U 7 Assignment B28

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Assignment Brief

Student Name/ID Number

Unit Number and Title Unit 7: Software Development Lifecycles
Academic Year 2024
Unit Tutor/Assessor Daw Poe Ei Zar
Assignment Title Student Enrolment System
Issue Date
Submission Date
IV Name & Date U Ye Naing/

Submission Format

The submission should be in Microsoft Word file and Microsoft PowerPoint file. Word file must
 A4 size with 1inch left, top, right, bottom margins
 Font must be Trebuchet MS
 Font size 22 in bold style for heading 1
 Font size 18 in bold style for heading 2
 Font size 16 in bold style for heading 3
 Font size 14 in bold style for heading 4
 Font size normal 12
 Line spacing must be single line
 Page number is essential requirement
 References should be in Harvard format

Part I:
The recommended word limit is 1500 - 2000 words, although you will not be penalized for
exceeding the total word limit.
Part II:
The recommended word limit is 1500 - 2000 words, although you will not be penalized for
exceeding the total word limit.
Part III:
The recommended word limit is 2500 - 3000 words, although you will not be penalized for
exceeding the total word limit.
Part IV:
The recommended word limit is 1500 - 2000 words, although you will not be penalized for
exceeding the total word limit.

On submission, the assignment file must be check for plagiarism and plagiarism report must
be submitted together with the assignment paper.

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Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Describe different software development lifecycles

LO2 Explain the importance of a feasibility study
LO3 Undertake a software development lifecycle
LO4 Discuss the suitability of software behavioural design techniques.

Transferable skills and competencies developed

After completion of this assignment, learners will be able to:

- Understand different software development lifecycles (SDLC) models
- Important of feasibility study for software development
- Gathering business requirement with various techniques.
- Assessing software quality with various testing approach.

Vocational scenario

You work as a junior system analyst (SA) in a Hill House software company. Your company need
to develop a Student Enrolment System for iNet. It is an IT College and specializes only the IT. It
is located in Mandalay, Myanmar. In iNet College, student can attend the short-term courses and
long-term courses (Degree & Diploma). In the short-term courses, students can join the
Applications, Programming, System & Networking subjects. In the Degree & Diploma, students
can join the Cyber Security or Software Engineering. Students are registered for a course. Staffs
who work in the student service department do the registration for new students. Now iNet would
like to develop a new information system. The new system will consist of a new software platform
that should be deployed on an upgraded infrastructure.
Hill House’s manager assign you to design and develop a Student Enrolment System. You need
to identify the appropriate software development methodology. You have also asked to carry out
a basic investigation into the project to determine the scope, requirements, constraints and to
identify the system process. And you are also required to generate some simple software design.
The director of iNet College has provided you with the list of some requirements for the Student
Enrolment System. The requirements are as follows:
The system should allow the student to check all courses and select the subjects.
The system should allow the student to do the registration for a course.
The system should allow the student to pay the fees.
The system should allow the student service department to do the registration for new students.
The system should allow the course enrolment manager to manage the courses information.
The system should allow the finance manager to check the payment fees.

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Here is a student record example:

Student ID: 128

Student Name: Ei Thinzar
Address: 30 street, Between 70 * 71, Mandalay, Myanmar
Telephone: 959345623543
DOB: 01-JAN-1998
Course Course Name Subject Paid?
234 Short-term Applications - Graphic Design with Photoshop Y
235 Degree & Software - Programming
Diploma Engineering - Networking
- Professional Practice
- Database Design and Development Y
- Security
- Planning a Computing Project
- Software Development Lifecycles
The system’s functions should be designed clearly and user-friendly.
The system should respond to the user quickly.
The system should be able to prevent unauthorized persons.
The system should be maintained after its successful development.

Assignment activity and guidance

You are required to fulfil the following tasks.

Part I (P1, P2, M1, D1)
Write a report that reviews the different software development lifecycles models. Your
report should include the following.
- Describe the overview of different types of lifecycle models for the Student
Enrolment System. Your overview should include two iterative models and two
sequential models.
- Consider the different types of risk for this project and explain the how to manage
the risk in SDLC models.
- Discuss the appropriate SDLC model for your proposed system with the benefits
and drawbacks of your chosen model.
- Assess the merits of using waterfall lifecycle model to a large software
development project.
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Part II (P3, P4, M2, D2)

Write a report the important of a feasibility study. In your report should include the
- Explain the purpose of feasibility study for this project.
- Describe how technical solutions can be compared.
- Discuss the key components of feasibility report and how it helps assess the
viability and success of Student Enrolment System.
- Assess the impact of different feasibility study with the specific feasibility criteria
on a software investigation.
Part III (P5, P6, M3, M4, D3)
- Undertake a software investigation to meet a business need by using the
appropriate the techniques such as interview techniques, documentation reviews
and user stories. In your report should include project scope, including inputs,
outputs, process description and specific constraints.
- Use appropriate software analysis tools or techniques including data stores and
entities, data flows and entity relationship diagram (ERD) to carry out a software
investigation and create supporting documentation.
- Analyse how software requirements can be traced throughout the software
lifecycle. It includes business system operation, technical system operation.
- Discuss two approaches to improve the software quality within a software lifecycle
that considers quality considerations.
- Evaluate the process of undertaking a systems investigation with regard to its
effectiveness in improving a software quality.
Part IV (P7, M5, M6, D4)
- Discuss the suitability of software behavioural design techniques for student
enrolment system.
- Analyse the software behavioural tools and techniques that you chose for the
- Differentiate between a finite state machine (FSM), and an extended FSM providing
an application of use for both.
- Present justifications of how data-driven software can improve the reliability and
effectiveness of software. Understand the characteristics of software architecture
that impact on software testing in the development lifecycle.
Recommended Resources

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Please note that the resources listed are examples for you to use as a starting point in your
research – the list is not definitive.
1. Tilley, S., July 19, 2019. Systems Analysis and Design. 12 ed. s.l.:Cengage Learning
2. Jospeh S. Valacich, Joey F. George, 2017, Modern Systems Analysis and Design. 8th Edition
Pearson Education Limited.

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Describe different software development lifecycles

P1 Describe two iterative and M1 Discuss using an example,

two sequential software why a particular lifecycle model D1 Assess the merits of
lifecycle models. is selected for a development applying the Waterfall lifecycle
environment. model to a large software
P2 Explain how risk is development project.
managed in software lifecycle

LO2 Explain the importance of a feasibility study

P3 Explain the purpose of a M2 Discuss the components of

D2 Assess the impact of
feasibility report. a feasibility report.
different feasibility criteria on a
P4 Describe how technical
software investigation.
solutions can be compared.

LO3 Undertake a software development lifecycle

M3 Analyse how software D3 Evaluate the process of

P5 Undertake a software requirements can be traced undertaking a systems
investigation to meet a throughout the software investigation with regard to its
business need. lifecycle. effectiveness in improving a
software quality.
M4 Discuss two approaches to
P6 Use appropriate software improving software quality.
analysis tools/techniques to
carry out a software
investigation and create
supporting documentation.

LO4 Discuss the suitability of software behavioral design techniques.

M5 Analyse a range of D4 Present justifications of

P7 Discuss, using examples,
software behavioral tools and how data-driven software can
the suitability of software
techniques. improve the reliability and
behavioral design techniques.
effectiveness of software.

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M6 Differentiate between a
finite state machine (FSM) and
an extended FSM, providing an
application of use for both.

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