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Leisure Activities

Getting together with friends on group date can be a fun activity, especially when you like hanging out
with people, but you aren't interested in a serious relationship. In such situations, what kinds of
activities to you like to do with your friends (e.g., going to watch a movie, playing video games, hiking,

 Question:

1. What is Stuart planning to do with his friends?

A. go for a drive and have a picnic
B. watch a football game
C. see a movie and have dinner

2. Why does Amy say she can't go with them?

A. She has to study for an exam.
B. She doesn't have any spending money.
C. She already has plans to attend a party.

3. What are they planning to do at the end of the evening?

A. watch a video
B. have a party
C. play some games

4. How is Amy getting to the activity?

A. She's driving her car.
B. Stuart is giving her a ride.
C. She's taking the bus.

5. What time does Amy want to be home?

A. at 10:30 p.m.
B. at 11:30 p.m.
C. at midnight
B. Reading
Groupware – Software for Working Together

Groupware is the most exciting and new type of application software that businesses are using
today. Groupware is software that helps people communicate, share information, perform their work
more efficiently and effectively, and work together to make decisions by using IT. You can use
groupware to communicate and work with people both inside and outside your organization.
Categories of groupware include :
 Electronic mail
 Group scheduling
 Electronic meeting support
 Whiteboard
 Videoconferencing
 Work flow automation
At the very foundation of groupware is electronic mail ( e-mail). We discussed e-mail earlier when we
looked at communication software. E-mail helps groups work together by handling basic electronic
communications between individuals.
Group scheduling software helps you schedule meetings. It can take into account the schedules
of all the group members ( by evaluating their electronic calendars) and the availability of business
resources such as conference rooms and equipment to help you determine the best possible meeting
time and location. If you can’t find a suitable for everyone to meet or if the group members are spread
across the country, you can use electronic meeting support software.
Electronic meeting support software lets your group have a “virtual” meeting on your
computers. In a virtual meeting, everyone reads the agenda items for the meeting; provides input in
the form of electronic messages that are stamped by day, time, and agenda item number and then sent
to all group members; and reads and responds to messages left by other people. At the end of your
virtual, you can use the electronic meeting support software to consolidate the messages of the group,
summarize the results, and provide everyone with summary.
Whiteboard software lets people in a group interactively share and edit documents. For
example, you and your co-workers could use whiteboard software to simultaneously work on a new
campaign for a product. You could initially build a consolidate while you watched.
Videoconferencing software is the category of category of groupware that includes interactive
face – to – face meetings through computers. Great strides have been made in videoconferencing
software to bring it to the desktop – so it’s named desktop videoconferencing.
The last category of groupware is work flow automation ( see – figure 2-11). Work flow
automation software is designed to help you electronically create, distribute, and store standard
business documents such as sales order forms. The use of work flow automation software support the
concept of electronic data interchange. Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the direct computer-to-
computer transfer of information normally provided by the use of standard business paper documents.

Foundation = dasar
Availability = ketersediaan
Stamped = dibubuhicap, dicap, distempel
Consolidate = menggabungkan
Promotional flyer = pamphlet promosi ( brosur)

Reading Comprehension Questions

1. What is groupware?
2. What is the function of groupware?
3. What is meant by “virtual meeting” in electronic meeting support software?
4. What is the use of whiteboard software?
5. What is work flow automation software used for?

C. For each pair of the following sentences form a compound sentence by joining the two independent
clauses with a coordinator thatbest fits the meaning. Use each FANBOYS coordinator once. Write your
new sentences, and punctuate them correctly. Look at the example carefully.

 Nuclear accidents can happen. Nuclear power plants must have strict safety controls.
Nuclear accidents can happen, so nuclear power plants must have strict safety controls.

1. The accident at the nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island in the United States created fears
about the safety of this energy source. The disaster at Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union
confirmed them.
2. Solar heating systems are economical to operate. The cost of installation is very high.
3. Energy needs are not going to decrease. Energy sources are not going to increase. (Use nor and
question word order in the second clause, deleting the word not)
4. Burning fossil fuels causes serious damage to our planet. We need to develop other sources of
5. Ecologists know that burning fossil fuels causes holes in the ozone layer. People continue to do it.
6. Developing nations especially will continue this harmful practice. They do not have the money to
develop “clean” energy sources.
7. All nations of the world must take action. Our children and grandchildren will suffer the

D. Choose the correct form of the verb in the following sentences.

1. Neither Bill nor Mary (is/are) going to the play tonight.
2. Anything (is/are) better than going to another movie tonight.
3. A number of reporters (was/were) at the conference yesterday.
4. Everybody who (has/have) a fever must go home immediately.
5. Your glasses (was/were) on the bureau last night.
6. There (was/were) some people in the meeting last night.
7. A pair of jeans (was/were) in the washing machine this morning.
8. Each student (has/have) answered the first three questions.

1. C. See a movie and have dinner
2. A. She has to study for an exam.
3. B. Have a party
4. B. Stuart is giving her a r ide. 5.
A. at 10:30 p.m.

1. Groupware is the most exciting and new type of application software that
businesses are using today.Groupware is software that helps people
communicate, share information, perform their work more efficiently and
effectively, and work together to make decisions by using IT.
2. You can use groupware to communicate and work with people both inside and
outside your organization.
3. In a virtual meeting, everyone reads the agenda items for the meeting; provides
input in the form of electronic messages that are stamped by day, time, and agenda item
numberand thensent to all groupmembers;and reads and
responds to messages left by other people.
4. Whiteboard software lets people in a group interactively share and edit
5. automation software is designed to help you electronically create, distribute, and
store standard business documents such as sales order forms.
(C) For each pair of the following sentences form a compound sentence by joining the two
independent clauses with a coordinator that best fits the meaning. Use each FANBOYS
coordinator once. Write your new sentences, andpunctuate them correctly. Look at the example
1. The accidentat the nuclearpower plant at Three Mile Islandin the United States created
fears about the safety of this energy source, and the disaster at Chernobyl in the former
Soviet Union confirmed them.
2. Solar heatingsystems are economical to operate, but the cost of installation is very high.
3. Energy needs are not going to decrease, nor are energy sources going to increase.
4. Burning fossil fuels causes serious damage to our planet, so we need to develop other
sources of energy.
5. Ecologists know that burning fossil fuels causes holes in the ozone layer, yet people
continue to do it.
6. Developing nations especially will continue this harmful practice, for they do not
have the money to develop “clean” energy sources.
7. All nations of the world must take action, or our children and grandchildren will
suffer the consequences.

(D) Choose the correct form of the verb in the following sentences
1. Neither Bill nor Mary (is/are) going to the play tonight.
2. Anything (is/are) better than going to another movie tonight.
3. A number of reporters (was/were) at the conference yesterday.
4. Everybody who (has/have) a fever must go home immediately.
5. Your glasses (was/were) on the bureau last night.
6. There (was/were) some people in the meeting last night.
7. A pair of jeans (was/were) in the washing machine this morning.
8. Each student (has/have) answered the first three questions.

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