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Radio Broadcast & Download Window

from Sunday 29 October 2023

Programme Name Duration (mins/secs) First BBC broadcast time (GMT) Available to download from (GMT) Broadcast Window
News & Current Affairs
The World in 2 Minutes 2 minutes via download only Every hour at approx. 40 min past the hour Until 10 minutes past the following hour
HARDtalk 3 x 23 minutes Mon, Wed & Fri 08:06 Mon, Wed & Fri 09:00 4 days
From Our Own Correspondent 23 minutes Saturday 16:06 Saturday 17:00 48 hours
More or Less 9 minutes Saturday 05:50 Saturday 06:30 7 days
Newsday 49'30" (26'30 & 23') / 23' Mon - Fri 05:00 not available as a download Live Only
Newshour 49 mins 30 secs (23' & 26'30") various editions throughout the day not available as a download Live Only
The Real Story 49 mins 30 secs (23' & 26'30") Friday 08:06 Friday 11:30 7 days
News Bulletins 5 / 3 / 2 minutes various editions throughout the day not available as a download Live Only
BBC OS 2 x 49 mins 30 secs (23' & 26'30") Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 16:00, 17:00 not available as a download Live Only
BBC OS Conversations 23 minutes Friday 20:06 Friday 21:00 7 days
The Fifth Floor 40 mins 30 secs (23' & 17'30") Friday 12:06 Friday 13:30 56 hours
The Inquiry 23 minutes Thursday 08:06 Thursday 09:00 7 days
The Newsroom 23 minutes / 14 minutes various editions throughout the day not available as a download Live Only
Weekend 3 x 49'30" (23' & 26'30") Sat & Sun 06:00 not available as a download Live Only
What in the World 9 minutes Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 16:15 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 16:15 24 hours
Business Daily 17 minutes 30 seconds Monday-Friday 08:32 Monday-Friday 09:30 24 hours
Business Matters 49 mins 30 secs (23' & 26'30") Tues-Sat 01:06 not available as a download Live Only
Business Update 2 minutes 30 seconds via download only Monday-Friday 10:00 6 hours
Marketplace Global Update 8 minutes via download only Monday-Friday 11:00 11:00 - 19:00 (8 hours)
World Business Report 26 minutes 30 seconds Monday-Friday 15:32 Monday-Friday 16:30 15:32 - 22:30 (7 hours)
World Business Report 26 minutes 30 seconds Monday-Friday 22:32 Monday-Friday 23:30 22:32 - 05:30 (7 hours)
BBC Premier League Update (Edition One) 2 minutes Monday - Sunday 23:00 Daily 23:00 From approx. 23:00 until 09:30 GMT next day
BBC Premier League Update (Edition Two) 2 minutes Monday - Friday 10:30 Monday-Friday 10:30 From approx.10:30 until 17:00 GMT
BBC Premier League Extra 5 minutes via download only From approx. 18:30 GMT until 10:30 GMT next day
Football Look Ahead 90 seconds via download only Friday 10:30 24 hours
Sportshour 49 mins 30 secs (23' & 26'30") Saturday 10:06 not available as a download Live Only
Sportsworld (Saturday & Sunday) Sat 4 x 53 mins / Sun 4 x 53 minutes Saturday 14:06 / Sunday 15:06 not available as a download Live Only
Sport Today 26 minutes 30 seconds via download only Monday-Friday 15:30 From approx.15:30 until 19:00 GMT
Sport Today 26 minutes 30 seconds Monday-Friday 19:32 not available as a download Live Only
Sport Update 3 minutes 30 seconds via download only Monday-Sunday 06:30 From approx. 06:30 GMT until 11:30 GMT
Sports News 9 minutes Daily 22:20 not available as a download Live Only
Sporting Witness 9 minutes Saturday 02:50 Saturday 03:30 7 days
Stumped 26 minutes 30 seconds Saturday 02:32 Saturday 03:30 7 days
Assignment 23 minutes Thursday 10:06 Thursday 21:00 7 days
Assignment 26 minutes 30 seconds Thursday 02:32 Thursday 03:30 7 days
Discussion and Documentary ^ 49 mins 30 secs (23' & 26'30") Saturday 12:06 Saturday 13:30 Variable
The Documentary (Tuesday) 23 minutes Tuesday 10:06 Tuesday 21:00 7 days
The Documentary (Tuesday) 26 minutes 30 seconds Tuesday 02:32 Tuesday 03:30 7 days
The Documentary (Wednesday) 26 minutes 30 seconds Wednesday 04:32 Wednesday 05:30 7 days
Science, Health & Technology
Crowdscience 26 minutes 30 seconds Friday 20:32 Friday 21:30 7 days
Climate Watch 3 minutes 59 seconds approx. Thursday 20:00 Thursday 20:30 Until next Thursday 3:00 GMT
Discovery 26 minutes 30 seconds Monday 20:32 Monday 21:30 7 days
Health Check 26 minutes 30 seconds Wednesday 20:32 Wednesday 21:30 7 days
Science in Action 26 minutes 30 seconds Thursday 20:32 Thursday 21:30 7 days
Tech Life 26 minutes 30 seconds Tuesday 20:32 Tuesday 21:30 7 days
Unexpected Elements 49 mins 30 secs (23' & 26'30") Thursday 07:06 Thursday 10:30 7 days
The Climate Question 23 minutes Sunday 14:06 Monday 00:00 7 days
The Climate Question 26 minutes 30 seconds Sunday 14:32 Sunday 15:30 7 days
Human Interest
Heart and Soul 26 minutes 30 seconds Friday 04:32 Friday 05:30 7 days
Outlook 40 mins 30 secs (23' & 17'30'') Monday-Thursday 12:06 Monday-Thursday 13:30 7 days
Outlook Weekend 26 minutes 30 seconds Saturday 05:32 Saturday 06:30 7 days
Over To You 9 minutes Saturday 09:50 Saturday 10:30 7 days
The Conversation 26 minutes 30 seconds Monday 04:32 Monday 05:30 7 days
The History Hour 49 mins 30 secs (23' & 26'30") Saturday 14:06 Saturday 15:30 7 days
Pick of the World 17 minutes 30 seconds Saturday 09:32 Saturday 10:30 5 days
Weekend Stories + 17 minutes 30 seconds Saturday 05:32 Saturday 06:30 7 days
Witness History 9 minutes Monday-Friday 08:50 Monday-Friday 09:30 7 days
Music Life 49 mins 30 secs (23' & 26'30") Saturday 23:06 Sunday 00:30 Unlimited
In the Studio 26 minutes 30 seconds Tuesday 04:32 Tuesday 05:30 7 days
The Arts Hour 49 mins 30 secs (23' & 26'30") Saturday 20:06 Saturday 21:30 7 days
Top of the Pops: Segment 1 23 minutes Saturday 03:06 Friday 23:30 7 days
Top of the Pops: Segment 2 26 minutes 30 seconds Saturday 03:32 Friday 23:30 7 days
Top of the Pops: Segment 3 15 minutes via download only Friday 23:30 7 days
World Book Club (once a month) ^ 49 mins 30 secs (23' & 26'30") Saturday 12:06 Saturday 13:30 Unlimited
Society & Culture
People Fixing The World 23 minutes Tuesday 08:06 Tuesday 09:00 7 days
The Food Chain 26 minutes 30 seconds Thursday 04:32 Thursday 05:30 7 days
Weekend Insights* 17 minutes 30 seconds Sat 02:32 Sat 12:30 Variable
The Forum^ 49 mins 30 secs (23' & 26'30") Saturday 12:06 Saturday 13:30 28 days
African Programmes
Changing World for Africa 24 minutes via download only Monday 11:00 7 days
Africa Daily 10 minutes via download only Daily 02:00 24 hours
Focus on Africa 23 mins / 51 mins (24'30'' & 26'30") Mon-Fri 15:06 not available as a download Live Only
This is Africa 26 minutes 30 seconds Saturday 02:32 Saturday 03:30 7 Days
This is Africa - Ten in Ten 10mins via download only Saturday 02:30 7 Days

