South Asia Timeline

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harappa civilization mohenjo-daro
The Harappa Civilization and Culture is one of the
civilization that emerge along the Indus Valley River
specifically on Ravi in the Panjab Region. There was no
exact date on how harappa civilization started, expanded,
The Mohenjo-Daro Civilization and Culture is also one of
and ended but there is a theory that it started between
the Civilization that flourished along Indus River
2300 and 1750 B.C. Harappa Civilization is known for its
specifically on the Indus 150 miles from its mouth. Just
unique, organized, and uniform culture. An example of
like Harappa Civilization, Mohenjo-Daro has no exact date
this is the grid network of the streets with fixed ⁷or
on how it started or expanded, but Mohenjo-Daro and
aligned width and right angle intersections. Even with the
Harappan co-existed with each other and became urban
size, shape, weights, and measures of each bricks is
center in Indus Valley River. Mohenjo-Daro Civilization is
similar to each other. Harappa Culture has its own writing
known for its large buildings, lavatories, cesspool, sewer,
system and it is preserved through small stones and clay
drains, gutters and etc. that existed through its surving
seal. There was also a sign of trade system after they brick-remains up until now. Because this civilization is
found a harappan type seal deposits in Mesopotamia. near the river, the primary source of living there is
However, there are two theory on how Harappa through agriculture and pastoral due to the healthy soil.
Civilization ended. First, is environment changes due to However, Mohenjo-Daro Civilization ended the same way
repeated floodings. Second, is the invasion of Aryan on how Harappa Civilization ended

dravidian culture aryan civilization

The Dravidian culture, predominant in the southern part The Aryan Civilization or also known as the Vedic
of India, is distinguished by its rich linguistic diversity, Civilization, was a historical culture that succeeded in the
with languages such as Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Indian subcontinent from around 1500 BCE. It is believed
Malayalam. The Dravidian people are known for its that the Aryan people come from the southern part of
complex religion which they tend to worship Female Russia and reach India through West Asia. This period
Fertility Figures and Moon goddess contrary to Aryan marked the transition from the pre-Vedic Indus Valley
people which on the other hand had strong worship on Civilization to the establishment of a Vedic culture, set by
male deities. The religion of Dravidian people are based the composition of the Vedas which is the ancient sacred
on what kind of living and society they have which is texts of Hinduism. The Aryans are believed to have
agricultural society. Aryan and Dravidian culture later on migrated into the Indian subcontinent, bringing with them
create a history when it comes to their religions which is different linguistic, cultural, and religious practices that
eventually called Aryan-Dravidian Synthesis which later on significantly influenced the region's existing societies.
contributed to the creation of Brahmanism and Classical Their societal structure was divided into four main classes
Hinduism. or varnas, and they practiced a form of religion that laid
the foundation for modern Hinduism.

rise of brahminism brahmanas and

and hinduism upanishad
The Brahmanas and the Upanishads are both ancient
The rise of Brahmanism marked a significant turning point Indian texts that form part of the Vedic literature. The
in the religious landscape of ancient India, leading to what Brahmanas are prose texts that explain the Vedic rituals
is known today as classical Hinduism. This period was and ceremonies, providing instructions for the priests on
characterized by the consolidation of the Vedic traditions how to perform these rituals correctly. They focus on the
that came from the Aryan Civilization and some religious exoteric aspects of the rituals. On the other hand, the
practices and belief that came from the southern part of Upanishads are largely philosophical works that explore
india during that time which is the Dravidian Culture. The the inner, esoteric meanings of the Vedic rituals and
caste system became more pronounced during this time, discuss concepts such as Brahman (the ultimate reality)
with the Brahmins, or priestly class, asserting their status and Atman (the self or soul). They mark a shift from
and authority through rituals and sacred knowledge. The ritualistic practices to spiritual understanding and self-
synthesis of various cultural and spiritual ideas during this realization. These texts believes that the goal or objective
era laid the foundational beliefs and practices of of the soul (atman) was to escape from the shell which is
Hinduism, influencing its development for centuries to the physical body of the human and return to its source or
come. creator which is the Brahman. And those who did not meet
enlightenment or Nirvana, will face Karma or moral
consequence and will be reincarnated again and again.

mauryan dynasty buddhism

Buddhism is a spiritual tradition that focuses on personal
Mauryan Dynasty was the first empire or dynasty to unify spiritual development and the attainment of a deep
most of the Indian Subcontinents and place it under one insight into the true nature of life. Buddhists seek to
rule and ruler. It is founded by Chandragupta Maurya, reach a state of nirvana, following the path of the
which is known for its military power, political diplomacy, Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, who went on a quest for
and extensive administration. Chandragupta has minister Enlightenment around the sixth century BC. The doctrine
named Kautilya, which is known for his work Arthasastra or teaching of Buddhism is centered around the
which justified the use of ruthless means by ruler to understanding of the Four Noble Truths which are the
achieve a goal. The most famous Mauryan ruler was Asoka essence of Buddha's teachings. These truths are: the truth
the Great. Asoka, embraced Buddhism after the bloody of suffering (Dukkha), the truth of the cause of suffering
Kalinga War and become known for his policy of Dhamma, (Samudaya), the truth of the end of suffering (Nirodha),
which sought to ensure the welfare of all his followers. and the truth of the path that leads to the end of
suffering (Magga). The path that leads to cessation of
suffering is known as the Noble Eightfold Path, which
provides a framework for spiritual development and

gupta dynasty

The Gupta Dynasty, known for its golden age of Indian

culture, was an ancient Indian empire that flourished
emergence hinduism
between the 4th and 6th centuries CE. Founded by
The Gupta era, marked by significant developments in art,
Maharaja Sri Gupta, the dynasty was a model of
science, and political administration, is also notable for
excellence in various fields, including art, science, and
the emergence of Hinduism as we understand it today.
literature. The period saw significant advancements in This period saw the synthesis of various religious and
mathematics, astronomy, engineering, and philosophy, cultural traditions into a coherent religious practice that
largely attributed to the peace and prosperity that spread throughout India. The Guptas patronized Sanskrit
prevailed under Gupta rule. The Guptas were patrons of literature and drama, which played a crucial role in
learning and education, with Nalanda University becoming solidifying Hinduism's narratives and doctrines. The
a renowned center of knowledge under their support. construction of grand temples and the proliferation of
Moreover, the period was marked by the creation of texts like the Puranas were instrumental in this religious
classical Sanskrit literature by celebrated poets like consolidation. Moreover, the concept of Bhakti, or
Kalidasa. The Gupta Empire's decline began in the latter devotional worship, gained prominence during this time,
half of the 6th century due to persistent invasions by the emphasizing personal devotion over ritual sacrifice. This
Huns and internal political instability, leading to its era laid the foundational stones for Hinduism's rich
eventual disintegration into smaller states. philosophical and ritualistic tapestry that continues to
influence millions worldwide..

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