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Remedy – New User Training Outline

Course Objectives and Overview

a. Develop understanding of Remedy HelpDesk application features and functionality

b. Learn the basics of how to submit, update and report on Remedy cases
c. Answer your questions about how Remedy might help you or your department
d. Flow of this class – Explain, show, then practice!

What is “Remedy”?

a. Problem/Request Tracking System

• Information about the “Requester”
• Updated nightly via Directory Server
• Sources: HRS, SIS, Telephone Administration, Foundation/ASI, etc.
• Suppressed students not included in Remedy – use Anonymous Student (FERPA)
• What “type” of problem or request it is (“Category, Type, Item” information)
• The “Status” of the case – Assigned, Work In Progress, Pending, Resolved, Closed
• The case history (“Work Log”) – everyone who has submitted, updated or worked on
the case, what they did and when they did it
• The progress on the case (“Requester Status Log”) – information the user with the
problem or request would want to know
• Features include:
• Automatic assignment of cases to Support Groups based on:
• Type of problem or request (“Category, Type, Item”)
• Requester’s Department (Faculty and Staff) – uses the “Region” field
• Email Notifications to Support Staff and Requesters (also Notifier on desktop)
• Easy access and update by all Support Staff – with Email notifications to
person working on case when changes occur
• Easy transfer of cases to other Support Groups
• Ability to report on and analyze statistics – number of cases, time spent, etc.
b. Client/Server Application
• Sun Solaris Server / Oracle database
• Windows clients for Support Staff (MAC users need Virtual PC)
• Web Interface for Requesters/Users – Submit, view and update their own cases
o Not available to students other than student assistants at this time
c. Two software systems – AR (Action Request) System, Help Desk application

What is Cal Poly using Remedy for?

• Entering and tracking user problems and requests – user access via Web interface
• Inter-group communication and transfer of responsibility
• Campus-wide support – continually extending to more non-ITS departments,
directing certain types of requests to departmental or college support staff
• Reporting and analysis – most common problems, where most time is spent, etc.

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• Integrations – Automated web-based processes such as requests for Site Licensed

software, KeyServer accounts, Firewall Pinhole requests, and Training Registrations
What you need to use Remedy

a. Remedy User Tools version 4.5.1 client – to be loaded on your workstation

Client software and download instructions can be found at:
Select “Downloads and Documentation”
Select Remedy User Tools version 4.5.1…
Print and follow directions carefully

If you will be accessing BOTH Cal Poly and the CMS Remedy systems:
We will assist you with the installation and configuration

Optional: Remedy “Notifier” client – if preferred over email notification

b. Remedy Account
Login Name: Cal Poly Username
(as in, but do not use the “ portion)
Password: Cal Poly Password (In class, a “test” password will be used)

c. Training:
• How to logon to Remedy (Support Console)
• How to create new cases and update existing cases
• How to identify cases assigned to you / assign cases to other groups or individuals
• Understand what notifications are and how to change your notification methods
• What our policies are for using Remedy correctly
• Review how to manage a group’s cases (Management Console)
• A quick look at the Web interface for users

d. How to get help:

• Use the ? icon on the toolbar for field level information
(Click on icon, then click on field)
• Select Help… On Remedy Help Desk Support
• Contact the Help Desk or Create a New Help Desk Case
• Refer to
• Send email to:

Logging on to Remedy

Double Click on the Remedy Help Desk Support icon on your Desktop


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At the User Name prompt, enter your Cal Poly Username (must be lower case)
At the Password prompt, enter your Cal Poly Password (or test password)

Remedy Help Desk Support Console (Support Staff)

• Lists Open Cases – Cases assigned to you plus your Support Group’s Unassigned cases
• Can resize and sort columns
• Refresh List - To see if any new cases have arrived since you logged in
• Recommend Closing Client if you will not be using Remedy – write licenses are “shared”
by all support staff

• New Request – Create a new case
• Search for Request – Search for an existing case
• Bulletin Board – Post or view Bulletin Board messages (Not currently used)
• Reporting – Generate a report (over 100 pre-defined reports)
• Track Assets – Track an asset or component (Not currently used)

