Modeling of Coal Gasification in An Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor With Draught Tube

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Fuel 79 (2000) 69–77

Modeling of coal gasification in an internally circulating fluidized bed

reactor with draught tube
Y.J. Kim, J.M. Lee 1, S.D. Kim*
Department of Chemical Engineering and Energy & Environment Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon 305-701,
South Korea
Accepted 14 June 1999

A predictive mathematical model is proposed based on the bed hydrodynamics, reaction kinetics and the empirical correlation of pyrolysis
yields to predict gasification characteristics in an internally circulating fluidized bed gasifier with a draught tube. With the justifiable
assumptions, steady state mathematical equations are derived and solved numerically. The simulated results of product gas composition,
gas yield, carbon conversion, cold gas efficiency and calorific value of the product gas in each reaction region are compared with the obtained
experimental data. The proposed model can explain the reaction behavior in the present reactor system within the range of variables studied.
q 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Modeling; Gasification; Internally circulating fluidized bed; Draught tube

1. Introduction particles in the annulus region may provide much higher

conversion level compared to a conventional fluidized bed
Gasification in a fluidized bed can be utilized to convert gasifier. By installing a gas separator over the draught tube,
coal [1–7], biomass [8] and waste materials [8,9] into fuel/ high-calorific value gas in the annulus (gasification) zone
synthesis gas. The intrinsic problems of coal conversion to can be obtained. To increase the calorific value of the
heat or fuel/synthesis gases in fluidized beds are: high product gas in the annulus zone, a draught tube having
carbon losses due to coal shattering, and subsequent elutria- orifices at the bottom part was devised based on the findings
tion of fines, and low conversion of reactant gases due to gas in previous studies [12–18].
bypassing [3,7,10–13]. To solve these problems a draught The internally circulating fluidized bed (ICFB) is similar
tube was inserted in a fluidized bed to divide the fluidized in many ways to the traditional circulating fluidized bed
bed into two reaction zones [10–16]. Two reaction zones (CFB). The main differences are in the modes of solid circu-
can be attained for coal combustion with air feeding in the lation and fluidization. Various reactor models have been
draught tube and coal gasification with steam feeding in the proposed for conventional CFB but models for ICFB are
annulus zone [10–15], or vice versa [16]. By fluidizing quite sparse. To develop good reactor models, the bed
solids in the draught tube at a velocity about 7–10 times hydrodynamics and the reaction kinetics are needed to
of minimum fluidizing velocity (Umf) and the annulus at predict reactor performance. Several CFB modeling
0:7–1:5Umf , it is possible to induce a gross circulation of approaches lead to the models with different degrees of
bed material up the draught and down to the annulus region. sophistication [19]. While cyclone, downer or annulus in
Solid circulation within the reactor provides energy transfer CFB are commonly treated as the well mixed or plug flow
from the combustion zone into the gasification zone and systems; modeling for the riser regions varies a lot from
significantly reduces elutriation of fine coal particles from homogeneous [20] to heterogeneous modeling [21–26],
the reactor [17]. The longer residence time of fine char from single region [20] to multiple region modeling [21–
23] and from zero- to three-dimensional modeling [24–26].
The existing models cannot be directly applied to the intern-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 82-42-869-3913; fax: 1 82-42-869- ally circulating fluidized bed gasifier (ICFBG) due to the
E-mail address: (S.D. Kim)
different flow behavior in the riser (draught tube).
Present address: Power Generation Research Laboratory, Korea Elec- A predictive model is developed to describe and
tric Power Research Institute, Taejon 305-380, South Korea. characterize the performance of ICFBG with all the key
0016-2361/00/$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0016-236 1(99)00128-3
70 Y.J. Kim et al. / Fuel 79 (2000) 69–77

