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The Analysis of Verbal Behavior 1996, 13, 65-77

Delayed Outcomes and Rule-Governed Behavior

Among "Noncompliant" and "Compliant" Boys:
A Replication and Extension
David Reitman
Louisiana State University
Alan M. Gross
University of Mississippi
The present research investigated the effects of verbal, contingency-specifying, stimuli on com-
pliance among two groups of preschool-aged boys. Experiment 1 assessed the joint influence
of prior compliance history and reinforcement parameters on compliance, and Experiment 2
explored the utility of distinguishing between the evocative and function-altering effects of
verbal stimuli. Results from Experiment 1 showed that statements specifying a behavior and
an outcome controlled similar levels of compliance in "compliant" and "noncompliant" boys
under conditions of immediate reinforcement, but as the opportunity for reinforcement
became more delayed (or nonexistent), the performance of "noncompliant" boys deteriorated.
Results from Experiment 2 showed that statements specifying immediate and delayed rein-
forcers, but not statements specifying no reinforcer, controlled high levels of compliance in
both compliant and noncompliant boys, even after a 15-20 minute delay in the opportunity to
respond. These results suggest that rules, or contingency specifying stimuli with function-
altering, rather than evocative effects, reliably control the behavior of boys as young as 4 or 5

In recent years much basic and applied to reinforcement contingencies. For exam-
research has addressed the effects of verbal ple, a child may be told, "If you clean your
stimuli on compliance in children (Barkley, room now, you may have ice cream
1990; Braam & Malott, 1990; Mistr & tonight." How a child comes to respond
Glenn, 1992; Schweitzer & Sulzer-Azaroff, appropriately to contingencies that specify
1988). Commonly cited "reinforcers" for delayed outcomes (i.e., she cleans her room
compliance may not involve traditional now to obtain ice cream later) is perhaps
reinforcement contingencies because their one of the most important reasons for
contingent presentation occurs too long studying the effects of stimuli on the
after the causal response (Malott, 1989). behavior of children. There already exists a
Instead, such temporally delayed out- vast body of literature examining the
comes may involve rule-governed analogs effects of operant reinforcement contingen-
cies upon child behavior (Bijou, 1993).
This paper is based on a dissertation submitted by And, although "rule-control" may be ulti-
the first author to the University of Mississippi in
1995, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a mately based on operant control (see
doctor of philosophy degree in clinical psychology. Malott, 1989), the significance of recent
This study was supported in part by an APA disserta- research devoted to rules' may rest upon
tion award to the first author. We are grateful to
Ronald Drabman, Erin Price, Lisa Koch, Elaine
Goodman, Gloria Knight, Carole Dye, and the teach- 'Another term for a rule, the contingency-specify-
ers, children, and staff of Briarwood Drive Baptist ing-stimulus (CSS) was used by Mistr and Glenn
Preschool, Broadmoor Baptist Preschool, and Bramlett (1992) to facilitate the distinction between CSSs with
Elementary School. We also wish to thank Richard W. evocative and function-altering effects. Rule is here
Malott, John Northrup, David C. Palmer, Henry D. used more generically. Schhinger's (1990) recommen-
Schlinger, and an anonymous reviewer for their valu- dations for the use of the word "rule" are discussed in
able comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. the context of Experiment 2.
distinguishing between behavior under ponent of self-control (Barkley, 1990;
direct stimulus control and behavior some- Rachlin, 1991). Since noncompliance with
times described as "rule-governed" requests, commands, or instructions from
(Schlinger, 1990). teachers and other authority figures are
The types of stimuli that may be consid- often interpreted as "symptoms of behav-
ered rules and the components of rules that ior disorders," data suggesting that com-
constitute important functional units are pliance could be increased with clear speci-
still being debated (Schlinger, 1993). fication of deadlines might also be valuable
Schlinger (1990, 1995) has argued that for- as part of treatment plans for these chil-
mal characteristics of rules (e.g., specifica- dren.
