped into the
livingroom, she was coming from night vigil.

"Sis, i had a bad dream at midnight, and i couldn't sleep in my room, so i decided to come sleep
here. Had it been you are home, i would have rush down to your room." She explained yawning.
One could tell she couldn't sleep well at night.

"Is it that terrifying?" Tina asked as she placed her bag on the centre table and removed the turban
she had tied on her head to vigil.

"Tonia" she called as Tonia was about heading for her room. Tonia turned back and waited to
listen to what her sister has to say.

"Can we have a morning devotion before you step out, please?" Tina asked and Tonia's
countenance changed.

"Now?" She asked with her brows raised while frowning.

"Of course, now.... I won't take much of your time.. I promise." Tina assured her and she took her
seat still frowning as Tina brought out her church's daily devotional. She flipped through pages and
stopped at the date of that particular day.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Ella wore a disappointing look, she couldn't believe her ears when Dylan narrated everything about
Felix to her.

"Why do you choose this part? Why? Just take a look at what you've gotten yourself into.... Nobody
wine and dine with the devil and go scotfree. Am highly disappointed in you. So, all the wealth
you've acquired does not actually come from your sweat... It's a pity!" Ella kept on ranting while
Felix was still wriggling in pain on his sick bed.

"I had a revelation..." Doctor Gilbert said diverting the attention of those in the private ward to him.

"What's the revelation about Doc?" Matilda asked with curiousity written over her face.

"The revelation i had concerning Mr Felix might scare you all... But, have discussed about it to my
spiritual father and he promises to take charge from here." Doctor Gilbert explained casting a pity
look at Felix. He was not stable and balanced at all. The pain deteriorated.

"Is he coming over?" Dylan asked and Doctor Gilbert shook his head in dismissal.

"He asked me to bring him to the mountain, he will be there to take over...."

"Where is the prayer mountain located? And, can we start moving now?" Ella asked

"The mountain is situated at Osun State. And, you can move tonight." Doctor Gilbert said and they
all looked at him in astonishment at the word 'You' which he used instead of 'We'.

"Be rest assured... No cause foralarm! Am having a patient to attend to, i can't just leave the
patient behind. Her case is detrimental. I will forward his mobile number to you and give you
description. And, one more thing..." He said and walked towards the drawer beside the bed where
Felix laid and lifted up the annointing oil he had placed on it earlier when Felix was brought to his

"You need to go with this. In case, if you notice anything along your way... Just apply it on him
frequently." He said and offer it to Dylan. He looked at Doctor Gilbert skeptically. He wasn't sure if
his father will make it, he was pratically having a doubting mind. Same goes for the other two
women present in the room. They wore a disappointing look. To them, it seemed Doctor Gilbert
was trying to abandon or discharge their father, like he has no solution he could offer to them.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Are you sure this is my result?" Matt asked with disbelief as he hold the laboratory result in his

He had went to the lab with his fiancée to go for the genotype and blood test. They had gone for
the test before going deep into the relationship, but Felicia insited to go for it again before the
wedding that was fast approaching. And, this was part of her reason for visiting Matt. Because,
she had seen and witnessed some of her friends who run the test and were surprised to give birth
to Sickle Cell. The last she witnessed prompted her to travel down from Abuja to visit Matt in
Lagos for the re-run of the test.

Chiamaka her roommate and closest friend while in school was AS. When she met her fiancé, she
asked about his genotype which was AA. They went further to tie the knot, but was surprised to
receive the news that their first child was a carrier... The husband had to re-run the test, and was
confirmed to be AS as well as his wife. This prompted Felicia to ask Matt to follow her to the
nearest laboratory on the day of her departure to Abuja. The doctor asked when last they run their
HIV test while taking their blood samples and Felicia said she never missed running the test every
three months, but Matt said it's been long he had run the HIV test last. Felicia insisted he run the
test again and here they are to receive the news that he was HIV positive.

"How come?" He questioned the lab tech who was just looking at him in pity with his shoulders

"Matt, i should be the one posing that question to you..." Felicia said raged in anger.

"You have your barbing kit... So, tell me how come? If not because of your infidelity." Matt looked
perplexed as Felicia accused him. He could recall one friday night, two years back, when he was
returning from work. He decided to branch a club on the Island. One of the hottest club to say. He
took a bottle of Vodka drink and saw some hot babes... They seemed like friends to him and he
decided to try two-some with them. He also wanted to experience the pleasure his friends enjoyed
in having two-some. They bargained price among each other and later settled for 20,000#, which is
10k each. He had fun all through the night, as the two hot babes gave him the craziest and
baddest style he had never experience during his years of sexcapades.

Now, doom is at his service.

"Hey, Mr...." The lab tech gave the table in front of him a mild tap, calling Matt out of his
subconcious mind.

"Where is my woman?" He asked after realizing he couldn't find Felicia next to him.

"She left in anger..." The lab tech replied and Matt stood to his feet and left in a sorrowful state.

"Sir, your car keys.." The lab tech called back, raising the car keys. Matt turned back sluggishly
and took the keys from the lab tech.

Meanwhile, while Matt was having a flash back of what had occured in the past, Felicia had left
him in anger.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Maureen was looking for a way to discharge Williams. She had pratically exhausted all the glory
he has left, and was looking for another target. Her mission with Williams had been completed.

"I won't be around for the next six months... Am traveling to Russia for an important business deal.
So manage the 4 million naira i just wrote on this cheque for your upkeep." Maureen said to
Williams, little did he know that Maureen had exhausted his glory and was trying to abandon him.

"But mama, this 4 million cannot last me for six months.." He lamented receiving the cheque in his
right hand.

"I thought you said you have businesses you are running..." Maureen asked with her brows raised
in question and Williams quickly composed himself so Maureen would not notice he had been lying
to her. Meanwhile, Maureen knew everything, she knew he can never put the money she has been
giving him to good use.

"It's not so mama... You know as a big boy, i would love to go clubbing and the kind of people am
rolling with these days ehn... I gats to have cool cash to spend in club oooo...."

"Support your spending with the profit you will be making from your businesses." Maureen said
shunning him off and went upstairs leaving him alone in the livingroom.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Pastor Mrs Rebecca Adams continued with her ministration to the 15k plus teenagers who
attended the programme.

"5. Develop a Devotional life.

Joshua 1: 8

When i say 'devotional life' what i mean are things that you do in private to grow in godliness.
Focus on Bible reading and prayer (but journaling, worship, scripture memorization, and other
disciplines are helpful too). I read the Gospels over and over again when i was a teenager, and it
changed my life. It is not an exaggeration when i say that one of the best things i've ever
implemented in my life is the regular rhythm of personal devotions. The value is inculcable.

6. You probably shouldn't be dating anyone.

Definitely not in Junior high and probably not in High school.

With that said, there are some who married their high school sweetheart. These stories can
happen, but they are few and far between, especially nowadays. For every one couple that starts
dating at your age and end in success (marriage), there are hundreds that end in disaster.

Got a girl or guy you're eyeing at school? Cool.

Tell your parents, tell your youth group leader, pray, and then proceed with great caution. I didn't
date until i was 25 (and now we're married!) and i don't regret it one bit. Sure, my life a times felt
lonely when i was in my late teens and early twenties. But the slight sting of loneliness is a far
lesser pain than permanent heartache from someone of the opposite sex.

Again: you should probably wait before you date.

7. Discover Your Purpose.

Josiah was only eight years old when he became king of Judah. His father had been wicked, as
had the Jewish kings and culture for generations before him. 'In the eight year of his reign,'
Scripture records that Josiah began to seek the Lord (2 Chronicles 34 verse 3). In his seeking, he
set about restoring the house of the Lord.

You are never too young to be used mightily for the Lord. Josiah was 8 years old when God
providentially set him on the throne. In the years when Josiah was just stepping into adulthood,
God wooed his heart. Josiah had a soft heart that responded wholly to the Lord. As a teenager,
don't doubt for a second that God can use you in the midst of your growing years.

Another perfect example is Samuel. We all know the story of Samuel in the Bible. Hannah and
Elkanah give their son (Samuel) to serve at God's tabernacle. 1 Samuel Chapter 2 verse 26 says...
'And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the LORD, and also with men.'

White people discover their wards purpose on time. You are in Africa is not a mistake. You too can
discover your purpose.

We also have so many talented youth and teenagers displaying their God-given talents in
Churches and on social media... So, discover your purpose now.

