Shariah-Compliant Fund Management

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IdealRatings ®

Shariah-Compliant Fund Management

Dr. Shehab Marzban

Head of Research and Product Development

Durham Islamic Finance Autumn School

September 20th 2011, Istanbul


• About IdealRatings
• Industry Overview
• Establishing a Successful Islamic Fund
• Shariah Screening Impact on Alpha Generation
• Purification Impact on Alpha Generation

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IdealRatings Overview

• Service: Shariah Compliant Fund Management Service

• Locations:
o San Francisco - HQ
o Egypt – Research & Support

• Team:
o Multidisciplinary and multilingual research team

• Service
o Fund Management Service
o Index Feed / Deliveries
o Brokerage Feed

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Backed-up by Research and Practice

• IdealRatings recent Research activities at / with

o Harvard University
• Shariah-compliant Alpha Generation

o Durham University
• Vulnerability of Shariah Investments

o Thomson Reuters
• Shariah Screening Trends and Impact on GCC Performance
• Halal Food Industry

o University of Cologne
• Shariah Screening Methodologies and Purification

o Internal Research Lab

• New strategies
• Correlation analysis

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Industry Overview

Shariah Compliant Funds Shariah Compliant Funds AUM’s

Growing Trends By Managers Location (Region)

40000   800   2.70%   2.50%   0.30%  

35000   586   700   8.70%  

30000   471   600   GCC  
25000   414   500   Asia  
20000   307   400  
North  America  
15000   300  
Africa  Ex.  MENA  
10000   200   30.20%   55.70%  
5000   100   Europe  

0   0   MENA  Ex.  GCC  

2006   2007   2008   2009   2010  

AUM  (Mn,  US$)   N°  Funds  

Source: Lipper, Sep 2010

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Industry Overview

Shariah Compliant Funds AUM’s

By Managers Location (Country) 586 Islamic funds
domiciled in 31 countries

8.70%   Saudi  Arabia   $37bn of assets


52.10%   USA   Saudi Arabia – Largest market

25% market Share # of funds
52% market Share AUMs

Malaysia - 2nd largest market

34% market share # of funds
28% market share AUMs

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• About IdealRatings
• Industry Overview
• Establishing a Successful Islamic Fund
• Shariah Screening Impact on Alpha Generation
• Purification Impact on Alpha Generation

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General Shariah Requirements
• Characteristics of an investment permissible
to Islamic investors include
o being socially responsible
o avoiding interest
o avoiding gharar and maysir (high uncertainty,
speculative activities)
o avoiding prohibited industries and business

èLimitation in asset classes (no conventional

derivatives or interest-based products such as
è Is alpha generation possible compared
to conventional funds?
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Islamic Portfolio Management
Investment Policy Analysis
§ Requirement analysis
§ Investment Strategy selection
§ Benchmark selection

Islamic Considerations Portfolio Construction

§ Defining Shariah Ruling Source
§ Defining Screening Provider Performance Analysis
Conventional And Portfolio Revision
§ Defining Islamic Benchmark
§ Portfolio Optimization / Strategy
§Return / Risk Conventional
§Constraints § Performance measurement
§ Portfolio Implementation § Feasibility compliance

Financial Analysis Islamic Considerations Islamic Considerations

§ Shariah-compliance checking § Purification reporting
§ Considering Purification losses § Zakah Reporting
Conventional § Compliance reporting
§ Asset universe definition § Consider Compliance Trend
§ Violation reporting
§ Quantitative measures for risk
and return

Islamic Considerations
§ Shariah-compliance procedures
§ Quantification of Purification
§ Compliance Trend

Planning Implementation Controlling
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Best Practices in Islamic Funds

Islamic Fund Management

Fund Setup
- Define Shariah Guidelines
- Define Purification Requirements
- Select appropriate screening provider

Ongoing Operations
Shariah - Ad-hoc compliance checks
- Time violation checks

Periodic Monitoring / Review

- Compliance Reporting
- Purification Reporting
- Zakah Calculation
- Adjusting Shariah mandates over time

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Best Practices in Islamic Funds

Islamic Fund Management

Fund Setup
- Analyze Shariah Guidelines and Impact
on Performance
- Sector and Regional Coverage

Ongoing Operations
- Quantify Purification before Investment
Fund Manager - Compliance Trend Analysis

Periodic Monitoring / Review

- Discussing Shariah Mandate
- Benchmark analysis to other funds

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Simple Fund Form

Shariah  Board   Investors  

Mudaraba  /   Supervision   Redeemable  

Wakala   Shares  

Limited  Liability  

(Investment  PorVolio)  