• View an Open Case - Highlight a case on the list and Double Click or click the Details

Creating a New Case

Click on New Request Button

A New Help Desk Case will open at the Requester Information tab

New Help Desk Case Window

Top Section – Categorization, Summary and Status Information

General – Case ID, Priority, Case Type, Source, Description, Requester Urgency,
Activity – Work Log, Time Spent, Assigned to Group and Individual, Dates, etc.
Requester Information – Who has the problem or request and contact
information, plus other open cases they currently have. Note Region – this
indicates whether they have technical support for some areas at the
departmental or college level. (Note: Assets currently not used)
Requester Contact – Requester Status Log (information user will see via Web,
and in email when case is resolved)

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Requester Information Tab

The Requester is the person who has the problem, not always the person calling in
(use the Description field for alternate contact information)

• Name+ – Requester’s Last Name (Field is case sensitive, can enter all or part, or
Login Name+ - Cal Poly Username (Must be lower case)

• Enter a value in Name+ or Login Name+, then press Enter to retrieve the
Requester Information
• If the Requester’s name or Cal Poly Username is not found, verify or use an
anonymous type (astudent, astaff, afaculty, etc.)
• The Cal Poly Username is unique – if correct, only one entry will be found
(unless the Username is for a suppressed student, who will not be in Remedy).
• If you search using Name+ , you will see a list of users, and can select the correct
user from the list by double-clicking on their name
• Verify the Requester’s phone number
• NOTE: You can view and modify other open cases for this user via the
Requester’s Open Cases box

Top Section:

Summary: Select a pre-defined problem using menus OR

enter a short description of the problem

NOTE: The pre-defined problems you see here are the same ones users will see
when they submit their own cases from the web site

• If a pre-defined problem is selected, the following fields will be filled

• Summary
• Category, Type, Item
• Description field under the General tab
• Case Type field under the General tab

Case Categorization (required only if pre-defined problem is NOT selected)

NOTE: This information determines where the case will be assigned
• Select Category
• If Software/Application is selected, a Software List button will appear
• Select Type
• Select Item

NOTE: Some Category, Type and Item selections will prompt you to add
additional information in the Description field on the General tab (see below)

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General Tab:

• Description – Enter additional information, as appropriate

• Enter any alternate contact for the user on first line as follows:
• CONTACT Other Person at x6-####
• List in this section:
• A very detailed description of the problem or request.
• Any error message or number.
• Versions of software.
• What user was attempting to do when error occurred.
• Any recent changes to hardware/software on machine.
• If the report of problem/request was from email, cut and paste message,
including email address of sender and date/time of message.
• Use correct punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
• Refrain from using humor or criticism.

• Select Requester Urgency: Low, Medium, High, Urgent (see guidelines below)
• Select Priority: Low, Medium, High, Urgent (see guidelines below)
• Select Case Type: Problem/Question; Request/Work Order;
Maintenance (use ? icon for description)
• Select Source: Email; In Person; Phone; Self; Web
• Optional: Attachment Can add up to 3 attachments (cannot be edited later)

Guidelines for Requester Urgency

Low (Level 4) Not crucial or important; respond as time permits.

Medium (Level 3) Standard problem, question or request; standard response time
High (Level 2 ) Important work cannot be completed until request is resolved;
respond as quickly as possible.
Urgent (Level 1) Time critical work cannot be completed until request is resolved.
Level 1 problems or requests should be called in to the ITS Help
Desk at (805) 756-7000.

Guidelines for Priority

Low: Standard request or problem, single user impact

Medium: Single workstation down or problem with multi-user impact that is not
time critical.
High: Problem is resulting in class or teaching interruption or
multi-user impact that is time critical.
Urgent: Server, central system or network down or
situation warrants immediate response

NOTE: If Priority/Requester Urgency of case is High or Urgent, call and reach the

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Supervisor or a staff member of the assigned group.