Table 1
Analyses of Australian coal and char preparation

Proximate analysis Wt%, db Ultimate analysis Wt%, daf

Volatile matter 26.37 C 68.10

Fixed carbon 63.91 H 4.58
Ash 9.72 O 25.38
Heating value (cal g 21) 6273 N 1.62
S 0.32

caps was used for steam supply into the annulus section.
Four evenly spaced 30 mm diameter holes were drilled on
the walls of the draught tube 40 mm above its bottom for
solids circulation. A gas separator was installed to separate
the gas streams emanating from the annulus and draught
tube zones. To heat the reactor to ignition temperature of
the coal (ù5008C) an electric heater (16 kW) was installed
at the main reactor wall. The reactor was insulated by
Kaowool to prevent heat loss through the reactor wall. An
ash-drain port was installed at the bottom of the reactor and
an overflow drain port was mounted 1.1 m above the
distributor. The freeboard (0.45 m i.d.) section was
expanded to reduced particle entrainment from the reactor.
The coal was fed into the top of the reactor through a screw
feeder, which was connected, to a coal hopper and a variable
DC motor controller regulated the coal-feeding rate. Two
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the internally circulating fluidized bed gasi- cyclones (0.08 m i.d. and 0.32 m high) were installed at the
fier. 1. flow meter, 2. steam generator, 3. orifice meter, 4. air plenum, 5. outlet of the reactor. The product gas was cooled through a
distributor, 6. overflow drain, 7. viewport, 8. draft tube, 9. main body, 10. condenser and entrained fines in the product gas were
separator, 11. freeboard, 12. screw feeder, 13. coal hopper, 14. cyclone, 15. collected in a bag filter. The gas sampling probes were
condenser, 16. collector, 17. dust filter, 18. condenser, 19. gas sampling
mounted at the outlet of the condenser. At the beginning
bottle, 20. I.D. fan.
of the experiment, only air was fed into the reactor until the
bed temperature reached 450–5008C by the electric heating.
operating parameters such as reaction temperature (780– Thereafter, the electric heater was turned off and coal was
9008C), oxygen/coal ratio (0.30–0.53), coal-feeding rate fed into the gasifier. When the desired reaction temperature
(5.3–12.1 kg h 21), and steam/coal ratio (0.30–0.81). The was reached, steam was introduced into the gasifier. When
proposed model is based on the bed hydrodynamics [18], the gasifer operation reached steady state, the product gases
reaction kinetics for combustion and gasification of coal [5] from the draught tube and annulus zones were sampled, and
as well as the empirical correlation of pyrolysis yields [5]. In the amount of collected particles in the cyclone was
the proposed model, the ICFB is divided into two parts, measured. The product gas was analyzed by using gas chro-
namely the draught tube region being considered as a well matography (HP 5890 series II). Particles size of the bed
mixed fluidized bed reactor and the annulus region being material (sand) was 390 mm and the static bed height was
considered as a plug flow moving bed reactor. 0.8 m from the distributor. The proximate and ultimate
analyses of the coal (defaultdp: 1–5 mm) are given in
Table 1.
2. Experimental

Experiments were carried out in a stainless steel column

(0.3 m i.d. and 2.7 m high) with a centrally located draught default3. Modeling of ICFBG
tube (0.1 m i.d. and 0.9 m high) as shown in Fig. 1. The air
plenum was divided into two parts to supply air into the To formulate a mathematical model, the ICFB is divided
draught tube and steam into the annulus sections separately. into two parts, namely the draught tube region being consid-
For air supply to the draught tube, a distributor (0.1 m i.d.) ered as a well mixed fluidized bed reactor and the annulus
with seven bubble caps …4 holes × 2:5 mm i:d: in each region being considered as a plug flow moving bed reactor.
bubble cap was used. Also, a conical plate having inclined In the annulus region, the bed material (sand) and char move
angle of 608 relative to the horizontal plane with 18 bubble downward under gravity flow and the gases (steam and
Y.J. Kim et al. / Fuel 79 (2000) 69–77 71

