Electro Statics - 25-08-2020 PDF

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Sec: Star SC ElectroStatics Date: 25–08-2020

Single answer type questions:

1. A conducting sphere of radius R and a concentric thick spherical

shell of inner radius 2R and outer radius 3R is shown in figure. A
charge +10Q is given to the shell and inner sphere is earthed. Then
charge on inner sphere is

(A) –4Q (B) –10Q

(C) zero (D) none
2.Two identical particles of charge q each are connected by a mass less spring of
force constant K. They are placed over a smooth horizontal surface. They are
released when the separation between them is r and spring is in it’s natural
length. If maximum extension of the spring is r, the value of K is

(neglect gravitational effect)

q 1 q 1 2q 1 q 1
A) B) C) D)
4r  0 r 2r  0 r r  0 r r  0 r

3. A charge ’q’ is placed at a distance d 0 near the bottom most point of a

hemispherical surface as shown in figure. The electric flux through the curved
surface of the hemisphere is nearly.

c) zero d)
 2 1 q
2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0
4. Charge is distributed uniformly in space. The net flux passing through the
surface of an imaginary cube of side ‘a’ in the space is '  ' . The net flux passing
through the surface of an imaginary sphere of radius ‘a’ in the space will be
3 2 4
a)  b) c) d) 
4 3 3
5. A conducting sphere A of radius a, with charge Q, is placed concentrically
inside a conducting shell B of radius b. B is earthed. C is the common centre
of the A and B.

1 2Q
(A) The field is a distance r from C, where a  r  b is .
4  0 r 2
1 Q
(B) The potential at a distance r from C, where a  r  b, is .
4  0 r
1 1 1
(C) The potential difference between A and B is Q  
8  0  a b 
1 1 1 
(D) The potential at a distance r from C, where a  r  b, Q   .
4  0  r b 
6. The electric force on charge placed at the centre O of two equilateral
triangles each of side 10 cm, as shown in figure is P. If charge
A, B, C, D, E & F are 2c , 2c , 2c , 2c , 2c , 2c respectively, then P is:

(A) 21.6 N (B) 64.8 N (C) 0 (D) 43.2 N

7. The surface of a cone of slant length ‘l’ is shown is

figure is charged uniformly with the charge Q. find
the potential at the vertex of the cone.
A) B) C) D)
2 0l 16 0l 4 0l 8 0l

8. Two small spheres with mass and hang from massless, insulating
threads of length and . The two spheres carry charges and
respectively. The spheres hang such that they are on same horizontal level
and the threads are inclined to the vertical at angles and . Which of the
condition is required if .

A) B) C) D) q1 q2
l1  l2 q1  q 2 m1  m 2 
m1 m2
9. Charge Q coulombs is uniformly distributed throughout the volume of
a solid hemisphere of radius R metres. Then the potential at centre O
of the hemisphere in volts is

A) B) C) D)

10. Two positively charged particles of charges q1 and q2 have mass m each. A
uniform electric field having magnitude E exists in positive x direction as
shown in figure. The given two charged particles are released from rest at t =
0 as shown in figure. If position of q1 at t = 2 sec. is given by coordinate ( +
2a, 0) then the x-coordinate of q2 at t = 2 sec is (neglect gravitational
interaction between the particles)

A) B) C) D)

11. The diagram shows the arrangement of three small uniformly charged
spheres A, B and C. The arrows indicate the direction of the electrostatic
forces acting between the spheres(for example, the left arrow on sphere A
indicates the electrostatic force on sphere A due to sphere B). At least two
of the spheres are positively charged. Which sphere, if any, could be
negatively charged ?

A) sphere A B) sphere B C) sphere C D) no sphere

12. The coordinates in metre and potentials in volt at different points in a region

are as shown. Find the electric field intensity in the region in Vm–1 ?
a) 2i  4j b) (i  j) c) 2i  4j d) 2i  2 j

13. A point charge q0 moves from point A to B in semicircular path of diameter

2a, then to point C in a semicircular path of diameter a and finally to point
D in a circular path of radius a/2, tracing an angle COD of 60° as shown.
Point A is distance 6a apart from infinitely long wire with its centre at origin
having linear charge density  . All circular paths and wire are in the same
xy plane. Length of the wire >> 6a. Minimum work done to move the charge
from A to D is :

q0   24  q0   6  q0   24  q0 
a) log e   b) log e   c) log e   d)
2 0  19  2 0  25  2 0  17  2 0
14. A charge +q is placed at the middle of a closed cylinder of radius r and
height h. A spherical shell of radius r with its centre at the point at which
charge is placed, is so oriented so that
h > 2 r. What is the ratio of flux passing through cylinder and sphere ?

