Avery Jeakins - Our Town Act 2 Questions

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Our Town

Act Two Study Guide

Three years have passed. As you read, notice similarities and differences between the first two acts.
Check your first impressions of George and Emily against what Act Two adds to your knowledge of

1. Do couples “marry young” or “marry old” in Grover’s Corners? At what approximate age do they
marry? Find one sentence to support your answer. marry young they marry in there 19 and 20s

2. In Si Crowell’s eyes, what is regrettable about the upcoming wedding of George Gibbs and Emily
Webb? they are still both vary yung

3. As Dr. and Mrs. Gibbs discuss George and Emily’s upcoming marriage, Dr. Gibbs reminisces about his
own wedding day. What does he recall? he was yung and scared he woud make a mistake

4. Why do you think Mrs. Gibbs makes such an issue of George going out into the rain without his
overshoes? if he gt sick he might get hurt more because medicine wasent that big back then

5. What lesson does Mr. Webb want George to learn? never ask advice about personal problems
Pay close attention to those moments when Emily and George speak to one another without hiding
their thoughts or feelings.

6. What reason does the Stage Manager give for including the scene in which Emily and George first
realize “they were meant for one another”? how big things like falling in love begian

7. What elements of being young and in love does the Stage Manager urge the audience to remember?

When you were like sleepwalking and you didn't see the street you were in or hear everything
that was said to you

8. What reason does Emily give for being mad at George?

he has changed over the years and she dident like it and spending all the time in base ball

9. Why do you think Emily is really mad at George?for not talking to her

10. What response does George make to Emily’s criticism?

takes the advice and thanks her for telling him

11. What decision does George make about going to State Agriculture College and why?

not to go he knows all he needs to know allredy

12. The Stage Manager comments that “…even at a good wedding there’s a lot of confusion way down
deep in people’s minds…” Who do you think will feel confused in the scene to come and about what?

emely because she is so yung

13. What is George’s reaction to the taunting of the baseball players?

gets upset and dosent want to get aries yet

14. What is Emily’s initial reaction when she comes on stage in her bridal gown?

dosent want to get married and and she hates gorege

Thinking about Act Two

15. What do you think George and Emily’s marriage will be like? Why? calm and everyone will get along
and make it work out

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