Table 2
Kinetic parameters for the reactions

Reaction Temperature range (8C) k0 () E (kJ mol 21) Reference

4 21 21
500–575 7:58 × 10 s atm 113
Combustion 575–700 0.44 s 21 atm 21 27.6 Lee et al. [5]
700–800 0.045 s 21 atm 21 9.6
Gasification 700–850 6:47 × 103 s21 atm21 167 Lee et al. [5]
H2 1 1=2O2 ! H2 O – 3:09 × 1011 m3 mol21 s21 99.8 Haslam [35]
CO 1 1=2O2 ! CO2 – 8:83 × 1011 m3 mol21 s21 99.8 Tesner [36]

bypassed air) flow upward [27]. The following assumptions C 1 bH2 O ! …2 2 b†CO 1 …b 2 1†CO2 1 bH2 …5†
are made for the modeling of the ICFBG system.
Here a is a system constant, dependent on the reaction
1. The gasifier is operating under steady state and conditions, which determines the primary product distribu-
isothermal conditions. tion of CO in the combustion products [27]. The molar ratio
2. Since the annulus zone (gasification) occupies almost the of CO/CO2 in the combustion reaction follows the Arrhe-
entire reactor volume, it can be assumed that the feeding nius temperature relation. There are different expressions to
coal from the top of the reactor enters the annulus region calculate the distribution of combustion products [33,34].
only and the particles are withdrawn from the overflow in According to Arthur [33], for the atmospheric beds, this is
the annulus region. given by
3. The hydrodynamics of the draught tube region (fluidized  
bed) are described by the two-phase theory of fluidization CO=CO2 ˆ 2400 exp 2 ; …6†
[3,6,28–30]. The bubble phase is plug flow without parti- Ts
cles and emulsion phase is completely mixed flow at the where Ts (surface temperature of the char particle) is
incipient fluidization condition. assumed equal to the bed temperature. The a can be deter-
4. Drying and devolatilization of the particles take place in mined as a function of temperature from Eq. (6). Values of
the freeboard regions of ICFBG and the products of vola- a at 1023 and 1173 K are 0.58 and 0.54, respectively. In the
tiles are distributed uniformly between the annulus and given experimental temperature range, a does not produce
draught tube regions. The obtained char contains only any significant effect on the model prediction.
carbon and ash. In Eq. (5), …2 2 b†=b represents the fraction of steam
5. In the freeboard region, homogeneous reactions occur consumed by the reaction path (2) and 2…b 2 1†=b repre-
and the gas phase is free of solids in plug flow. sents the fraction of steam consumed by the reaction path
6. At the distributor level …z ˆ 0†, gas bypassing occurs (4). Matsui et al. [32] experimentally determined b that
from the draught tube to the annulus zone and vice decreases with increasing temperature in the range of 1.1–
versa, thus gas concentrations of each reaction zone 1.5 at 750–9008C. In this study, b value from Matsui et al.
after gas bypassing are the inlet concentrations of each [32] was adopted for the modeling of coal gasification.
zone. In a previous study [5], the rate equations for combustion
and steam gasification are determined based on the shrink-
3.1. Combustion and gasification ing-core model as
The overall coal gasification involves pyrolysis and the ˆ kpnO2 or H2 O …1 2 X†2=3 ; …7†
homogeneous reactions in the freeboard region, and the
heterogeneous reactions in the main bed region. The follow- where X and pO2 or H2 O are carbon conversion and partial
ing heterogeneous reactions are assumed to occur between pressure of O2 or H2O, respectively. The activation energies
solid carbon and gaseous reactants [5]: and the reaction rate constants for the combustion and steam
Combustion reactions [5,27,29,31] gasification reactions are determined from an Arrhenius plot
with the data obtained from the thermobalance reactor.
C 1 aO2 ! 2…1 2 a†CO 1 …2a 2 1†CO2 : …1† In addition to the above heterogeneous reactions, gas
phase combustion reactions of H2 and CO may occur.
Steam gasification reactions [5,32]
C 1 H2 O ! CO 1 H2 …2† H2 1 1=2O2 ! H2 O r3 ˆ k3 CH2 2 CO2 =CCO …8†