8. Re-think Your Social Media Habits.

One popular teen star quit instagram. I'm not saying you have to follow her footsteps. But a
growing concern of mine.... and this is true for myself and my generation as that we're
using social media to create our identity. The validation that you're looking for, in Christ, you
already have.

Have fun on social media. Tweet what you're thinking. Sharing funny videos. Give a few life
updates on Facebook. And be sure to follow people that edify you. But don't let social media
consume you.

9. Learn a skill.

My mom made me learn a skill when i was age 15. It was tough, but i acquire enough knowledge
through the skill i learnt. I learned communication, social, interpersonal, and financial skills that
helped shaped my character. You can decide to use your weekends or summer holiday to learn a
skill. And, if you are awaiting admission learn a skill while waiting. There's a popular saying... 'An
idle mind is the devil's workshop' Proverbs 16 verse 27. So, refuse to be an idle teenager, don't
allow the devil to toy with your mind and learn a skill."

To be continued.....

Are you a teenager?

Are you experiencing what Alyson the character in this story is experiencing?

Feel free to share what you are experiencing to an adult you can trust.

Or call my number on 08118584021. You can send a WhatsApp message as well to that same

God loves you.

Chapter Seventeen




Mr Alonge returned to Lagos very late from his hometown. He couldn't discuss the outcome of his
journey yet with his members, as they all have their various businesses to deal with, and it was not
yet the day for their meeting.

On his arrival, he sent a message to the 'Billionaire's platform' on WhatsApp. The message stated
that, they should all be at their headquaters for an urgent meeting relating to Felix's eviction.

As each members received the WhatsApp message from Mr Alonge, they could tell that Alonge
had come with good news regarding Felix's eviction.

"How is baba?" Mr Alonge's wife questioned as he stepped into his vast livingroom after their
housemaid got the door opened for him.

"Baba is fine ooo.. He sent his regards to you all." He replied and took his seat feeling exhausted.

"I don't need to ask how the journey went... I could see clearly that it wasn't a smooth one." His
wife (Adeola) said as she took his seat next to him.

"That road ehn...." Mr Alonge said

"So, the new governor did nothing to that road. Despite the fact that he's from our hometown."
Adeola said lifting her husband's leg up, placing it on her laps and started massaging his foot.

"Thank you my surely know what i needed at this moment. To pedal the accelerator
for good eight hours has not been easy my sweetness."

"I told you to allow Goke drive you down, but you insisted on driving yourself." Goke is Mr Alonge's
personal driver. He does not want anyone to know the kind of deal he had went for in his
hometown, that was why he asked Goke to stay behind.

"Baba, did not send any of his farm produce to us... Why?" Adeola asked, as she could noticed
that her husband did not come in with any bags in particular, which was so unusual. Her father-in-
law would have sent some of his workers to the farm to get varieties of his farm produce to take
back to Lagos. She looked at her husband suspiciously.

Adeola was from same hometown as Mr Alonge. She was a deaconess in her church while her
husband was an elder. Adeola strongly believed in the Lord, but she knew not that her husband
belonged to a very strong occultic world.

"I told him not to bother himself." Mr Alonge defended himself before Adeola will question further.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Philip couldn't contain his joy about his wife's pregnancy. Though, he wasn't happy about his
infidelity to his wife. Had it been he had been faithful to his wife, someone like Susan would not
have had the chance to come into his life, talk more of stealing his hard-earned money. Had it
been he had loved Thelma so dearly and treated her right from the onset, without thinking about
the fact that it was an arranged marriage, he wouldn't have met someone like Susan. All these and
many more thoughts ran through Philip's mind as he prepared dinner for Thelma.

He had asked Thelma to relax upstairs while he prepare a good delicacy for her. Thelma laughed
as she watched her husband leave for the kitchen. She imagined what his husband who was not
so familiar with the kitchen would prepare. But, little did she know that Philip had went along with
his phone and clicked on his Youtube App and search for how to prepare Egusi Soup.. He asked
their maid to help him get the necessary ingredients to prepare, which the maid rushed down to the
market to get it swiftly.

"After boiling the meat, you soak the stock-fish into a boiled water, so it could be fluffy before use,
and easy to eat. The next step is to place your washed cookingpot and get your palm oil....." The
chef instructed and Phil did as instructed. He paused whenever he needed to get some things in
place or reverse back the video to watch the part he missed.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Mrs Rebecca Adams continued with her ministration......

"10. You Can Make A Difference For Jesus Right Now.

You don't have to wait until you have grey hair to make a difference for Christ.

I think of Jacquelle Crowe, who named her first book, 'This Changes Everything', dedicated to
Christian Teenagers. I think of Brett and Alex Harris, brothers and co-authors of a revolutionary

book, 'Do Hard Things', aimed against low expectations for teens. I also think of my little brother
who was a great source of godly encouragement to his youth group as a teenager. And the list
goes on.

Of course, there's a refining process that every teenager must go through. Hopefully, your most
fruitful years are ahead of you. But as Paul says to Timothy: "Let no one despise you for your
youth, but set the believers an example in speech in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. (1Tim.4:12).

11. Don't Worry About The Future.

Recently, i facilitated a group discussion for two Christian Youth Groups. It was so encouraging to
interact with them. One thing, however, stood out to me: many of the young kids are already
anxious about their future.

Anxiety is a tricky thing, isn't it? In one sense, God commands us not to be anxious (Philippians
4:4-6). In another sense, you can't help but feel bodily reactions to seemingly fearful situations. It's
part of what makes you human. The thing that has helped me the most is growing in my
understanding of God's providential care for me. If He takes care of birds, He'll also take care of
you. And that includes your future. When your future arrives, Lord willing, what you need to know is
that God will be right there with you... and that is more than enough.

12. Avoid Bad Company/Choose Your Friend Wisely.

Bad company corrupts good manners. If your circle talks more about ungodly songs and movies,
you need to change your circle.

There was a teenager boy, his story is so pathetic but i needed to share with you. This incident
happened just of recent in a particular city. He joined badcompany, because his parents were
separated. Kai, What a funny excuse! One day, he was in the midst of his wayward friends, they
were smoking Colorado... I think it's another version of Indian hemp popularly called (igbo). After
puffing his own round, he stood up all of asudden, like someone being controlled, and left the
midst of his friends and ran to a nearby well, he unlocked the well and dive into it and that was how
he ends his life. What a pity! Huh! So, who you follows determines what follows you.

In addition, Have Fun.

Finally, have fun. Why? Because you're a teenager for crying out loud! Enjoy your fast metabolism,
non-receding hairline, sugar-filled drink, and life without (many) bills. It doesn't last forever.

I hope you enjoy your teenage years. They go by fast. And hopefully this programme helps a little.
I hope the Lord blesses these years, and may you remember this quote by C.T Studd as you
continue to walk with the Lord: "Only one life, it will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will

All the teenagers including Alyson jot down all the points Mrs Rebecca listed. They were indeed
blessed by her ministration. It was time for an altar call. Mrs Rebecca called for those who were
ready to give their life to Christ... At the end of the prayer for salvation, it was recorded that 2,995
teenagers out 15,000 plus gave their life to Christ excluding Alyson.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Dylan ordered a cab from one of his regular Uber drivers. So, he requested for an offline job with
the Uber driver from Lagos to Osun state. Mr Felix was wheeled in a wheel chair from the hospital
and was carried carefully by Doctor Gilbert, Dylan and little assistance from the Uber driver into
the cab.

"Thank you so much Doc.. I really appreciate all your effort. Once we get to Osun State i will put a
call through to you." Dylan gave his word of appreciation.

"I will call you often and often. Bro Dylan, it is well!" Doc Gilbert said giving him an assuring look.
He gave Dylan a hug and as Dylan was about to hop into the passenger's seat he stopped him.

"I needed to give you one more thing before you embark on this journey." Doctor Gilbert said
stopping Dylan. He beckoned on one of the nurses that was passing by and whisper something
into her ear. The nurse rushed in immediately Gilbert gave her an order.

Matilda and Ella sat at the back with Felix in their middle. Ella began grumbling, she does not see
any reason why Dylan will abandon his father's car and opt for a cab to take him on such a crucial
journey. She was feeling uncomfortable in the cab he ordered for. The Uber driver stole glances at
her through the rearview mirror as she was grumbling. He recognized who she was, but was
pissed off by her character in reality. Dylan, of course, knew what he was doing. He knew what
was best in this kind of situation.

The nurse rushed out few minutes later with a Bible in her hand, she handed it over to Doctor
Gilbert and went her way.