a) 1 / 4 b) h / 2 r c) 1 / 1 d) (2 r + h) / 2 r

15. A small electric dipole is placed at origin with its electric dipole moment
vector acting along positive x-axis. Direction of electric field intensity vector
at a point (2m, 2 2m , 0) is
a) directed along +y axis b) directed along - y axis
c) directed along +z axis d) directed along -z axis
16. A non - conducting sphere of radius R = 5 cm has its centre at origin O of
co-ordinate system, shown in figure. It has a spherical cavity of radius r = 1
cm, whose centre is at (0, 3 cm). Solid material of sphere has uniform
positive charge density   coul m 3 . Calculate potential at point P (4 cm,


a) 23.16 V b) 53.26 V c) 35.16 V d) None of these

17. There are four concentric shells A, B, C and D of radii a, 2a, 3a and 4a
respectively. Shells B and D are given charges +q and –q respectively. Shell C
is now earthed. The potential difference VA – VC is :
Kq Kq Kq Kq
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2a 3a 4a 6a
18. A metal ball of radius R is placed concentrically inside a hollow metal sphere of
inner radius 2R and outer radius 3R. The ball is given a charge +2Q and the
hollow sphere a total charge – Q. The electrostatic potential energy of this
system is :

7Q 2 5Q 2 5Q 2
(A) (B) (C) (D) None
24 0 R 16 0 R 8 0 R
19. An electric field converges at the origin whose magnitude is given by the
Expression E = 100r N/C, where r is the distance measured from the origin.
Mark the incorrect statement:
(A) total charge contained in any spherical volume with its centre at origin is
(B) total charge contained at any spherical volume, irrespective of the location
of its centre, is negative.
(C) total charge contained in a spherical volume of radius 3 cm with its centre
at origin has magnitude 3 ×10–13C.
(D) total charge contained in a spherical volume of radius 3 cm with its centre
at origin has magnitude 3 × 10–9 C.
20. Four point charges 1 C , 2 C ,3 C and 2 C are arranged on the
four vertices of a square of side 1 cm. The dipole moment of this
charge assembly is
1) zero 2) 2  108 C.m
3) 2 2 108 C.m 4) 2 10 8 C.m
21. Two conducing concentric hollow spheres of radii a and
2a respectively are shown in the diagram. The inner
shell has net charge Q on its surface. The outer shell is
neutral. If the outer shell is connected to the earth the
heat generated through the connecting wire is
1 Q2 1 Q2 1 Q2
1) zero 2) . 3) . 4) .
4 0 2a 4 0 4a 4 0 a
22. A charge q is placed at the centre of a cylinder of radius
R and length 2R. Then electric flux through the curved surface of the
cylinder is
q q q q
a) b) c) d)
2 o 4 o 2 o 2 2 o
23. Two small dipoles of dipole moments p k & k are located at (0,0,0)
&(1m,0,2m)respectively. The resultant electric field due to the two dipoles at
the point (1m,0,0) is

9p  7 p  7p  9 p 
a) k b) k c) k d) k
32 0 32 0 32 0 32 0
24. The electric field strength at the centre of a hemisphere of radius R charged

uniformly with surface charge density  is . Now half part of the
4 o
hemisphere in removed as shown. What is the field strength at the centre due
to the removing part.

   
a) b) c) d)
8 o 4 o 8 2 o 4 2 o
25. Four charges of equal magnitudes but different signs are arranged at the
corners of a square, as shown here. In which arrangement is the magnitude
of the electric field at point P a maximum? (P is the mid point of the side).
a) b) c) d)

26. The figure shows a conducting sphere ‘A’ of radius ‘a’ which is surrounded by
a neutral conducting spherical shell B of radius ‘b’ (>a). Initially switches S1,
S2 and S3 are open and sphere ‘A’ carries a charge Q. First the switch ‘S1’ is
closed to connect the shell B with the ground and then opened. Now the
switch ‘S2’ is closed so that the sphere ‘A’ is grounded and then S2 is opened.
Finally, the switch ‘S3’ is closed to connect the spheres together. Find the
heat (in Joule) which is produced after closing the switch S3. [Consider b =4
cm, a = 2 cm and Q = 8  C]

A) 1.8 B) 2.8 C) 3.8 D) 4.8

27. In the figure, field lines of three charges are
shown. If q1  8 C and q 2  12 C what is the q2
magnitude of q3 in C q1
(A) 12 C (B) 3 C
(C) 4 C (D) 6 C

28. A positively charged (q) ring is fixed on a horizontal surface on the earth. A
positively charged particle Q is released from a height R on its axis. If charged
particle just reaches at the centre of ring, then the variation of total potential
energy (gravitational potential energy between the particle and earth +
Electrostatic potential energy of the charged particle and the ring) as a
function of separation between the particle and the centre of the ring is
correctly depicted by

h=R h
(A) (B) h= R (C) (D)