CO 1 1=2O2 ! CO2 r4 ˆ k4 CCO CO2 …9†

CO 1 H2 O ! CO2 1 H2 …3†
where ri and ki are the reaction rate and the reaction rate
C 1 2H2 O ! CO2 1 2H2 …4† constant of reaction i, respectively. The overall reaction
72 Y.J. Kim et al. / Fuel 79 (2000) 69–77

orders of the homogeneous are second order [28,37] and the 1

Fi;d ˆ Fi;a
fad 1 Fi;d
…1 2 fda †; …14†
rate constant (k) can be represented by the Arrhenius expres-
sion. Weimer and Clough [28] and Ma et al. [29] who
Va1 ˆ Va0 …1 2 fad † 1 Vd0 fda ; …15†
considered homogeneous combustion reactions in their
models used the above rate expression.
The values of the frequency factor (k0) and activation Vd1 ˆ Va0 fad 1 Vd0 …1 2 fda †; …16†
energy (E) of each reaction used in the model prediction
are deduced from the literature as shown in Table 2. fad ˆ 5:06…Ud0 =Umf †0:885 …Ua0 =Umf †0:082 ; …17†

3.2. Coal pyrolysis fda ˆ 2:18…Ud0 =Umf †20:467 …Ua0 =Umf †20:048 : …18†
Lee et al. [5] measured the product gas yield from pyro- Here, C, F, V and U represent the concentration, molar feed
lysis in a fluidized bed reactor using the same coal in this rate, volumetric flow rate of gas and gas velocity, respec-
study and compared the results with the empirical correla- tively. The subscripts i, a and d denote gas components
tions of Ma et al. [29] and Loison and Chauvin [38]. They (H2O, O2, N2, H2, CO and CO2), the annulus region and
found that their correlations [29,38] do not predict our pyro- the draught tube region while the superscripts 0 and 1 denote
lysis data accurately. Therefore, the following assumptions the inlet condition and boundary condition at the bottom of
are made for modeling of ICFBG to determine the overall the reactor.
reactor performance since the amount of gas produced from At the top of the annulus region …z ˆ H†, the carbon
coal pyrolysis contributes greatly to the total gas production balance can be written as follows: The sum of carbon feed
from the ICFBG. Drying and devolatilization of coal occur rate from the draught tube to the annulus and that from the
instantaneously in the freeboard region of ICFB. The coal hopper equals the sum of carbon feed rate in the down-
obtained product gas yields from pyrolysis in a fluidized ward moving bed (annulus region) and carbon discharge
bed reactor are given by [5]: from the reactor.
yH2 ˆ 8:233 × 1025 T 2 0:073; Wfc …1 2 Xd † 1 Fc fchar ˆ Wfc …1 2 XaH † 1 Fc fchar …1 2 XaH †;
yCO ˆ 2:168 × 1024 T 2 0:102;
…10† where W, fc, Fc, fchar and XaH are mass flow rate of circulating
yCO2 ˆ 2:999 × 10 T 1 0:039; solids, weight fraction of carbon in the bed, coal feed rate,
weight fraction of char in the coal and carbon conversion at
yCH4 ˆ 2:561 × 1025 T 1 0:011 the top of the annulus region, respectively.
where T is in Kelvin and yi (kg/h) is the gas yield to coal- 3.4. In the annulus region (moving bed)
feed ratio (kg/h) from pyrolysis on a dry ash-free basis. The
distribution of the pyrolysis products affects the composi- Mathematical models for a moving bed gasifier have been
tions of gas produced in each region of the gasifier. Thus, in reported in the literature [27,31,39–41]. In a moving bed
the present model, fraction of pyrolysis in the draught region gasifier, the coal moves downward under gravity flow and a
can be assumed to be 0.5 from the experimental data. mixture of steam and bypassed air flow upward countercur-
3.3. Boundary conditions Since the annulus moving bed is assumed as a pseudo-
plug flow reactor, the steady state mass balances for fixed
In the ICFBG, the following boundary conditions can be
carbon, reactant and product gases can be written as
For carbon:
At the distributor level (z ˆ 0), gas concentrations of
each reaction zones can be obtained from assumption (6). dX
ˆ {k1 pnO2 1 k2 pnH2 O }…1 2 X†2=3 : …20†
The fraction of gas bypassing from the draught tube to the dt
annulus (fda) and from the annulus to the draught tube (fad)
For reactant and product gases
have been correlated from the data of Ahn [18].
In the moving bed (annulus region) RO2 ˆ 2dCO2 =dt ˆ k1 PnO2 …1 2 X†2=3 …rs fc =MB †a 1 0:5r3
Ci;a ˆ Fi;a
=Va1 i ˆ H2 O; O2 ; N2 ; H2 ; CO; CO2 …11† 1 0:5r4 ; …21†
In the fluidized bed (draught tube region)
Ci;d ˆ Fi;d
=Vd1 i ˆ H2 O; O2 ; N2 ; H2 ; CO; CO2 ; …12† RH2 O ˆ 2dCH2 O =dt ˆ k2 PnH2 O …1 2 X†2=3 …rs fc =MB †b 2 r3 ;
Fi;a ˆ Fi;a
…1 2 fad † 1 Fi;d
fda ; …13† RH2 ˆ 2dCH2 =dt ˆ 2RH2 O ; …23†
Y.J. Kim et al. / Fuel 79 (2000) 69–77 73