tion of antecedent stimuli, responses, or As Braam and Malott (1990) are careful
consequences) may be necessary, but to note, their study had some methodologi-
stressed that we must empirically deter- cal limitations. First, a no deadline/ imme-
mine which formal properties are function- diate reinforcer condition was not
ally related to behavior. Earlier studies included. Thus, it remains unclear whether
examining aspects of this important the deadline, the specification of the imme-
research have implicated the performance diate reinforcer, or their combination gen-
deadline as a potentially important func- erated such high (over 90%) levels of com-
tional property of rules (Braam & Malott, pliance. In addition, the deadline/delayed
1990). reinforcer condition was presented after
For example, Braam and Malott (1990) many trials of immediate reinforcement
investigated two potentially functional and interspersed trials without reinforce-
components of a rule; the timing or avail- ment. Thus, the extent to which perfor-
ability of reinforcement stated in the rule, mances in the deadline / delayed reinforcer
and the presence or absence of a deadline. condition reflected sequence or schedule
Specifically, they asked (1) How is compli- effects, as opposed to the influence of a
ance affected by verbal contingencies deadline, has yet to be determined.
describing immediate or delayed delivery Though Mistr and Glenn (1992) repli-
of consequences, and (2) Do deadlines cated much of Braam and Malott's (1990)
increase the likelihood of compliance study, they were unable to establish clearly
among children under the above condi- that deadlines comprised an important
tions? Braam and Malott (1990) hypothe- functional component of the rule state-
sized that rules specifying delayed out- ment. In evaluating the effect of immediate
comes control compliance because versus delayed deadlines, they found no
compliance terminates the "learned aver- differences in child compliance. A second
sive condition" resulting from the inclu- phase of their study found no differences
sion of a deadline in the rule statement. in compliance between delayed deadline
Thus, according to Braam and Malott and no deadline conditions. Still, the com-
(1990), whether rule statements controlled parison of delayed deadline and no dead-
compliance seemed to depend more on the line conditions was based on few trials and
presence of a deadline than the imposition did not directly correspond to the no dead-
of a delay to reinforcement. The authors line versus immediate deadline compari-
suggested that, "problems in self-control son implemented in Braam and Malott's
do not result from delayed outcomes or the (1990) investigation. In our own pilot
inability to delay gratification, contrary to research investigating the possible role of
conventional wisdom" (p.67). This conclu- deadlines in increasing compliance, the
sion may be contrasted with the long held inclusion of a deadline in the rule state-
position that impulsive or hyperactive chil- ment has also yielded inconsistent results.
dren evidence difficulties with self-control Consequently, the status of a deadline and
because of problems with delayed out- its importance in contributing to the func-
comes, and experimental work suggesting tion of contingency-specifying stimuli
that delay capability is an important com- remains unclear.
Some authors have suggested that the that, relative to their own "immediate
relation between rules and compliance opportunity to respond" trials, and Braam
may be better understood by distinguish- and Malott's (1990) earlier study, the chil-
ing between the evocative and function- dren complied at markedly reduced rates
altering properties of contingency-specify- when a delay in the opportunity to
ing stimuli. Following Schlinger (1990), respond was imposed. With the exception
Mistr and Glenn (1992) suggested that of one experimental condition (no dead-
rules may exert "control" because they line/immediate reinforcer) the data pro-
alter the discriminative or motivational vided little evidence that the behavior of 4-
function of some stimuli and that rules year-old children was affected by
which function in this way should be dis- function-altering stimuli (Schlinger, 1993).
tinguished from verbal stimuli with solely One potentially important issue that has
evocative functions. Function-altering yet to be addressed systematically is the
stimuli (FAS) can be distinguished from influence of the participant's prior compli-
contingency-specifying stimuli having ance history. In fact, the ostensible reason
evocative functions in that FAS do not for selecting young children is to study
appear to "evoke" or "occasion" behavior behavioral processes among participants
as much as alter the evocative function of with limited "histories." Yet, in previous
other stimuli. Further, FAS appear to studies, the issue of participant selection
rapidly endow other stimuli with evoca- has not been systematically addressed. In
tive functions without the kind of discrimi- the Braam and Malott (1990) study, five
nation training one would ordinarily asso- children were chosen for their high levels
ciate with a discriminative stimulus of compliance with teacher requests,
(Schlinger, 1993). According to Schlinger whereas one child reportedly completed
(1993), making a distinction between few tasks. Two additional children
evocative and function-altering effects is requested to join the study in progress.
