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Stats Chapters 6 and 8 questions

Chapter 6
1. Which of the following could not be probability distributions?
Example A Example B Example C
x P(x) x P(x) x P(x)
0 .20 1 .10 50 .20
1 .90 2 .20 60 .30
3 .40 70 .20
4 .20
5 .10

Example B and C could not be probability distributions because the sum of their probabilities is
greater than 1. In a probability distribution, the sum of probabilities for all possible values of the
random variable must be equal to 1. Example A is a valid probability distribution as the sum of
its probabilities is equal to 1.
2. On hot sunny summer dates jane rents inner tubes by the river that runs through her
town. Based on her past experience, she has assigned the following probability distribution
to the number of tubes she will rent on a randomly selected day.
x 25 50 75 100 Total
P(x) .10 .44 .27 .19 1.0

a) Find the probability expressions

a P(x = 100)
b P(x ≤ 75)
c P(x > 50)
d P(x < 100)

We are given the following probability distribution for the number of inner tubes rented by Jane:
x 25 50 75 100 Total
P(x) .10 .44 .27 .19 1.0

To find the probability expressions, we use the following notation:

 P(x = 100) represents the probability of renting 100 inner tubes
 P(x ≤ 75) represents the probability of renting 75 or fewer inner tubes
 P(x > 50) represents the probability of renting more than 50 inner tubes
 P(x < 100) represents the probability of renting fewer than 100 inner tubes
Using the given probability distribution, we can calculate these probabilities as follows:
 P(x = 100) = 0.19 (from the table)
 P(x ≤ 75) = P(x = 25) + P(x = 50) + P(x = 75) = 0.10 + 0.44 + 0.27 = 0.81
 P(x > 50) = P(x = 75) + P(x = 100) = 0.27 + 0.19 = 0.46
 P(x < 100) = P(x = 25) + P(x = 50) + P(x = 75) = 0.10 + 0.44 + 0.27 = 0.81
Therefore, the probabilities are:
 P(x = 100) = 0.19
 P(x ≤ 75) = 0.81
 P(x > 50) = 0.46
 P(x < 100) = 0.81

b) Which of the probability expression in parts (a) to (d) is a value of the CDF?
Part (b) P(x<=75) is a value of the CDF (cumulative distribution function) as it represents the
probability of the random variable x is less than or equal to 75. The CDF is the cumulative sum
of probabilities up to a given point, and in this case, it includes the probabilities of renting 25, 50,
and 75 tubes on a randomly selected day.
3. On the midnight shift, the number of patients with head trauma in an emergency room
has the probability distribution shown below.
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total
P(x) .02 .41 .29 .17 .07 .04 1.00

a) Calculate the mean and standard deviation. (Round mean value to 2 decimal and
standard deviation to 3 decimal places)
To calculate the mean and standard deviation, we will use the following formulas:
Mean (μ) = Σ(xP(x)) Standard deviation (σ) = sqrt[Σ(x - μ)^2P(x)]
Using the given probability distribution, we can calculate the mean as follows:
μ = (0)(0.02) + (1)(0.41) + (2)(0.29) + (3)(0.17) + (4)(0.07) + (5)(0.04) μ = 1.45
Therefore, the mean is 1.45.
To calculate the standard deviation, we first need to calculate the variance:
σ^2 = [(0 - 1.45)^2(0.02) + (1 - 1.45)^2(0.41) + (2 - 1.45)^2(0.29) + (3 - 1.45)^2(0.17) + (4 -
1.45)^2(0.07) + (5 - 1.45)^2(0.04)] σ^2 = 1.7675
Then, we can calculate the standard deviation as follows:
σ = sqrt(1.7675) σ = 1.329
Therefore, the standard deviation is 1.329 (rounded to 3 decimal places).

Mean 1.45
Standard Deviation 1.329

4. Oxnard Petro Limited is buying hurricane insurance for its off-coast oil drilling
platform. During the next five years, the probability of total loss of only the above-water
superstructure ($360 million) is .20, the probability of total loss of the facility ($860 million)
is .20, and the probability of no loss is .60. Find the expected loss in million. (Input the
amount as a positive value)
The expected loss is the sum of the products of the losses and their respective probabilities.
Therefore, we can calculate the expected loss as follows:
Expected loss = (probability of total loss of superstructure) x (loss of superstructure) +
(probability of total loss of facility) x (loss of facility)
Expected loss = (0.20) x ($360 million) + (0.20) x ($860 million)
Expected loss = $72 million + $172 million
Expected loss = $244 million
Therefore, the expected loss is $244 million.
5. The number of tickets purchased by an individual for Beckham College’s holiday music
festival is a uniformly distributed random variable ranging from 5 to 14.
Find the mean and standard deviation of this random variable. (Round answer to 2
decimal place)
The range of the uniformly distributed random variable is 14 - 5 = 9.
The mean of a uniform distribution is given by the formula: mean = (a + b) / 2, where a is the
lower bound and b is the upper bound.
Here, a = 5 and b = 14. So, the mean is: mean = (5 + 14) / 2 = 9.5
The variance of a uniform distribution is given by the formula: variance = (b - a)^2 / 12
Here, a = 5 and b = 14. So, the variance is: variance = (14 - 5)^2 / 12 = 27.0833
The standard deviation is the square root of the variance: standard deviation = sqrt(variance) =
sqrt(27.0833) ≈ 5.20 (rounded to 2 decimal places)
Therefore, the mean of the random variable is 9.5 and the standard deviation is approximately
Mean 9.5
Standard Deviation 5.20

