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A Brief introduction to your pack

It contains:

1. 44+ Page e-book detailing the declaration of living status

2. The declaration itself for you to edit accordingly
3. Documentation on collapsing the court assumed trust and establishing YOU as the
4. Notary Public contact details who will service your documents over the net (no face to face

You have in your possession the tools to halt most, if not all civil matters sent before the lower
courts (administration courts). However with that comes the simple truth of the matter; The
outcome of any action rests completely with you and the amount of work you put into your
case/claim. I can give you the car, but you have to learn to drive it safely and navigate the twists
and turns of the road ahead, while taking note of the signs along the way.

So, thank you for purchasing the administrative court package. Now of course this can be used for
any court including the high courts. However most of you will no doubt be using this package to
halt any unfair trespass and imposition of misleading contracts within the lower court system.

Of course this package can be used as a defensive or offensive approach to court matters, this will
not however save you from criminal activity but then 99% of what people go to court for are civil
matters (Money, disagreements etc.)

More details on the use of these documents are contained within the accompanying E-book so I
have no need to go into such detail here as to the declaration itself.

What you do need to fully comprehend is BOTH documents and why they are the way they are.
The declaration when considered with the complete reading of the e-book should be self-
explanatory. The second document, the one that establishes your true position as beneficiary
(although the declaration does that too in part) needs further explanation which is why it is
included here:

It is no good you simply dishing out documents (templates) if you don’t know why, and can reply to
questions about them when asked. Now put on your thinkjing caps and read the brief background
you need to know which will help you reply to any questions you may get when using such

Collapsing The Trust:

The trust in this instance is the accounts of the trust used by admin courts to access your wealth by
dipping into the Cestui Que Vie (CQV) Act 1666 / 1707 (revised).

As many of you know what a trust is I will not waste time detailing it, but the most important
aspects are included here for your over-standing.

In this example (and your court examples) I will be describing and using the “Express Trust.”
It is simply a trust that has been “expressed” (in writing or action) by its maker (you, the grantor)
rather than a trust presumed or created by law. In other words YOU created it by writing your
intentions on a sheet of paper, that’s it.

When you express this trust on a document you establish your position within the trust, which
stops any presumptions by court staff or agents of potential trespassing authorities. You position
yourself as the creator and beneficiary of the trust, if it be a will (or dead mans estate) you are also
the “Executor” of that trust/will, you stand in BOTH positions.

This stops anyone else from assuming you are a trustee (debt slave) and establishes your status
and standing in the matter.

If you are reading this, you already know the courts misrepresent you position in court and make
themselves the beneficiaries of you estate, this counters that presumption.

Once you have expressed your trust via court filed documents you must establish those positions
BEFORE any further communication with the court. Just bring their attention to both documents
prior to tricking you into any other position and hold your ground (but always remain polite).

The collapsing of the trust document is self-explanatory but it is wise to have this background as to
what and why you are doing this. Effectively you are collapsing the presumed admin court trust
(CQV) and establishing yours (CQV) with the courts staff/plaintiff in the correct positions of trustee,
which makes them the ones who need to sort out the problem on behalf of (you) the beneficiary.

Quick look at the CQV:

It was created in 1666 and according to the government of the day; It was to have in trust all lands
& profits (I’m seriously paraphrasing to keep it simple) of everyone, making the government the
trustees and we the beneficiaries.


It was the largest “land/property grab” in English history and uneducated chattel knew nothing
about it until it came time to “pay up.” Nothing has changed since…

Its interesting to note that “sells” are being used. You may not believe in magi or Magi’s but “they”
do and here is a quick lesson in modern magic…

The Magis-strate (wizard) “Summons” (bring forth) YOU, the all caps dead man into existence
(Zombie) and communicates with you the DEAD. The black cloak signifies death and the grim
reaper and the wig protects the wrong-doings from God’s watchful Eyes. The subtle but significant
difference between God’s Eye’s and God’s eye I will leave for you to consider...think Egypt.

OK, that is as much history you need at the moment but I strongly suggest you study basic trust
formation (Express trusts only) in these matters, it really is not all that complex, it only becomes so
when you start to wander off point...FOCUS!

Do not be distracted by what interest you

Become fascinated by what protects you
You will note the Trust document is as simple as it gets, it does not need to be anything complex as
some have made it out to be.

Let us start with the part where you are establishing why you are the “EXECUTOR”


As I stated before an executor is simply one who has been placed in charge of a dead persons
estate. They have the senior position for managing the dead entities estate.

The weight of this document, if notarised can be enough to halt the case against you.

This section of the trust document let’s the court know who you are and that they cannot assume
any other position except for “Trustee”, which makes you the beneficiary!

Once you have collapsed the “assumed constructive trust” and reinstate the true trust in which
you now hold both “Executor & Beneficiary” positions they are left with no jurisdiction over your
estate and you can go from there.

The document itself allows you to add “Three good men” or get it notarised, it is up to you which
route you take. My personal feeling is that if you can get in notarised you should as it tends to
carry more weight and would be worth its weight in gold should you ever need to use it in the
future. It could become your “get out of jail free card” should other make claims which are not
based on the true positions within the trust.

The tools you have purchased are just that “Tools.” It is your responsibility to use them accordingly
and craft your documents carefully, no one can do that for you and I do not spend time with cases
other than my own, as every sovereign should.

I wish you well on your journey and hope you gain all you are entitled to in life.

Question everything

Robert O’Deck

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