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Dear neighbor, thank you for taking the huge responsibility of taking care of my house. Here, I'm
gonna leave you some instructions and relevant aspects:

1. In case you have problems please call me at: 1234567789 or at my sister's number:
9876654321. Also, if you need someone that can help you, contact Miguel: 543231599
and he’ll be there in a few minutes.
2. As you know, I have a lot of plants. So here are some instructions to take care of them:
a) Fruit trees: These trees needs at least 2 liters of water each. In case you want to take
any fruit feel free of doing it.
b) Flowers: The roses needs 1 liter and the orquideas needs just 0.5liters.
c) Home plants: Please, expose all of them at least 2 hours after 10:00 am. And also
add, at least, one glass of water to each one.
In case you have troubles with this task, call Miguel and he’ll help you.

3. The trashtruck always pass at 8:00am, so you need to thrown the trash before. If you
notice, in the kitchen you can find a white bag and a black one. The white bag its for
organic waste, and the black one is for the rest. You just need to throw the black one.
4. And the last thing is: Security. Please lock doors and windows before 6:00p, because, as
you know, I live in a dangerous neighborhood.

That's all and thank you again for all of this. I will pay you one day.


Wrong use

Dear Neighbor,

I extend my heartfelt gratitude for undertaking the significant responsibility of looking after my
house. I am leaving you with some instructions and relevant details:

In case of any issues, please don't hesitate to reach me at 1234567789 or my sister's number:
9876654321. If you require immediate assistance, contact Miguel at 543231599, and he will
promptly assist you.

As you are aware, I have numerous plants, so here are some care instructions:

a) Fruit Trees: These trees require a minimum of 2 liters of water each. Feel free to harvest any
fruit if desired.
b) Flowers: Roses need 1 liter of water, while orchids require just 0.5 liters.

c) Indoor Plants: Please ensure they receive at least 2 hours of sunlight after 10:00 am and
provide each with at least one glass of water.

Should you encounter any difficulties with plant care, do not hesitate to contact Miguel for

The trash collection occurs at 8:00 am, so please dispose of the trash beforehand. In the
kitchen, you'll find a white bag for organic waste and a black one for other refuse. You only need
to discard the black bag.

Lastly, regarding security, please ensure all doors and windows are locked by 6:00 pm due to
the nature of our neighborhood.

Thank you once again for your assistance. Rest assured, I will find a way to compensate you in
the future.

Warm regards, [Your Name]


Chat-GPT uses a more advanced language and also uses some expressions that make the
letter more formal.

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