"You will need the Holy Bible. Do not hesitate to use it if need arises before you get to your
destination." Doctor Gilbert said and handed it over to Dylan, giving him an assuring look again.
Dylan thanked him greatly and hopped into the front seat. The driver started the engine and drove
out of the hospital's parking lot and Doctor Gilbert waved them goodbye.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Williams! Ha! Ha! Williams...." Tonia screamed out so loud waking her friend (Jemaima)up.
Jemaima was shocked at the rate at which she screamed out. She sat up abruptly from the sofa
sweating profusely with her eyes clouded with tears.

"What happen?" Jemaima asked looking scared.

"Williams.... Will..... was the man in question." She said subconsciously staring into the space. She
stood to her feet, wore her shoe and picked up her bag and rushed out of Jemaima's apartment.

"Tonia... Tonia.." Jemaima stood to her feet and went after her.

Tonia had come to Jemaima's house to discuss with the event planner which her friend had
recommended to her for the forthcoming wedding. Jemaima had introduced an event planner to
her and they had fixed to meet the event planner at Jemaima's place. During the course of waiting,
both of them fell asleep in the livingroom. In her sleep, she had the terrible dream again and this
time around the face of the man in question was revealed to her, and as she saw the face and
recognized it was Williams, she noticed it was too late for Williams. Williams was pratically lying
lifeless on the floor filled with his own blood, while the woman who did evil to him abandoned him
and left. Tonia screamed trying to help, but a hand kept preventing her from doing so, she wailed
and started screaming Williams's name, willing to help till she screamed out his name from dream
to reality.

To be continued.....

Chapter Eighteen


Day Two.


The had flat tyre along ibadan expressway. Maureen was agitated with anger, she began
lamenting and ranting at Dylan and also accusing the driver for not taking proper care of his car
before setting out on a crucial journey like this.

"I told you, let's go with my car, but you are bent on doing your own wish. You can see now.... His
car is not roadworthy, yet he decided to embark on this journey. What sort of driver does that?"
Ella said nagging and face the driver. They all alighted from the car leaving Felix behind. Dylan
was racking his brain for solution, because the driver had forgot his extra tyre at Lagos.

"Hey, madam...enough.... You are passing your boundaries and i think am beginning to lose my
patience. Do you expect me to risk my life having the knowledge of my ride not roadworthy? Stop
talking gibberish and let's face this issue squarely and look for solutions rather than picking up a
fight with me." The Uber driver retorted sharply and Ella was astounded by his response.

"Are you shunning me off like am nobody? Me, talking gibberish? What exactly is the problem with
all these drivers... Once you get a car through hire purchase you feel you've arrived... you start
spewing nonsense at your clients." Ella replied feeling raged in anger.

"Madam, you started this first. And am only correcting you here but it seems you want your career
to go down totally... If that is what you want, i can assist you, if you dare utter a word at me again."

"This is not the solution here.. Ella, you should understand better that this is not ordinary...
Something seems fishy and we need to pray for God to intervene rather than picking up a fight
here." Matilda corrected Ella, but she was not ready to listen.

"So, you are also supporting this hoodlum... What sort of driver embarks on a journey without extra
tyres?" Ella scoffed giving the driver a hard look.

"Excuse me, what did you just refer me as? Hoodlum? Do you think am an illiterate? The country
turned me to this... I have my masters. Don't you ever madam, judge a book by its cover." The
driver replied. And one could tell, he was loosing it, as Ella was already getting on his nerves with
her words.

"You lack manners..." Ella was saying and Dylan cuts her in.

"Can we please keep calm. And let's face this problem rather than picking up a fight." Dylan said
trying to silence Ella but she wouldn't listen. She kept on nagging and hissing. She was pacing up
and down the express's side of the road. She was fully ready to pick a fight with the driver.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

The next day, at exactly 10.00a.m, after having breakfast, the teenagers who were accomodated
came out of their rooms for the next lecture. Some were making friends already, but Alyson was
finding it very difficult to mingle with anyone, talk more of her roommates (Ayo, Seyi and Aura)
who wanted to make friends with her at all cost.

The lecture was to be centered on sexual abuse. Those that were coming from their various
houses arrived the hall on earlier. They all took their various seat waiting for the speaker to mount
the podium.

They all stood to their feet, as soon as they cite the speaker. They give the speaker a round of
applause as soon as she mounts the podium.

"Good morning princes and princesses. How was your night?" She greeted after instructing them
to take their various seats.

"My name is Evangelist Tina Udoh." She introduced herself to the audience and they all gave her
another round of applause.

"Am going to be your host for today...." She paused smiling, scanning some faces before she

"Am going to title my teaching this morning...

SCARS_BIRTHS_GLORY_AND_INFLUENCE. Can i hear you repeat that..." She instructed.

"SCARS_BIRTHS_GLORY_AND_INFLUENCE." They all chorused.... Aura purposely changed her

seat and sat next to Alyson. Aura was the daughter to Evangelist Tina, the guest speaker who was
about to minister to them.

Aura could sense something fishy about Alyson, but she couldn't place it. So, she decided to get
close to her, so she could get to know more about her and what she might be hiding or what was
preventing her from relating with others.

"She was frequently molested sexually by her own FATHER." She laid emphasis on the word
'FATHER' for better understanding.

"She never felt safe when around him throughout her childhood. She lived in pains and misery.
She never experienced the love of a father." Evangelist Tina Udoh commenced her ministration,
and the hall was as silent as a graveyard, as they paid full attention and concentration to her

"He always forced her to do things she despised doing; Like being made to watch porns and forced
to tell him that she felt good even when she never did! He was always forcing her to peek through
the key hole and watch him having sex with her mother and forced to say she felt hood watching it.

He inserted his hands into her in the water when she goes to him to teach her how to swim. Every
time they were alone in a corner of the house, He would open his trousers and show the little girl
of less than 9 his private part and touched her and also forced her to do same to him.

When her mother wants to leave the house and decides to take her along, He made her cry that
she does want to go so that he can be opportuned to have his way on and in her.

He raped her at least once in a week and she estimated before the age of 18, her own father raped
her for at least 200 times.". Evangelist Tina took a pause with a sorrowful look.

"Imagine the pains she passed through. A young girl that her private parts are still so tight." Alyson
eyes were clouded with tears as she listened to this touching story. Aura looked at her from the
corner of her eyes, she noticed she was moved by her mother's ministration.

"Little children used to be free with their dads and safe around them but hers; the reverse was the
case, she always lived in fear and agony. Even the sound of his vehicle frightens her and each

time he is back from work and she hears the sound from the doors he was opening, she would
always be in shock cause she knew it was going to be another molestation.

She kept this to herself throughout her childhood and couldn't even open up to her mum because
she was threatened never to. And she might be accused of being the one initiating the act. She
was brainwashed by her own dad that it was a way a father proves loves to the daughter.

She had a kind of father that was very authoritative, a type that always chose what would be
cooked and beats up everyone at home over every little or no mistake, including his wife. Most
times his wife and children runs to hide when he flares up. He was a DRUNKARD.

As a result, she was emotionally, mentally, intellectually and physically dis-stabilized all her
childhood and It affected her academics." Alyson couldn't control the tears from falling, she
ransacked her crossbag for an handkerchief, but, her search was futile. Aura who had been
watching her, offered her one from her own bag and she received it while concentrating on what
the minister was saying. She wiped off her tears with it.

"When she was 18, because of her eagerness to leave home and her sorrow... she entered into a
wrong marriage. Where she was forced to steal by her husband and also maltreated by him. She
was also a cigarette addict.

she divorced after 5 years and got married to another man, a good man to be precise. God
CALLED her one day while she was in her car and today she has a MINISTRY where she
minsters to more than 200, 000 people at a time, She's also a great WRITER and her books
have greatly impacted lives. Today she has 4 great children and 10 Beautiful and Handsome

Today she shares her TESTIMONIES to Heal the BROKEN HEARTED WOMEN and YOUNG
LADIES . She is a source of HOPE And INSPIRATION to those that have been sexually abused,
cause, she has been there... therefore she understands how the pain feels... And comforts them.

THE NAME OF THAT LITTLE GIRL IS JOYCE MEYER, I am sure you must have heard about her.
It is not FICTION but a True LIFE STORY She is Full of Scars." She took a pause and stepped
down from the podium, she strode between each rows of the audience.

