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J Exp Anal Behav. 1989 Mar; 51(2): 259–276.

doi: 10.1901/jeab.1989.51-259




In rule-governed behavior, previously established elementary discriminations are combined in complex

instructions and thus result in complex behavior. Discriminative combining and recombining of
responses produce behavior with characteristics differing from those of behavior that is established
through the effects of its direct consequences. For example, responding in instructed discrimination
may be occasioned by discriminative stimuli that are temporally and situationally removed from the
circumstances under which the discrimination is instructed. The present account illustrates properties
of rule-governed behavior with examples from research in instructional control and imitation learning.
Units of instructed behavior, circumstances controlling compliance with instructions, and rule-governed
problem solving are considered.
Key words: discrimination, rule-governed behavior, contingency-shaped behavior, instructed dis-
crimination, collateral contingencies, performance description, contingency description, compliance,
problem solving

As a discriminative stimulus, a rule is effective conditional discrimination, thus remaining

as part of a set of contingencies of reinforce- consistent with both historical accounts and
ment. A complete specification must include the current experimental findings. Controlling
reinforcement which has shaped the topogra- variables that may arise in behavior charac-
phy of the response and brought it under the terized as rule governed are examined in order
control of the stimulus. (Skinner, 1966, p. 148) to describe and interpret various instances.
In contemporary analyses of human behav- Instructional control characterizes rule-gov-
ior, the term rule-governed behavior is used to erned behavior, yet the two terms are subtly
describe responding determined primarily by distinct: whereas rule suggests control in a broad
instructions; rule-governed behavior is com- variety of circumstances, instruction suggests
monly distinguished from contingency-shaped situational constraints. In the present account,
behavior that is determined primarily by its both are construed as examples of the same
direct consequences (Skinner, 1966, 1969). The behavioral process. A brief history will be pre-
concept of rule-governed behavior was intro- sented here concerning the development of the
duced initially as an example of discriminated concept of rule-governed behavior, but for et-
responding characterized by the three-term re- ymological reasons, the preferred terminology
lation of discriminative stimulus, response, and will be derived from instruction. Many in-
consequence. It has proved difficult, however, stances of instructional control involve com-
to distinguish between rule-governed behavior plex combinations of elementary discrimina-
and contingency-shaped behavior while at the tions, and the term instruct, like construct and
same time regarding both as shaped by their structure, is related to the Latin struere, to ar-
consequences. range in piles, pile up, and hence to build or
The present analysis is based on established construct.
distinctions between units of behavior, such as Discriminated Responding and Rule-Governed
the operant, the discriminated operant, and
The term contingency-shaped is used to de-
This material is based on work supported under a Na- scribe response classes governed by their con-
tional Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. I am in- sequences; such classes form the basis of the
debted to Phil Hineline for his thoughtful remarks and concept of the operant (Catania, 1973; Skin-
suggestions on preliminary versions of this paper. Cor- ner, 1969). The term discriminated responding
respondence and reprint requests may be sent to the author
at the Department of Psychology, Temple University, describes responding that is under stimulus
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122. control and that has been shaped by a contin-

gency (Skinner, 1933). Thus, in discriminated that structured programs are easy to read, de-
responding, a contingency shapes the form of bug, and modify. The class of consequences
responding in relation to a particular stimulus arranged by the latter contingency functions
dimension, producing responses that are then independently of instructional contingencies
occasioned by stimuli that are correlated with that had previously functioned to shape dis-
contingencies. criminative control by instructions. These con-
Following his research on discriminated sequences are produced after the behavior is
nonverbal responding, Skinner proceeded to generated, and they can be considered collateral
identify verbal responses of the same kind in consequences in the sense that they accompany
both speakers and listeners (1957, 1966, 1969). instructional consequences, and that their role
The distinction between rule-governed and in determining the initial form of responding
contingency-shaped responding was intro- is minimal.
duced in a theoretical paper that characterized In many instances of instructional control,
problem solving as behavior that also is func- the distinction between instructional and col-
tionally related to a set of reinforcement con- lateral consequences is essential to analysis,
tingencies (Skinner, 1966). The distinction is especially when these consequences oppose one
important because, with respect to any prob- another as discussed below. But the distinction
lem, an instance of solving may be either rule can be easily blurred because the function of
governed or contingency shaped; however sim- these consequences is often similar, as when
ilar in form they may be, their controlling vari- collateral consequences play a role in shaping
ables and functional properties may be differ- instructional control once compliance has been
ent (Skinner, 1966, p. 247). generated. The difficulty can be resolved by
In Skinner's basic account, rule-governed acknowledging that instructed behavior is
behavior is discriminated responding that is multiply determined in this way, and that a
shaped by contingent reinforcement of rule fol- simple partitioning of independent variables
lowing. Characterized in this way, an instruc- can be problematic when their effects are com-
tional episode includes the presentation of an bined through a complex history.
instruction, a response occasioned by the in- Insensitivity. A principal function of instruc-
struction, and a consequence delivered by an tional control is to supplement, as well as to
instructional agent contingent upon compli- override, the potential reinforcing or punish-
ance. Thus, rule-governed behavior can be ing effects of consequences that are directly
modified by altering either its antecedents or produced by the behavior in question (Skinner,
its consequences or both. In contrast, contin- 1966). The possibility then arises that rule-
gency-shaped behavior is modified only by the governed behavior, maintained by contingen-
consequences specified by a contingency and cies on compliance, may sometimes produce
by stimulus changes correlated with that con- collateral consequences without being modi-
tingency versus its absence. fied by the latter in any way. An example
Collateral consequences. Perhaps the most involves instructing a child to cross a street
significant feature of rule-governed behavior only when aided by an adult, an instruction
appears when an instruction produces a single that would not be given for responding already
pattern of responding that enters into two con- under control of its consequences (Ayllon &
tingencies (Zettle & Hayes, 1982). Examples Azrin, 1964; Catania, 1984, p. 238). This ef-
occur when instructed responding is similar in fect of compliance has been identified as a
form to contingency-shaped responding. In ad- source of insensitivity of rule-governed behav-
dition to the instructional contingency on com- ior to its direct consequences. This insensitivity
pliance (that establishes the behavior in ques- refers to the relative absence of control by col-
tion), responding may also encounter the lateral consequences, because the behavior is
contingency of the related contingency-shaped assumed to be sensitive to contingencies of rule
behavior, producing consequences that do not following that shaped it.
depend upon social mediation (Skinner, 1966, Insensitivity has been demonstrated exper-
pp. 244, 247). For example, compliance with imentally in studies finding that instructing a
a teacher's instructions to write structured performance sometimes produces responding
computer programs may be reinforced by the that persists unaffected by changes in the
teacher's approval, but another consequence is scheduling of collateral consequences (e.g.,

