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Writing Evaluation Parameters


( out of RANGE &

· fully addresses all

· uses cohesion in such a way
parts of the task
that it attracts no attention · uses a wide
without any error
· uses a wide range of range of
· presents a fully vocabulary with very natural structures with
10 developed position in and sophisticated control of full flexibility and
answer to the lexical features; without any accuracy;
· skilfully manages
question with error without any
relevant, fully errors
extended and well
supported ideas

· addresses all parts · uses cohesion in a

· uses a wide
of the task effectively structured way
range of
· presents a · uses a wide range of
structures with
developed position in vocabulary with very natural
full flexibility and
9 answer to the and sophisticated control of
accuracy; rare
question with · manages paragraphing lexical features; rare minor
minor errors
relevant, extended errors occur only as ‘slips’
occur only as
and well supported ‘slips’
· uses a wide range of
· sufficiently
· sequences information and vocabulary fluently and
addresses all parts of
ideas logically flexibly to convey precise
the task

· presents a
well-developed · skilfully uses uncommon · the
response to the · manages all aspects of lexical items but there may be majority of
question with cohesion well occasional inaccuracies in sentences are
relevant, extended word choice and collocation error-free
and supported ideas

· makes only
· produces rare errors in
· uses paragraphing very occasional
--- spelling and/or word
sufficiently and appropriately errors or

· uses a
· logically organises · uses a sufficient range of
· addresses all parts variety of
information and ideas; there is vocabulary to allow some
of the task complex
clear progression throughout flexibility and precision
· uses a range of cohesive · produces
· presents a clear · uses less common lexical
devices appropriately although frequent
position throughout items with some awareness of
there may be some error-free
the response style and collocation
under-/over-use sentences
· presents, extends
· has good
and supports main
control of
ideas, but there may · may produce occasional
· presents a clear central grammar and
be a tendency to errors in word choice, spelling
topic within each paragraph punctuation but
over-generalise and/or word formation
may make a few
and/or supporting
ideas may lack focus

· addresses all parts

· uses a mix
of the task although · arranges information and
· uses an adequate range of simple and
some parts may be ideas coherently and there is a
of vocabulary for the task complex
more fully covered clear overall progression
sentence forms
than others
· makes
· presents a
some errors in
relevant position · uses cohesive devices
· attempts to use less grammar and
although the effectively, but cohesion within
6 common vocabulary but with punctuation but
conclusions may and/or between sentences may
some inaccuracy they rarely
become unclear or be faulty or mechanical

· presents relevant · makes some errors in

· may not always use
main ideas but some spelling and/or word
referencing clearly or ---
may be inadequately formation, but they do not
developed/unclear impede communication
· addresses the task
· uses a limited range of
only partially; the · uses only a
· uses paragraphing, but not vocabulary, but this is
format may be limited range of
always logically minimally adequate for the
inappropriate in structures
· attempts
· expresses a
position but the · may make noticeable
· presents information with sentences but
development is not errors in spelling and/or word
some organisation but there may these tend to be
always clear and formation that may cause
be a lack of overall progression less accurate
there may be no some difficulty for the reader
than simple
conclusions drawn
--- · may make
5 · presents some frequent
main ideas but these grammatical
are limited and not · makes inadequate, errors and
sufficiently inaccurate or over-use of punctuation may
developed; there cohesive devices be faulty; errors
may be irrelevant can cause some
detail difficulty for the
--- · may be repetitive because --- ---
of lack of referencing and
--- · may not write in --- ---
paragraphs, or paragraphing may
be inadequate
· uses only a
very limited
· presents information and · uses only basic
range of
writes a totally ideas but these are not arranged vocabulary which may be used
structures with
memorised response coherently and there is no clear repetitively or which may be
only rare use of
progression in the response inappropriate for the task
· some
· responds to the
structures are
task only in a · has limited control of
· uses some basic cohesive accurate but
minimal way or the word formation and/or
devices but these may be errors
answer is tangential; spelling; errors may cause
inaccurate or repetitive predominate,
4 the format may be strain for the reader
and punctuation
is often faulty
· presents a --- ---
· may not write in paragraphs
position but this is
or their use may be confusing
· presents some --- --- ---
main ideas but these
are difficult to
identify and may be
repetitive, irrelevant
or not well
· attempts
sentence forms
· uses only a very limited
but errors in
· does not range of words and
· does not organise ideas grammar and
adequately address expressions with very limited
logically punctuation
any part of the task control of word formation
predominate and
and/or spelling
distort the
· may use a very limited
· does not express range of cohesive devices, and · errors may severely
a clear position those used may not indicate a distort the message
logical relationship between ideas

· presents few
ideas, which are
--- --- ---
largely undeveloped
or irrelevant

· cannot use
· uses an extremely limited
sentence forms
· barely responds · has very little control of range of vocabulary;
except in
to the task organisational features essentially no control of word
2 memorised
formation and/or spelling

· does not express --- --- ---

a position
· may attempt to --- --- ---
present one or two
ideas but there is no

1 · answer is · cannot use

· fails to communicate any · can only use a few
completely unrelated sentence forms
message isolated words
to the task at all

· does not
· does not attend · does not attend · does not attend
0 · does not
· does not attempt · does not attempt the task in · does not attempt the task
attempt the task
the task in any way any way in any way
in any way
Parameters details:

Task Achievement (TA) is how well the question is answered. If all parts of the question are
dealt with and the ideas are logical or the data is accurate and well summarized, then TA will be

Coherence and Cohesion (CC) is how well structured the answer is, and if ideas are signaled
and logically follow on from one another in paragraphs. Referencing and substitution are also
important for good CC so the candidate doesn’t repeat the same things too many times.