important for at least two reasons. First, Children in Mistr and Glenn's (1992) study
structural rather than functional defini- were disqualified if they completed more
tions of rules lead too readily to media- than 25% (i.e., 1 of 4) of request trials, on
tional accounts of how contingency-speci- the assumption that such children would
fying stimuli might be related to behavior. be insensitive to further experimental
Also, a simple discrimination theory of manipulation.
"rules" leads behavior analysts away from To examine the influence of prior history
an account of how contingency-specifying in the present study, groups of children
stimuli might alter the function of other who had completed a high percentage of
events and even farther from an apprecia- tasks were retained in a "compliant" group
tion of how human behavior is influenced and their performances were compared
by such stimuli. with a "noncompliant" group selected
Methodologically, Mistr and Glenn through the same baseline screening proce-
(1992) attempted to disentangle function- dure used in Mistr and Glenn (1992).
altering effects from evocative effects by Children were approached in a naturalistic
imposing a forced, 20-minute, delay setting (a classroom) and asked to perform
between the rule delivery and the opportu- a simple task (e.g., picking up blocks). The
nity to respond. By contrast, in Braam and outcomes specified in the rules were varied
Malott's (1990) investigation the immediate and manipulated reinforcement timing or
opportunity to respond to a contingency- availability. Both noncompliant and com-
specifying stimulus (e.g., If you pick up the pliant children were expected to complete
toys now, you may go to the Magic Box a high percentage of tasks under optimal
when you are finished) did not permit one reinforcement conditions (e.g., an immedi-
to distinguish its evocative effects from its ate consequence, access to a "Goodie box"
function-altering effects. The results of was used in the present study). Based
Mistr and Glenn's (1992) study showed upon the existing literature from applied
studies of child behavior problems, we x 1" hole cut into the lid. The lid of the box
hypothesized that rules specifying delayed was secured with a small security lock to
delivery of a consequence would exert reli- prevent boys from opening the box during
able control over the behavior of compli- the trials. For each of the three experimen-
ant, but not noncompliant boys (Barkley, tal conditions in Experiment 1 (immediate,
1990). Experiments 1 and 2 examined the delayed, and no reinforcement), a child was
effects of reinforcer timing and availability given 5 randomly presented opportunities
on compliance, and the effect of distin- to pick up or place 82 multicolored (orange,
guishing between the evocative and func- yellow, red, green, and blue) and variously
tion-altering effects of verbal stimuli, shaped (square, half-circle, rectangular, tri-
respectively. angular) wooden blocks into the box
through the small hole cut into the lid. The
EXPERIMENT 1 experimental apparatus appeared to con-
METHOD trol for "intelligence" (e.g., scooping blocks
into a pile or turning the box on its side so
Participants and Setting that many could be placed in the bucket
Experiment 1 commenced with the mail- simultaneously) and to require a uniform
ing of consent forms describing the study degree of on-task time for completion.
to parents of boys attending a large The "Goodie box" was located in the
preschool located in central Mississippi. main office or hall and filled with colored
Fifty-two percent (n=14) of the 27 pens, crayons, balloons, "name brand"
preschool boys returned valid consent stickers (e.g., Power Rangers, Ninja
forms. Forty-one percent (n=11) did not Turtles, etc.), and other items specifically
return consent forms and 8% (n=2) tailored to the interests of young boys (e.g.,
declined to participate. toy cars and airplanes, boats, rubber balls,
Participants were classified as "noncom- whistles, figurines of firemen/policemen,
pliant" or "compliant" on the basis of com- and sheriffs' badges).