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Complex Fund Form

Fund of Funds Setup

Shariah Compliance
Shariah Board
Shariah Compliance Fund Fund  of  Fund,  Ac3vely    
Management Managed  Fund,  White  Label  
External  Fund     Managers     Shariah Compliance Lists
(Global,  US  Small  Cap,  Emerging  Market…  
  and Monitors

Fund Administrators
Universe Management Guideline Monitor   Custodian Purification Calculation

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Establish a Successful Islamic Fund

• Choices of Fund Managers

o Shariah Board Appointment and Mandate

o Use of Index
o Fund Exposure
o Information & Tools

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Establish a Successful Islamic Fund

• Success Levels in Shariah-compliant Funds

o Funds with tremendous AUM growth
o Funds that lost AUM or stayed at seed capital

• Priorities for a Shariah-compliant Investor

o Returns compared to conventional funds
o Tight compliance
o Purification and Zakah

• Products Definition
o Shariah Mandate
o Shariah-compliant Asset Allocation

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Choices of Fund Managers

• Shariah Board Appointment and Mandate

o Joint innovation in maximizing asset universe

• Use of Index
o Limited Asset Universe
o Different than Funds Shariah Mandate

• Fund Exposure
o Regional versus Global (Region and Sector exposure)
o Small versus Large Market Capitalization

• Information & Tools

o Compliance Trend Analysis
o Benchmarking against indexes and other products
o Timely purification calculation
o Supporting Zakah calculation
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Shariah Mandate

Business  To  Avoid:  

Interest  Income  -­‐  Non-­‐Opera\ng  -­‐  Conv.,  Adult  Entertainment,  Alcohol,  Cinema,  
Conven\onal  interest  based  banking,  Defense,  Gambling,  Hotels,  Insurance,  Music,  
Pork,  Tobacco)  /  Revenue  -­‐  Total  )  less  than  5%  
Cash  and  Short  Term  Inv.  /  12  Months  Market  Cap  less  than  30%    
Debt  -­‐  Conv.  /  12  Months  Market  Cap  less  than  30%  
Cash,  Cash  Equivalents  and  Receivables  /  Total  Assets  less  than  67%  
Purifica3on  Name:  Dividend  only  Purifica\on  
Black  List:  Company  Y  
Liquida3on  Window:  X  Days  

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Purification Requirements
-­‐ Type  of  Purifica3on  
-­‐ Dividend  Purifica3on  of  Non-­‐permissible  Income  
-­‐ Dividend  Purifica3on  of  Non-­‐permissible  Income  and  Capital  Structure  
-­‐ Investment  Purifica3on  

• Huge Impact on returns based on purification rule used!

• Complexity to calculate due to dynamics of compliance

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Zakah Requirements
-­‐ Factors  affec3ng  Zakah  
-­‐ Inten3on  of  investment  (Neyah)  
-­‐ Issuing  company  paying  Zakah  or  not  
-­‐ Zakatable  assets  of  the  issuing  company  
-­‐ Different  approaches  

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Shariah Screening

• Shariah Screening Overview

• Sector Screens
• Financial Screens
• Norms in the Industry
• Problems with Shariah Screening
• Performance

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Shariah Screening Overview

• Lack of standard for Shariah compliance rules

o No governing authority for world wide Muslims similar to the
Catholic Church

o Complexity to derive quantifiable rules from the Shariah


o Existence of different Islamic schools of thought

o Complexity of modern capital markets and investment


o Shariah research has been industry-driven rather than

from academia and research
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Shariah Screening Overview

• Shariah compliance is defined through using a set


o Sector / Qualitative Screens

o Financial / Quantitative Screens

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Sector Screens

• Non-Shariah-compliant investments include

activities related for instance to

o Conventional banking
o Alcohol
o Pork
o Casinos
o Pornography
o And others

• Since these activities are clearly stated in Shariah,

just minor differences are found in practice
o Music, Cinema, Stem Cells, Defense…

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Sector Screens

• Two different approaches with respect to sector

screens are used

o Companies in doubtful sectors and companies with

any involvement in non-compliant activities are
è Using Industry Classification Codes (ICB, GICS…)

o Companies with revenue from non-permissible

activities larger than a specific percentage are
excluded (5% for instance)

Any comments?