Lexical Resource (LR) is the range of vocabulary a candidate uses. The wider the range of
vocabulary a candidate uses to accurately express themselves, then the higher their band score
will be. Spelling and word formation are also important for good LR.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA) will receive a high band score if the candidate uses
lots of complex sentences with few errors. Complex sentences are sentences that have
subordinate clauses such as relative clauses. Punctuation, using full stops and commas
accurately, is also important for GRA.
Speaking Rubrics
Effective (Highly
Breakthrough Way-stage Threshold Vantage Operational proficient –
(Can (Can (Can (Can use Proficiency can use
communicate communicate communicate English (Able to use English
in basic in English essential effectively, English very
English within points with some fluently and fluently,
with help a limited and ideas in fluency, in a flexibly precisely
from the range of familiar range of in a wide and
listener) contexts) contexts) contexts) range of sensitively
contexts) in most
A1 (1) A2(2) B1(3) B2(4) C1(5) C2(6)
Has a good
Has a good
command of a Has a good
Has a sufficient range of
broad lexical command of a
vocabulary to vocabulary for
repertoire very broad
express matters
allowing gaps to lexical
Has sufficient him/herself with connected to
Has a basic be readily repertoire
vocabulary to some his field and
vocabulary overcome with including
Vocabulary conduct routine, circumlocutions most general
repertoire of circumlocutions; idiomatic
everyday on most topics topics? Can
range and isolated words and
transactions pertinent to vary
little obvious expressions
Control (5) phrases related to searching for and
involving familiar hiseveryday life formulation to
particular concrete expressions or colloquialisms;
situations and such as family, avoid frequent
situations. avoidance shows
topics. hobbies and repetition, but
strategies. Good awareness of
interests, work, lexical gaps can
command of connotative
travel, and still cause
idiomatic levels of
current events. hesitation and
expressions and meaning.
Uses some simple Communicates Good Maintains
structures with reasonable grammatical consistent
correctly, but still accuracy in control. grammatical
Shows only limited
systematically familiar contexts; Occasional Consistently control of
control of a few
makes basic generally good "slips" or maintains a high complex
mistakes - for control though non-systematic degree of language, even
Grammatical grammatical
example tends to with noticeable errors and grammatical while attention
Accuracy(5) structures and
mix up mother tongue minor flaws in accuracy; errors is otherwise
sentence patterns
tenses and forget influence. Errors sentence are rare and engaged (e.g. in
in a learnt
to mark occur, but it is structure may difficult to spot. forward
agreement; clear what he/she still occur, but planning, in
nevertheless, it is is trying to they are rare monitoring
usually clear what express. and can often others’
he/she is trying to be corrected in reactions).
say. retrospect.

Pronunciation of a
Pronunciation is
very limited
generally clear
repertoire of Pronunciation is
enough to be Can vary
learnt words and clearly intelligible
understood intonation and
phrases can be even if a foreign
despite a Has a clear, place sentence
understood with accent is
Phonological noticeable foreign natural, stress correctly Native users
some effort by sometimes
Control (5) native
accent, but
evident and
pronunciation in order to like proficiency
conversational and intonation. express finer
speakers used to occasional
partners will need shades of
dealing with mispronunciations
to ask for meaning.
speakers of occur.
repetition from
his/her language
time to time.
Can speak
Can give relevantly and
Can develop a
elaborate profoundly
descriptions and integrating sub
description or
Can reasonably narratives, themes,
Can tell a story or fluently relate a integrating sub developing
Thematic Fragmented expanding and
describe straightforward themes, particular
sentences, pauses supporting
development intermittently, no
something in a narrative or
his/her main
developing points and
(5) simple list of description as a particular points rounding off
continuity points with
points. linear sequence of and with an
points. rounding off appropriate
with an conclusion by
detail and
appropriate using phrasal
conclusion. verbs, priverbs
Coherence & Can link words or Can use the most Can link a series Can use a Can produce Can create
Fluency (5) groups of words frequently of shorter, limited number clear, smoothly coherent and
with very basic occurring discrete simple of cohesive flowing, cohesive text
linear connectors connectors to link elements into a devices to link well-structured making full and
like 'and' or 'then'. simple sentences connected, linear his/her speech, showing appropriate use
Can manage very in order to tell a sequence of utterances into controlled use of of a variety of
short, isolated, story or describe points. Can keep clear, coherent organisational organisational
mainly something as a going discourse, patterns, patterns and a
pre-packaged simple list of comprehensibly, though connectors and wide range of
utterances, with points. Can even though there may be cohesive cohesive
much pausing to construct phrases pausing for some devices. Can devices. Can
search for on familiar topics grammatical and "jumpiness" in express express
expressions, to with sufficient lexical planning a long him/herself him/herself at
articulate less ease to handle and repair is very contribution. fluently and length with a
familiar words, short exchanges, evident, especially Can produce spontaneously, natural,
and to repair despite very in longer stretches of almost effortless,
communication. noticeable stretches of free language with a effortlessly. Only unhesitating
hesitation and production. fairly even a conceptually flow. Pauses
false starts. tempo; difficult subject only to reflect
although can on precisely
he/she can be hinder a natural, the right words
hesitant as smooth flow of to express
he/she language. his/her
searches thoughts or to
for patterns find an
and appropriate
expressions, example or
there are few explanation.
noticeably long
Can interact
with a degree
of fluency and
that makes
interaction with
native speakers
imposing strain
on either party.

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