Galizio, 1979; Harzem, Lowe, & Bagshaw, presented under circumstances appropriate to
1978; Kaufman, Baron, & Kopp, 1966; Lowe, each of the responses. Some instructions would
1979; Matthews, Shimoff, Catania, & Sagvol- have greater generality; for example, "Don't"
den, 1977; Shimoff, Catania, & Matthews, could terminate various ongoing responses. But
1981; Skinner, 1966, p. 247; Weiner, 1970a, as a whole, novelty in this simple instructional
1970b). Insensitivity should not be considered repertoire would be severely restricted: Novel
a necessary property of rule-governed behav- instructions would not occasion corresponding
ior; rather, it arises when some forms of in- novel responses without additional shaping.
structed responding interact with some kinds Perhaps the greatest restriction would be that
of contingencies (Galizio, 1979). Collateral instructions would only function in the situ-
consequences often affect the form and like- ations in which they were given; they could
lihood of the responses that produce them, and not subsequently control behavior with respect
some of the circumstances that determine in- to widely varied situations.
sensitivity are presented in a later section. Complex discrimination. An instructional
Definition. There are problems in defining repertoire is considerably more versatile when
rule-governed behavior. An account of instruc- instructions combine elementary discrimina-
tional control must deal with many variables, tive stimuli that control response properties
and the variety of instructed response classes such as form, stimulus occasion, location, force,
does not appear to suggest a set of common and temporal characteristics. Novel variations
features that may define a functionally distinct of instructed responses may then be occasioned
category. For example, interactions between when stimulus elements controlling estab-
rule-governed behavior and its collateral con- lished response properties are combined to form
sequences have played a prominent role in re- new instructions (Catania, 1980; Catania &
search and theory (Baron & Galizio, 1983; Cerutti, 1986; Esper, 1933; Foss, 1968; Gold-
Catania, 1984; Galizio, 1979; Zettle & Hayes, stein, 1983; Streifel, Wetherby, & Karlan,
1982), but not all instructed responses produce 1976). For example, in one experiment (Strei-
two classes of consequences, as when verbal fel et al., 1976), 2 retarded youths learned to
responses are themselves instructed (e.g., in- follow two-word instructions derived from a
structions to repeat an utterance). Further- set of nouns (glass, scissors, car) and verbs
more, Skinner's functional definition of (push, drop, blow on). After a few verbs had
rule-governed behavior as an example of dis- been taught in combination with each of the
crimination supplants, through its greater gen- nouns, teaching a new verb in combination
erality, structural definitions based upon par- with a single noun was often all that was re-
ticular classes of responses and stimuli quired for the children to follow instructions
(Catania, 1973; Skinner, 1935, 1977). The comprised of the new verb and the remaining
present account examines various instances of nouns.
behavior commonly described in terms of in- To the extent that the elementary discrim-
structional control and attempts to develop a inations in instructions are generalized classes,
coherent account of them by identifying sep- they can be recombined in novel instructions
arate contributions of different types of con- that produce novel complex responses (Baer,
tingencies. Peterson, & Sherman, 1967; Catania & Ce-
rutti, 1986; Garcia, Baer, & Firestone, 1971).
INSTRUCTIONAL CONTROL A somewhat more complex example involving
generalization in the recombination of ele-
The Repertoire mentary discriminations is provided by a dol-
The novelty and variety in forms of in- phin that had been trained to follow acoustic
structed responses suggest that instructional instructions for manipulating toys (Herman,
control involves more than a collection of in- Richards, & Wolz, 1984; Schusterman &
dependent discriminations. For example, a Krieger, 1984; Thompson & Church, 1980).
child's turning can be reinforced given the vo- After learning responses to instructions that
cal stimulus "turn," jumping can be reinforced involved some combinations of elementary dis-
given "jump," and so on (e.g., Streifel & Weth- criminations such as "Pipe toss," "basket ball
erby, 1973; Whitman, Zakaras, & Chardos, fetch" (bring ball to basket), and "bottom hoop
1971), and these instructions could then be through" (go through the bottom hoop, not the

top one), the dolphin then performed correctly crimination, an event occasions a verbal
in tests with new combinations of elements response because the response has been rein-
such as "pipe fetch," and on new relations forced in its presence. But stimulus control by
between elements, such as "ball basket fetch." an event can also be generated by instruction,
Thus, the integrity of discriminative elements such as by saying "This is a . .. ," or in the
as generalized classes was shown by the suc- absence of the event, by describing its occasion
cessful transfer of control in novel combina- in terms of its features (Skinner, 1957, chapter
tions. 5, pp. 358-362).
Responses in the dolphin's final perfor- Instructed discriminations permit elements
mances were integrations in which the several of instructional control, such as response form
properties of a response were combined through and stimulus occasion, to be themselves in-
conjoint occurrence of a complex of elements, structed; thus, the instructional repertoire may
each of which had been established as a dis- expand from within itself. For example, the
criminative stimulus. Such a complex instruc- form of a response may be instructed with
tion is not appropriately called a discriminative "This is how you . . . ," accompanied by mod-
stimulus, particularly when it is an instruction eling, and the occasion for a response may be
for which compliance has never before been established by describing the features of that
reinforced, because the term discriminative occasion; in both cases, instructions serve to
stimulus implies a history of differential re- create rule-governed responses that are ap-
inforcement in the presence of the stimulus. propriately described as knowing (Hineline,
The effective discriminative stimuli in instruc- 1983). Instructed discriminations have further
tions are instead generalized discriminative significance because the circumstances in which
classes that maintain their integrity alone in the instruction is given and those in which the
simple instructions, or in combination, as behavior will occur can be disjointed, both sit-
shown when their control over responses or uationally and temporally. For example, fol-
response properties generalizes to new com- lowing a friend's instructions for getting to her
binations of stimuli in complex instructions apartment involves reacting to subsequently
(Catania & Cerutti, 1986). encountered landmarks that are the occasions
Many kinds of behavior that are not easily for changing direction.
contingency shaped can instead be generated Self-instruction. An instruction for a discrim-
by instructions that combine response prop- ination contains discriminative elements for a
erties. For example, few drivers would survive response form and for its stimulus occasion.
learning to stop at red traffic lights if the dis- One variety was illustrated above by perfor-
crimination could only be negatively reinforced mances that combine action-object discrimi-
by avoiding collisions. Instead, the control by nations, because the object in such an instruc-
traffic lights over stopping and going is certain tion is the occasion for the action (Herman et
to be instructed: An instruction such as "Step al., 1984; Streifel et al., 1976). A second variety
on the brake pedal and come to a stop at a red is suggested in an experiment on self-instruc-
light" controls a response, stepping; its loca- tion (Lovaas, 1964). Children in the experi-
tion, the brake pedal; and its stimulus occasion, ment were first taught the occasions for two
a red light; each stimulus element controls one self-instructions, to say "Push the girl" in the
property of the response. More likely, once presence of one light and "Push the boy" in
control by "Stop" has been established over the presence of a second light. The lights were
braking, a simplified instruction such as "Stop then presented in conjunction with two levers,
at red lights" may establish the particular dis- one with a girl doll's head and a second with
crimination. a boy doll's head; but the children did not push
Instructed discrimination. Rule-governed the relevant levers when the lamps were il-
stopping at red lights is noteworthy because it luminated. The experimenter then used dif-
is an instructed response class that involves ferential reinforcement to establish instruc-
instructing the control of a stimulus property tional control over pushing the girl-lever given
over responding. Such instructed classes have the instruction "Push the girl" and pushing
characteristics that parallel those of the con- the boy-lever given "Push the boy." When the
tingency-shaped discriminated operant. To il- lights were again illuminated, the children
lustrate, in tacting, a contingency-shaped dis- pushed the corresponding levers: The final