"SCARS are the evidence of old deep injuries, ( only deep injuries leaves a Mark behind). Scars
are the proof of pains, scars are the Symbol of Hurt.

And without her Scars, I doubt if you would have heard about her. She remained in your memory
cause of her pains.

And she is greatly influencing her generation today. There is a great relationship between Scars
and Influence. Without Scars, You can Hardly or Never imfluence your generation.

A PERFECT SCENARIO of how Scars can bring Influence is a Scenario where 10 young men are
made to stand in a QUEUE without SHIRTS on, and one among them had a Great PHYSICAL
SCAR caused by FIRE BURNS in the past, that is who you would likely be staring at cause he is
different. Scars has a way of attracting attention.

These Scars Don't necessary mean Physical Wounds... Some are Emotional, most are Mental,
Some are even Intellectual and there can still be Spiritual Scars.

I don't know How much you have been SCARed, You may have been abused In all ways just like
JOYCE MEYER ( but I doubt if it is up to hers), Life may have thrown baggages at you ... But God
can still mould you and turn your SCars into a STORY which would Heal The Broken hearted and
then bring GLORY which would be a great strategy of INFLUENCE.

God Is looking for wounded men that he can send Into BABYLON( The World System), cause it is
too Dark and a lot of people are Helpless and Broken . Only Injured Men have Scars and Only
Scars can Birth True COMPASSION and LOVE.

Dear one, the truth is that before God sends you, you need to be worked on. A Surgery needs to
be performed on you and every Surgery Leaves a Scar Behind, A SCAR Is a Reminder of The
Past Pains.( When you look at it, you remember what caused it).

Scars makes us compassionate and loving, cause we have been there... We have experienced
the pains so that when someone comes to us and confides in us, that they were molested sexually
or facing one trial or the other, we would be able to comfort them cause we have been there.

There are some things we must experience so that we can know how it tastes and would be able
to help people in that same situation when God sends them to us cause we have been there,
therefore understand how it feels.

Jesus Christ suffered on the Cross cause of the Glory ahead and He was full of SCARS. He had
deep holes in his Palms and other parts of his body. he had to go through that process Cause of
The Glory ahead, and afterwards he became more influential. that Is why you will keep hearing
about him till the End of Age . He Had SCARS so that you would receive SALVATION.

Apostle Paul had to go through so many process that caused him Pains. He was Stoned almost to
death, He was Wiped 39stripes 5times, He was Hit with A Rod, He Slept Hungry so many times,
He was Inside the Water for 3Days because His Ship was wrecked, He Wrote Epistles On
Chains... so that you would hear the Gospel and be saved.

All the Apostles had Scars and passed through Pains and that Birthed great Convictions in their
hearts and Increased their Love for Jesus... Even most of them died Painful Deaths. Scars Births
Convictions and increases our love for Jesus.

Can you allow God make you? Will you now endure those pains Joyfully and Receive The Scars
that Would birth Glory and make you a person of influence so that you can start Fulfilling purpose?

Take note that I am not saying God makes us Suffer or Brings Calamites and Trials our ways, The
Devil Orchestrates all Those Things But God Allows them and in turn Uses them to strengthen us
and Brings out the Best from Us... those things Refines us. and when we pass through the Fire,
then we become pure, Just as Gold.

Sometimes Even After You have given your life To Jesus, the truth is that you might be battling
with some Addictions at the moment cause what got Recreated was your Spirit and not Soul
( mind) and Body. Yes! Cause If actually we get Perfect in a Day, then there would be no need For
The Holy Spirit and His Work of PURIFICATION & SANCTIFICATION in Us.

I am not trying to write HERESIES but Trying to Create a Balance. have this understanding that
SANCTIFICATION is actually an Act of Fruit Bearing as we coorperate with The Holy Spirit. and
The More Fruit we Bear, the More we Grow Spiritually till Christ is Formed in Us... Christ is that
Standard and to be like him is a Process... It is not a Day Journey but You must Submit to God.

So even as a teenager, When you cry to God and he finally Helps you overcome those Addictions,
Anger, Jealousy, Pride, Envy..., Then you would be compassionate.

There are things that God cannot Entrust into Our hands until we are Tested, Tried and Proved.
This is because POWER and INFLUENCE can Corrupt A Man that has an Impure heart. that is
why a Surgery needs to be done on our hearts First.

That Was Why King David, No matter how close he was to God, though called A Man After God's
own Heart but yet he Always made a CONSISTENT HEART CHECK, and asked God to search
him and try him to see if there was any Wicked way in him and lead him to the way Everlasting and
there are so many things Dwelling in our hearts that we don't know unless God Searches and

Purges us.

James 1:2-4...." She faced the projector and read what James chapter 1 verses 2 to 4 says..

'2Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any
sort or fall into various temptations.

3Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and
steadfastness and patience.

4But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that
you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing.'

"2 Corinthians. 1:4 says...

'4Who comforts (consoles and encourages) us in every trouble (calamity and affliction), so that we
may also be able to comfort (console and encourage) those who are in any kind of trouble or
distress, with the comfort (consolation and encouragement) with which we ourselves are comforted
(consoled and encouraged) by God.

"2 Corinth. 4:17-18 says...

'17For our light, momentary affliction (this slight distress of the passing hour) is ever more and
more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory
[beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and
transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!],

18Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for
the things that are visible are temporal (brief and fleeting), but the things that are invisible are
deathless and everlasting.

Do You have SCARS? You can Share Your EXPERIENCES With Us. What gave You the

I Pray For Those that Have been molested in so many Ways, Be healed and May Your Scars be
turned to a healing Story that would bring Glory and influence in Jesus name. Amen.

I Love You So Dearly." Evang. Tina concluded her ministration with a Altar call and a lot of
teenagers troop out. Alyson was touched by the ministration, she stood to her feet and responded
to the Altar call.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Billionaire's Club invited the herbalist which Mr Alonge had referred over to Lagos. A car was sent
to Mr Alonge's hometown, to thrust the herbalist down to Lagos. The car that thrusted him was an
exotic one.

A room was prepared for him at the headquaters and he arranged all what he had brought along
from his village to complete the mission of executing Felix spiritually.

He consulted his oracles and was made known through his magic mirror to see the present
location of Felix. He made some incantations into the air and controlled the air to cause the car tire
to burst on speed. His expectation was that the car tire that bursted would cause the car to stumble
and that would be the end of Felix. But, to his surprise, the car did not stumble. It was well
controlled by the driver. He wondered how the driver was able to control the car.

The herbalist was furious seeing this through his magic mirror. So, he tried opting for another
option, but another effective one was not coming. So, he stood to his feet in fury and made some
incantations by casting a spell on those who were with Felix. The spell only caught Ella and later
caught the driver. Matilda and Dylan were spiritually filled, so they were not caught under the spell
of the herbalist.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Sisto, please take me to your pastor. God has revealed everything to me... Am i going to marry a
dead man?" Tonia said desperately shedding hot tears as she sat on the floor looking lost and

"Who is dead?" Tina asked with curiousity.

"Williams is a dead man... spiritually... Am confused...i don't know what to do again at this
junction." Tonia said looking confused, and Tina could understand that the fasting and prayer had
worked for her.

"Ok, let me get my scarf and my bag." Tina said and went into her room in haste, while Tonia kept
on wailing in regret.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Honey, this food is super delicious... I can't believe you prepare this sumptuous meal." Thelma
said in amazement after cutting little part of the semovita, dipping it inside the hot egunsi soup, she
blew air into it for coolness before swallowing.

"Your Sweetheart is a world best chef who graduated from Havard University...." Phil said in
appraisal of himself, and Thelma laughed, she was about to cough, due to her being talking and
laughing while eating, she hurriedly gulped down the water which Phil had earlier placed in front of

"So, you mean this sumptuous meal graduated from Havard University. That's so amazing Honey."
She said with a smile after noticing the cough had stopped. She swallowed another portion of
semo dipped into the egunsi soup, she picked up the large beef from another plate placed in her
front and munch. Philip watched his wife in excitement as she eats.

"Am WORLD BEST! Am taking good care of my three babies..." Philip said and Thelma wondered
who the three babies were.

"Who are the three babies?" Thelma asked with curiousity.

"You and my oncoming prince and princess." He said pointing at Thelma's belly. Her belly was not
protuding yet, but, she looked like one who won't have a big belly as she was adding weight daily.

"Babes, perish that idea of having twins... am not in for it." Thelma said and Philip laughed out so

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Matt had been putting a call through to Felicia since she left him at the lab where they went to run
the test, she was not picking up her calls.

