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KFC Technology Refresh 2010

divisions organised around its ve core concepts, KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, A&W and Long John Silvers. Every day more than 12 million customers are served at KFC restaurants around the world. There are KFC restaurants in 109 countries, with more than 5,200 in the US and more than 15,000

Chris Matthews, IT Support and Implementation Manager, Yum! Restaurants International


KFC UKI is a part of YUM! Brands Inc., which is the worlds largest chain restaurant company with more than 36,000 locations around the world. YUM! Brands Inc. (YUM) is a Fortune 500 company driven by superior quality food, fun internal culture and maniacal customer service attitude. The YUM organisation is made up of six operating

throughout di erent countries. The secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices was rst developed in 1939. The same recipe is still used across the world today.

KFC UKI has over 250 Company restaurants in the UK. All Company restaurants have a standardised IT infrastructure which includes POS tills, kitchen video system, key networking features, a number of peripheral devices and other IT systems. As IT systems advance, KFC UKI was facing a signi cant challenge and needed to upgrade their IT systems in order to achieve the associated operational and business bene ts such as speed of customer service and integration into other restaurant systems. KFC UKI identi ed 54 Company sites that were running on an older POS Till variant (PAR XP) which was less performing and less integrated than the newer PAR VIGO. On certain sites the introduction of the PAR VIGO also necessitated an upgrade in the kitchen video system, replacing the older PAR4 system with the newer Oasys iPAD system. ISG technology had to deliver these and associated installation services to 54 sites spread across the UK to a controlled schedule within a speci c daily installation window, which was 5 am to 9 am, prior to restaurant opening. In addition, KFC UKI have a unique and challenging working environment which required ISG technologys experienced and expert installation engineers.

ISG technology's engineers were aware that any encroachment into trading hours was to be avoided. As a result, ISG technologysProject Support Services created detailed time-bound site project plans, communicating and agreeing with KFC UKI store management sta in a timely and e ective manner. ISG technology was able to overcome these unique challenges by utilising a Quick Service Restaurant experienced workforce in conjunction with meticulous project planning. Among the services provided by ISG technology were project planning, cleansing of site data related to exact equipment requirements, procurement, warehousing, logistics, pre-con guration, on-site installation of PAR VIGO POS tills and Oasys iPAD bump bars, remote technical support and end-to-end project management. The innovative VIGO POS system is PAR's fth generation product, designed to endure harsh restaurant environments with its 18-gauge steel construction, wide tilt screen and ergonomic design. ISG technology had to show scheduling exibility in order to avoid certain installation freezes as determined by KFC UKI on more than one occasion. The project was completed successfully and on time due to ISG technologys ability to overcome associated IT site issues throughout the roll-out schedule.
Approved by YUM! Brands Inc.

ISG technology delivered a successful POS replacement implementation across 54 sites across the UK over a six month project schedule. e key to their success was thorough communication combined with excellent on site services delivery.

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