performance required one discrimination for simplified instructions that describe their con-
lights to occasion a response description and sequences, as in requesting the time.
another for the description to occasion push- Complex responses, like smaller response
ing. units, may become generalized response classes
This discrimination is unlike a contingency- as in the instructed problem-solving strategies
shaped discrimination because lights did not in geometry, calculus, and chemistry. For ex-
occasion pushing by providing the occasion for ample, once a child is instructed in solving the
responding to produce the consequences that problem of calculating the area of a particular
had shaped it. It suggests instead that the con- parallelogram, that solving may generalize to
trol of lights over pushing was mediated by parallelograms the child has never seen before
self-instructions (Blackwood, 1970; Constan- (Wertheimer, 1959) and may then also appear
tine & Sidman, 1975). But self-instruction may as part of the solution to more complex prob-
not be essential in the final performance: Once lems, as in finding the area of a solid. Such
self-instructions were controlled by lights, and instructed problem-solving units are also gen-
pushing by self-instructions, it is possible that eralized classes, to the extent that they retain
lights produced pushing through equivalence their integrity as they transfer to problems with
with instructions without mediating self-in- novel combinations of elementary features
structions (Sidman, Cresson, & Willson-Mor- Uenkins, 1984).
ris, 1974; Sidman & Tailby, 1982; Sidman, Instructions for behavior sequences. Economy
Willson-Morris, & Kirk, 1986). The likeli- and flexibility in the instructional repertoire
hood of a role for mediating responses may be expand greatly as complex responses, like re-
determined partly by properties of an instruc- sponse elements, are combined and rearranged
tion such as the duration or complexity of the by instruction. An example of sequential re-
instructed behavior (e.g., requirements for combination under instructional control is pro-
pressing a lever a specific number of times; see vided by research on imitation in retarded chil-
Bem, 1967; Jaynes, 1976; Vaughan, 1985). dren (Baer et al., 1967). Although different in
modality from vocal or written instructions,
Units of Instructional Control modeling is a class of discriminative stimuli,
Response properties like those combined in and imitation may thus serve to illustrate prop-
object-property-action instructions (Herman erties of rule-governed behavior (Catania,
et al., 1984) do not characterize all types of 1984; Matthews et al., 1977). In the experi-
instructions. The instruction to a pianist, "Play ment by Baer et al. (1967), trials were initiated
it!", sets the occasion for playing a previously by an experimenter saying "Do this," followed
heard arrangement, even though it is specified by modeling of a response, such as knocking.
only minimally. Some instructions occasion be- Once a number of imitative responses were
havior defined by its consequences rather than taught, for example, knocking, turning, and
form, as in the instruction, "Stay out of trou- jumping, novel concatenated forms of model-
ble." This is somewhat analogous to an op- ing, such as knock-turn-jump, were presented
erant defined by its consequences. In the Golden in conjunction with reinforcement contingent
Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them upon the temporal sequence of imitative re-
do unto you," an instruction modulates a class sponses corresponding to that of the modeled
of responses that is defined by a characteristic sequence. The concatenations produced cor-
of social interaction. responding complex imitative responses.
In the instruction for a verbal response, The Baer et al. (1967) study demonstrates
"What time is it?", a complex response is oc- another way in which complex responses result
casioned by an instruction that does not de- from recombining stimuli that occasion dis-
scribe response features. Nevertheless, teach- crete responses. The process was not a simple
ing a person to read the face of an analog clock concatenating of discriminated operants into a
almost demands the ability to instruct complex behavior chain, because the children imitated
responses with rules such as "The small hand the combination only after it was presented.
points to the hour; the large hand points to Completing one response in a sequence did not
the minute." Once instructed, complex re- produce a discriminative stimulus correspond-
sponses may retain their integrity over time ing to the following response in the sequence,
and situations, and may then be occasioned by the defining characteristic of a chain (Straub,

Seidenberg, Bever, & Terrace, 1979). On the produced only after instructional control was
other hand, chaining is involved in following established.
a sequential instruction when completing a Verbal stimuli, such as "and," "or," "if,"
step sets the occasion for moving forward to "then," "next," and "otherwise," often func-
instructions for the next step, and so on. But tion to combine and coordinate the units of
an instruction that occasions a sequential re- complex instructed responses. It is likely that
sponse without providing the opportunity to relational autoclitic behavior is reinforced by
move from one discriminative element in the the effects that result from integrating classes
instruction to the next is not an example of of rule-governed responses (Catania, 1980;
chaining. Skinner, 1957, chapter 12), perhaps with the
additional effect that responding may produce
Shaping and Maintenance particular collateral consequences.
Reinforcement of following instructions
provided by the verbal community must act COLLATERAL CONTINGENCIES,
upon integrated responses comparable to those PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTIONS AND
demonstrated by Baer et al. (1967), Herman CONTINGENCY DESCRIPTIONS
et al. (1984), and Streifel et al. (1976). The
contingencies that shape rule-governed behav- Collateral Contingencies
ior operate on correlations of stimulus ele- Perhaps the most interesting case of instruc-
ments and response elements: A single rein- tional control is that in which responding is
forcement produced by any instance of related to two sets of contingencies. One con-
instructed responding may shape all of its el- tingency produces the initial form of respond-
ementary components, simultaneously rein- ing through instructional control. The second
forcing stimulus control over elements of re- contingency produces collateral consequences
sponding and, as discussed next, stimulus only after compliance is generated. The two
control over relations between response units contingencies are distinct, yet each may con-
(Catania, 1980; Foss, 1968; Goldstein, 1983). tribute to the final form of a pattern of be-
havior; the relative influence that either class
Grammar and Syntax of consequences has on particular responses,
The simple contingency on the sequential and assessment of their respective roles in the
integration of responses in the Baer et al. (1967) development of the repertoire as a whole, must
study falls short of the complex contingencies be considered an empirical issue.
that integrate rule-governed responses outside Numerous experiments with college stu-
the laboratory. A laboratory example that more dents participating for money or to satisfy
closely approaches such complexity comes from course requirements suggest interactions be-
the synthetic-language learning of Sarah, a tween features of instructed responding and
chimpanzee whose verbal repertoire was based collateral contingencies: Instructed responding
formally on plastic chips of various shapes and is less likely to be suppressed by the addition
colors (Premack, 1970; Terrace, 1979). Para- of a collateral punishment contingency than is
phrasing her language and its contingencies, uninstructed responding that produces the same
her training was such that the instruction, consequences (Scobie & Kaufman, 1969); it is
"Sarah insert banana pail apple dish," func- less likely to be modified by changes in the
tioned as a complex hierarchically arranged scheduled collateral contingencies (Matthews
discriminative stimulus: The element, "Sarah et al., 1977; Shimoff et al., 1981; Skinner,
insert," indicated a contingency on her action 1969, p. 141); and it is more likely to be main-
of inserting; "banana pail" indicated a contin- tained in cases in which a collateral contin-
gency on one consequence of inserting, putting gency is removed (Kaufman et al., 1966; Mat-
a banana in a pail, and "apple dish," a second thews et al., 1977; Weiner, 1970b). These
consequence to result from inserting, putting findings imply independent and often incom-
an apple in a dish. By the simple syntactical patible effects of contingencies on compliance
recombination of existing discriminations in and collateral contingencies, but many other
her repertoire, her behavior could be instructed findings suggest the contrary.
to produce novel consequences. These conse- Contingency interactions. The form of in-
quences cannot be considered reinforcers at the structed responding is often susceptible to
moment of instruction because they could be shaping by contact with collateral reinforcing