News & Current Affairs | Business | Sport | Documentaries | Science, Health & Technology | Human Interest | Arts | Society & Culture | African Programmes

3 / 6 / 10 / 12 hours - Topical programmes likely to contain material which will become out of date within the time specified.
24 / 48 / 56 hours - Topical programmes or those having a daily edition. Broadcast of such programmes must be before the next edition is broadcast by the BBC
3 / 4 / 5 days - Topical programmes likely to contain material which will become out of date within the time specified.
7 / 28 days - Programmes with a longer shelf life but must be broadcast before the next edition is broadcast by the BBC unless specified otherwise.
^ Discussion & Documentary brings together four monthly programmes into a weekly offer, exploring the lives, cultures and attitudes of people from around the world: World Book Club , World Questions , The Forum (in its new hour long format), and renowned BBC
Documentaries (hour long episodes) . Note: All four programmes can be taken on an individual basis. On a 5 weeks month, The Documentary offer wil consist of 2 episodes.
+ Weekend Stories : home to the best storytelling podcasts from the BBC; narratives that understand the past, present and explore the future.
* Weekend Insights brings together BBC Trending (24 episodes annually) , The Explanation (20 episodes annually) and World of Wisdom , (8 episodes annually) into a weekly offer to explain the stories the world is sharing via social media, unpacks complex news stories
and answers your spiritual questions. Note: All three programmes can be taken on an individual basis.
~ Weekend Stories This programme may broadcast repeats of the World Service programmes or special programmes.

The above are general guidelines applicable to the programmes shown. The BBC reserves the right to restrict further or (exceptionally) withdraw broadcasting rights for a particular programme or series if necessary.
Any permissions to extend broadcast windows may not be assumed unless confirmed by the BBC in writing in advance.

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