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Uzupełnij czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie czasu przyszłego.

1. There’s not a single cloud in the sky. It _________________(be) a lovely day.

2. What time ___________________(the plane/take) off?
3. I’m sure you ___________________(pass) all your exams.
4. Do you think they ___________________(get) married?
5. This time next week we ___________________(drive) through Slovakia.
6. We __________________(throw) a party for 70 people tonight.
7. By the year 2100, the population _________________(decrease) by 30%.
8. By three, we _________________________(walk) for five hours.
9. When she arrives, they _______________________(play) football.
10. I haven’t studied for the biology test tomorrow. I _____________________(fail).
11. My grandma is really ill. I don’t think she ____________________(recover).
12. I _____________________(see) my dentist tomorrow morning.
13. In 2026, I ____________________(be) married for 20 years.
14. On Sunday at 10, we ____________________(sit) at a mass in church.
15. When I graduate, I ___________________(study) for 12 years.
16. Maths __________________(finish) at 12:20 on Mondays.
17. I hope we ___________________(be able) to go outside on a picnic tomorrow.
18. _____________________(you/read) as usual tonight? I was hoping we could go for a walk.
19. Stop this right now or I ____________________(take) you to the headmaster.
20. I ___________________(write) all the letters by noon.

Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań na angielski.

1. When they come out, Mary (będzie czekać) outside to greet them.
2. I promise I (posprzątam) my room on Saturday.
3. The Browns have decided to sell their house. (Wyprowadzą się).
4. In the evening (spotykam się z Markiem) for a game of chess.
5. This time tomorrow we (będziemy siedzieć) on the train to Budapest.
6. By 10:00, she (będzie spała) for eleven hours.
7. By the time we get to the restaurant, everyone (skończy) eating.
8. I’ve got no money. What time (otwierają) the bank?
9. I don’t believe people (będą wyjeżdżać) on holiday to the Moon.
10. Sadly, I (nie skończę) the project by four.

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