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4th prim.

Let’ learn some phrases

Wakey-wakey! Time to get up! Despierta es hora de

What would you like for breakfast? Que te gustaria desayunar?

Brush your teeth. Cepillate los dientes.

Do your buttons up. Abrochate los botones

Do your zip up. Subete el cierre.

Tie your laces. Amarrate los pasadores.

Let me do you a ponytail. dejame hacerte una coleta.

Go and get your backpack. Ve y trae tu mochila.

Have you done your homework? Has hecho tu tarea.

Get in the bus. Sube al omnibus.

I’m hungry. Tengo hambre

I’m cold. Tengo frio

I’m hot. Tengo calor.

I’m happy. Estoy feliz

Wash your face. Lavate la cara

Teacher: Liliana
4th prim.

Teacher: Liliana

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