or punishing consequences. Likely outcomes responses also functioned to terminate occa-

appear to depend upon at least three indepen- sional noise presentations. Compatibility is a
dent variables that must be considered con- problem in instructed avoidance when an
jointly, as follows: avoidance contingency is discontinued, because
1. Collateral contingencies should be more that discontinuation is compatible with suc-
likely to shape responding when contingencies cessful avoidance. For example, when an
on compliance are absent following its first avoidance contingency involving the preven-
occasion, either by withdrawing an instruction tion of monetary loss was removed, students'
(Hayes, Brownstein, Zettle, Rosenfarb, & instructed avoidance performances were unaf-
Korn, 1986), by withdrawing discriminated fected over several sessions (Galizio, 1979).
contingencies on compliance, or by making Conversely, instructed responding that is in-
them inconsistent (Peterson, Merwin, Moyer, compatible with the function of a collateral
& Whitehurst, 1971). When contingencies on contingency is more liable to be modified by it
compliance are removed and collateral con- (Miller, 1970; Scobie & Kaufman, 1969). For
sequences are neutral in reinforcement value example, in students' instructed avoidance,
or are punishers, responding would not be ex- control by inaccurate instructions for a low-
pected to persist. But the presence of contin- rate avoidance performance was overridden by
gencies on compliance, or a long history of a high-rate avoidance contingency (Galizio,
reinforced compliance, should result in greater 1979).
control by instructions and less sensitivity to Compatibility between instructed respond-
collateral contingencies. ing and collateral contingencies is a special
2. When contingencies on compliance are problem because compliance in such circum-
effective, insensitivity to collateral conse- stances prevents opportunities for discrimi-
quences will depend on the relative magnitude nating the incompatibility. This kind of in-
of the consequences on compliance versus the sulation may help to maintain instructional
magnitude of the collateral consequences. In- control of superstitious behavior. In such a
sensitivity is likely with weak collateral con- case, compliance with an inaccurate instruc-
sequences, but not with those that are strong. tion may appear to produce its described con-
An example involving punishment is suggested sequences, and the compatible relation be-
by an experiment in which soldiers' observing tween compliance and its described
responses established by instruction occasion- consequences may further set the occasion for
ally produced high-intensity noise (Azrin, 1958; the individual to wrongly believe that ("know-
cf. Miller, 1970). At noise intensities below ing that": Hineline, 1983) an instruction is
105 dB, responding decreased in only 2 of 16 accurate. Instructional control may similarly
soldiers; however, at intensities of 105 to 120 maintain classes of culture-typical behavior that
dB, response rates decreased in 7 of 7 soldiers. are described erroneously as superstitious be-
An example involving reinforcement comes cause the contingency descriptions of responses
from an experiment on payment contingencies and their consequences are in error, but for
in which subjects' pressing produced points on which compliance has immediate social con-
a fixed-ratio schedule (Weiner, 1972): The sequences for the individual that are main-
highest rates were seen when points were worth tained, in turn, through remote consequences
money; lower rates occurred when subjects for the culture (e.g., dietary instructions in
earned a fixed wage, and the lowest rates oc- India and the Middle East: Harris, 1974).
curred when no money was earned. These three variables represent different di-
3. The third variable is the compatibility of mensions of interaction between instructed re-
the form of instructed responding and the form sponding and collateral contingencies. For any
of responding affected by the collateral con- response, each variable might be represented
tingency (Baron & Galizio, 1983; Galizio, on a different continuum denoting its contri-
1979; Hayes et al., 1986; Kaufman et al., 1966). bution to insensitivity. The point clarifies that
If instructed responding is compatible with a insensitivity is not a property of instructed re-
collateral contingency, that is, if responding sponding but an outcome of its interaction with
overlaps the function of the collateral contin- collateral contingencies.
gency, the response should be strengthened. Practical issues. Insensitivity appears to de-
For example, in soldiers' instructed observing tract from the utility of the instructional rep-
(Azrin, 1958), response rate increased when ertoire, but instructions also can be useful pre-

cisely because the behavior they generate can shaped FI pattern, a pause after reinforcement
make contact with collateral contingencies. followed by positively accelerated responding
Much complex behavior in schools is econom- to the end of the interval (Lowe, 1979). This
ically generated by instruction, whereas most performance was determined by the Fl de-
of that behavior would be unlikely to be shaped scription that established the discriminative
by noncontrived contingencies that may be both function of point deliveries: Point deliveries set
weak and remote. The dilemma appears to the occasion for pausing followed by positively
arise when sensitivity is desirable in an in- accelerated responding.
structed performance but a history of rein- With prolonged VI schedule exposure, the
forcement for compliance leads to insensitivity students' FI response pattern was replaced by
(Catania, 1984). Whenever possible, solutions the steady low-rate response pattern typical on
must be found in well-contrived instructions a VI schedule. In the long run the Fl contin-
that maximize the control by collateral con- gency description was incompatible with the
sequences. discriminably unequal intervals between VI
point deliveries. Possibly, responding con-
Discriminative Function of Collateral trolled by the VI discrimination could have
Consequences been prevented if the scalloped Fl performance
Some collateral consequences may be neu- had been instructed rather than occasioned by
tral events that have no role as reinforcers or a description of the contingency, a description
punishers. The form of instructed responding that did not contain a description of a perfor-
is then largely controlled by the contingency mance.
on compliance. For example, for a production-
line worker who is instructed to perform an Performance Description and Contingency
assembly, the collateral consequences are the Description
assembled items that are neither reinforcers The contributions of collateral contingencies
nor punishers; much like a bar press, it is are an important feature of much rule-gov-
their production that is reinforced (Miller, erned behavior, and instructions may describe
1970). As defined by the pay schedule, how- these contingencies, just as they describe other
ever, the items enter into a discriminative re- features of responding such as form and stim-
lation with reinforcement. Thus, parts set the ulus occasions. This feature of instructions has
occasion for assembly, a completed item oc- led to the distinction between a performance
casions another assembly, and so on to rein- description and a contingency description (Mat-
forcement. The sequence resembles a behavior thews, Catania, & Shimoff, 1985; cf. the dis-
chain (Kelleher, 1966), but responses in the cussion of instructions as "contingency-speci-
sequence are also instructed, and properties of fying stimuli" in Skinner, 1966, p. 243, and
responding seen in such schedules with ani- "tracking" in Zettle & Hayes, 1982). Both
mals, such as attenuated responding in links types of instructions may generate behavior
furthest from reinforcement, may be masked. that encounters collateral contingencies, but
To the extent that instructional control may the term contingency description identifies in-
supplement or override control by collateral structions that explicitly describe collateral
consequences, it may also introduce corre- contingencies.
sponding control over their discriminative Stimulus elements in a contingency descrip-
functions. For example, instructions may es- tion may be correlated with properties of a
tablish reinforcer-like stimulus functions in collateral contingency such as its stimulus oc-
neutral stimuli. In one experiment (Kaufman casions and time or number of responses to
et al., 1966), students were instructed to earn produce an outcome. A simple contingency de-
points by pressing a button, and they partic- scription may describe the form of a response
ipated only as a course requirement. Points in and its collateral consequences. When re-
one condition were scheduled on a variable- sponse form is less critical, describing a stim-
interval (VI) schedule but students were in- ulus property may occasion appropriate be-
stead informed that the points were scheduled havior, as in the admonition, "Sun is the enemy
on a fixed-interval (FI) schedule (cf. Lippman of fair skin," a description of a stimulus-event
& Meyer, 1967). Several students' responding contingency. Examples of contingency descrip-
initially took the form of a typical contingency- tions are found in warnings and advice, rules

