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Révisions ‘The American Family’

DOC. 1 ‘A Team of Two’

1. Why is the Document entitled ‘A Team of Two’?

2. Find 3 adjectives to describe the dad.
3. What is difficult for the dad?
4. What kind of relationship do they (father and son) have?
5. Give a precise example to illustrate this relationship.

VOCABULARY : Find the word or expression in English!

Dur : …................................ / ….............................. / ….............................

Bien s’entendre avec quelqu’un : …..............................................................

Passer du temps : ….........................................................

Partager des moments ensemble : ….................................................................................

DOC. 2 ‘Millennials’

1. Say what a ‘Millennial’ is.

2. Why are so many millennials still living at their parents’ house? (Two reasons)
3. Explain what ‘Boomerang children’ are.
4. Find One advantage and One disadvantage of living at your parents’ house when you are a
young adult.

VOCABULARY : Find the word or expression in English!

Payer les factures: …........................................................

Louer une maison: ….......................................................

Faire des économies: …...........................................................

DOC. 3 ‘Multigenerational Households’

1. What is a Multigenerational Household?

2. Do Americans like this lifestyle? Explain.
3. What can be advantageous with a multigenerational household? Give ONE example.

VOCABULARY : Find the word or expression in English!

S’occuper de quelqu’un: …...............................................................

Avoir sa propre indépendence: …....................................................

Respecter l’intimité: ….....................................................................

DOC. 4 Teens Teaching Seniors’

1. What are Seniors learning from teens?

2. What is the goal for both Seniors and Teens?
3. What is the Old Lady’s reaction when she sees her grandchildren on screen?
4. Is there a generation gap?

VOCABULARY : Find the word or expression in English!

Etre époustouflé(e): ….............................................................

Savoir utiliser un ordinateur: …......................................................

Les réseaux sociaux: …...................................................................

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