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7 Short Test A 7 Short Test B


Lesson 1 Lesson 1

Imię i nazwisko: Klasa: Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

1 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź: A albo B i zakreśl ją. 1 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź: a albo B i zakreśl ją.

I’m not very keen on arts and , but my sister loves making pottery. This school year I started learning how to play the guitar and I now

1 1
go to practice twice a week.
A science B crafts
2 Whenever I can’t go to the mountains, I do some climbing A band B team
at the local gym. 2 If you feel you’ve got too much free time, why don’t you a club?
A indoor B inside A sign B join

3 My cousin can’t hear or speak. She uses language to communicate. 3 Our group is putting on a play by Shakespeare next month.

A hand B sign A drama B arts
4 John is going to do a web course so he will be able to create some 4 My friends and I sometimes go to the local climbing wall. It’s great
nice websites. fun!

A design B project A inside B indoor
/4 /4

2 Uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery wyrazów 2 Uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery wyrazów
zostały podane. zostały podane.
My sister and I are twins, but we’ve got very different interests. I’m really My brother and I are twins, but we’ve got very different interests. I’m good

into acting, so, at the beginning of this school year, I joined the school with my hands, so I’m in the school arts and 1 c club.
d group. I also go to the school 2 b I’m also good at drawing, so, one day, I’d like to do a college degree
practice, where I play the saxophone. I’m also interested in different types in 2 g design. My brother is into technology. He’s doing
of 3 d : both classical ballet and modern. I love cooking and a course in c3
, so he can write computer programmes
I’d like to do a c
course next term. My sister Rita is keen in the future. He’s also planning to study 4 r in order to
on computers and technology. She wants to study 5 r , learn how to design robots. He’s going to s 5
up for a web
which is all about designing and building robots. That’s why she has recently design course next month. One thing we’ve got in common is that we both
started to learn 6 c , which will help her in writing like helping people, so, at weekends, we do some 6 v work
instructions for computers. at a local hospital.
/6 /6

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Photocopiable Brainy klasa 7 © Macmillan Polska 2020 Photocopiable Brainy klasa 7 © Macmillan Polska 2020

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