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Praveen Paramesh Mahima chaudhary

Assistant professor BSc Nursing

IINS&R 4th year/7th sem.


Name : Mrs. kamlawati

Age/Sex : 64years/ Female

Classification : geriatric

Education : Nil

Head of the Family : Mr. Rajendar

Address : dipo ,kurshi road,lucknow


Baseline Data

Height : 158cm

Weight : 51Kg

Temperature : 37o C

Pulse : 74beats/min

Respiration : 22 breaths/ min

Blood Pressure: 110/70 mm Hg (Sitting Position)

General Appearance

Body built : Moderately body built

Appearance : moderately nourished, Clean

Hair and Scalp

Color : white in color

Texture : dry

Scanty : No Scanty

Dandruff : Absent

Lice : Present
Others : nil


Color : eyes dull in color

Cornea : The cornea is black in color

Discharge : discharges present

Wearing Spectacles: No

Others : problem to identify for objects.


Anatomy : Normal anatomical position

Discharge : cerumen accumulation

Deformed : No deformities

Others : Hearing acuity is slight problem


Normal : No septal deviation

Discharge : No discharge from the nose

Deformity : Nil

Others : -


Normal : Normal

Color : Pink in color

Clear : Clear

Odour : No odor

Coated tongue: Absent

Caries : present
Lips : Pink in color

Cyanosis : Absent

Bleeding : Absent


Color : The skin is normal and pale

Growth : There is no growth over

Texture : dry

Intact : Intact

Break/Wound: No wound or break

Dry/moist : Moist

Wrinkle : Absent

Jaundice, anemia: Nil

Ulcer/Scar : Nil

Edematous, rashes: Absent


General : Normal

Enlargement : No enlargement of thyroid/ parotid

Range of Motion: Normal range of motion


General : Symmetrical chest wall movement

Dyspnea : There is no dyspnoea

Deformed : No deformity

Respiratory rate: 22 breaths/min


General : Normal

Distention : No abdominal distention

Firm, Soft : Soft and firm to touch

Odour : Nil

Scar : Absence of abdominal sutures

Bowel sounds are heard


Shape : There is lordosis and kyphosis

Deformities : Nil

Pain : present


Normal : joint pain in the lower limbs and also numbness Edema :
There is no edema

Dislocation : No dislocation

Clubbing : No clubbing of fingers.


Clean/ Dirty : Clean

Long/Short : Nails are long

Normal : Normal


Symmetry : Symmetrical
Discharges : No discharges,

Scars/Lesions:No scars or lesions

Nipple & areola: Normal and clean


Normal : Normal

Lesions : Absence of lesions

Discharges : No discharges


Urine : Passes 4-5 times a day

Stool : Once in a day


Name : Mrs. Krishnaveni

Age/Sex : 65/F

Classification: geriatric

Education : -

Occupation : -

Income : -

Hair : Normal/Lack of luxture/ Dyspigmented/ Thin built/ Spoarse/

Easily Pluckable/ Flag sign

Face : Diffuse pigmentation/ Nasolabial dysbacea/ Moon face/ Normal

Eye : Conjunctiva/ Normal/ Dry on exposure to half minute/

Dry and wrinkled/ Bitot’s spot/ Brown pigmentation/

Angular conjunctivitis/ Pale

Cornea : Normal/ Dry

Lips : Normal/ Angular stomatitis/ Cheilosis

Tongue : Pale and flabby/ Red/ Red fissured/ Normal

Teeth : Molted enamel/ Caries/ Alteration/ Normal

Gums : Normal/ Dry and scaly/ Follicular

Skin : Hyperkeratosis/ Petachiae/ Pelagrous dermatitis/ normal

Nails : Koilonychias/ Normal

Odema : Absent/ Independent parts

Glands : Normal/ Parotid or thyroid enlargement

Rachdic changes: Knock – knee/ Bow legs/ Pigeon chest/ Normal

Internal system: Normal/ Hepatomegaly/. Psychomotor changes/ Mental confusion/

Sensory loss/ Muscle wasting/ Loss of ankle and knee jerk/ Calf-tenderness/ Cardiac
enlargement/ Tachycardia


Name : Mrs.Kalawati Age/Sex :64 Years/Female

Classification : geriatric
Time Items Amount Energy Protein Fat Calcium Iron Vit.A
K. Calorie (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg)
7 AM Tea 100ml 67 3.2 4.1 120 0.2 53
9 AM roti 4 Nos 512 8.2 19.4 56.4 3 22.5
dal 200 ml 101 4.1 3.6 50 2.2 160.0
12 N Rice 250 g 295 6 6 6.9 2.0 2.2
dal 200 ml 101 4.1 4.1 50 2.2 160.0
Buttermilk 25 ml 18.0 0.9 0.9 60 0.1 31
Fish 2 Nos 220.0 17.5 17.5 330 1.6 -
4 PM Tea 100 ml 67 3.2 3.2 120 0.2 53
Sundal 100 gm 192 9.2 9.2 20.1 8.0 4.8
8 PM roti 4 Nos 512 8.2 8.2 56.4 3 22.5
dal 200 ml 101 4.1 4.1 50 2.2 16.0

TOTAL 2186.0 68.7 68.4 874.8 42.7 669.0


Nutrients Required amount Client actually taken Deficit

Energy 2775 Kilo calories 2186 Kilo calories Deficiency (589 Kilo calories)

Protein 75 g 68.7 g Deficiency( 6.3 g)

Fat 45 g 68.4 g + 23.4 g

Calcium 1000mg 874.8 mg Deficiency ( 125.2 mg)

Iron 30 mg 42.7 mg + 12.7 mg

Vitamin A 950 µg 669 µg Deficiency ( 281 µg)


Time Items Amount Energy Protein Fat Calcium Iron Vit.A

K. Cal (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg)
7 AM Milk 200 ml 134 6.4 8.2 240 0.4 106
9 AM roti 4 Nos 521 8.2 19.4 56.4 3.0 22.5
dal 100 ml 101 4.1 3.6 50 2.2 160.0
10AM Banana 1 No. 116 1.2 0.3 17 0.36 78
11.30 AM Drumstick 100 ml 26 2.5 0.1 30 0.18 600.0
leave soup
1 PM Rice 250 g 295 6 0.5 6.9 20 2.2
Sambar 200 ml 101 4.1 3.6 50 2.2 160.0
Buttermilk 25 ml 18 0.9 1.4 60 0.1 31
Fish fry 2 nos 220 17.5 0.9 330 1.6 -
4 PM Tea 100 ml 67 3.2 4.1 120 0.2 53
Sundal 200gm 384 18.4 15.6 46.0 18.2 16.0
8 PM roti 4 Nos 512 8.2 19.4 56.4 3 22.5
chutney 100g 269 8.3 1.7 390 22.2 450

TOTAL 2755.0 89.0 78.8 1452.7 73.4 1701

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