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a. TASK 1 : Sort the table by "Division" in ascending order.

b. TASK 2 : Make the headings of the "Division" table repeat onto the second page.
c. TASK 3 : On page 2, create a table from the text "Ontario" to "Oshawa". Create the
table that is seperated by tabs and spreads across the width of the window.
d. TASK 4 : On page 2, to the right of the "Places to Play" heading, insert a footnote that
says, "We will be adding more locations soon!"
e. TASK 5 : Under the heading "Our motto" add a Closed Chevron Process diagram. From
left to right, insert into the diagram, "Make friends", "Play safe", "Have fun".
f. TASK 6 : Add the text "Hockey" to the subject property of this document.
g. TASK 7 : Display the tab formatting symbols in a document.

a. TASK 1 : Apply a box border to the document with a width of 3 pts and a colour of
blue, accent 5.
b. TASK 2 : Arrange the text beneath the "Moaning about Mondays" heading so that it
wraps to the left of the photo.
c. TASK 3 : Bookmark the heading "Moaning about Mondays" and name the bookmark
d. TASK 4 : On the first page, in the footer, hyperlink the web address
e. TASK 5 : To the right of the "From the Book: Facts about the Days of the Week"
heading, insert a copyright symbol.
f. TASK 6 : Remove formatting from the heading, "Facts about Saturday and Sunday".

a. TASK 1 : Change the page margins to narrow
b. TASK 2 : Insert a Banded Quote in the bottom center of the cover page and insert the
text, "Claudia Kwok, OAGN 119".
c. TASK 3 : Update the table of contents
d. TASK 4 : Below the heading, "Claudia's proposal for Mike's Office" insert the contents
of Introduction .docx
e. TASK 5 : Inspect the document and remove any headers, footers, or watermarks that
are found
a. TASK 1 : Change the line spacing for the entire document to double spaced.
b. TASK 2 : Change the format of the text "Environmental School Project" in the first
paragraph to Strong.
c. TASK 3 : Insert a header with the built in header type: Banded that will not be
displayed on the first page.
d. TASK 4 : Under the heading "IV. The Challenges for VIPKids" include the bolded texts
"How can the teacher adapt…" and "How can the platform help students" in the
numbered list. Continue the existing number sequence.

a. TASK 1 Add the contents from the file About us.docx under the title "Himalayan Coffee
House" on page 2
b. TASK 2 : Apply the Convex Bevel picture effect to the image on page 2.
c. TASK 3 : Insert the picture Mike got Latte'd!JPEG under the SmartArt on page 2. The
picture will be placed on page 3.
d. TASK 4 : Remove the background from the Mike got Latte'd image.
e. TASK 5 : Rearrange the text in the SmartArt graphic so that "Accessibility" is the first

a. TASK 1 : Highlight the text in the row starting with "Belfour" in Bright Green.
b. TASK 2 : Format the title, "Athletic Scholarships" as a WordArt textbox. Use the style
Gold fill, Accent color 4; soft bevel.
c. TASK 3 : Use the Find and Replace feature to replace all instances of "Football" with
d. TASK 4 : Insert a wave shape and insert the text "All matches begin in October!" Align
it to the bottom center of the page.

a. TASK 1 : For the table, add alternative text with the title as, "Course Textbooks", and
the description, "This is a list of the textbooks and how much they will cost".
b. TASK 2 : Apply the Grid Table 5 Dark-Accent 2 Table style to the table.
c. TASK 3 : In the sentence that begins with "This award is donated…" insert a registered
sign at the end of "Michael's Art Shop".
d. TASK 4 : Inspect the document and remove any personal information

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