Geololgy Activity No. 1

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Activity No.

Title: Simulation of Liquefaction

Materials: sand, water, giant basin, timer, ruler, camera, tumbler


1. Prepare a basin with a minimum diameter of 3 feet and fill it halfway with water before
setting it aside.
2. Add sand to the basin, ensuring it does not exceed half the basin's volume, and
distribute it evenly.
3. Place an object securely on top of the sand to ensure it remains stable even when the
basin is shaken.
4. Shake the basin gently while gradually pouring the water over the sand for a duration
of one minute, ensuring even distribution.
5. Once all the water is poured, continue shaking the basin for another minute.

After two minutes of shaking during the liquefaction simulation, it was noted that the
tumbler had submerged around 3 cm into the sand. The measured depth of the sand in the basin
was 4.2 cm, and the depth of the water was 2.8 cm. The total depth of the water and sand in the
basin was 7 cm. This observation points to a substantial relocation and reorganization of particles
within the basin caused by shaking, which is consistent with the liquefaction phenomena.


The "Simulation of Liquefaction" experiment produced a number of interesting findings.

The tumbler gradually sinks into the sand, around 3 cm over the course of two minutes; this
behavior is similar to what is seen in soil mechanics during liquefaction events. This behavior
highlights the importance of the simulation. It is defined by the loss of soil strength and stiffness
brought on by a rise in pore water pressure during cyclic loading.
A closer look at the contents of the basin revealed a depth of 2.8 cm for water and 4.2 cm
for sand. This information provided insight into the distribution of materials and the interaction
between water and sand particles when shaking forces are applied. The combined depth of water
and sand, which is 7 cm, indicates that there was a large amount of particle rearrangement and
displacement during the simulation.
All things considered, these discoveries offer important new understandings of the
dynamics of liquefaction and the behavior of granular materials under cyclic loading. They
improve our knowledge of the fundamental processes causing liquefaction events, which has
ramifications for engineering procedures meant to reduce the hazards of soil liquefaction in a
variety of geotechnical applications.

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