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The bazaar of story-the taller his an interesting history.
It got his name centuries ago. During the region of
Kanishka , the great Buddhish ruler, peshawer was
known as parashpura it was a busy center of tread
Caravans of marchants and travelers bought good to
sell foam distant land like Samarkand ,Bokhara ,Iraq
and Syria . the city inns round about the bazaar used to
to be full of them. After the day business of buy and
selling, these marchant would to go to an inner for the
night .they would sit here round a fire sipping qahwa
and telling stories. Thus the bazaar got it name , the
Qissa Khwani Bazzaar .there were also professional
story- teller they used to remember these stories and
make poems (ballads) about them. As late as 1920,
these professional story-teller used to come into this
bazaar early in the morning .they would start singing

their story poems before the shop opened. Children and

even the grow-ups would gather round and listen to
them with respectful attention. The stories generally
used to be about the exploit of tribal heroes. But as time
passed ,these story-teller found it hard to earn and
living form story telling and disappeared, but the name
remine the street of story tellers. As you approach the
bazaar foam the cantonment side, you come to the
Khyber bazaar from the cantonment side, you come to
the Khyber bazaar and the Qissa khwani bazaar on both
sides of the broadroad there are shops. On the right are
the general merchants, book shops, fruit and flower
shops. on the left, a whole section of the bazaar is
occupied by chemists, surggist, dentist, shoes maker
and plastic good sellers. After turning to the left foam
Qissa Khweni, there is the copper-ware street known
as bazaar-e-Misgaran. Here you can find a vast variety
of copper untensils from to tumbler to huge “deg” for

the coking rice in larg quantities. There are the

beautifully decorated aricles like vases , blows and
trays of all sizes and shapes. Surahi and samovar for
boiling water for tea and specially appreciated by the
tourist from other countries , who take them home as

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