pliance with requests to pick up blocks Design
(i.e., request or screening trials) and
teacher nomination. First, three preschool The request or screening trials (no stated
teachers each nominated 3 boys they con- consequences) were first presented in 5
sidered to be "noncompliant." One boy consecutive trials prior to the experimental
was chosen from each of three classrooms manipulation. Each screening trial was
provided that the following criteria were conducted on a different day. Experi-
satisfied: consent was obtained, he was mental trials consisted of the experimenter
nominated by the teacher, and he com- stating rules differing in reinforcement
pleted 20% or less (i.e., zero or 1) of 5 availability or timing. Only one trial was
request trials. These boys were classified as presented each day and the yoked pairs (1
"noncompliant." From the same three noncompliant and 1 compliant child) partic-
classrooms, control children were selected ipated in only one condition each day.
with the requirement that they have com- Conditions (immediate, delayed, and no
pleted at least 80% (i.e., 4 of 5) of request reinforcement) were randomly presented
trials, had not been nominated by the with allowances in the schedule to insure
teacher, and their parents had given con- that 5 trials of each condition were pre-
sent to participate. These children were sented to each pair. Table 1 displays experi-
classified as "compliant." All six partici- mental conditions, describing reinforcer
pants were Caucasian, four were 4-years- delivery and response opportunities for
old and two children were 5-years-old. each pair of boys in Experiments 1 and 2.
Apparatus Procedure
The experimental apparatus consisted of Experiment 1 was conducted in pre-
a large 2'xl'xl' plastic utility box with a 2" school classroom settings during "free
Table 1
Experimental conditions, reinforcer delivery, and response opportunityfor experiments 1 and 2.

Condition Reinforcer Delivery Opportunity to Respond

Experiment I Experiment 2
Immediate Reinforcer Immediate access to Immediate 15-20 minute
Goodie box delay
Delayed Reinforcer 3-hour delay in access Immediate 15-20 minute
to Goodie box delay
No Reinforcer No access to Goodie Immediate 15-20 minute
box delay
Note: Three yoked pairs of noncompliant and compliant boys were randomly exposed to all conditions
in each experiment.
play" between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m., 4 days After delivering a "rule," the experi-
per week for approximately 9 weeks. The menter left the room and the participants
experimenters approached children were observed through a one-way mirror.
already at play and stated rules representa- The observers consisted of the primary
tive of one of the experimental conditions author (who also delivered the rules to the
(see below). To control for potential social children) and a second trained observer
consequences from other adults and chil- blind to the specific hypotheses but not to
dren, the rules were stated only when a the experimental conditions.
child participating in the study was pre- Data Collection and Interobserver Reliability
sent. Other children were asked to leave Ratings. Following the statement of
the immediate area or the participant was requests or contingencies describing imme-
taken aside during instruction-giving. diate, delayed, or no reinforcers, experi-
Teachers were told to limit interaction with menters scored a completion for the task if
children participating in the study while in a child placed all 82 blocks into a large
progress. After stating the rule, the experi- plastic bucket. Using an interval recording
menter did not interact with the child and strategy, observers recorded whether or
ignored attempts to interact. not the child had dropped a block into the
Observation Method. Because the investi- bucket during each 10 second interval of
gation took place within a "natural" class- task performance. Thus, if the child per-
room setting, precautions were taken to sisted in the task beyond 5 minutes, a com-
ensure the validity of observations. In the pletion could also be scored if the child
"acclimation period" prior to the onset of worked "consistently" until all 82 blocks
the investigation, the experimenters went had been picked-up. Working "consis-
to classrooms as "observers" to reduce tently" was defined as placing at least one
reactivity. The experimenters casually block in the box over 6 consecutive, 10-sec-
observed teachers and children for one to ond intervals. If the child did not respond
two hours during a morning free play ses- in 6 consecutive intervals (after 5 minutes
sion on the day prior to the beginning of had already elapsed) the trial was scored a
the study. Experimenters provided no noncompletion. These scoring rules were
social or material reinforcement during the adopted to more accurately characterize
acclimation period. Additionally, five the performances of children who com-
minute periods of acclimation were allotted plied with task demands but exhibited
prior to subsequent experimental sessions. lower rates of responding. Reliability for
task completion was calculated for 26 of 90 reinforcer condition the children were told
trials (29%) during this phase using Kappa they would not have access to the Goodie
(Cohen, 1965) and was estimated at box. The experimenter now stated,
approximately 96%. Kappa across individ- "(Child's name), here are some things to
ual participants ranged from a low of 87% pick up. I don't care if you pick them up
to 100%. or not. Here's the rule: Pick up all the
Experimental Conditions. Following base- blocks now, but you cannot go to the
line or "request" trials, each pair of boys Goodie box when you are finished."