for games, strategies of war, advertising tes- tingency descriptions, such as warnings and
timonials, maps, and in scientific reporting (see advice, instructed responding may be occa-
Skinner, 1966, pp. 231-236). Conceivably, a sioned by the component of the description that
contingency description can be formulated for indicates its collateral reinforcers. As described
any set of collateral contingencies that may be in the next section, instructed behavior occa-
produced by an instructed class, or for that sioned in this manner may not require social
matter, for any relation between events. contingencies such as those that must operate
The present formulation of a contingency for compliance with a performance descrip-
description is consistent with previous usage tion.
(e.g., Matthews et al., 1985). A complication
arises with regard to some instructions that
describe instructional contingencies, such as in OCCASIONS FOR FOLLOWING
a parent's warning, "Stop teasing your sister INSTRUCTIONS
or Mommy will spank you." These resemble Instructions are fundamental in society. Gu-
contingency descriptions, but are considered tenberg's printing press forever revolutionized
below as a stimulus class that indicates con- society because it provided for the mass dis-
tingencies on compliance and that are distinct semination of quality-controlled discrimina-
from collateral contingencies. tive stimuli. But not everyone who has read
the Bible has since followed the Ten Com-
The Form of Instructed Behavior mandments. It is one thing to call an instruc-
Both performance descriptions and contin- tion a Commandment and a different thing to
gency descriptions control responses by com- follow it.
bining response properties. In either case the
behavior may bear little resemblance to re- The Instructional Episode
sponding shaped exclusively by a collateral Several controlling variables may be iden-
contingency (e.g., Matthews et al., 1977; Shi- tified in an instructional episode: Collateral
moff, Matthews, & Catania, 1986; Skinner, contingencies are indicated in contingency de-
1966, p. 247). For example, an experiment on scriptions, and contingencies that reinforce
correspondence between verbal and nonverbal compliance, considered here, are represented
behavior (Matthews et al., 1985; Catania, in the form of agencies such as friends, parents,
Matthews, & Shimoff, 1982) found that shap- teachers, and police. The consequences pro-
ing students' guesses about response rate on vided by these agencies can also be indicated
random-ratio (RR) and random-interval (RI) in instructions by autoclitics such as ". . . and
schedules, such as "Press slowly" and "Press then you can have dessert" and ". . . or Mommy
quickly," consistently produced corresponding will send you to bed," descriptions of conse-
rates opposite to the rates usually shaped by quences for compliance that actually indicate
these schedules. But students' shaped contin- previously established reinforcers.
gency descriptions about the RR and RI sched- Without agencies to reinforce compliance,
ules, such as "Variable ratio" and "Variable the occasions for compliance are left to other
interval," inconsistently produced correspond- variables. One of these may be collateral rein-
ing high- and low-rate pressing or schedule forcers indicated in a contingency description,
sensitivity. These guesses differ importantly or similarly, collateral consequences whose
from performance descriptions by omitting a production will be reinforcing. For example,
rate description: Contingency descriptions, as the term "gold" in the description, "There's
in those of reinforcement schedules, need not gold in the Yukon," may set the occasion for
include descriptions of response form. As with a prospector to search for gold in the Yukon.
performance descriptions, behavior occasioned In addition to an instruction, an episode may
by contingency descriptions is unlikely to be include an indication that a stimulus is an
controlled by features of the collateral contin- instruction as well as an indication of the per-
gency in the same way as behavior exclusively son or class of persons for whom compliance
shaped by the contingency. will be reinforced. It seems redundant to in-
Another difference between these instruc- dicate an instruction, but autoclitic classes such
tions is related to variables that will set the as the imperative mood in language serve to
occasion for following instructions. With con- differentiate instructions from other verbal

classes (Skinner, 1957, pp. 321-322); and in- Baer et al. (1967) served to indicate an instance
dicating a person's name or a description of of modeling. Without making imitation con-
the class of people who must comply narrows ditional on "Do this," the child could not have
the range of instructional control over an au- discriminated modeling from the rest of the
dience of more than one (Jaynes, 1976). At experimenter's ongoing behavior.
some point in the development of instructional
control, stimuli indicating response form, both Agencies of Instruction
classes of contingencies, instructions, and the Compliance is not invariably reinforced.
people for whom instructions are intended are Agencies must shape compliance, and a history
likely to become discriminated classes. Fur- of following instructions leads to discrimina-
thermore, given the appropriate supportive tions of presence versus absence of those agen-
repertoire, stimulus control of these features cies. Compliance is always conditional upon
of instructions may itself be instructed. stimuli indicating agencies of reinforcement:
Response form is determined by an instruction,
Indicators for Instructions but responding will occur only when the oc-
Instructions are as often made conspicuous casion for compliance is indicated, such as when
as they are concealed. Autoclitics that identify drivers' compliance with speed-limit signs is
instructions for verbal and nonverbal instruc- occasioned by the presence of marked patrol
tions include interrogative pronouns such as cars (Galizio, Jackson, & Steele, 1979).
"who," "which," and "what," as in "What is Agencies that are not immediately present
your name?", and the imperative mood in ut- may also generate compliance by identifying
terances such as "come" and "go," as in "Go themselves in instructions with descriptive au-
home!" A concealed instruction may take the toclitics such as "I . . . ," "We . . . ," and "Po-
form, "I'm thirsty" and "It's hot in here," lice!" In all, the various stimuli that set the
setting the occasion for a listener's corrective occasions for compliance comprise a class of
actions by describing a state of affairs aversive discriminations defined by their common effect
to the speaker and thus the occasion under (cf. "pliance" in Zettle & Hayes, 1982). A
which the speaker may reinforce the action of single discriminated reinforcement contin-
the listener (Skinner, 1957, chapter 3). gency on compliance may occasion instruc-
The context of a stimulus may identify it as tional control by any number of instructions.
an instruction in some circumstances. For ex- For example, the threat of a parent's censure
ample, "water" can be occasioned by events, may occasion compliance with instructions to
such as a pool of water or a sign reading a child for tidying a bedroom, eating a nutri-
"WATER," that would not lead a listener to tious food, and interacting with siblings in a
respond to it as an instruction. But it would prosocial manner.
be recognized as such if uttered by a person Consequences on compliance. Agents do not
attempting to put out a fire. Even the simplest always explicitly indicate positive reinforcers
instruction, a response specifying its reinforcer for compliance or punishers for noncompli-
(e.g., "Water!"; the concept of "mand" in ance. Whether such an indication is necessary
Skinner, 1957), requires an additional stim- depends on the control exerted by the agent.
ulus element identifying it as an instruction if An indication is redundant when an agent con-
it is to occasion compliance. sistently reinforces compliance; such circum-
Stimuli indicating instructions are apparent stances will produce generalized compliance
at the outset of children's instructing. For ex- in which compliance with all instructions is
ample, a child requesting a nearby object may guaranteed. For example, at the outset of the
stereotypically reach towards the object with experiment by Baer et al. (1967), all instances
an open hand and name the object, indicating of imitation were reinforced. As the repertoire
that something is wanted and what is wanted grew, novel instances of modeling occasioned
(Bruner, Roy, & Ratner, 1982). Thus, the novel imitative responses, a small number of
child's open hand sets the occasion for the lis- which were maintained unreinforced over re-
tener to respond to the naming as a request peated trials, showing that imitation was a
and not as a tact. In the case of imitation, the generalized class of responding. Similar ar-
autoclitic stimulus, "Do this," in the study by rangements were provided for instructional

