Preposition of Place

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Grammar 2nd Primary – Term 2/ 2014

Prepositions of Place: at, in, on

 Notice the use of the prepositions of place at, in and on in these standard

At In On
at home in a car on a bus
at work in a taxi on a train
at school in the sky on a plane
at the top in a boat on a ship
at the bottom in a lift (elevator on a bicycle
at the side in the newspaper on a motorbike
in Oxford Street on a horse
on an elephant
on the radio
On television

on the left
on the right

on the way

1) Write the missing preposition of time (at – in – on):

1. I have a meeting _____ 9 am.
2. The shop closes ____ midnight.
3. Jane went home _____ noon.
4. Do you work ______ Mondays?
5. Her birthday is _____ 20th November.
2) Write the missing preposition of place (at – on – in ):

RosinaRobert 0122-036-1065
1) Jane is waiting for you _____ the bus stop.
2) The shop is _____ the end of the street.
3) My plane stopped _____ Dubai.
4) I have a meeting _____ New York.
5) Do you live _____ Japan?
6) The student’s name is _____ the cover of the book.
7) You are standing _____ my foot.
8) There was a nice picture on the wall.
9) I live _____ 21 Oxford Street in London.

3- Look, ask and answer:

RosinaRobert 0122-036-1065
1. Where’s the picture?
1. Where’s the carpet?
2. Where’s the lamp?
3. Where’s the teddy bear?

Choose the correct answer:

1)The playground is (opposite – next to – between) the library and the school.
2)The supermarket is opposite to the (school – hotel – park).
3)The cinema is (between – next to - opposite) to the bus station.
4)Go along the street and turn left into the street you will find (station –
restaurant – park)
5)(Go along – left – right) this street, there is a park.
6)There is a cinema (next – opposite – between) the shops and the restaurant.
7)The station is (next to – between – opposite to) the cinema.
8)There are two (shops – restaurants – cinemas) in this street.

 In - on – under – in front of – behind – next to – near – between

 We use (where) to ask about place.

RosinaRobert 0122-036-1065
e.g. – Where is the cat?
It’s under the chair.
_ Where are the children?
They are at school.
1. The cat is (on – in – under) the table.
The food is (in – on – under) the table.
2. The crayons are (in – on – under) the box.

3. (Where is – Whose – Where are) the giraffe?

It’s ( in front of – behind – next to) the lion and the elephant.
4. The cat is (behind – between – in front of) letter C.
5. (Where are – Where – Where’s) Dora?
Dora is (next to – behind – in front of) Mozo.

6. (Where’s – Whose – Where are) the queen?

She’s ( in front of – behind – on) letter Q.

7. (Where is – Where are – Where) are the trees?

They are (between – in front of – behind) the rabbit.

8. The cat is (on- near – behind ) the owl.

9. Mickey is (in front of – behind – next to) Minnie.

RosinaRobert 0122-036-1065

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