was exposed to the following experimental Feedback was provided immediately after
conditions in randomly determined order; a completion or noncompletion was
No Reinforcer (NR), Immediate Reinforcer scored. The experimenter said, "you
(IR), or Delayed Reinforcer (DR). Because picked up (or did not pick up) all the
child behavior may be under the control of blocks, remember you can't go to the
a rule describing a contingency or simply Goodie box today." During the delayed
general demand characteristics, the impact reinforcer condition, the experimenter
of implied social consequences typically stated complete rules describing a three-
associated with rule-following must also hour delay in the delivery of a conse-
be considered. Thus, the phrase, "I don't quence. For example, the experimenter
care if you pick them up or not," was used said, "(Child's name), here are some
to reduce the possibility that implied social things to pick up. I don't care if you pick
consequences, rather than the delivery of them up or not. Here's the rule: If you
reinforcers, controlled responding. The pick up all the blocks now, you may go to
phrase was stated despite the fact that no the Goodie box at lunch time," a readily
social reinforcers were provided. Within identifiable time of day for young children.
each condition comprehension was Feedback was provided immediately after
checked by asking the subjects to repeat a completion or noncompletion was
the instructions. scored. The experimenter said, "you
During the Request condition the experi- picked up (or did not pick up) all the
menter stated only an incomplete rule blocks, remember you can (or cannot) go to
specifying picking up blocks, but without the Goodie box at lunch time."
specifying a consequence. For example,
"(Child's name), would you pick up all RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the blocks?" No feedback was delivered Table 2 displays task completion data (as
during these baseline screening trials. percent of trials completed) for noncompli-
During the condition specifying immediate ant and compliant groups as determined
reinforcers, the experimenter stated a com- through their responses to baseline
plete rule describing an immediate conse- requests. Data from Table 2 are presented
quence for picking up the blocks. For graphically in Figure 1.
example, the experimenter said, "(Child's When individual data (see Table 2) are
name), here are some things to pick up. I collapsed into groups they show that
don't care if you pick them up or not. under conditions of immediate reinforce-
Here's the rule: If you pick up all the ment the performances of compliant (100%
blocks now, you can go to the Goodie box compliance) and noncompliant boys (93%)
when you are finished." The experimenter are quite similar. Visual inspection (Figure
provided performance feedback and a con- 1) suggests that as the opportunity for rein-
sequence immediately after the child forcement becomes more delayed (100%
picked up (or failed to pick up) the blocks vs. 60%) or nonexistent (80% vs. 20%), non-
in the immediate reinforcer condition. The compliant boys completed a much lower
experimenter said, "(Child's name), you percentage of tasks. That is, while compli-
did (or did not) follow the rule about ant boys' performances were consistent
picking up the blocks, now you can (or across reinforcement parameters, noncom-
cannot) go to the Goodie box." In the no pliant boys appeared much more sensitive
Table 2
Task completion by condition for noncompliant and compliant boys: Experiment 1
(Immediate opportunity to respond).

c T P | Request T IR T DR I NR Totals
, 4/5 5/5 5/5 4/5 18/20
(8() (1(0) (100) (80) (90)
2 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 20/20
(I_(N()) (I ()() (1X (1(X)) (100)
3 5/5 5/5 5/5 3/5 18/20
(I (0X)) (1()) (0X)) (60) (90)
SUBTOTAL 14/15 15/15 15/15 12/15 56/60
(93) (I ()) (1(K)) (80) (93)
NC 4 0/5 4/5 -3/5 0/5 7/20
______ _(0)) (80) (60) (0) (35)
5 0/5 5/5 3/5 3/5 11/20
(0) (1(0)) (60) (60) (55)
6 0/5 5/5 3/5 0/5 8/20
M(0) (1(0) (60) (0) (40)
0/15 14/15 9/15 3/15 26/60
SUBTOTAL (0) (93) (60) (20) (43)
TOTALS 14/30 29/30 24/30 15/30 82/120
(47) (97) (80) (50) M
Note: IR=Immediate Reinforcer; DR=Delayed Reinforcer; NR=No Reinforcer. C=Compliant.