control in the experiment by Streifel et al. contractual agreement, because an agent can
(1976); however, the variables responsible for observe whether the job has been completed
generalized compliance have been examined as instructed and reinforce accordingly.
systematically only in imitation (Burgess, Bur- Discriminations of monitoring are clearly
gess, & Esveldt, 1970; Garcia et al., 1971; apparent in a study of children's imitation es-
Martin, 1972; Peterson et al., 1971). tablished by instructions (Peterson et al., 1971).
Generalized compliance is probably rare. In one condition, the experimenter was present
For example, with a small imitative repertoire, at all times, and the children consistently im-
children quickly stop imitating particular itated models; in another condition, the ex-
models for which imitation is not reinforced perimenter left the room after presenting the
(Peterson et al., 1971). Compliance and non- model, and all of the children soon stopped
compliance can also be instructed. For ex- imitating. Another example is found in re-
ample, children do not imitate when told search on self-commitment, a situation in which
"Don't do this" (Martin, 1972). Other occa- a person is both the source and subject of an
sions for compliance might be learned by ob- instruction. Hayes et al. (1985) recruited col-
serving compliance and its reinforcement (cf. lege students for a course designed nominally
the concept of vicarious reinforcement in Ban- to improve study skills. Some students set
dura, 1965). achievement goals that they believed were to
Consequences for compliance may have to remain private, others were required to make
be explicitly indicated in instructions when the their goals public to the experimenter, and
cost of compliance is high and reinforcement, others did not set goals. The only students who
or its magnitude, is inconsistent. A contractual met self-set standards were those whose goal
agreement between an agent and subject is a setting had been made public; their mean post-
formalized description of an instruction and test scores were 21/2 times greater than those
consequences for compliance. Compliance with of the other groups (cf. Risley & Hart, 1968;
a contract may be occasioned to the extent that Paniagua & Baer, 1982).
it appears equitable given previous experience. Classes of agencies. Subjects in the Peterson
In a salaried job, compliance with a job de- et al. (1971) and Hayes et al. (1985) experi-
scription is reinforced at fixed periods of time, ments had the opportunity to discriminate the
such that generating compliance by indicating absence of a contingency on compliance. But
a forthcoming reinforcer may not be as effec- reinforcement in those settings was not nec-
tive as indicating its removal by threatening essary for the experimenters to function as a
dismissal. discriminative occasion for compliance. It was
The probability of reinforcement by an agent sufficient that the experimenters were mem-
is sometimes indicated on a graded scale by bers of classes of agencies that had previously
the volume and inflection of a vocal instruction. reinforced compliance (e.g., Milgram, 1963),
An example appears at a supermarket check- as demonstrated in the Baer et al. (1967) study
out counter when a mother asks her child to by children's generalized imitation of new ex-
keep his hands away from the candy counter. perimenters.
If the child disobeys, the mother may then Classes of agencies may also be tied to dis-
repeat the instruction with an increased vol- criminable classes of instructions over which
ume: Colloquially, the mother "is getting an- agents may reinforce compliance. For exam-
gry," but it can also be said that the change ple, an employee's job description is in part a
in volume indicates an increased likelihood of set of boundaries for the kinds of instructions
punishing noncompliance. over which supervisors may reinforce compli-
Monitoring. Agents must actively monitor ance or punish noncompliance.
compliance if they are to reinforce it, thus giv- Instructed compliance. To the extent that
ing rise to opportunities for a subject of in- agencies are discriminable, their control over
struction to discriminate occasions when an compliance may be established by instruction
agent is monitoring and when the agent's "back rather than by experience. For example, to a
is turned." Continuous monitoring is unnec- new employee, the statement, "I am Ms. X,
essary when an outcome of behavior, rather your supervisor," sets the occasion for the em-
than a form of behavior, is instructed, as in a ployee to follow the instructions provided by

Ms. X; perhaps, her instructions will be to the supply is not a reinforcer for compliance
follow the instructions of others. Such an in- with the latter instructions; rather, obtaining
struction serves to establish an occasion for the supply is reinforced by the opportunity to
compliance, in which agents' names, uniforms, do the recording in research that will be rein-
and badges are effective discriminanda. forced.
The instructional coordination of large so- Sources. The probability that a contingency
cial institutions suggests that there is no nec- description will generate compliance may de-
essary relation between the source of an in- pend in part on its source. Expertise on col-
struction and persons who monitor and lateral contingencies is generally domain-spe-
reinforce compliance. For example, compli- cific, and thus a contingency description coming
ance with federal tax laws is monitored by from an expert, perhaps identified in an in-
accountants and informers and enforced by struction by name and profession, is more likely
agents with the power to incarcerate; compli- to describe accurately a set of collateral con-
ance with religious laws of conduct is moni- tingencies. Lawyers' advice is sought for legal
tored and reinforced by both clergy and laity. problems, doctors' advice for health problems,
and so on; experts are revisited and recom-
Contingency Descriptions mended to the extent that compliance with the
A contingency description will occasion re- contingency descriptions they provide is rein-
sponding when compliance is monitored and forced. In commercial advertising, sponsors
reinforced (e.g., Kaufman et al., 1966), but it appeal to expert witnesses for testimonials:
may also do so if the collateral consequences Headache sufferers evaluate aspirin, gourmets
it indicates are reinforcers as in the description, evaluate frozen dinners, and so on. Generally
"There's gold in the Yukon," a description speaking, contingency descriptions generated
that determines the location of prospecting. In by scientific methods have special status be-
this case, response form is determined by the cause they are tied closely to systematic em-
description of response properties (e.g., loca- pirical observations.
tion) and occasioned by the indicated collateral Faulty contingency descriptions. One might
reinforcers. Another example is provided by expect that instructed responding should be
the students that enrolled in the Hayes et al. most sensitive to its collateral consequences
(1985) experiment because of the nominal col- when compliance is occasioned by a contin-
lateral contingencies, learning better study gency description. But instructed behavior is
habits, without receiving credits or grades for unlikely to be controlled solely by its collateral
participating. Contingencies on compliance consequences; sensitivity to consequences may
acted only after students enrolled: Although depend in part on the compatibility of a re-
all students studied the same quantity of ma- sponse and its collateral contingencies. For ex-
terial, monitored students were more likely to ample, rule-governed superstitions, such as
reach self-set standards; thus, the nominal col- dancing for rain, may be maintained long after
lateral reinforcers were sufficient to generate they are instructed because rain inevitably will
compliance, but monitoring enhanced the form follow the behavior. Similarly, gambling may
of studying. continue into a losing streak when governed
Under some conditions, the consequences by the verbally stated supposition that repeated
indicated in a contingency description may oc- losses indicate a greater likelihood of winning
casion compliance not because they are rein- (the "Monte Carlo fallacy").
forcers, but rather because they are necessary Failure to discriminate between the de-
to engage in other behavior that will be rein- scribed and actual effects of behavior occa-
forced (cf. Michael, 1982; Premack, 1971). sioned by a contingency description is sug-
For example, in following an electronic circuit gested by some placebo responses that are not
diagram to build a device that records an or- due to classical conditioning (Marlatt & Roh-
ganism's responding, the diagram may indi- senow, 1980). In the placebo response, the
cate voltage requirements without providing administration of a substance or procedure
further information. The voltage requirements produces an effect on behavior that is deter-
may occasion compliance with other instruc- mined by an antecedent description of its action
tions to build or purchase a power supply, but and not by its specific effect (Gallimore &