He sat on the floor in his livingroom wailing copiously... He couldn't believe the result of the test.

He flashed back to his teenage years when his mother had left his father because he was abusing
her almost on a daily basis. His father had married a young lady two weeks after his mother left the
house, leaving her children behind. The new wife maltreated Matt and his siblings, accusing them
most times of stealing and depriving them from eating either dinner or breakfast.

Matt started keeping bad friends, who taught him all kind of bad act...

The company he kept with bad friends made him learn how to masturbate by watching
pornography on video CDs... He graduated from masturbating to practicing it with his immediate
sister. Matt disvirgined his immediate sister, while he was 19 and his sister (Mitchelle) 16.
Pratically, his first sex was practiced with his immediate sister. What a shame!

He did several abortions for her. Mitchelle later became a big time runs girl.... She had several
sugar daddies who paid her bills, she was later used for rituals by one of her sugar daddies who
needed to renew his wealth.

Matt could not go one day without going intimate with a lady, be it children, teenagers, his peer
group or those older than him. That was how his journey as a paedophile began.

He regretted ever indulging in such act at that age. He even blamed his mother for leaving behind
him and his siblings to experience worse in life. Had it been his parents were not separated, he
wouldn't have experience such. Or, should one says he choose that destructive path himself.....

To be continued....

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Chapter Nineteen


Day 3


After the altar call, Evangelist Udoh continued with her ministration...

"PRAISE THE LORD!!!" She said and all the teenagers chorused 'HALLELUJAH'.

"We are still on the topic of sexual abuse... But i title this part...


How can I be healed from the sexual trauma I experienced while growing up? Hardly anyone
knows that I was a victim of sexual abuse during my childhood and adolescent years – not once,
but several times. Now I'm married with children of my own, and to most outsiders I appear to have
it all together. But I'm still plagued by depression, self-doubt and painful memories of what
happened to me as a child. Is there any way I can free myself from this negative pattern and get on
with my life?

Absolutely. We can say this with certainty because we believe that Christ suffered, died and was
raised from death in order that you might be healed of your wounds and released from the
shackles of your painful past.

If you’re familiar with the words of Luke 4:18, you already know that Jesus came to proclaim good
news to the afflicted, joy to the brokenhearted, liberty to the captives, and comfort to those who are
crushed and bruised. As your first step toward redemption and release you need to lay hold of this
promise and make it your own. Memorize it. Hide it in your heart. Pray over it day and night. It is
the Word of God, but its power won’t be fully unleashed in your life until you’ve drunk deeply from
the well of its truth and allowed the Holy Spirit to weave it into the very fabric of your heart and

The second step is to realize that you’re not alone. Whether we realize it or not, most of us are
surrounded by women who are struggling with the pain of past sexual abuse. Because you have
experienced the hurt firsthand, you can empathize with others who have been similarly victimized.
When you’ve laid hold of the astonishing truth that there is no spot or stain that cannot be washed
away by the blood of Christ, you will be in a unique position to share this life-giving message with a
desperate and dying world. This in itself can become a powerful source of renewal and healing in
your life, and provide you with a sense of purpose and personal destiny within the circle of God’s
sovereign plan. Our prayer is that the Lord will increase your awareness of His cleansing grace as
you reach out and minister to those who have shared your sufferings.

Third, you need to tell yourself over and over again that the abuse you endured as a child was not
your fault. It’s common for victims to blame themselves, whether consciously or subconsciously,
but such guilt is false. You were only a defenseless child when your abusers robbed you of
something precious and irreplaceable, and they are entirely responsible for your pain. Your
assignment at this point in your life is to find some way to shake this experience off and leave it in
the past. At a certain level, of course, you will always carry the memory of what happened to you,
but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find freedom from feelings of guilt and pain. It’s all a matter of
separating the memory from the healing process.

This sounds simple, but it can be difficult to accomplish. As a matter of fact, it would be fair to say
that you can’t possibly achieve it on your own. That’s why we want to urge you to seek out the help
of a trained Christian therapist. When children are violated, their sense of trust is damaged. As a
result, thorough restoration can only take place within the context of healthy relationships. Your
marriage can be an important part of this process, especially if your husband is loving and patient.
But the task is too big for him to tackle alone. Even with the help of friends, however kind and
understanding they may be, he won’t be able to supply you with the deep emotional and
psychological guidance you need. This is a job for a skilled and gifted professional.

I would be pleased to refer you to a qualified Christian therapists practicing in your area. I would
also consider it a privilege to discuss your situation with you at length over the phone." Mrs Udoh
dictated her mobile number and some teenagers type it in their phones and got it saved including

°°° °°° °°° °°°

There was a heavy downpour at Lagos-Ibadan expressway. Matilda and her son stood in the rain
as the rain flooded the express-way, they were racking their brains for solution. The moving
vehicles were just passing without helping them. Ella and the driver had stopped nagging, they sat
in the car with Felix. Felix's health was becoming worse, his breathing was not normal. Ella was
scared, she called out the attention of the mother and son who were pelted by the rain.

"His breathing...." Ella yelled and the two ran towards the car to check what was going on.

"Dad, what is the matter? How are you feeling?" Dylan asked with a shaky voice. He was shaking
with fear and also shivering with cold. Meanwhile, before the rain started, Gilbert had called to
check up on them and Dylan had explained the situation of things to him over the phone. He gave
Dylan instructions on what to do as he could see it was devil at work.

Matilda held his hand with one hand and held the other with the annointing oil, she began to pray
mightily for God's deliverance on Felix. His look had changed. A fair man's face had suddenly
turned dark.

Felix grabbed Matilda's hand all of a sudden, he held it so tight with the little strength he had left in

"P...please.... pr..pray for my... sal...sal.." He couldn't utter the remaining statement, but Matilda
understood what he wanted to say. He needed prayer of salvation.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Gilbert was in his office pacing up and down praying and speaking in tongues concerning the
health of Felix. As he was praying, he had a revelation of Felix's members and their plans against
Felix. He saw a clear picture of the herbalist. The vision went blur and he began to cast and bind
the forces behind Felix's health.

"Psalms 69 says.....


'Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let
it become a trap.

Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake.

Pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them.

Let their habitation be desolate; and let none dwell in their tents.' Therefore, i pray..." Doctor Gilbert
began to pray fervently.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

The prayers of Doctor Gilbert disrupted the plans of the herbalist, he noticed someone was firing
him back,

"These seems strange..." He said looking bewildered, so he decided to face Gilbert leaving Felix....

Before he could utter a word of incantation against Gilbert. Suddenly, a dramatic thunder strike
down from heaven. The members of the cult who were downstairs waiting for the outcome of the
herbalist encounter with Felix were practically shook with fear at the sound of a dramatic thunder
followed by lightning. The herbalist was striked by thunder, he fell to the ground and died instantly.

They sat for more than 3 hours hoping and waiting for the herbalist to come downstairs from the
room they had prepared for him. Mr Alonge suddenly stood to his feet and ascended the stairs
heading towards the room that was prepared for the herbalist to check up on him by knocking on
the door. He had gave them a very strict warning earlier not to ever badge into the room except he
instructed them...

Mr Alonge gave the door a mild knock and placed his ear to the door, but he could hear nothing.
He stood for seconds and shrugged his shoulders and went back to meet others where they were
waiting for the herbalist. Little did he know that the herbalist had died.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Thelma watched how God's power had changed Philip. Philip was snoring already, she laid beside
him watching him sleep soundly... She glorify the name of the Lord as she recalled how they

"I want to discuss something important with you." Director Uzomba said gesturing to Thelma to
take her seat opposite him on an empty chair in his office. He had called for Thelma earlier when
they were done operating a patient who had an appendix. During the operation, Director Uzomba
watched how skillful Thelma was, and was willing she could marry someone like his son.

"I...i..." Director Uzomba was trying to find the right word to say.

"Firstly, are you into any relationship?" He asked summoning courage, and Thelma shook her
head in dismissal.

" know my only son... Philip.... He's just back from the States... And...i...i want you to
meet each other." He finally said after much reluctancy.

"I don't get you sir?" Thelma questionned confusedly.

"I want you to go on a date with my son." He managed to say and Thelma felt her ears were not
functionning well. Is Director Uzomba trying to match-make her and his son? Thelma thought
within herself. She was about to give 'no' for an answer when her boss showed her the picture of
his son through his I-phone.

