Possible Questions

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What motivated you to conduct the study?

Given the digital age and the changing demands of students, there is a recognition that new and
innovative strategies are required to bridge the gap between conventional teaching methods and the
expectations of modern learners. The study is motivated by the desire to examine how gamification,
the incorporation of game principles into educational content, can influence the motivation and
reading comprehension of sixth-grade pupils at Calauan Central Elementary School.

It motivated us is to explore the potential of gamification as an effective teaching strategy to address

these challenges and provide a more engaging and interactive learning environment for the students.

Who are the respondents of your study?

Our dear panelist the respondents of our study as reflected in the research title will be grade 6
students at calauan central elementary school

What is the goal or objectives of your study?

The objective or goal of our study is to determine the impact of gamification to the motivation and
reading comprehension of grade 6 students at calauan cebtral elementary school

How did you formulate the statement of the problem?

The statement of the problem are questions that were crafted and formulated in order to help to
answer our research title or the goal of our study

What sampling method did you use and why?

In cluster sampling, the population is divided into clusters, and a random sample of clusters is
selected. Then, all members within the chosen clusters are included in the studyparticularly useful
when the treatment or intervention can be applied at the group level and when the goal is to compare
different treatments across entire clusters rather than individual units

How did you construct your research instrument?

Our research instrument is survey questionaires and test results of students from pre test and post
test we construct it based from the statement of the problem

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