Turner, 1977; Grings & Lockhart, 1963; instruction, compliance, its consequences, and
Jospe, 1978; Kirsh, 1985; Pfefferbaum, 1977). perhaps an agent. The agent may be present
An example involves the administration of a to reinforce compliance in the episode, partic-
nominal pain-relief pill that relieves pain ularly when the instruction is a performance
(Rachlin, 1985). The description of the pill's description, and in any circumstances, the in-
action determines the form of responding, structed responding may be seen to produce
whereas the circumstances necessary for com- collateral consequences.
pliance may include discriminanda of technical Observers may witness complex episodes in
expertise by the source of the description (e.g., which consequences for compliance are deliv-
a medical degree: Jospe, 1978; Moerman, ered by an agent and compliance produces ad-
1981), and that the description constitutes a ditional collateral consequences. Compliance
class of events known to produce the nominal in the observer might be occasioned if both
collateral consequences (e.g., drug-taking to consequences were reinforcing but not if both
cure illness). Thus, the placebo response is were punishing. In cases in which one con-
compliance occasioned by the consequence de- sequence is reinforcing and the other is pun-
scribed in a contingency description, and both ishing, compliance is conditional upon the op-
the patient and the doctor will be more than eration of the reinforcement contingency,
likely to attribute mistakenly the response to assuming greater relative control by the rein-
the pill. forcer (cf. Ayllon & Azrin, 1964).
Observation of Reinforced Compliance
Imitation is sometimes considered an ex- INSTRUCTIONAL CONTROL IN
ample of instructional control (Baer et al., 1967; PROBLEM SOLVING
Matthews et al., 1977; Skinner, 1969, p. 163); Problems are a pervasive feature of the en-
it is a class of discriminated responding that vironment. Perhaps the most common appear
exhibits some of the properties of behavior oc- when highly probable behavior is prevented,
casioned by vocal or written instructions (e.g., impeded, or if it is available, conditions indi-
insensitivity: Matthews et al., 1977). Never- cate that it is to be restricted (Skinner, 1953,
theless, imitation lacks some of the flexibility 1966). For the organism, the problem is the
of a repertoire based upon arbitrary stimuli. absence of a repertoire that will terminate these
A discrimination generated by modeling must conditions; according to Skinner (1953, p. 247),
be established under the same circumstances "Problem solving may be defined as any be-
that are to occasion imitation; thus, for ex- havior which, through the manipulation of
ample, giving directions that would enable one variables, makes the appearance of a solution
to reach a house requires modeling the trip more probable." Problem solving may occur
rather than describing its features. Another when equipment breaks or gives unexpected
limitation is in the absence of autoclitics, such results, when a procedure is inefficient, or when
as "Don't ... ," a qualifying autoclitic of ne- contingency descriptions are incomplete or in-
gation for instructions not to act (Skinner, accurate.
1957). Not surprisingly, the strength of each The distinction between rule-governed and
repertoire is combined as suggested in the in- contingency-shaped behavior is central to an
structions to imitate and not imitate: "Watch operant analysis of problem solving (Skinner,
how I do it," and "Don't plagiarize," respec- 1966). Problem features may control in-
tively. structed or contingency-shaped discrimina-
A number of experiments have shown that tions, and solutions or answers (i.e., the be-
imitation may be occasioned by observing so- havior occasioned by the features) may have
cial reinforcers produced by modeled behavior consequences that shape solving. Several vari-
(Bandura, 1965; Deguchi, 1984; Ollendick, ables evident in rule-governed behavior, such
Dailey, & Shapiro, 1983; Thelen & Rennie, as those controlling insensitivity and compli-
1972), suggesting that compliance with in- ance, also arise in problem solving. For ex-
structions may be occasioned by observing ample, problem features often occasion rule-
reinforced compliance. For the observer, an governed solutions with characteristics that
instance of reinforced compliance contains an sharply differ from contingency-shaped prob-

lem solving in infants and animals (e.g., Ben-forced responding is unspecified. Such occasions
tall, Lowe, & Beasty, 1985; Lowe, 1979; Lowe, arise by necessity in psychology experiments
Beasty, & Bentall, 1983; Lowe, Harzem, & that provide subjects with a situation in which
Bagshaw, 1978; Lowe, Harzem, & Hughes, responding will be reinforced, but in which
1978). the effective properties of responding remain
uninstructed in order that they may remain
Problems and the Occasions for Solving free to be determined by independent variables
As with instructional control, the function(e.g., as in some analyses of reinforcement
of contingencies that occasion problem solvingschedules).
is separate from the function of problem fea-
tures that determine the form of a solution: An
occasion for solving is set by stimuli indicatingThe solution to a novel problem is not itself
entirely novel in that response components of
events such as the likely availability of rein-
that solution must have been established before
forcers or the absence or possible restriction of
solving can occur. Problems that cannot be
highly valued behavior, and the form of solving
is occasioned by the features presented by a dealt with in terms of current repertoires can
problem. Thus, a single discriminated rein- be solved only partially if they can be solved
forcement contingency may occasion problem at all (Birch, 1945; Epstein, 1981; Skinner,
solving controlled by any variety of problem 1953, 1972). Responses in a solution may be
situations, each presenting its own unique setverbal and nonverbal (e.g., imaginal manip-
of features. ulations of problem features), and rather than
Events that occasion problem solving may being primary solutions, they may clarify the
be like the descriptions of consequences that parameters of a problem by generating stimuli
occasion compliance with contingency descrip- upon which subsequent problem-solving be-
tions. Moreover, the outcomes of solving can havior is based (e.g., counting: Bem, 1967;
also be considered its collateral consequencesVaughan, 1985).
whenever they do not shape its initial form. Contingency descriptions govern a large va-
In some cases, the consequences are a discrim-riety of problem solving. For example, once
inated class of reinforcers (Skinner, 1966); in
the component functions of a machine have
others, they provide opportunities for other been described, then in fixing the machine,
more probable responses, such that producing describing the loss of a function may occasion
them is reinforced by other consequences (cf. the name of the faulty component. Or simi-
Michael, 1982; Skinner, 1953). The conse- larly, in constructing a new machine, a de-
quences that generate problem solving can alsoscription of the component functions it must
be distinct from the problem solution, as whencombine can be the basis for assembling a set
solving is occasioned by instructions that areof familiar corresponding components (e.g., as
accompanied by social contingencies on com- in Edison's motion-picture projector: Jenkins,
pliance. 1984). Yet more complex problem solving may
Problems are sometimes formally presented be instructed in larger units of branching se-
quences of discriminated responses that deter-
as incomplete contingency descriptions in which
mine behavior at different problem states (e.g.,
the features of a problem are described but the
as in solving differential equations or problems
form of the solution is not. Such problem state-
in mechanics: Larkin & Reif, 1979).
ments may be identified by autoclitics such as,
"Is . . " "Find . ," "Discover .. ," "Solve Once problem solving proceeds, stimulus
and "Why ...." And because contin- control by problem features at any point in a
gency descriptions may be derived from or re- solution may be determined in part by a solv-
lated to theoretical systems, clarifying them er's past behavior. For example, observing a
may result in their rejection or modification,limitation or weakness in the component func-
in the improved precision of prediction and tion of a newly constructed machine may lead
to refinements, and if an attempted solution
control of the subject matter, and in social rec-
ognition. fails, another attempt may be controlled by the
Informal occasions for problem solving ap- same problem features, and so on, leading to
pear whenever the availability of reinforce- the step-wise development of a problem so-
ment is discriminable but the form of rein- lution (Weisberg, 1986). Failed or inefficient