7. Find the mean and the standard deviation for each binomial random variable.
a. n = 54, π = .85 (Round mean 2 value and standard deviation 4 decimal place)
Mean 45.90
Standard Deviation 2.5624

b. n = 92, π = .65 (Round mean 2 value and standard deviation 4 decimal place)
Mean 59.80
Standard Deviation 3.2505

c. n = 44, π = .80 (Round mean 2 value and standard deviation 4 decimal place)
Mean 35.20
Standard Deviation 2.1024

8. At a Noodles & Company restaurant, the probability that a customer will order a
nonalcoholic beverage is .45.
a. Find the probability that in a sample of 9 customers, at least 6 will order a nonalcoholic
beverage (Round answer 4 decimal point)
Probability 0.0207

b. Find the probability that in a sample of 9 customers, none of the 9 will order a
nonalcoholic beverage (Round answer 4 decimal point)
Probability 0.0046

c. Find the probability that in a sample of 9 customers, fewer than 7 will order a
nonalcoholic beverage (Round answer 4 decimal point)
Probability 0.0939

d. Find the probability that in a sample of 9 customers, all 9 will order a nonalcoholic
beverage (Round answer 4 decimal point)
Probability 0.000026
Chapter 6
1. Concerns about climate change and CO2 reduction have initiated the commercial
production of blends of biodiesel. (e.g., from renewable sources) and petrodiesel (from
fossil fuel). Random samples of 48 blended fuels are tested in a lab to ascertain the bio/total
carbon ratio.
a) if the true mean is .9050 with a standard deviation of 0.0100, within that interval will 90
percent of the sample means fall?
The standard error of the mean is calculated as: SE = σ/√n where σ is the population standard
deviation, n is the sample size.
Here, σ = 0.0100 and n = 48. So, SE = 0.0100/√48 = 0.00145
To find the 90% confidence interval, we need to find the z-score corresponding to the middle
90% of the standard normal distribution. This can be done using a z-table or calculator, and the
value is approximately 1.645.
The 90% confidence interval is then given by: CI = X̄ ± z*(SE) where X̄ is the sample mean, z is
the z-score, and SE is the standard error of the mean.
Substituting the given values, we get: CI = 0.9050 ± 1.645*(0.00145) CI = (0.9022, 0.9078)
Therefore, we can say that 90% of sample means will fall within the interval (0.9022, 0.9078).

The interval is from (0.9022 to 0.9078)

b) If the true mean is .9050 with a standard deviation of 0.0100, what is the sampling
distribution of X? 1. exactly normal with u =.9050 and sigma = 0.0100. 2. approximately
normal with u = .9050 and sigma = 0.0100. 3. exactly normal with u = .9050 and sigma x =
0.0100 / sqrt (48) 4. approximately normal with u = .9050 and sigma = 0.0100 / sqrt (48)
The correct answer is 4.

c) What theorem did you use to answer part (b)?

The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) to answer part (b)

2. Find the standard error of the mean for each sampling situation (assuming a normal
population) (Round answer to 2 decimal place)

Standard Error
a Σ = 32, n = 4 2.24
b Σ = 32, n = 16 1.12
c Σ = 32, n = 64 0.50

b) What happens to the standard error each time you quadruple the sample size?
When you quadruple the sample size (increase n by a factor of 4), the standard error decreases by
The standard error is Decreased by half.

3. The highway fuel economy of a 2016 Lexus RX 350 FWD 6-cylinder 3.5-L automatic 5-
speed using premium fuel is a normally distributed random variable with a mean of u =
25.75 and a standard deviation of sigma = 2.75 mpg.
a) What is the standard error of X, the mean from a random sample of 36 fill-ups by one
driver? (Round 4 decimal place)
The standard error of the mean, SE, can be calculated using the formula:
SE = sigma / sqrt(n)
where sigma is the population standard deviation, n is the sample size, and sqrt is the square root
In this case, sigma = 2.75 and n = 36. Plugging in these values, we get:
SE = 2.75 / sqrt(36) = 0.4583
Rounding to 4 decimal places, the standard error of the mean is 0.4583.
b) Within what interval would you expect the sample mean to fall, with 99 percent
probability? (Round 4 decimal place)
The sample mean to fall within the interval (24.87, 26.63) with 99 percent probability.
4. Use the sample information x = 36, sigma = 5, n = 12 to calculate the following confidence
intervals for u assuming the sample is from a normal population.
a) 90 percent confidence. (Round 4 decimal places)
Rounding to 4 decimal places, the 90% confidence interval is (30.066, 41.934).

b) 95 percent confidence. (Round 4 decimal places)

Rounding to 4 decimal places, the 95% confidence interval is (28.076, 43.924).

c) 99 percent confidence. (Round 4 decimal places)

Rounding to 4 decimal places, the 99% confidence interval is (24.607, 47.393).

d) Describe how the intervals change as you increase the confidence level?