Table 3
Basic equations in the draught tube region (fluidized bed)

1. Two phase model parameters

(a) Minimum fluidizing velocity [42] …1mf ˆ 0:5; 1m ˆ 0:4; rs ˆ 2:4†
Umf ˆ …m=rg dp †{‰28:72 1 0:0494dp3 rg …rs 2 rg †g=m2 Š1=2 2 28:7}
(b) Bubble volume fraction [43] d ˆ 1 2 ‰1 1 ……U 2 Umf †=0:35 gDt †Š21
(c) Bubble-rise velocity Ub ˆ …Ud 2 2…1 2 d†Umf †=Umf
(d) Interchange coefficient between the bubble and emulsion phases [44] Kbe ˆ 11=db
2. Mass-balance equation
(a) Gas phase reaction rate equations in emulsion phase
RO2 ˆ 2dCO2 =dt ˆ k1 POn 2 …1 2 X†2=3 …rs fc =MB †a 1 0:5r3 1 0:5r4
RH2 O ˆ 2dC H2 O =dt ˆ k2 PHn 2 O …1 2 X†2=3 …rs fc =MB †b 2 r3
RH2 ˆ 2dCH2 =dt ˆ 2RH2 O
RCO ˆ 2dCCO =dt ˆ 2{2…1 2 a†k1 POn 2 1 …2 2 b†k2 PHn 2 O }…1 2 X†2=3 …rs fc =MB † 1 r4
RCO2 ˆ 2dCCO2 =dt ˆ 2{…2a 2 1†k1 POn 2 1 …b 2 1†k2 PHn 2 O }…1 2 X†2=3 …rs fc =MB † 2 r4
(b) Gas phase reaction rate equations in bubble phase
RO2 ˆ 2dCO2 =dt ˆ 0:5r3 1 0:5r4
RH2 O ˆ 2dC H2 O =dt ˆ 2r3
RH2 ˆ 2dCH2 =dt ˆ 2RH2 O
RCO ˆ 2dCCO =dt ˆ r4
RCO2 ˆ 2dCCO2 =dt ˆ 2r4
(c) Reactant gas mass balances …i ˆ O2 ; H2 O; H2 ; CO; CO2 ; N2 †
2Ub dCi;b =dz ˆ Kbe …Ci;b 2 Ci;e † 1 Ri;b
2…1 2 d†Umf dCi;e =dz ˆ …1 2 d†…1 2 1mf †Ri;e 2 dKbe …Ci;b 2 Ci;e †