NC=Noncompliant. P=Participant. Numbers within the cells indicate the ratio of number of
tasks completed/tasks presented. The parenthetical number on the second line is the per-
centage resulting from that ratio.



3. 60
EJ Compllant

40 t 20Noncomplant]


Compliant 100 100 8
Noncompllant 93602
Experimental Condition
Fig. 1. Task completion by condition: Experiment 1 (Immediate Opportunity to Respond).

to the availability of reinforcement. In most after being informed that the no reinforce-
cases individual data correspond closely to ment condition was in effect, one noncom-
small group means, with the exception of pliant boy would often quickly reply, "I
participant 5 who completed 60% of the don't want to pick them up" and com-
tasks in the no reinforcer condition. As mence some other activity. Another boy
noted previous studies, it appeared that consistently played with the blocks, stack-
the contingency statement had a nearly ing them, rather than picking them up,
immediate effect on the boys. In addition, unless he was informed that he could go to
after being informed of the unavailability the Goodie Box after picking up the toys.
of the Goodie box in no reinforcement tri- Schlinger (1990, 1993; see also, Blakely &
als, both noncompliant and compliant boys Schlinger, 1987) has repeatedly argued
frequently inquired about the prospect of against considering all verbal stimuli rules.
future consequences (e.g., Will I get to go to Instead, he has suggested that only stimuli
the Goodie box tomorrow?). Additionally, which are function-altering warrant the
label "rule." While it was clear that the make eye contact with the bucket and
noncompliant boys responded differen- blocks on 100% of the trials.
tially to the contingencies in Experiment 1,
it remains unclear whether this was due to RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the evocative or possibly function-altering Data showing individual task comple-
effects of the contingency statement. By tion are presented in Table 3. Data from
contrast, compliant boys appeared almost Table 3 are grouped and presented graphi-
totally insensitive to the delivery of conse- cally in Figure 2.
quences and complied at the nearly 100% When individual data (see Table 3) are
level across all conditions. In Experiment 2, collapsed into groups they show that
we evaluated the utility of distinguishing under conditions of both immediate and
between "verbal stimuli" in terms of their delayed reinforcement, compliance levels
function-altering versus evocative effects. remained relatively high and did not
appear to differ substantially for noncom-
EXPERIMENT 2 pliant and compliant boys. However, when
METHOD the rule specified that the Goodie box was
Design unavailable, both compliant and noncom-
pliant boys rarely complied (36% vs. 0%).
Experiment 2 used the same participants The 36% difference observed between the
as Experiment 1. The experimental appara- groups in the no reinforcer condition was
tus, setting, and procedure were largely attributable to one child (i.e., P2)
unchanged with the exceptions noted who complied with every request pre-
below. This portion of the study was com- sented regardless of the status of the rein-
pleted in approximately 5 weeks. Each forcer specified in the rule. However, for
condition (immediate, delayed, and no most every other participant, rules specify-
reinforcement) was again presented ran- ing the delivery of reinforcers (whether
domly, with allowances in the random immediate or delayed) controlled compli-
schedule made to insure (as nearly as pos- ance, even when a 15 to 20 minute interval
sible) an equal number of trials was between rule delivery and the opportunity
presented in each condition. The key dif- to respond was imposed. The high levels of
ference between Experiments 1 and 2 was compliance observed compared to the
the imposition of a 15 to 20 minute delay in delayed opportunity to respond phase of
the opportunity for children to respond to Mistr and Glenn's (1992) study suggests
the rule statement. For example, in the that the verbal stimuli used in this study
immediate reinforcer condition the experi- may have had function-altering effects and
menter now stated, "(Child's name), I'm thus may properly be called rules.