29. Consider an imaginary cube of edge L. A

uniform positive charged ring of diameter L
moves towards left at a small but constant v
speed v. Linear charge density on the ring is
 at t = 0, the left end just touches the centre
of right face of the cube . Which graph
 
correctly shows the variation of cos  0 
 L 
with time t as the ring goes through it ( is
electric flux). Assume that ring moves parallel
to its surface and enter perpendicularly.
  0 
cos  
  0   L 
cos  
 L 

(A) L/v (B) t
t L/2v

  0    0 
cos   cos  
 L   L 

L/v t L/v t
(C) L/2v (D) L/2v
30. An electric field is given by Ex = – 2x3 kN/C. The magnitude of the potential
at the point(1, –2), if potential of the point (2, 4) is taken as zero, is
(A) 2.5 × 103 V (B) -7.5 × 103 V (C) 7.5 × 103 V (D) 5 × 103 V
31. In the figure two conducting concentric spherical
shells are shown. If the electric potential at the
centre is 20 V and the electric potential of the outer
shell is 5 V, then the potential at the inner shell is
(A) 5 V (B) 15 V
(C) 20 V (D) 25 V
32. The negative charge q 2 is fixed Conducting
while positive charge q1 as well shell S
as the conducting sphere S is q2
free to move. If the system is q1
released from rest
(A) both S and q1 move towards
(B) q1 moves towards right while
S moves towards left
(C) q1 remains at rest, S moves
towards left
(D) both q and S remain at rest
33. Three conducting concentric spherical shells A, B and C
having radii a, 2a and 3a respectively are placed as C B A
shown. Initially A and C carry some positive charge a S
whereas shell B uncharged. Now if switch S is closed then 2a
potential difference (VA – VB) between shell A and B will 3a
(A) increase
(B) decrease
(C) remain unchanged
(D) increase or decrease depending upon actual amount of
charges on A and C
34. A point charge +q is fixed at point A on the circumference of a fixed smooth
non-conducting circular wire track of radius R in a gravity free space. A small
ring of mass m and charge +q which can slide freely on the wire track is given
tangential velocity at point B which is diametrically opposite to A. If the
distance of closest approach between the fixed charge and the ring is R then
force applied by the wire track on the ring just after the release will be
 1 q2 
 F  
 4o R 2 
3F F 5F
(A) (B) (C) (D) F
4 4 4
35. A neutral conducting spherical shell of radius
R is kept near a charge q as shown. The R
q r C
potential at point P due to the induced
charges is r P
kq kq
(A) (B)
r r'
kq kq kq
(C)  (D)
r r' CP
36. For the given electric lines of force
consider the following statements

(A) Flux through closed surface S is

(B) VA  VB  0
 
(C) 
E.dr is negative

(D) If a point charge particle is released at point C then its path will be
straight line.
37. Two large, parallel conducting plates of same cross-sectional Q 2Q
area having charge +Q and 2Q respectively are placed in the
region as shown in the figure. The ratio of intensities of
electric field at point C and D, will be
(A) 3 : 1 (B) 1 : 3
(C) 1 : 1 (D) 2 : 1
38. A particle of mass m and electric charge Q is just placed in a horizontal
   
electric field E which varies with time ‘t’ as E  E0 sin t i . ( i is unit vector
along the x-axis, E0 &  are positive constants). The particle will undergo
simple harmonic motion of amplitude ( neglect effects of gravitational field)
QE02 QE0 2QE0 QE0 2
a) b) c) d)
m 2 m 2 m 2 m 2
39. A point charge +q is at the centre ‘o’ of a spherical uncharged conducting
layer provided with a small orifice . The inside and out side radii of the
layer are equal to a and b respectively. The amount of work has to be
done to slowly transfer the charge q from the point ‘o’ through the orifice
and into infinity ( Assume this is an isolated system and potential at
infinity is zero.

q2  1 1  q2  1 1 q2  1 1  q2  1 1 
a)  b)    c)  d) 
4 0  a b  8 0  a 8 b  8 0  a b  4 0  b a 

40. A charge q is placed at the centre of the cavity inside a neutral solid conducting sphere
as shown in figure. A negative charge q is released from point A. Sphere is fixed and
negative charge is free to move. Given AC = r, here C is the center of the sphere.

Kq 2
(I) Force acting on negative charge is 2 .

(II) Negative charge will move along AC line.

The correct statement is

A) (I) only B) (II) only
C) both (I) and (II) D) both are wrong.

1 D 2 D 3 C 4 B 5 D 6 B
7 C 8 D 9 A 10 C 11 A 12 B
13 A 14 C 15 A 16 C 17 D 18 A
19 D 20 B 21 C 22 C 23 B 24 D
25 B 26 A 27 D 28 D 29 A 30 B
31 C 32 C 33 B 34 D 35 C 36 A
37 A 38 B 39 C 40 C

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