RCO ˆ 2dCCO =dt ˆ 2{2…1 2 a†k1 PnO2 1 …2 2 b†k2 PnH2 O } fluidization condition and static bed height, respectively.
In steady state, solid falling velocity (us) is obtained from
× …1 2 X†2=3 …rs fc =MB † 1 r4 ; …24† the solid circulation rate and bulk density of solid (r bulk) in
the annulus region as
RCO2 ˆ 2dCCO2 =dt ˆ 2{…2a 2 1†k1 PnO2 1 …b 2 1†k2 PnH2 O } Ws
us ˆ : …29†
× …1 2 X† …rs fc =MB † 2 r4 ;
From the above differential equations and boundary
where r s and MB are solid density and molecular weight of conditions, carbon conversion and product gas compositions
carbon, respectively. in the annulus region are calculated as a function of the axial
The above mass balance equations can be rearranged to height of the reactor with the assumed carbon conversion at
eliminate dt (dt ˆ dz=us or dt ˆ dz=Ua in solid or gas phase) the bottom of the annulus region …Xa1 †. Carbon conversion in
as follows. the draught tube region (Xd) is calculated from the boundary
For carbon condition at the top of the annulus region.
dX 1
ˆ {k pn 1 k2 pnH2 O }…1 2 X†2=3 : …26† 3.5. In the draught tube region (fluidized bed)
dz us 1 O2
For reactant and product gases The basic equations in the draught tube region are
summarized in Table 3 where 1 m, m , r s, g, d , Dt, Kbe and
2Ua dCi =dz ˆ Ri i ˆ O2 ; H2 O; H2 ; CO; CO2 ; N2 ; …27† db are void fraction in a fixed bed, gas viscosity, gas density,
where z is the distance from the bottom of the reaction zone gravitational constant, bubble-volume fraction, bed
and us is the solid falling velocity that is proportional to the diameter, gas interchange coefficient between bubble and
solid circulation rate (Ws) since particles are assumed to emulsion phase and bubble diameter, respectively. The
have same size. According to the cold model test [18], the subscripts b and e denote the bubble and the emulsion
solid circulation rate has been correlated by the following phase. From the calculated carbon conversion in the draught
equation: tube region (Xd), gas concentration profile along the height
is calculated from the hydrodynamic parameters, mass
Ws ˆ 2:63 × 1025 rs …1 2 1mf † balance and gas reactions.
 1:19 !1:29  0:873 From the carbon conversion profile in the annulus and the
Ua × Ud dor H draught tube regions, the average carbon conversion in the
 Umf ; …28†
Umf dp Hs bed (Xt) can be formulated as

where 1 mf, dor, H and Hs are void fraction at minimum Ad …1 2 d†…1 2 1mf †HXd 1 Aa …1 2 1m †Hs X a
Xt ˆ ; …30†
fluidizing condition, orifice diameter, bed height at the Ad …1 2 d†…1 2 1mf †H 1 Aa …1 2 1m †Hs
74 Y.J. Kim et al. / Fuel 79 (2000) 69–77

conversion is the bed, Xt, is calculated from Eq. (30). (6)

From the gas concentration profile along the bed height, the
average carbon conversion, X 0t , is calculated. (7) An itera-
tion process is repeated until the average carbon conversion
…X 0t † converges to Xt. (8) With the calculated carbon conver-
sion …X 0t †, the product gas compositions, gas concentration
profile and the reactant gas conversion of each reaction
region can be predicted from the pyrolysis data. (9) Product
gas compositions, the reactant gas conversion and gas yields
from each region at the reactor exit can be obtained after
completion of homogeneous reaction in the freeboard
region in the bed.

