الكترونيات القدرة تجربة 1

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No Experiment : -1
2. Name Experience: - power electronic lap familiar with various
electronic instrument and equipment

3. Date Experiment: - 2023/10/ 2

4. The Purpose: - Identify laboratory equipment and its contents,

such as diodes of all types, resistors, capacitors, transistors, thyristors,
and measuring devices, in particular, amphometers, ammeters, etc.

5. Theoretical:-
It is the ability to prevent the flow of electric current through a given
material. Simply put, resistance resists the flow of electrical current and
converts part of the electrical energy into thermal energy. The common
unit of measurement for resistance is the ohm, symbolized by the
symbol "Ω".

Capacitance :The term "capacitance" in electricity refers to the ability of

an object or device to store electrical charge. Capacitance expresses the
amount of electrical charge that can be stored when an electrical
potential difference is applied between two conductors in an electrical
The common unit of measurement for capacitance is the farad,
symbolized by the symbol "F". The amplitude represents the ratio of
the stored electric charge (in coulombs) to the electrical potential
difference (in volts) between the two conductors

Coil :
The term "coil" refers to an element used to store magnetic energy. A
coil is a coil or coils of wire connected together, often made of
conductive materials such as copper.
The coil's main function is to store magnetic energy when an electric
current is passed through it, and then re-release this energy when the
current stops. Coils are used in a variety of electrical applications
Transformer :
It is a device used to convert electrical tension (voltage) from one value
to another value within an electrical circuit. A transformer usually
consists of two windings connected magnetically through a core of
magnetic material, and these windings are wound around the core. The
first roll is called the "input roll", and the second is called the "output
The main role of a transformer is to convert voltage and current from
one level to another with a specific conversion factor. In general, this
conversion can be of different types, such as increasing the voltage
(step-up transformer) or decreasing the voltage (step-down

A diode is an electronic device used in electricity and electronics to
allow electrical current to flow in only one direction. It is one of the
simplest and most important electronic components. A diode has two
rods or terminals, one of which is called the anode, and the other is
called the cathode.

The basic function of a diode is to prevent electrical current from

flowing in one direction (the direction from the cathodic electrode to
the anodic electrode), while at the same time allowing current to flow
in the other direction easily. Diodes are commonly used in electronic
circuits for various purposes such as voltage conversion, current
regulation, radio signal capture, reverse current protection, and others.
Zener diode:
Zener diode is a type of semiconductor diode, but it is used to achieve
precise voltage regulation. A Zener diode is used when there is a need
to maintain a specific voltage across a circuit regardless of changes in
electrical current.
The advantage of the Zener diode is that when it is connected in the
reverse direction (i.e. the anodic electrode to the negative side of the
circuit and the cathodic electrode to the positive side), it is
distinguished by the fact that it remains a small conductor When the
electrical voltage across it reaches a certain value known as the zener
voltage or breakdown voltage. (Breakdown Voltage). Once this voltage
is exceeded, the zener current increases dramatically while maintaining
the voltage across the diode.
Thyristor is a type of semiconductor electronic device mainly used to
control electrical current. A thyristor is an electronic switch that can be
controlled by a gate voltage. Once activated, the thyristor can pass
electrical current through it and continue to conduct until the current
supply is cut off or reverse voltage is applied to it.

A transistor is a semiconductor electronic device used to amplify and
control electronic signals. The transistor is one of the most important
electronic devices in the modern world and is considered one of the
foundations of digital technology and modern electronics.

function generator

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