"That's him..." He said stretching the phone to her to take a look, and Thelma was dumbfounded.
Philip was handsome, in fact, handsome could be an understatent to qualify his look.

She said yes' to her boss's offer and they met that night at a very popular lounge.

Thelma wore a very nice dress to suit the outing. She arrived the location before Philip. At first, she
wasn't furious about the fact that she appeared at the location before her host, but she was, when
Philip was taken too long. She was about to stood to her feet to take her leave when a deep,
husky voice above her interrupted her from doing so.

"Hello mademoiselle..."

She sat back gently, knowing fully well that he had arrived. Thelma was not looking at his face yet.

"Am sorry for keeping you waiting.." He apologized, but this time around he was standing in front of
her, offering her a handshake. Thelma looked up to him and stared into his eyes in astonishment.
She managed to offer him back a handshake.

"Am sorry once again..." He said and Thelma who was swept off her feet by his handsomeness
smiled in reply. From that moment on, that good-looking light-skinned brotha was all she wanted.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Williams had been putting a call through to Tonia severally and Tonia on the other end had
purposely ignored his calls. After the revelation she had, she definitely knew Williams is not meant
for her.

"At least, pick his call.." Tina urged Tonia, but Tonia had made up her mind against him.

"Sisto, when i say am done with definitely done." She said and Tina's phone rang.
Tina stood to her feet and unplug her phone from where she was charging it at a socket that laid
beside the TV. On getting there, she noticed it was her spiritual father...

She unplugged it and looked at Tonia as she was about to pick, Tonia thought the caller was
Williams with the expression written on Tina's face. She stood to her feet and snatched the phone
away from her sister.

Meanwhile, someone was calling Tonia with Williams's number to inform her as the last person on
his call log that Williams was involved in a ghastly accident.

"This person is not picking up.." The good samaritan said to others who was at the scene of the

As the caller was searching for someone else who could probably be close to him on his small
Nokia phone, Williams gave up the ghost.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Alyson had a great encounter in the prescence of God, she gave her life to Christ and seek for the
minister's attention through the help of Aura. She explained everything that had occured in the past
to her. Mrs Udoh was so excited she was able to confide in her.

"There are so many girls out there who are not bold enough to say what they have experienced to
anyone. Am excited you are able to confide in me." Evangelist Udoh said adjusting her pose on her
chair. She was seated in one of the empty rooms with Alyson to discuss. Aura had excused them.

"But, i would like to meet your parents." Evangelist Udoh said and Alyson frowned.

"Alyson..." She said calmly and held her hands warmly. "You need to talk to them about this, and
stop that animal from causing more havoc to young girls like you. I definitely knew you are done
with him, but, there are innocent girls out there that he might want to try such with. We must stop
him from destroying those innocent girls lives." Evangelist Udoh explained calmly to her and
Alyson agreed to take Evangelist Udoh to meet Dylan.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

On the third day, it was skills and acquistion segment... Alyson joined the catering team with Aura.
They were becoming best of friends, as Aura was helping her to grow spiritually. The programme
was put to an end with games...

Alyson was so angry that throughout her stay, Dylan and his mom did not put a call through to her.
Little did she know what they were passing through at the moment.

To be continued....

Chapter Twenty


Gone 2


Alyson was given a ride by Evangelist Udoh, she was heading same way as Alyson, Mrs Udoh
also resides on the Island. Aura had a little chit-chat with Alyson before they arrived at Alyson's
residence. She exchanged numbers with Aura, and Aura promised to send her a message on
WhatsApp as soon as she's home. Aura is friendly and accomodating, it was Aura who
encouraged her to go see her mother while she was crying during the ministration.

Alyson alighted the car with her backpack and bid them goodbye before walking into the

Mrs Udoh had promised to visit the next day as she was in a hurry. She had another ministration to
attend in her local church.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Dylan was able to get an extra tyre from a good samaritan. The good samaritan just parked his car
behind theirs and asked what was wrong with the car. He went to his car trunk and brought an
extra tyre after Dylan and the driver explained what happened to the car. He was like godsent, he
gave them without asking them for money in return. The driver and Dylan hastily get the car tyre
fixed, as the day was getting dark.

Felix was relieved a bit, he was stable all through the rest of the journey. But, he was still insisting
on prayer of salvation. Matilda responded to his request by asking him to say after her.....

"Dear Lord,

I admit that i am a sinner. I have done many things that does not please you. I have lived my life
for myself only. I am sorry, and i repent, i ask You to forgive me.

I believe that You died on the cross for me to save me. You did what i could not do for myself.

I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life; I give it to You. From this day forward,
help me to live every day for You and in a way that pleases You.

I love You, Lord, and i thank You that i will spend all eternity with You. Amen." Matilda said with her
eyes closed and her hands holding onto Felix's feeble hands, and he repeated after her with the
little strength he has left in him.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Is this going to take a whole day? Is taking the life of someone that difficult? This is not our first
deal of taking someone's life spiritually, why is this one taking time?" Jerry lamented furiously.

"The herbalist gave us a strict warning, he asked us never to try disturb him except he call for us."
Mr Alonge cautioned Jerry who was furious as he was about to ascend the stairs to go check what
was taking the herbalist so long in the room where the herbalist had locked himself.

"Fine! But i have other businesses to attend to. This is taking too long than expected. Killing a Lion
physically can never take this long...." He said grumbling as he took back his seat. Others sighed
out heavily, they were also getting pissed off.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of the gate been forced open. They were shocked and wondered
who could have forced the gate opened. Though, they were not all present, but no members can
ever force the gate open. Before they could get to check what the issue was, the door was flung
open, and some policemen troop into the building, they were fully equiped with firearms.

Mr Alonge and his fellow members were shocked, they were instructed to raise their hands above
their heads.

"You are all under arrest..." A police officer announced pointing a rifle at Jerry who wanted to prove
stubborn. He also instructed them to match out of the building with their arms raised above their
heads. They did as instructed and some police officers followed them behind with the firearms still
pointing at them. They met some police officers waiting for them outside with their rifles pointing at
each of them.

Three officers stayed behind to ransack each rooms in the building to check if there are more
members or there are hidden things anywhere.

They ransacked each rooms in the building and were dazed at what they saw. They saw so many
strange things like, different parts of the human body being stored in a freezer, and some occultic
elements. They took pictures of the parts of the human body that was stored in a freezer.

One of the officers was able to fish out the dead body of the herbalist in a locked room. The officer
was able to unlock the door by firing the doorknob.

The herbalist had turned to a burnt roasted ram that could not be useful for Asun...

As they brought out the burnt dead body of the herbalist, the members of the cult were surprised to
see the burnt dead body of the herbalist. His identity was beyond recognition.

They were able to know the cause of their arrest when they arrived the Police Custody.

It was Chief Agbainaki (one of the cult members) that went to the police station to confess of his
evil deeds and also expose all secrets of 'BILLIONAIRE'S CLUB'. He even gave the address to
their headquaters and how they were planning to get rid of 'Felix' one of their members, And he
also listed the names of all the members and where their branches were located.

Immediately after his confession, the police officers in charge handcuffed him and he was locked
up in a special cell. It was inside the cell that the Spirit that had possessed him, left him, and he
was wondering how he landed himself in cell. The DPO in charge instructed the officers on duty to
go confirm the address, and arrest whoever they see at the location described.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Williams's corpse was transported to his hometown by a lorry.

His mother was grief-stricken at the sight of her son's corpse. She mourned her son for days....
She cried copiously, but her cries could not bring back the dead.

She was deeply hurt by the sudden and mysterious death of her son. She definitely knew there
was more to his sudden death when she was told how he died by his friend's who brought his

Williams was heading back from Maureen's place at Banana Island..... As he left her mansion, a
spirit suddenly possessed him and he drove all the way from Banana Island and head straight to
Third mainland bridge, instead of heading towards Ajah axis where he lived. The spirit that had
possessed him suddenly caused him to leave his lane and was driving with speed wanting to break
the rails of the bridge, like he wanted to drive himself into the river. During the process of hitting
the rails, his car suddenly stumbled.... Those that were driving behind him had to stop their cars
to watch the scenario. To people's amazement the car landed back and Williams, who was not
using the seat-belt died in the process.

The herbalist that Williams mother had consulted showed what had happened to her through his
magic mirror.

Williams's mother was peeved. She was determined to kill the woman that killed her son.