Activity Tab:

• Work Log - Enter additional or confidential data, or any work you completed on this
• Time Spent – Enter or select number of minutes
• NOTE: Can use Start Clock / Stop Clock to determine / update time spent
• Create Date – Modify only if case originated at a different day/time (up to 2 weeks
• Group – The Group to which a case will be assigned. (can be overridden by selecting
a group from the menu).
• If you only know the individual, but are not sure what group they are a
member of: 1) Select a Group, 2) Click on the View Group Members button

Top Section:

OPTION: To check which Support Group the case will be assigned to:
• Click the Check Assignment button
• NOTE: This appears after the CTI has been selected
• If not correct, check the Category, Type and Item you have chosen

• Click the Save button (upper right hand corner)

• If you updated the Work Log, you will be prompted to update the Requester Status Log
– this is what the Requester will see via the Web interface and in email when the case is

• You will be prompted with the information you entered in the Work Log
• You can choose to:
o COPY all the Work Log information to the Requester Status Log
o Edit the Work Log information BEFORE copying it to the Requester Status Log
o NOT copy anything to the Requester Status Log at this time
o Confidential Information and Support Group and Staff names should NOT be
included in the Requester Status Log
o If you don’t like what you entered in the Work Log, or would like to add to it and
make other changes in the case, you can Cancel and go back to the case
• You can update this field on the Requester Contact tab BEFORE saving the case if
you prefer
• You can also disable all email notifications for the life of the case, and prevent
viewing of the case by the user via the web interface by “Disabled” for Requester

• Give the user the Help Desk Case number, displayed on the bottom left of the screen

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Review – Case Creation Options:

Requester – Use their Last Name or Cal Poly Username

Summary – Select a “pre-defined problem” or just type in a description
If the Category is Software/Application
- use the Software List button or the Type and Item menus
Check where the case will be assigned before saving it with the
Check Assignment button
Update the Requester Status Log before you save the case, or during the “Save” process

What happens next?

a. Remedy determines what group should receive the case and fills in the Group+ field.
b. Remedy sets the Status of the case to “Assigned”.
c. Remedy notifies the Requester and notifies all the members of the Group+ who have
requested that they be notified (based on the Notification Method they have chosen).

What if I have already solved the problem or satisfied the request?

“Submit as Resolved”

• Click the New Request button

• Enter new case information – same as unresolved case
• Change Status field to Resolved
• In Activity tab, enter the resolution in the Work Log
• Click the Save button
• NOTE: The Group+ and Individual+ fields will be automatically populated with
your Support Group and Name
• NOTE: The Requester will not receive email notification, but will see the Resolved
case via the web interface

How does Remedy notify me when a case is assigned to me or my group?

• Cases are initially assigned to a Group

• When a case is assigned to a Group:
• Everyone in the Group who has requested that they be notified is notified
• Notify Mechanism Choices: Email, Notifier, None
• Notify Mechanism Default: None
• (see “Instructions to Change Your Group Default Notify Mechanism”)
• attached to Training handout
• Available at

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• When a case is assigned to an Individual within a Group:

• The person this case is assigned to is notified.
• Notification Method Choices: Email, Notifier, None
• Notification Method Default: Email
• (see “Instructions to Change Your Individual Default Notification Method ”)
• attached to Training handout
• Available at

Working with Remedy Cases Assigned to you or your Support Group

• From the Remedy Support Console

• Select (highlight) a case
• Double Click or click on Details button
• NOTE: Case will open with the Activity tab selected

• If you choose to work on the case:

• Change the Status field as appropriate:
• Work in Progress, Pending (select Pending reason), Resolved
• Don’t leave as Assigned, case will “escalate”; also lets others in group know it
has been handled
• Click on the General tab
• Review and/or change the Priority, Case Type, Source
• Review, but don’t change the Requester Urgency
• Review the Description field
• Review the Attachments, if any exist

• Click on the Activity tab

• Under the Assignment box
• Select the pull down menu beside Individual+
• Select your name from the selection box

• Enter any action you have taken on this case in the Work Log
• NOTE: This field is only viewable by support staff
• Enter Time Spent or select number of minutes spent on this action
• NOTE: Can use Start Clock / Stop Clock to determine / update time
• Create Date – Modify only if case originated at a different day/time (up to 2
weeks ago)
• Resolved Date – Modify only if case was Resolved on a different day/time