4. Results and discussion

Fig. 2. Effect of reaction temperature on compositions of the product gas in 4.1. Effect of reaction temperature
the annulus region.
The reaction temperature is expected to be one of the
where A and X a are cross-sectional area and the average most important operating variables affecting the perfor-
carbon conversion in the annulus region, respectively. mance of coal gasifier since the main gasification reactions
are endothermic. Hence the reaction temperature should be
3.6. Calculation procedure of the model at the highest tolerable level, the materials construction, ash
fusion and production of undesirable gases such as NOx will
The calculation procedure of the present model is as limit the reaction temperature [12,13,45]. In the present
follows: (1) Assume the solid conversion in the bottom of study, the construction material of the gasifier restricts the
the annulus region, Xa1 . (2) Carbon conversion and gas maximum operable temperature to 9008C.
concentration profiles along the bed height are calculated To determine the effect of reaction temperature on gasi-
from the mass balance equation in the annulus region. (3) fier performance, the other experimental variables such as
Carbon conversion in the draught tube region (Xd) is calcu- gas velocities to the draught tube …Ud ˆ 10Umf † and the
lated from the boundary condition at the top of the annulus annulus …Ua ˆ 1:4Umf † were held at the constant values.
region. (4) The bed hydrodynamic parameters are deter- Thus, residence time of the reactant gases, solids circulation
mined from the input conditions and the gas concentration rate and gas-bypassing properties are very similar in the
profile along the bed height in the draught tube region is both regions. Though a detailed material balance could
calculated from the hydrodynamic parameters, mass not be established due to the difficulty of estimating the
balance and gas reaction at a given Xd. (5) Average carbon tar yield accurately, the carbon balance can be determined
from a previous study [12].
The effect of reaction temperature on the product gas
composition in the annulus region is shown in Fig. 2
where solid lines represent the model prediction. The
compositions of the product gas in the annulus region are
H2 (44.9–49.7%), CO (23.6–28.1%), CO2 (14.8–18.9%),
CH4(7.3–12.6%). The concentrations of H2 and CO increase
with increasing reaction temperature [4,45,46] due to the
endothermic gasification reaction of steam-char and pyro-
lysis, whereas the concentrations of other gases decrease.
The gas compositions obtained in this study are comparable
to that of Judd [10] who used a gap height type draught tube
at higher reaction temperatures than that in the present
study. Therefore it can be claimed that the draught tube
with orifices is superior to the gap height type for producing
medium-CV gas in the annulus region. As can be seen in
Fig. 2, our model predicts the experimental data quite well.
Fig. 3. Comparison of gas compositions from pyrolysis and gasification The gas yields from coal pyrolysis and gasification at
with variation of reaction temperature. The solid and dotted lines represent different reaction temperature are shown in Fig. 3 where
the model prediction and pyrolysis, respectively. the solid and the dotted lines represent the values from the
Y.J. Kim et al. / Fuel 79 (2000) 69–77 75

