Health Care

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Health and

ABC’s of First Aid

• Health is the complete fitness of the body,
soundness of mind and wholesomeness of the
emotion, which make possible the highest
quality of effective living and service.
Why do we have to study
Why do we have to study
Medical health records show that current
health practices are poor.
People lack basic information regarding health
Habits affect health and the school can
develop health habits.
Essential Facts which Man Should Know
(Fuentes, et. al 1999)
• Heart Disease. One of the leading causes of
death among men is heart disease. This
disease is brought by lack of concern for diet
as well as a stressful lifestyle.
*Coronary Artery Disease – most common heart
condition that affects the major blood vessel
Essential Facts which Man Should Know
(Fuentes, et. al 1999)
• Hospital. Men visit doctors when they can no
longer bear the pain. So, if their disease is
already severe, the tendency is to stay longer in
the hospital.
• Violence. Men’s tendency is to become more
aggressive than women. This aggressiveness is
brought about by the male hormone,
testosterone. What happens is they end up in jail
or in a mental hospital.
Essential Facts which Man Should Know
(Fuentes, et. al 1999)
• Addiction. Men are prone to addiction. According to
Fuentes, et. al, (1999), it is estimated that over two-thirds
of alcoholics are men. The reason for this is the “macho”
image in which men seldom share their emotional
disturbances with others. Because of these emotional
outbursts, they tend to take drugs or alcohol.

• Accidents. Men are also prone to accidents.

• Sexually Transmitted Diseases. STD is a disease among

men if they do not practice safe sex, or restrain from sexual
Essential Facts which Man Should Know
(Fuentes, et. al 1999)
• Suicide.
Essential Facts which Man Should Know
(Fuentes, et. al 1999)
• Impotence. This is brought about by
psychological aspects. Other contributors to
impotence are: smoking, alcohol, blood
pressure medicines and diabetes.
• Cancer. According to Fuentes, et. al, (1999),
men are twice as likely to die from cancer than
women are. The male specific cancers are:
testicular, prostate, while the non-gender
specific cancers are lung and colon cancers.
Essential Facts which Man Should Know
Essential Facts which Man Should Know
(Fuentes, et. al 1999)
• Stress. Several factors can cause stress among
men such as financial problems, poor health,
heavy workload, the death of a loved one,
work environment and marriage strife.
Carriers of Contagious Disease

Carriers of Contagious Disease

Carriers of Contagious Disease

Fitness and Healthy Living
Fitness and Healthy Living
When you are fit, you have:
1. stamina and are optimistic in dealing with everyday emotional-ups-
and-downs as well as the different mental challenges that are often

2. reduced risk for many health problems, including serious diseases,

e.g., heart disease, cancer, diabetes;

3. an attitude of looking and feeling the best;

4. physical strength and endurance to handle yourself in case of an


5. a better future to become an asset to your country; and a

6. chance for a better quality of life, and ready to face challenges.

• Nutrition is the science that studies nutrients
determining what they are, in what quantities they
are found in different foods, how they are utilized by
the body, and in what quantities they are needed
by the body.
• Two Classes of Nutrients:
1. Macronutrients ― these are nutrients which are
relatively in large quantities and make up the bulk of
all diets (supply energy).

2. Micronutrients ― these are nutrients which are

needed in smaller quantities which serve as calorie
sources, but play essential roles in the body chemistry.
Balanced Diet Food
1. Eat a variety of foods with different nutrients
good for your body.

2. Balance the foods you eat so that you can

attain good health; eat grain products which are
energy giving foods, vegetable, and fruits which
supply other nutrients needed by your body.
Balanced Diet Food
3. Choose a diet rich in grain products,
vegetable, and fruits

4. Choose a diet low in saturated fat and

cholesterol. Fat is essential for health.

5. Choose a diet moderate in sugars because it

can cause diabetes.
Balanced Diet Food
3. Choose a diet rich in grain products,
vegetable, and fruits

4.Choose a diet low in saturated fat and

cholesterol. Fat is essential for health.

5. Choose a diet moderate in sugars because it

can cause diabetes.
Balanced Diet Food
6. Choose a diet moderate in salts, especially
those who are suffering from high blood

7. Drink alcoholic beverages in moderation.

Alcohol and Health
• Alcoholism is a disease or disorder of behavior
characterized by repeated drinking of
alcoholic beverages.
Effects of Alcohol in Blood
Smoking and Health
• There are 500 chemical compounds contained
in tobacco smoke, many of which are known
as carcinogens, or cancer-causing agents.
• The smoke is made up of gasses, organic
vapors, and particulate matters, which include
tar and nicotine

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