"Baba.... I want this woman dead...." She was unshakably. And her wish was granted to her by the

"I want her dead...." She repeated with a fierce look.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Maureen's net was able to catch a new fish. His name is John. She had purposely went to a night
club and found John. She had screened him before approaching him... His glory was shinning like
a bright morning star. Though, he looked penniless but his glory worth billions of dollars. He is a
man full of glory...

John is twenty-six years of age. A first class graduate of a Federal University in Lagos... Because
of the situation of the country he couldn't get a well-paid job. He has no connections to get a well
and high-paid job. He was teaching in a private school to maintain himself until he finds a good job.
John came to this lounge to celebrate her boss's wife's birthday bash.

Maureen stood from where she was sitting and approached John who was sitting alone. At first,
John felt reluctant to have any conversation with her.

"My name is.... John ma." He said bowimg his head a little as a sign of respect to Maureen.

"Has anyone ever tell you how handsome you are?" Maureen asked trying to cajole him, and John
began to feel timid.

"John.... What do you want? I know you are not happy with your present status... How much can i
offer that will erase this sadness from your face and bring out that cuteness in you?" She asked
seductively and John was not feeling comfortable with her words. She noticed instantly that John
would be hard to get, so she brought out a cheque book from her bag and offered John a cheque
of 5 million naira.

John received the cheque with a shaky hand. He had never in his life received such amount. His
forehead was filled with spots of sweat, his hands were literally shaking.

Maureen watched his countenance keenly, she definitely knew he has been trapped.

Maureen licked her lips seductively before asking him to go with her. She had placed a spell on
him to do her wishes by licking her lips. John stood to his feet and followed Maureen like a Zombie.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Hello sir, we are at that T-junction sir..." Dylan was on call with Doctor Gilbert's spiritual father.

Doctor Gilbert had instructed Dylan to put a call through to his spiritual father once they get to the
T-junction at Osun State. Which means they were closeby to the mountain. The receiver was
about to tell Dylan the name of the mountain when Ella suddenly screamed...

"Yeeee..... Jesus...." Tears began gushing out of her eyes as Felix laid lifeless on her arms. His
body was cold and his eyes were widely opened. Dylan was shocked by her scream, he ended the
call abruptly and turned to the back to check what was going on. He couldn't believe what his eyes

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Mum.... Is everything alright." Alyson said as she could hear her mother scream at the other end
of the call.

Matilda had placed a call through to her to check if Alyson was back and to inform her about the
situation of things. Matilda was still asking about how the programme she attended had went when
she suddenly heard Ella screamed out of shock, Matilda dropped her phone without ending the
call... Alyson knew something was wrong, instead of ending the call, she paid attention to the
conversation that ensued on the other end.

"Felix..... Haaaa..... No.... Haaaa.... We are almost there....Don't do this... " Matilda screamed as
tears streamed from her eyes.

"I can't.... no... i can't believe this." Dylan said and jumped out of the car and rushed to open the
back seat door. He opened the door in haste to confirm if truly his father was dead or alive.

To be continued.....

PDF Of Part 1 and 2 is very much available for sale.

Chapter Twenty-One




At 1.00 a.m, John screamed out of his sleep, sat up, and collapsed on Maureen's four-poster bed.

The loud thud he made when he collapsed back on bed prompted Maureen to wake from her
sleep. She looked at John who opened his eyes wide, facing up and was laying lifeless on the bed.
Maureen was dazed. She tapped him gentle...

"John, John" she tried waking him up but John was not responding to her tapping and calling.

She placed her head on his chest to confirm if he was still breathing, she noticed his breathing had
stopped. Maureen jumped out of the bed with a frightening look. She wanted to shout but she
covered her mouth.

All through her years of sexcapades and her years of being a suggar mummy, she had never
witnessed this before. She wanted to scream for help, but couldn't. She knew the consequences of
trying such. She kept pacing up and down her room with her hands being placed on her head....
She suddenly took her seat to think of what to do... and thought of how to dispose his body before
day break

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"Jesus.... Have mercy...... Jesus.... Have mercy..... Haaaa.... Oh Lord of mercy..... be merciful unto
your son." Matilda cried out shedding hot tears.

"Daddy.. da...daddy..." Dylan began wailing and shaking the lifeless body of his father.

The driver shook his head in pity as he watched the family wailed.

Alyson cried bitterly in Dylan's livingroom after listening to their converstaion at the other end.

The atmosphere was cold all of a sudden. A strong breeze blew heavy all of a sudden. The breeze
pratically caused goosebumps on her body.

Her father is dead...

They arrived back to Lagos with Felix's corpse. He was taken to the mortuary instantly to be
embalm before he will be buried.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Maureen drove from her house that midnight with John's body laying in the trunk of her car.

She stopped at a checkpoint. The police officers who were on duty to check vehicles moving at
night and to ensure the safety of the citizens who were asleep from armed robbers.

"Where are you heading to madam?" One of the police officers who had stopped her questioned
and she gave a sheepish smile trying to conceal the fear in her.

"Am an asthmatic patient...." She said and opened the car safe to bring out an inhaler. She was
truly an asthmatic patient.

"So?" The police asked unconvinced about the excuses she was giving.

"Am finding it difficult to breathe so.... I..." She said stuttering and the police officer could sense
something fishy about her, so he interrogated her further.

"Madam, come down and get your car trunk opened..." He instructed after much interrogation, he
knew she was lying and had to confirm what she was hiding.

Maureen wanted to prove stubborn, the police officer cocked his gun, ready to fire a shot at her, if
she dared to prove smart by escaping.

Other officers followed to check what she was hidding in the car trunk. John's corpse beheld their
eyes. They were amazed.

"You killed a young man... Probably your househelp and you are trying to escape.... Murderer."
One of the officers accused her and handcuffed her hands.

Maureen was taken to the police custody that midnight...

The next day, her cell mate screamed out for help, when they noticed she was dead. No one
knows the curse of Maureen's death.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

One Sunday evening, weeks after the Felix's burial, Alyson explained everything that Matt had did
to her. How it started and how he had threatened her not to tell anyone. Alyson narrated all to her
family. Mrs Udoh was present at the crucial and vital meeting as planned to help curb her family
from blaming her, but to everyone's biggest astonishment, Ella stood to her feet in fury and
dashed out of Dylan's house.

She went straight to the Police Station to file a report of rape against Matt. Two police officers went
with her to Matt's house.

Matt was already moving out his luggages to a side, after Felix's burial the company had folded up
and there is nothing left for him except to evacuate the house and relocate. And also, the medical
report also was part of his plan of relocating.

He held his luggage in his hand and his eyes ran through the beauty of the interior decor. He had
put the house on sale... His eyes caught the medical report that had laid on the centre table, that
was where he left the report since he received it. He picked it up and was looking at the medical
report with regret. Then, Ella badged into his house and pounced on him heavily, by given him a
hurtful bite.

The bite was so hurt and painful that he cried for help..... The two officers that were assigned to
follow her to arrest the crimininal had to forcefully free Matt from Ella's bite.

No one had to tell Matt the reasons behind Ella's reaction, he definitely knew Alyson had let the cat
out of the bag.

He was handcuffed by one of the police officers and was taken away. Ella sank into one of the
empty chairs and wailed ceaselessly.

"Am done for..." She said amid tears as she placed her hand on her head still crying profusely. She
regretted placing her career before her only child.

As she wailed, her eyes caught the medical report that laid on the floor beside her legs. The
medical report had fell off Matt's hands when she was biting him. She picked it up and checked the
content of the report.

"HIV po..." She stuttered with a shaky lips, blinking her eyes severally and checked the name
written boldly on the medical report. It was definitely Matt's name written boldly on it. She wiped off
her tears with her arm to check if her eyes were still functionning well.

"Positive!!!" She exclaimed after confirming what the result was all about. She stood to her feet and
ran out of the house screaming...

"I AM DONE FOR!!!!".....

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Without wasting much time, Ella took Alyson to the nearest hospital to run an HIV test..

The result came out that Alyson was HIV positive. Ella was shocked at the result... She knew she
had definitely failed as a mother. She bit her lips in regret as she cries.

Ella blamed herself daily for failing as a mother. She regretted placing her career above her duty
as a mother. She practically destroy her daughter's life with her carefree attitude.

Matt was taken to court and was jailed. He was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.

Alyson accepted her fate by going to clinic regularly for medications. She forgives her mother, and
faces her study squarely... She also lived a life that pleases God with the help of Evang. Udoh and
her daughter...

Alyson was added to the teenage platform that was created by Mrs Udoh...

The name of the group is....