• Click the Save button

• If you updated the Work Log, you will be prompted to update the Requester Status
Log – this is what the Requester will see via the Web interface

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• You will be prompted with the information you entered in the Work Log
• You can choose to:
 COPY all the Work Log information to the Requester Status Log
 Edit the Work Log information BEFORE copying it to the Requester
Status Log
 NOT copy anything to the Requester Status Log at this time
 Confidential Information and Support Group and Staff names should NOT
be included in the Requester Status Log
o You can update this field on the Requester Contact tab BEFORE saving the case
if you prefer

To assign a case to ANOTHER Support Group

From the Remedy Support Console
• Select (highlight) a case
• Double Click or click on Details button
• NOTE: Case will open with the Activity tab selected

• If you want to transfer a case to another Support Group:

• Select the appropriate Support Group from the Group+ menu
• If you are not sure of the group’s name, click on View Group Members
• You cannot assign the case directly to an individual in another group
• Enter any action you have taken on this case, or in the Work Log
• If this case should be assigned to a specific person, put the name in the Work Log
• NOTE: This field is only viewable by support staff
• Enter Time Spent or select number of minutes spent on this action

• Click the Save button

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Working with Remedy Cases Assigned to ANOTHER Support Group

• From the Remedy Support Console
• Click the Search for Request button
• Select the appropriate Support Group on the Activity tab or other criteria (Requester,
• Click on Search in the upper right hand corner
• Select (highlight) a case on the list
• NOTE: The case will appear below in a Modify Help Desk Case window

• If you choose to reassign to case to your Group:

• Click on the Activity tab
• Select your Support Group from the Group+ menu (cannot assign directly to
• Enter any action you have taken on this case in the Work Log
• NOTE: This field is only viewable by support staff
• Enter Time Spent or select number of minutes spent on this action
• NOTE: Can use Start Clock / Stop Clock to determine / update time

• If you choose to update the case without reassigning it to your Support Group:
• Modify appropriate fields, such as the Work Log, Time Spent, Status, etc.
• NOTE: An Email notification will be sent to the current Assignee

• Click the Save button

How do I see the open cases assigned to my Support Group or me?

• Two quick methods:
• The Remedy Support Console
• Displays cases assigned to you and all unassigned cases for your Support
• From the Remedy Support Console
• Click the Search for Request button
• Select the Actions Menu
• Use the pull down arrow between the Search and Advanced buttons
• Select the options under Defined Searches:
• Select List My Open Cases (for cases assigned to you)
• Select List Group’s Open Cases

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How do I look up a specific case number?

• From the Remedy Support Console

• Click the Search for Request button
• Under the General tab, enter in the Remedy Case number in the Case ID+ field and
press Enter

How do I look up all Cases for a Requester?

• From the Remedy Support Console

• Click the Search for Request button
• Under the Requester Information tab
• Enter the user’s Cal Poly Username or Last Name in the Name+
• Press Enter to retrieve Requester Information
• A list of user’s open cases appears under Requester’s Open Cases box
• Select (highlight) a case from the menu
• Click the Details button or Double Click case
• NOTE: The case will open in a Modify Help Desk Case

• To list all cases, including Resolved or Closed cases:

• Click the Search for Request button
• Under the Requester Information tab
• Enter the user’s Cal Poly Username or Last Name in the Name+
• Click on the Search button in the upper right corner of the screen

A Matching Help Desk Cases window will open above Modify Help Desk Case
• Select a case (single click)
• The selected case will display in the Modify Help Desk Case window below
• NOTE: Use the forward/backward Arrow buttons to scroll through the
user’s cases

How do I print a Help Desk case?

With the case open on the screen:

• Select Utilities and select Quick Report
• Click on the Quick Report icon on the Toolbar (the “lightning bolt”)
• NOTE: Do not use the Printer Icon on the Toolbar!!

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What are “Escalated Cases”?