solutions may also be a basis for constructing & Alba, 1981), or when a problem occasions
the correct solution to a problem, and they may responding that is inefficient but still compat-
determine the course that the solution takes. ible with solving (e.g., high-rate responding on
One way of preventing failed attempts is to FI tasks: Bentall et al., 1985; Leander et al.,
eliminate features that control them; for ex- 1968; Lippman & Meyer, 1967; Lowe, 1979).
ample, finding a friend's luggage in a rotary A general feature of problem solving is that
display at an airport by marking rejected cases it is differentially effective in dealing with a
with a piece of chalk (Skinner, 1966). problem situation: Some type of behavior con-
Problem-solving instructions produce re- stitutes a better way to deal with a problem
sponse classes in which problem features con- than another type does; still other types of
trol response properties such as their occasion behavior may not result in a solution at all. So
and form. For example, in an experiment on long as responses are under stimulus control
the development of self-instruction (Bem, of problem features and the responses consti-
1967), children were instructed in solving a tute solving, stimulus control will be reinforced
problem that required counting one to five and the responses may remain essentially un-
lights in an array, and then without the lights, changed. The same holds when problem fea-
to press a lever once for every light that had tures occasion behavior that is incompatible
been lit. Presumably, the children could gen- with solving. Stimulus control by problem fea-
eralize the solution to any number of lights tures can be altered only by differential rein-
that they could count. A similar solution is forcement of variations in solving that arise
suggested by some college students' perfor- from incidental changes in the features of a
mances under Fl schedules in which pausing problem, from properties of responding such
from responding was timed by counting, as extinction, or from new instructions.
thereby increasing the efficiency of responding
by converting the simple Fl to a signaled Fl
(Bentall et al., 1985; Leander, Lippman, & CONCLUSION
Meyer, 1968; Lippman & Meyer, 1967; Lowe, Instructional control is perhaps the oldest
1979; Lowe, Harzem, & Hughes, 1978; Lowe and most central function of verbal behavior
et al., 1983; Matthews et al., 1977). (Catania, 1985; Jaynes, 1976). Details of its
The FI counting performance is correlated evolution are for speculation. It is likely, how-
with students' postsession reports identifying ever, that its origins lay in situations where
the FI requirement (Brewer, 1974; Leander stimuli provided by one individual were cor-
et al., 1968; Lippman & Meyer, 1967; Lowe, related with contingencies that affected the be-
Harzem, & Bagshaw, 1978). Such reports sug- havior of other individuals in important ways.
gest that responding was controlled by self- The consequences of such interactions must
instruction (Lowe, 1979). But problem fea- have promoted the well-being of both speakers
tures sufficient to occasion self-instruction and listeners. In time, as the repertoire grew,
might instead directly occasion the correspond- individuals could instruct one another on the
ing instructed behavior without mediation by basis of reliable personal experiences, and in-
self-instruction (cf. Sidman et al., 1974; Sid- structions could supplant learning through di-
man & Tailby, 1982; Sidman et al., 1986). In rect exposure to natural contingencies.
such a case, students' postsession descriptions The present analysis delineates several vari-
may be controlled by the same task features ables that determine features of instructional
that occasioned responding, rather than being control. It describes how discriminations es-
antecedent events that controlled responding tablished by social contingencies on compli-
(Shimoff, 1986). ance can be combined in complex forms to
Instructed problem solutions can resemble produce collateral consequences in collateral
contingency-sensitive responding. But like contingencies. Both contingencies may con-
other rule-governed behavior, such solutions tribute to the final form of behavior. However,
can be insensitive to changes in contingencies insensitivity to collateral consequences can re-
(Shimoff et al., 1986). Problem solving is also sult when the instructed form of behavior is
hampered when a problem's features consis- compatible with the somewhat different form
tently occasion behavior that is incompatible of behavior shaped directly by collateral con-
with its solution (Duncker, 1945; cf. Weisberg tingencies. Stimuli correlated with both con-

tingencies also set the occasions for following Blackwood, R. 0. (1970). The operant conditioning of
instructions: Occasions are set by agencies that verbally mediated self-control in the classroom. Journal
of School Psychology, 8, 251-258.
reinforce compliance and by the reinforcers Brewer, W. F. (1974). There is no convincing evidence
indicated in contingency descriptions. These for operant or classical conditioning in adult humans.
several variables combine in ways that produce In W. B. Weimer & D. S. Palermo (Eds.), Cognition
a broad variety of instructional phenomena, and the symbolic processes (pp. 1-42). Hillsdale, NJ:
including the compelling illusions that char- Erlbaum.
Bruner, J., Roy, C., & Ratner, N. (1982). The begin-
acterize rule-governed superstitions and pla- nings of request. In K. E. Nelson (Ed.), Children's
cebo responding. language (Vol. 3, pp. 91-138). Hillsdale, NJ: Erl-
Some instructions determine response oc- baum.
casion and form, producing instructed stimu- Burgess, R. L., Burgess, J. M., & Esveldt, K. C. (1970).
An analysis of generalized imitation. Journal of Applied
lus control by the events they describe. These Behavior Analysis, 3, 39-46.
instructed discriminations may appear in the Catania, A. C. (1973). The concept of the operant in
activity of science, for example, when a phe- the analysis of behavior. Behaviorism, 1(2), 103-116.
nomenon is described and the problem is that Catania, A. C. (1980). Autoclitic processes and the struc-
of identifying its components and the relations ture of behavior. Behaviorism, 8, 175-186.
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