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Activity Calendar 2017-18 (Ver.

Activity Schedule Days
Registration/ Semester Begins - COMES PG Programmes (Except
23rd & 24th June Friday & Saturday
Idu'l Fitr 26th June Monday
M Cube Starts 27th June Tuesday
Registration/ Semester Begins -M.Tech 4th July Tuesday
Orientation of M.Tech Programmes 5th July Wednesday
Techtonics - M.Tech Programmes 6th - 21st July Monday - Friday
M Cube Ends 8th July Saturday
PEP - COMES PG Programmes (Except MA EE) 10th - 13th July Monday to Thursday
Excel Workshop - COMES PG Programmes 14th & 15th July Friday & Saturday
Registration/ Semester Begins - COMES UG Programmes (Except BA
PP, BA EE) 18th & 19th July Tuesday & Wednesday
Helpdesk for settling of the students - COMES UG Programmes
20th July Thursday
Registration/ Semester Begins - COLS UG Programmes 20th & 21st July Thursday to Friday
Orientation of COMES UG Programmes 21st - 24th July Friday to Monday
Registration/ Semester Begins - B.Tech APE-UP, APE-Gas, Chemical, Geo-
Sc., Geo-Info. Students 24th July Monday
PEP - M.Tech, M.Des Programmes 24th - 26th July Monday - Wednesday
Orientation of B.Tech APE-UP, APE-Gas, Chemical, Geo-Sc., Geo-Info.
students 25th July Tuesday
Registration/ Semester Begins - B.Tech ADE, ASE, Avionics, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Power System Engineering, Civil Engineering
students 25th July Tuesday
PEP - COMES & COLS UG Programmes (Except BA PP, BA EE) 25th - 28th July Tuesday to Friday
Departmental Orientation of B.Tech APE-UP, APE-Gas, Chemical, Geo-Sc.,
Geo-Info. Students 26th July Wednesday
Orientation of B.Tech ADE, ASE, Avionics, Electronics & Communication
Engineering, Power System Engineering, Civil Engineering students
26th July Wednesday
Registration/ Semester Begins - B.Tech FSE, Mechatronics, Mechanical,
Mech-Thermal Engg., Mech-Machine Design, Mech- Production Engg.,
Mech - MSNT, Electrical Engg., Mining students
26th July Wednesday
PEP- B.Tech NON-CIT 27th - 29th July Thursday to Saturday
Registration/ Semester Begins - B.Tech CSE - CCVT, OSOS, Mainframe
Tech., O&G, Telecom Inf., Healthcare Inf., Manufacturing Inf. Students
27th July Thursday
Orientation of B.Tech CSE - CCVT, OSOS, Mainframe Tech., O&G, Telecom
Inf., Healthcare Inf., Manufacturing Inf. Students
28th July Friday
Registration/ Semester Begins - B.Tech CSE - ERA, IT Infra, BAO, BFSI,
Mobile Computing, Xebia-DevOps, Xebia-Bigdata students
28th July Friday
Orientation of B.Tech CSE - ERA, IT Infra, BAO, BFSI, Mobile Computing,
Xebia-DevOps, Xebia-Bigdata students 29th July Saturday
Registration/ Semester Begins - B.Tech CSE - Cyber Security & Forensics,