going to put out some blocks for you to
pick up later. I don't care if you pick them GENERAL DISCUSSION
up or not. If you pick up the blocks then The purpose of the present experiments
you may go to the Goodie box as soon as was to investigate several questions
you are finished." After the rule state- regarding the control of behavior in young
ment, the experimenter waited for 15 to 20 children by verbal stimuli. A primary
minutes before re-entering the classroom. objective was to examine the joint influ-
The experimenter entered the classroom ence of prior compliance history (as
with a large plastic bucket filled with assessed through teacher nomination and
wooden blocks, spilled the blocks onto the behavioral screening procedures) and three
carpet, locked the lid of the bucket and left reinforcement parameters. The results of
the room. An observer noted for each trial Experiment 1 suggest that when immedi-
whether or not the participant looked at ate reinforcement is available the perfor-
the bucket and blocks after they were left mance of noncompliant and compliant
on the carpet. Participants appeared to boys is virtually indistinguishable and
Table 3
Task completion by conditionfor noncompliant and compliant boys: Experiment 2
(Delayed opportunity to respond).

K Experimental Conditions
C p JR DR INR 1Totals
1 2/2 4/4 1/4 7/10
(1(X)) (100) (25) (70)
2 4/4 3/3 3/3 10/10
(1(X)) (1(X)) ( (X)) (100)
3 2/2 1/2 0/4 3/8
(I (X)) (5() ( 0) (38)
SUBTOTAL 8/8 8/9 4/11 20/28
(1(X)) (89) (36) (71)
NC 4 3/4 4/4 0/4 7/12
(75) (100) (0) (58)
5 3/3 3/4 0/2 6/9
(100) (75) (0) (67)
6 2/4 2/4 0/4 4/12
(50) (50) (0) (33)
8/11 9/12 0/10 17/31
SUBTOTAL (73) (75) (0) (55)
TOTALS 16/19 17/21 4/21 37/59
(84) (81) (19) (63)
Note: IR=Immediate Reinforcer; DR=Delayed Reinforcer; NR=No Reinforcer. C=Compliant.
NC=Noncompliant. P=Participant. Numbers within the cells indicate the ratio of number of
tasks completed/tasks presented. The parenthetical number on the second line is the per-
centage resulting from that ratio.


E. 60
Complb( 1 Compliant
t 73 75ONoncompliant


Compliant 100893
Noncompllant 73 75 0
Experimental Condition
Fig. 2. Task completion by condition: Experiment 2 (Delayed Opportunity to Respond).

compliance is uniformly high. These data temporal relation to target behaviors (see
are consistent with those presented by Barkley, 1990).
Braam and Malott (1990) and Mistr and When delayed outcomes were specified,
Glenn (1992), indicating that statements consistent differences between noncompli-
clearly specifying responses and immedi- ant and compliant boys emerged in
ate consequences, such as selecting a toy Experiment 1, but not in Experiment 2,
from the Goodie box, reliably control
where the opportunity to respond was also
delayed. However, in neither case were the
behavior. These data also correspond to observed differences very large. Though
the clinical literature dealing with child compliant boys, in general, demonstrated
noncompliance; that is, it has been noted consistently higher rates of compliance,
that many hyperactive, disruptive children noncompliant boys also maintained rela-
comply more readily when rich schedules tively high levels of task completion (65%
of reinforcement are delivered in close in Experiment 1 and 75% in Experiment 2)
despite a 3-hour delay in access to the opportunity trials. Future studies should
Goodie box. Another factor in the gener- counterbalance or otherwise control for
ally high levels of compliance observed in such interference effects. Also, isolating the
the delayed reinforcement conditions may effect of function-altering stimuli may be
have been the retention of the immediate easiest to discern on the first or earliest tri-
deadline in the contingency statement (i.e., als of novel tasks. After several trials with
"now"). In future studies it might be a myriad of consequences delivered con-
worthwhile to more carefully evaluate the tingent on responding, it may be more dif-
role of deadlines in facilitating compliance ficult to demonstrate "pure" function-alter-
when consequences are delayed. Finally, it ing effects because the trials themselves
would be instructive to conduct future may come to exert direct stimulus control.