1. The interval gets narrower as the confidence level increases.

2. The interval gets wider as the confidence level decreases.
3. The interval gets wider as the confidence level increases.
4. The interval stays the same as the confidence level increases.
The interval gets wider as the confidence level increases. This is because as we increase the
confidence level, we need to capture more area under the t-distribution (i.e., a larger tail
probability), which requires a wider interval. Conversely, as we decrease the confidence level,
we need to capture less area under the t-distribution (i.e., a smaller tail probability), which allows
for a narrower interval.

5. The ball corporation's beverage can manufacturing plant in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin,
uses a metal supplier that provides metal with a known thickness standard deviation sigma
= .000587 mm. Assume a random sample of 47 sheets of metal resulted in an x = .1523 mm.

Calculate the 95 percent confidence interval for the true mean metal thickness (Round 4
decimal place)

The 95 percent confidence interval is from (0.1512, 0.1534) mm

6. A random sample of 25 items is drawn from a population whose standard deviation is
unknown. The sample mean is x = 830 and the sample standard deviation is s = 5.
a) Construct an interval estimate of u with 95% confidence. (Round to 3 decimal point)
The 95% confidence interval for the population mean u is (825.68, 834.32) rounded to 3 decimal

b) Construct an interval estimate of u with 95% confidence. assuming that s = 10 (Round to

3 decimal point)
The 95% confidence interval for the population mean u is (818.68, 841.32) rounded to 3 decimal

c) Construct an interval estimate of u with 95% confidence. assuming that s = 20 (Round to

3 decimal point)
The 95% confidence interval for the population mean u is (798.68, 861.32) rounded to 3 decimal

d) Describe how the confidence interval changes as s increases.

1. The interval stays the same as s increases.
2. The interval gets wider as s increases.
3. The interval gets narrower as s increases.
As the sample standard deviation (s) increases, the confidence interval for the population
mean u becomes wider. This is because a larger s means that the sample data is more spread
out, which results in a larger margin of error when estimating the population mean.
Therefore, the correct answer is: 2. The interval gets wider as s increases.
7. A random sample of 16 pharmacy customers showed the waiting times below (in

11 25 19 17 24 16 18 20
19 23 21 17 17 14 15 11

Find a 90 percent confidence interval for u, assuming that the sample is from a normal
population. (Round standard deviation 4 decimal and t-value to 3 decimal points) (Round
answer to 3 decimal points)
To find a 90% confidence interval for the population mean waiting time u, we can use the t-
distribution since the population standard deviation is unknown and the sample size is less than
First, we need to find the sample mean and sample standard deviation:
Sample mean (x̄) = (11+25+19+17+24+16+18+20+19+23+21+17+17+14+15+11) / 16 = 18.125
Sample standard deviation (s) = sqrt([∑(x - x̄)²] / (n-1)) = 4.5414 (rounded to 4 decimal places)
Next, we need to find the t-value with 15 degrees of freedom and a 0.05 significance level (since
this is a two-tailed test with α/2 = 0.05/2 = 0.025). Using a t-table or calculator, we can find the t-
value to be approximately 2.131.
Finally, we can plug in the values we found into the formula for the confidence interval:
Interval = x̄ ± tα/2 * (s/√n)
Interval = 18.125 ± 2.131 * (4.5414/√16)
Interval = (15.656, 20.594)
Therefore, we can be 90% confident that the true population mean waiting time u falls between
15.656 and 20.594 minutes.
8. Calculate the standard error. May normally be assumed? (Round 4 decimal points)

Standard error Normality

a) n = 27, π = 0.32 0.0842 Normality assumption may not be
b) n = 58, π = 0.45 0.0719 Normality assumption may be used
c) n = 119, π = 0.39 0.0517 Normality assumption may be used
d) n = 359, π = 0.004 0.0073 Normality assumption may not be

9. Should p be assumed normal?

a) n = 175, pie = .08
a) No

b) n = 125, pie = .04

b) Yes

c) n = 150, pie = .02

c) No

10. Of 41 bank customers depositing a check, 20 received some cash back.

a) Construct a 90 percent confidence interval for the proportion of all depositors who ask
for cash back. (Round answer 4 decimal points)

The 90 percent confidence interval is from (0.3330 and 0.6426.)

b) May normality of p be assumed?


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