G&G, IoT & Smart Cities, B.Tech- LL.B. students 29th July Saturday
Departmental Orientation of B.Tech CSE - CCVT, OSOS, Mainframe Tech.,
O&G, Telecom Inf., Healthcare Inf., Manufacturing Inf. Students
29th July Saturday
Orientation of COLS UG Programmes……. 31st July - 4th Aug Monday to Friday
Departmental Orientation of B.Tech ADE, ASE, Avionics, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Power System Engineering, Civil Engineering
students 31st July Monday
Orientation of B.Tech FSE, Mechatronics, Mechanical, Mech-Thermal
Engg., Mech-Machine Design, Mech- Production Engg., Mech - MSNT,
Electrical Engg., Mining students 31st July Monday
Registration/ Semester Begins - B.Des, B.Plan, M.Plan, BCA 31st July Monday
PEP- B.Tech CIT, B.Tech LL.B……. 31st July - 2nd Aug Monday to Wednesday
………...PEP- B.Tech CIT, B.Tech LL.B 31st July - 2nd Aug Monday to Wednesday
…….Orientation of COLS UG Programmes 31st July - 4th Aug Monday to Friday
Orientation of B.Des, B.Plan, M.Plan, BCA 1st Aug Tuesday
Registration/ Semester Begins - LLM, BA PP, BA EE, MA EE, M.Des
Students 1st Aug Tuesday
PEP - B.Des, B.Plan, M.Plan, BCA 2nd - 4th Aug Wednesday to Friday
Orientation of B.Tech CSE - Cyber Security & Forensics, G&G, IoT &
Smart Cities, (B.Tech- LL.B. students - by COES) 3rd Aug Thursday
PEP - LLM, MA EE, BA PP, BA EE Programmes 3rd - 6th Aug Thursday to Sunday
Orientation of B.Tech- LL.B. students - by COLS 4th - 9th Aug Friday to Wednesday
Raksha Bandhan 7th Aug Monday
Foundation Day 7th Aug Monday
Orientation of LLM Programmes 8th & 9th Aug Tuesday & Wednesday
Re-Registration of B.Tech II, III, IV Year (Except B.Tech-LLB) 8th Aug Tuesday
Re-Registration of COMES, COLS, M.Tech, B.Des, M.Des, B.Plan, M.Plan,
B.Tech-LLB 9th Aug Wednesday
PSI Refresher Training - ALL COES PG & UG Programmes (Except
ADE) 9th - 11th Aug Wednesday to Friday
Independence Day & Janmashtami 15th Aug Tuesday
PSI Mock Interviews - ALL COES PG & UG Programmes (Except ADE)
17th - 19th Aug Thursday to Saturday
1st - IQAC Meeting 19th Aug Saturday
PSI - COMES PG Programmes 26th & 27th Aug Saturday & Sunday
IT Placement Week 4th - 16th Sept Monday to Saturday
July Batch Residency (P.hD) 11th - 17th Sept Monday to Sunday
FRC 3 15th & 16th Sept Friday & Saturday
PSI - COMES UG Programmes 15th & 16th Sept Friday & Saturday
Re- Registration & Semester Begins for B.Tech. - ADE - final year students
25th Sept Monday
Dussehra 30th Sept Saturday
Muharram 1st Oct Sunday
Gandhi Jayanti 2nd Oct Monday
Mid Semester Examination (except B.Tech-ADE-VII) 4th - 13th Oct Wednesday to Friday
Placement Week I for COES & COMES
4th - 18th Oct Wednesday to Wednesday
Supplementary Exam & Directed Reading registration to appear Dec suppl.