studies with more seriously noncompliant As Andronis (1991) suggests, perhaps
children to determine whether more strin- "rule-governance over the listener's behav-
gently defined noncompliant boys would ior....occurs only on the first instance of an
respond as "noncompliant" boys have in organism's exposure to a novel contin-
the present study. gency" (p.231). If this is so, new method-
Under conditions where reinforcers ologies may be necessary to isolate func-
were unavailable, compliant boys consis- tion-altering effects.
tently completed more tasks than noncom- In contrast to Mistr and Glenn (1992), the
pliant boys in Experiment 1. In Experiment present data would suggest that 4 and 5-
1, compliant boys outperformed their year-old boys are capable of consistent
noncompliant peers by a substantial mar- responding to verbal stimuli which have
gin (i.e., 60%). Though differences function-altering effects. In this case, we
approached 40% in Experiment 2, task may properly call these verbal stimuli
completion was down sharply for both "rules" because the statement - If you pick
groups of boys; two out of three compliant up the blocks, you may go to the Goodie
and all noncompliant boys completed no Box as soon as you are finished - seemed
tasks. Comparison of the no reinforcer and to endow the sight of the blocks with dis-
reinforcer available (e.g., immediate or criminative or "evocative" function which
delayed) conditions may thus prove varied systematically with the stated rein-
instructive for examining the effect of dis- forcement contingency. That is, the sight of
tinguishing between the evocative and the blocks became discriminative for either
function-altering effects of the rule state- picking up the blocks or performing some
ment. For both immediate and delayed other behavior, such as playing with them,
reinforcers, the effect of imposing a delay depending upon the contingency specified
between the rule statement and the oppor- in the rule (see Schlinger, 1993, p. 16, for a
tunity to respond was negligible; both non- detailed analysis). Direct observation also
compliant and compliant boys maintained suggested that upon sighting the blocks in
relatively high rates of task completion. It the reinforcement conditions of Experiment
is also possible that if the delay to rein- 2, the children rapidly approached and
forcement period was lengthened, the par- began to pick them up almost immedi-
ticipants would have come to respond ately. Finally, the performance of partici-
more differentially. pant S2 (i.e., 10 completions in 10 attempts
Two additional points might provide a combining all conditions) in Experiment 2
clearer picture of these relations in future suggests that the shaping of a generalized
investigations. First, the drop in compli- class of behavior, loosely termed "rule-fol-
ance observed in the no reinforcer compo- lowing," is possible among very young
nent of Experiment 2 [and also in Mistr boys.
and Glenn (1992)] could be due to As in many other studies of child behav-
sequence effects. That is, a large number of ior involving the repeated presentation of
trials with an immediate opportunity to tasks, significant limitations were placed
respond preceded the delayed response on the number of participants which may
limit the generality of the results. make global statements about the behavior
Additionally, though an effort was made of noncompliant or disruptive children in
to recruit participants who displayed non- classroom settings. That a compliance with
compliance in the classroom, the criteria a simple, but commonly occurring task in
for selection were not stringent. early preschool and grade school class-
Recruitment of more seriously noncompli- rooms (e.g., picking up toys) seems to be
ant (i.e., clinical samples) children would sensitive to prevailing reinforcement con-
be necessary before any conclusions can be tingencies suggests that compliance prob-
made about the aspects of verbal stimuli lems among preschoolers need to be care-
which appear relevant to the initiation, fully examined and analyzed before the
development, and maintenance of behav- child is labeled a conduct or behavior
ior problems among "behaviorally disor- problem. Early interventions based on
dered" youth. Nevertheless, the present reinforcing rule-following as an operant
results, tentative though they are, do class or establishing a correspondence
appear relevant to the more general child between nonverbal and verbal behavior
behavior analysis literature. may be especially promising in light of
Future behavior analytic research docu- these data.
menting the frequency and type of compli-
ance training (in terms of verbal behavior) REFERENCES
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