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Sector Screens

• What are the advantages of automated


• What is the impact of automated sector

screening on

o the size of the asset universe,

o the portfolio performance,

o and the compliance credibility?

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Financial Screens - Types

• Liquidity Level
• In Islam liquid assets can only be traded at par
• Value of company only negotiable if it has illiquid
• Any return should be based on the assets of the
company and not on cash and account receivables

è Assets should be “productive”

• Example of a screen:
The sum of accounts receivables, cash and short-term
investments may not represent more than 50% of the
total assets of a company

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Financial Screens - Types

• Leverage Level
• Since not only receiving interest is forbidden but also
its payment, the level of interest payment for debt is
also measured

• Examples of a screen:
The proportion of total debt to total assets of a company
may not exceed 33%
The proportion of total debt to 12 month trailing market
cap of a company may not exceed 33%

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Financial Screens - Types

• Non-Permissible Revenue Level

• Shariah scholars defined thresholds to which extent
income from non-permissible activities is acceptable
• This is similar to the sector screens that limit the non-
permissible revenue element

• Example of a screen:
Revenue from any Shariah non-compliant activity has
to be less than 5% of the total revenue generated by
a company

• Is there any other non-compliant element?

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Norms in the Industry

Dow Jones Islamic

Accounts Receivables / 24M Avg. Market Cap < 33.00%
(Cash and Interest Bearing Securities) / 24M Avg. Market Cap < 33.00%
Total Debt / 24M Avg. Market Cap < 33.00%
List of ICB codes which are non-compliant

MSCI Islamic
Accounts Receivables / Total Assets < 33.00%
(Cash and Interest Bearing Securities) / Total Assets < 33.33%
Total Debt / Total Assets < 33.33%
Non-Permissible Revenue / Gross Profit < 5.00%

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Norms in the Industry

S&P Shariah
Accounts Receivables / 36M Avg. Market Cap < 49.00%
(Cash and Interest Bearing Securities) / 36M Avg. Market Cap < 33.00%
Total Debt / 36M Avg. Market Cap < 33.00%
Non-Permissible Income / Total Revenue < 5.00%

Al Rajhi
Non-Permissible Income / Total Income < 5.00%
Conv. Debt / MAX (Assets, 12M Avg. Market Cap) < 30.00%

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Norms in the Industry

HSBC Amanah
(Accounts Receivables, Cash and Interest Bearing Securities) / < 50.00%
Total Assets
Total Debt / Total Assets < 30.00%
Interest Income / Total Revenue < 5.00%

Malaysian SEC
Clearly prohibited activities < 5.00%
Unavoidable activities (bank accounts, short-term < 10.00%
Companies with public interest / economy < 25.00%

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Norms in the Industry - Empirical

• Based on top 5000 global companies using the AAOIFI

mandate with different divisor:

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Norms in the Industry - Empirical

• Based on top 5000 global companies using the AAOIFI

mandate with different divisor:

Example SABIC:
Using total assets the company’s debt ratio is at 28% a clear pass based on
the 30% debt ratio threshold. Whereas the same company if 12 month
average market capitalization is used would have a debt ratio of 31%
which slightly exceeds the threshold and Fails.

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Saudi Basic Industries Corporation

• SABIC Compliance Over Time

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Analysis of Shariah Mandates - US

• Total assets might be a more stable figure but

market cap provides larger exposure and
Debt  Ra3o  of  AT&T  in  2008-­‐2009  

Debt  Ra3o  

Total  Assets  
20%   36-­‐month  


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Problems with Shariah Screening
• Screening is mostly done wrong

• Shariah Mandate Documentation

• Purification Requirements not clearly defined

Therefore our methodology is:

Islamic Equity Rating is about identifying detailed and

relevant information which would enable us to screen
and purify companies accurately according to the
actual and intended requirements defined by the
governing Shariah boards.
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• About IdealRatings
• Industry Overview
• Establishing a Successful Islamic Fund
• Shariah Screening Impact on Alpha Generation
• Purification Impact on Alpha Generation

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Purification – Definition & Reasoning

• After the selection of a final Shariah-compliant asset

universe, there are still Shariah-specific issues to be
èPermissibility of interest or non-permissible income
was relaxed by Shariah scholars but the return is not
completely Shariah-compliant

• Purification is applied to impure returns from any non-

permissible elements

• Amounts to be purified are to be donated without achieving

any gains in terms of tax relieves

• Either donation is done through the Islamic trust fund or

investors are notified about amounts they have to donate
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IdealRatings ®

Thank You

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