Exam. (09th Oct- 16th Oct) 9th - 16th Oct Monday to Monday
Diwali 19th Oct Thursday
Goverdhan Pooja 20th Oct Friday
Bhai Duj 21st Oct Saturday
PSI Refresher Training - B.Tech ADE 25th Oct Wednesday
PSI Mock Interview - B.Tech ADE 26th & 27th Oct Thursday & Friday
Guru Nanak Jayanti 4th Nov Saturday
Placement Week - II for CoMES & COES, Placement Week - I for CoLS
6th Nov - 18th Nov Monday to Saturday
Youth Festival - UURJA 2017 11th Nov - 12th Nov Saturday & Sunday
FRC 4 17th Nov - 18th Nov Friday & Saturday
2nd - IQAC Meeting 18th Nov Saturday
End Semester Exams 4th - 16th Dec Monday to Saturday
Placement Week - III 11th - 22nd Dec Monday to Friday
Directed Study form submission for eligible students of graduating batches
to appear in Feb suppl. Exam.(16th Dec - 20th Dec)
16th - 20th Dec Saturday to Wednesday
Commencement of COLS Winter Internship 3rd, 4th & 5th year students
18th Dec Monday
Christmas Day 25th Dec Monday
New Year's Day 1st Jan Monday
Fees Submission 2nd Jan Tuesday
Re-Registration of 4th/6th/8th sem. of B.Tech/B.Tech-
LLB/B.Des/B.Plan/BFA, All M.Tech/M.Des/M.Plan 8th Jan Monday
Re-Registration of COLS (1st & 2nd Year), All programs COMES, 2nd Sem of
B.Tech/B.Tech LLB/BFA/B.Plan/B.Des 9th Jan Tuesday
Placement Week - IV 11th - 20th Jan Thursday to Saturday
Supl. Exam registration for Graduating Batches to appear Feb Exam
18th - 23rd Jan Thursday to Tuesday
Declaration of End Semester Exam Result 22nd Jan Monday
Republic Day 26th Jan Friday
End of Winter Internship - COLS 3rd, 4th & 5th year students 29th Jan Monday
Re-Registration of 3rd, 4th & 5th year of BALLB, BBALLB & B.Com-LLB
students and B.Tech LLB 4th, 5th & 6th Year students
1st Feb Thursday
3rd - IQAC Meeting 3rd Feb Saturday
ICMI 8th & 9th Feb Thursday & Friday
PSI - COLS UG & B.Tech LL.B. Programmes 10th & 11th Feb Saturday & Sunday
Suppl. Exams for Graduating Batches, who have NC in Dec Exam
12th - 17th Feb Monday to Saturday
IGNITE-2017 & Innovation 16th & 17th Feb Friday & Saturday
Blood Donation Camp 19th - 23rd Feb Monday to Friday
Mid Semester Examination (5th Mar - 14th Mar) 5th - 14th Mar Monday to Wednesday
Declaration of Result - Feb Suppl. Exam for Grauating Batches.
9th Mar Friday
Supplementary Exam & Directed Reading registration for eligible students
to appear in April/May End Semester Exam.
16th - 23rd Mar Friday to Friday
Placement Week - V 26th - 31st Mar Monday to Saturday
Inter MUN Convention - 2018……… 31st Mar & 1st Apr Saturday & Sunday
……….Inter MUN Convention - 2018 31st Mar & 1st Apr Saturday & Sunday
6th Paras Diwan Memorial International "Energy Law" Moot Court
Competition 6th - 8th Apr Friday to Sunday
End Semster Graduating Batches Exams. (16th April - 21st April)
16th - 21st Apr Monday to Saturday
Supplementary Exam & Summer School registration for Odd Sem Exam-
July 2018….. 30th Apr - 7th May Monday to Monday
…...Supplementary Exam & Summer School registration for Odd Sem Exam-
July 2018 30th Apr - 7th May Monday to Monday
4th - IQAC Meeting 5th May Saturday
End Semester Examination Non Graduating Batches. 7th - 17th May Monday to Thursday
Commencement of Odd semester Summer School 18th May Friday
Declaration of Result Graduating Batches 19th May Saturday
Commencement of Summer Internship - COES, COMES & COLS 21st May Monday
Declaration of End Semester - Non Graduating Batches Results
19th Jun Tuesday
Supplementary Exam & Summer School registration for Even Sem Exam
July-Aug 2018 20th - 25th Jun Wednesday to Monday
Commencement of Even semester Summer School 27th Jun Wednesday
End of Summer Internship except ADE, M.Des. & COLS 14th Jul Saturday
Supplementary Exam July - Aug 2018 [20th July - 7th Aug] ………..
20th Jul - 7th Aug Friday to Tuesday
End of Summer Internship of COLS 28th Jul Saturday
………..Supplementary Exam July - Aug 2018 [20th July - 7th Aug]
20th Jul - 7th Aug Friday to Tuesday
Independence Day 15th Aug Wednesday
Declaration of Suppl. Exam 24th Aug Friday

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