If a case has a Status of “Assigned”, it will be “Escalated” based on Priority:

Low 3 Business Days

Medium 1 Business Day
High 4 Business Hours
Urgent 2 Business Hours

If a case has a Status of “Work in Progress”, AND has not been modified for 14 calendar
days, it will be “Escalated”.

When a case is “Escalated”, the Escalated? field is changed to “YES”, and an email
notification is sent to the Assigned to Individual’s or Assigned to Group’s Manager (and to
the Assigned to Individual). The Escalated? field can be changed back to “NO” if the case
was escalated inappropriately (i.e., the case was being addressed, Remedy had not been
updated, etc.)

What if I enter a New case on a Search screen?

With the case open on the Search screen:
• Select Edit and select Copy to New
• Complete case entry and click Save

How do I Modify Multiple Cases at one time?

With the cases open in a Search screen:
• Select Actions and select Modify All

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How do I create a custom search and save it?

• From the Remedy Support Console
• Click the Search for Request button
• Select the fields and values that you would like to include
• Example:
• Status = Closed
• Group+ = Your Support Group
• Individual+ = Your Name
• Click the Search Button
• Select the Action Menu
• Select Save Search
• It will prompt you for a Name for your Current Search
• Example: My Closed Cases

• To re-run your custom search:

• Select Actions Menu
• Select View My Defined Searches
• You will see a list of your saved searches
• Use the pull down arrow between the Search and Advanced buttons
• Select the options under My Searches:
• Select My Closed Cases

• Remedy has over 100 pre-defined reports available
• From the Remedy Support Console
• Click the Reporting Button
• Select Reporting Area
• Help Desk Cases
• Select Report
• Choose from menu
• Example: Open Cases
• Current Open Cases
• Destination
• Printer or File
• Under Basic Search Tab
• Can select Field, Qualifier, Value
• Can Save Search
• You will be prompted for Title and Subtitle
• Click OK
• Saved Searches are stored under Predefined Searches Tab
• To run report again:
• Select report from Predefined Searches Tab
• Preview Report or Print Report

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The Management Console

• Designed for Support Group managers

• Allows you to view types of cases for specific groups
• To access – Create a shortcut (see, Downloads and
Documentation for instructions)

Web Interface

• Simple, easy to use design – for end users / Requesters

• Allows users to submit and view their own cases
• Available from Help Desk web page:
o - “Submit/Update a Request”
• Also available from Remedy Support Web page”
o - “Submit/Update a Request”

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Instructions to Change Your Group Default Notify Mechanism

Initially, the Group Default Notify Mechanism is set to NONE*.

This can be changed to one of the following:

Email - you will receive an email message when any case is assigned to your Remedy
Support Group
Notifier – you will receive a message in the Remedy Notifier Tool when any case is
assigned to your Remedy Support Group.
None – you will not receive any notification for cases assigned to your Group.

To change your Group Default Notify Mechanism:

Login into Remedy Help Desk Support Console

Click File --> Open --> Select User Form and click Search

Enter your Remedy Login Name (Cal Poly Username) in the Login Name field and
Click the Search button.
NOTE: The only two fields you can modify are:
• Default Notify Mechanism
• Email Address

Select the Default Notify Mechanism field:

• Notifier or
• Email or
• None
NOTE: If you select Email, verify that the Email address listed is correct, or change
if desired.

Click the Save button

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Instructions to Change Your Individual Default Notification Method

Initially, the Individual Default Notification Method is set to EMAIL.

This can be changed to one of the following:

None - you will not be notified when any case is assigned to you individually.
Notifier – you will receive a message in the Remedy Notifier Tool when a case is
assigned to you.
Email – you will be notified via email when cases are assigned to you individually.

To change your Individual Notification Method:

Login into Remedy Help Desk Support Console

Click File --> Open --> Select SHR:People or Person Information Form

Click Search

Enter your Remedy Login Name (Cal Poly Username) in the Login Name field and
Click the Search button.

NOTE: The only two fields you can modify are:

• Notification Method
• Email Address

Select the notification method from Notification Method field:

• Notifier or
• None or
• Email
NOTE: If you select Email, verify that the Email address listed is correct or change
if desired.

Click the Save button

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