We are;


The_VISION is...

To create, educate and guard the teenage child/adolescent towards making an informed decision.

The_MISSION is....

To reach out to the teenage children through understanding of their struggle, their fears in other to
direct their path to success and above all bring them back to God.


Is set on God’s promise to the teen child who chooses to walk In accordance with the word of

i. Academic excellence

ii. Improved parent/child relationship

iii. Better understanding of the world system

iv. Destiny preservation by God.

To be continued.....

Final Chapter

Chapter Twenty-Two


The Wedding Party 2


A year after......

One saturday evening, Dylan drove down to Tina's house with a bouquet of rose flower laying on
the passenger seat. He was putting on a grey suit with a tie neatly fixed round the collar of the
white sparkling shirt he wore underneath.

Dylan was able to get a well-paid job as an acting president in a media house. The owner of the
company, who was his friend had other businesses to run by himself outside the country. So, he
offered Dylan the job to be the acting president, as he had enough experience about the job... His
pay was huge, he was given an official car, with a free accomodation in Lekki.

He packed his car and alighted from it, holding the bouquet of rose flower in one hand, he opened
the gate and walked into the house majestically. He gave the door a mild knock, he hid the flower
behind him as Tina made an announcement that she was coming to get the door opened.

Tina opened the door with her mouth widely opened in astonishment...

Few weeks back, Tina had been receiving messages from an anonymous. He had been sending
love messages, whenever Tina tried to call the number back to question who the person was the
number would be switched off....

A day before that Saturday, the anonymous had asked Tina to go with him on a date and promised
to reveal his identity to her on Saturday. Tina had been at home dressed up in a dinner gown and
was anticipating to see who the stranger that had been disturbing her for weeks was. And to her
biggest surprise it was Dylan her former boss.

"Hello Princess!" He greeted with a romantic smile and Tina was dumbfounded for some seconds.

"So, you are the one playing hide-and-seek game with me?" She asked, and Dylan smiled. He
offered Tina the bouquet of flowers and Tina received it with a smile and a word of appreciation.

"Thank you." She appreciated coyly and Dylan offered her his hand.

"Shall we?" He asked with his brows raised and Tina dropped the bouquet of flower on the centre
table and rushed to pick her clutch she had dropped on the empty chair, before receiving his
hand. And they both step out looking radiant. They both looked perfect and made for each other.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

Few months after...

"Honey, pass me Joan's stocking..." Thelma instructed her husband who was fixing his cap in the
right position, staring at himself in the standing mirror.

"My sweetness, we are running late for the church wedding...." Philip said as he opened Joan's
drawer and brought a stocking.

"I don't want to miss any of the services too Honey. But, Joan poo on her diapers and she made
me to start dressing up for her all over again." She said receiving the stockings from him.

"I understand just take your time my sweetness... I will be in the car waiting for you." He said giving
her a peck on her forehead and also planted a kiss on Joan's lip. He lifted Joan's outing bag that
was filled cerelac, food flask, water bottle, diapers, bib and few clothes to change to. Joan
watched her father step out of the room and spat out the food she had stored at the corner of her
cheeks. She looked up to her mother who frowned at what she just did. Her mother needed to
change her clothes again, because Joan had practically spat out the food on her new dress. Joan
smiled at her mother and Thelma smiled back.

"Do you want to get to your aunt's wedding party late?" She asked removing the clothes carefully
and Joan continued smiling at her mother.

°°° °°° °°° °°°

"I pronounce you husband and wife.... You may kiss your bride." The clergyman in charge of Tina
and Dylan's union announced and Dylan kissed his wife in the prescence of the congregation.

They left the Church and went straight to the reception.

Matilda was so excited that she was opportuned to witness her son's marriage ceremony even in
good and sound health.

Ella too was present with Alyson...

Alyson was to travel out of the country the following week to study abroad. Alyson had a musical
band of hers. She was popularly known as a gospel artist. She never for once allow her past to
haunt her.

Tonia attended her sister's wedding with her husband-to-be (Korede) a god-fearing man.

Tony arrived from Abuja two days before the wedding with his fiancée.

The wedding was a success and the couple lived happily ever after.


From the Author's Desk....


Teen or teenager is a term widely used to describe an age group between childhood and
adulthood. The accepted age for teenager is 13 to 19 years of age generally.

• It’s a time of transition from becoming a dependent child to an independent young adult.

• It is accompanied by a rapid and maturing body undergoing physical body development.

This transition can be both joyous and troubling for teenagers

This is a period you enjoy looking older yet uncomfortable at the same time.

This stage is critical because it involves young people practicing decision making on their future
and decide what they want to do after school.

I just created a WhatsApp platform for teenagers. The group is designed to help you stay with God
while you walk through this journey to adulthood and see that you don't fall off destiny because
God has a purpose for your life and this can only be achieved if only you make informed decision.

To join the WhatsApp platform... Send a message to this number to be added to the platform.


I welcome you to a better tomorrow in Christ Jesus.❤



Marriage is a life time institution, no graduation, please marry for love not for material possession
because all that are secondary the primary is love.

Pastor Enoch Adeboye said among all the suitors who came for his wife hand in marriage he was
just a student and he was the poorest among all.

He said 'I told my wife I don't have anything now and she knew I don't have anything but I told her
if you marry me anything I have tomorrow will be yours and today here I am'.

A owner of jet, sophisticated Jeeps and lots more.

Prophet Jeremiah Omotofufeyin said 'i was a school drop out I left school at J.s.s3 because my
father died no money to continue education, I suffered.'

I saw my wife and I loved her but she was giving me hard time I had to lie to my wife that i had a
television at home before she agreed to marry me

I was so broke to the point I wanted my first child aborted I even tried committing suicide because
of 7,000 I was owning

I told a bike man to take me to a forest that I want to die and he took me to this place called mercy
city then it was a forest

In this forest after taking 30 something pills I slept for 3days I woke up with foams in my mouth I
was angry I was not dead yet.

Today I am an owner of two private jets,any latest Jeeps in the country that I love they bring it to

I am guilded by 35 securities in mercy city for my safety.

Bishop David Oyedepo said if my wife was looking for a wealthy man to marry she wouldn't have
married me but growing up together made a strong family

You only know what it is now, you don't know what it is tomorrow.

Bishop Oyedepo took his wife Faith to a lady who rejected him in time past because he was broke
and when they got there bishop introduce his wife to the lady and when they were about leaving
Faith Oyedepo told the woman thank you for not marrying my husband because if you did, I don't
know where I would have been by now.

As Faith and David Oyedepo were about leaving the lady's house the woman burst into tears of

Dear slay queens you only know what it is now but you don't know what it will be tomorrow.

(David Oyedepo quote)

Apostle Johnson Suleman said his wife's parents never agreed for him to marry his wife infact he
went with an expired and old looking cloths.

The parents said if this is how your God is I won't give you my daughter to marry.

He said I gave my wife a ring in few hours time the ring changed colour

My wife will come to Agbor, Delta state to visit me. I won't see transport to give her to go back.

But today ask her she is Chopping life.

Pastor Paul Eneche said one thing that pained him in his life was that his wife father never agreed
for him to marry Becky because of his present condition but the father failed to understand that
pastor Paul was carrying a vision bigger than his condition

Today he is the pastor of the largest cathedral in the world.

Listen to me all singles out there marry for love.

Stop marrying because of poverty, stop marrying because your mates are marrying.

Building a future together is what makes a strong home and family.

We are in a generation where ladies reject men with vision and chase men with television

Not knowing those people with television will watch those men with Vision on their television one-

Can I shock you marrying a great man is a calling.

Sister if you don't want to suffer or pass through a process you ain't qualified to marry a great man.

It is a call and only those available to answer the call are opportuned.

Great people at the beginning are not always attractive but give it time

Gold is never attractive at the first stage but after passing through process of the blacksmith it
becomes so attractive that's how great men are.

Great men are always in disguise, please marry forlove, because if you marry for love that
marriage will last.

All the pastor who married been broke

Are all private jet owners today please marry for love

But brothers please before you propose to a sister even if there is no money

Please hope you have a global Vision????

Marry for love.

If this story has blessed and touched your life, remember to say a Word of Prayer to the Author,
Awokoya Olubisi (Golden Vessel).

Your free gift of Love to her and the ministry are welcomed in cash and kind, in other to publish or
produce more of these lifechanging stories.


Awokoya Olubisi

First Bank.

To contact her: 08118584021 or 08166446622.

God Bless!!!


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