experimental data fairly well except the slight over-

prediction of H2 yield.
The effect of reaction temperature on the calorific values
of the product gas in the present and previous studies
[11,47,48] is shown in Fig. 4. Calorific value of the product
gas from the annulus region is 11–12 MJ m 23 that is much
higher than that in the annulus zone of the ICFB with a gap
height type draught tube [11]. In the annulus zone, the
calorific value decreases with increasing temperature due
to the reduction of hydrocarbons and CH4 yields [12].
Since hydrocarbon yields were not accounted for in the
model, the model under-predicts the calorific value of the
product gas and increases slightly due to an increase in
gasification reaction. In the draught tube region, calorific
value of the product gas is 3.3–4.7 MJ m 23, which is
comparable to the conventional fluidized bed [47] or the
Fig. 4. Comparison of calorific value of the product gas with reaction spout bed gasifier [48]. Therefore, it can be claimed that
temperature. The solid and dotted lines represent the model prediction the reactor performance with the orifice type draught tube
and linear regression, respectively.
is superior compared to the gap height type draught tube in
producing medium-calorific value gas in the annulus region
due to the reduction of gas bypassing from the draught tube
model and the correlation for pyrolysis, respectively. The to annulus regions [12].
slopes and yields of H2, CO and CO2 from gasification are The effects of reaction temperature on gas yield, carbon
higher than those from pyrolysis due to steam-char and conversion and cold gas efficiency of the product gas are
oxygen-char reactions, whereas yields of CH4 agree well shown in Fig. 5. Though carbon conversion caused by pyro-
between coal gasification and pyrolysis. Also, the slopes lysis contributes large portion of the total carbon conver-
of H2 and CO yields are steeper than that of CO2 in gasifica- sion, the effect of pyrolysis on the total carbon conversion
tion owing to the rapid increase of gasification reaction. As decreases with increasing reaction temperature. Gas yield,
can be seen in Table 2, the rates of combustion and gasifica- carbon conversion and cold gas efficiency increase in the
tion, respectively, at 9008C are 1.1 and 7.0 times faster than both regions due to the increase of reaction rates for steam-
those at 7808C. Compositions of the product gas in the char, oxygen-char and pyrolysis with increasing reaction
combustion zone (draught tube) exhibit the same trend as temperatures. The model predicts well the experimental
that in the gasification zone (annulus). The increase of H2 data in the both regions.
and CO yields may come from volatile mater release from
pyrolysis and high steam bypassing from the annulus to
4.2. Effect of oxygen/coal ratio
the draught tube region [12]. The model predicts the
To determine the effect of oxygen/coal mass ratio on the
gasifier performance, reaction temperature, gas velocities to
the draught tube …Ud ˆ 10Umf † and annulus …Ua ˆ 1:4Umf †
were held at constant values. Oxygen/coal mass ratio is
controlled by air and oxygen flow rates supplied into the
draught tube.
The effect of oxygen/coal mass ratio supplied to the
draught tube on the product gas composition in both regions
at a given steam/coal ratio, together with the predicted
values from the model, is shown in Fig. 6. In the annulus
region, the gas contents (vol.%) of H2, CO and CH4, and
calorific value of the product gas decrease, but CO2 content
increases due to the increase of oxygen content in the
bypassing gas from draught tube to annulus region with
increasing O2/coal ratio in the draught tube [12]. As in the
annulus region, compositions of the product gas in the
draught tube region exhibit the same trend. However, the effect
of O2/coal ratio in the draught tube region is more pronounced
Fig. 5. Effect of reaction temperature on gas yield, carbon conversion and compared to the annular region due to the higher oxygen
cold gas efficiency of the product gas. partial pressure.
76 Y.J. Kim et al. / Fuel 79 (2000) 69–77

Fig. 6. Effect of O2/coal (kg kg 21) ratio on the compositions of the product Fig. 8. Effect of coal feed rate on compositions of the product gas in the
gas in the annulus region. annulus region.

The effect of oxygen/coal mass ratio on the calorific value oxygen ratio, together with the model prediction, is shown
of the product gas in both regions at a given steam/coal in Fig. 8. As can be seen, the model data agrees well with the
ratio, together with the predicted values from the model, experimental one and the concentrations of H2, CO and CH4
is shown in Fig. 7. Since combustion of CH4 is not consid- increase with increasing coal feed rate due to an increase in
ered in the present model, the model over-predicts composi- pyrolysis yields, whereas that of CO2 decreases
tion of CH4 (Fig. 6) and the calorific value of the product gas [1,2,12,45,46,48]. Thus, the calorific value of the product
in the annulus region is 10.7 MJ m 23 despite the decrease in gas in the annulus region increases from 8.56 to
H2 and CO concentrations with increasing O2/coal ratio. 13.22 MJ m 23 due to an increase in combustible gas
Whereas, calorific value of the product gas in the draught concentrations. Since the oxygen/coal ratio decreases with
tube region decreases slightly due to the significant decrease increasing coal feed rate, product gas yield and carbon
in H2 and CO concentration and low concentration of CH4 conversion decrease [12,46]. Cold gas efficiency does not
with increasing O2/coal ratio. exhibit any noticeable variation.

4.3. Effect of coal feed rate 4.4. Effect of steam/coal ratio

The effect of coal feed rate on compositions of the The effect of steam/coal mass ratio supplied to the annu-
product gas in the annulus region at a constant steam/ lus region on compositions of the product gas at a coal feed
rate of 7.56 kg h 21 and a O2/coal mass ratio of 0.30, together

Fig. 7. Comparison of calorific value of the product gas with O2/coal

(kg kg 21) ratio. The solid and dotted lines represent the model prediction Fig. 9. Effect of steam/coal (kg kg 21) ratio on the gas compositions of the
and linear regression, respectively. product gas in the annulus region.
Y.J. Kim et al. / Fuel 79 (2000) 69–77 77

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