Cc1 Module 2 Classifications of Computer

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Course Code CC1 - LECTURE

Description Computer Fundamentals

Pre-Requisite None
Department: College of Computer Studies Week 3
Classifications of Computer Module 3


At the end of this module, you should able to:

1. Classify computer according to size, operation, purpose, type of data handled, and age.

Classifications of Computer

There is a wide variety of computers and a great number of designs and models available in the
market today. In some instances, this variety becomes redundant to which some are almost
similar in features and capabilities.

Computers may be classified according to the manner by which they are being used, the data
processing abilities, the type of data being handled, the purpose by which they are intended and
the size by which computers are being used. Such computer may vary form micro to mini to a
much bigger size and power.

Classification According to Size(Memory Capacity)

1. Microcomputers(personal computers)
These are the smallest general-purpose computers that can perform the same
operations as large computers can. They consist of the microprocessor and associated
storage and input/output elements.
2. Minicomputers
These are relatively fast but small and inexpensive computer with somewhat limited
input/output capabilities. In physical size, minicomputers can vary from a desktop
model to a unit the size of a small cabinet.

3. Mainframe
This large computers system that has the capability to support many powerful
peripheral devices which offers faster processing speed and greater storage capacity
than a typical mini.

4. Supercomputers
Computer systems characterized by their very large size and very high processing speed.
Generally used for complex scientific application. The most powerful computer in
operation today is the Cray 2.
Classification According to Purpose
1. General-Purpose Computers
It has the capability of dealing with variety of different problems created to meet different

2. Special-Purpose Computers
These are designed to handle only a specific problem such as computer designed to land an

Classification According to Operations(Type of Data Handled)

1. Analog

This device operates on data by converting physical quantities like voltage, temperature,
speed, pressure, and the likes.

2. Digital

This computer handles numbers in a discrete form. In addition with arithmetic operations,
the digital computer is capable of storing data as long as needed, performing logical
operation, editing input data and printing the output at a great speed.

3. Hybrid Computer

A device that has the capability of both analog and a digital device. It incorporates the
measurement capability of analog and the logical and control capability of digital device.

Classification According to Age

1. First Generation (1951-1958)

Vacuum tubes(electronic tubes about the size of a light bulb) were used as the internal
computer components. Magnetic core was the principal form of technology used for primary
storage and it stored data on punched cards using machine language in programming.

2. Second Generation Computer (1959-1964)

Transistors, which is a small type of electrical circuitry, was used as major component and
assembly language (symbolic language, was used in programming.

3. Third Generation Computer (1965-1970)

Integrated circuits (electronic circuit on a small chip of silicon) made up this kind of computer
and these chips hailed as a generation breakthrough because they have four(4) desirable
characteristics( reliability, compactness, low cost, and power use).

4. Fourth Generation (1971-present)

An extension of the third generation of computer technology. Specialized chips called

microprocessors were developed for computer memory and logic. Computers are much smaller
than those of the first generation by almost 100 times.
5. Fifth Generation (future)

A ten-year project of the Japanese government and private industry to develop a so called fifth
generation. Artificial Intelligence(AI) is a field of study that explores how computers can be used
for tasks for intelligence, imagination and intuition. People believed that the fifth generation
computer will have circuitry based on gallium arsenide instead of silicon.

1. Can you enumerate the different classifications of computer?



Assignments No3
Search on the following:
1. Data representation and number system

Short Quiz – History of Computer


Any Fundamental to Computer books available

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:


Faculty Dean of Academics VP for Academics

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