Sustainable Development

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World

Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Towards a Sustainable World: Materials: Activity Sheets

Sustainable Development

Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be References:

able to:
1. describe the concept of a sustainable world;
2. explain the benefits of sustainable development.


Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. What did you remember from our last topic? What did we discuss
then? Well, we were able to discuss the economic system. How important for a country to have an economic
system to take care of the distribution of goods and services. Are you ready for our new lesson today? Today’s
lesson is about Towards a Sustainable World Sustainable Development. What are the things we need to do to
help sustain the needs of a country to compete globally? Just listen, read, and pay attention. After this class,
you will gain more understanding of the topic. Before we proceed to our topic today, please answer the pretest
given below to check your prior knowledge of our lesson today.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Lesson Review
Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose your answer from the pool of words below, then write
the correct answer in the space provided.

Economic Traditional
Command Economy Market Economy Mixed Economy
System Economy

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

Traditional Economy It involves very little division of labor (in other words, individuals specializing in
producing specific goods) and very little in the way of economic governance.
Economic System It is a way of organizing the distribution and exchange of a country’s goods,
resources, and services.
Command Economy A more advanced, it involves planning from a centralized point, either a local
government or indeed the national government, as under communist rule.
Market Economy It is a system where the laws of supply and demand direct the production of
goods and services.
Mixed Econom It is a system that combines aspects of both market and command.
Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


I think you are now ready to start with our lesson today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Anyone here who lives in a mansion? Or living in style and always dining out? Why do we need to turn off
the lights when not in use? Why are some people so conscious of their energy consumption/expenditures? Did
you waste your food often? Do you have a vegetable garden in your backyard? How long do you take a bath,
and how many gallons of water you wasted? Did you put your garbage in bins, or did you throw it anywhere?
Did you know that the Earth we live in is breaking before our eyes? Why? It is because people were careless and
do everything to pollute the environment. Here we go. Our topic for today is about a Sustainable world:
Sustainable Development. Are you ready? Let’s start now,

A sustainable world is the outcome of the different development strategies and program
implementation that will keep the world in existence over a long time.

Significant factors, such as human population size, biosphere robustness, resource stock, food supply,
and environmental quality, must remain in balance globally. This state of the balance must last long
enough so that it will not be merely a blip on the curve of unsustainable growth. Even though we might
not attain that balance, we must move in that direction if humanity and the ecosystem survive.

Sustainability is living to minimize humans' negative impact on the earth and the animals and plants we

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

share it with. Making sustainable choices is a means to preserve the world and tackle climate change for
future generations to come.

Because the Earth is a closed system, a sustainable world is not compatible with extreme extravagance
and expenditures of natural resources. Activities that promote polluting the land, water and air in

Sustainable development, in the dictionary, is economic development that is conducted without

depletion of natural resources. However, it applies to and can be incorporated into everything we do. Its
application spans from growing food, sourcing product materials, operating a business to building
societal infrastructure and how we live individually and as a society.

What is sustainable development according to some experts?

1. Carey Kennedy, Landscape Architect, organic gardener/farmer (1996-present) September 14,

“Sustainable world is one where the inputs and outputs balance. Right now, we generate millions of tons
of waste that pollute our environment. We need ways where all outputs are recycled back into the
system, becoming beneficial. It's a world where toxic outputs can be dealt with in a way where they aren't
harmful to anything or anyone."

2. Shashikant Nishant Sharma, Expert of Urban and Regional Planning. September 30, 2018
"Sustainable development means using the natural resource for developmental processes and
conserving it for future generations. It has two objectives:
(1) Resource planning should be done for the judicious use of the resource.
(2) Harm to the environment should be least.”

3. (UN Brundtland Commission). “Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs
of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Example: Environmental sustainability is the rate of renewable resource harvest, pollution creation, and
non-renewable resource depletion that can be continued indefinitely. We're consuming more natural
resources than nature itself can reproduce, some of which are non-renewable. We are also causing
irreparable damage to our environment due to our high level of consumption.

Facts to think about:

• On average, each person produces about 4.3 pounds of garbage each day
• Garbage could take up to 100-400 years to decompose, primarily if you used disposable things.
• 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year globally, with only about 10% of that being

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

• 16 billion pounds of waste are dumped into oceans each year
• 35 billion barrels of oil are burned worldwide each year (2016 statistic)
• Waste can cause land, air, and water pollution, produce harmful gases, and cause respiratory
problems in people around the world, and it's a threat to public health.
• Forest is the lungs of the earth, it gives oxygen to make the air breathable, but illegal logging is on.
• While the United States makes up 5% of the world's population, it uses 25% of its resources. Note
that economic development in isolation of social and ecological development has not increased
the quality of life of US citizens in the last 45 years.

Here are some top areas you will want to familiarize yourself with and ponder what you can do to make a

1. Climate change - contributes to global warming. Summers get so hot, and it kills people of
heatstroke. With this, planting trees and vegetable lessen the heat.
2. Energy consumption - curve our energy consumption and find better ways to create energy
(solar, wind, water, etc. ). Air conditioners should be used moderately and wisely.

3. Sustainable sourcing - sourcing local and buy local helps the farmers to plant and grow more.
4. Waste production must be kept to a minimal environmental footprint - focus on recycling
versus constant trips to a local landfill. Reduce consumption, Reuse products, and recycle things.

Green Living Tips -It's difficult for people to change their lifestyle completely, but here are some
effortless "green living" tips you can incorporate into your every day that you won't notice, but the
environment will.

1. Reduce energy consumption by turning off lights and electronics when not in use. Install high-
efficiency LED Light bulbs. Wash clothes in cold water. Use a drying rack to dry your clothes.
Insulate your home to increase your home's heating and cooling efficiency—downsized
2. Purchase reusable water bottles, Buy a water filter, and don't drink bottled water. This will cut
down dramatically on plastic waste.
3. Save water by taking shorter showers, use faucet aerators, install high-efficiency toilets, washing
machines, and dishwashers.
4. Make your cleaning supplies with non-toxic items. Baking soda, vinegar, and lemon are among
popular ingredients that can be used to clean countertops to toilet bowls, to your washing
5. Buy reused items if possible and refurbish older items such as furniture, clothing, and
6. Eat less meat and buy locally made products.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

7. Walk, bike, or take public transit to work to reduce your fuel costs and impact on the
8. Donate used items you don’t need to local non-profits.
9. Recycle as much as possible. Local municipalities have recycling programs to support the reuse
of plastic, paper, appliances, and more. Contact your local government or go online to learn about
the recycling options in your area.

Ways to Achieve Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development is an increase in quality of life within a community between two points in time,
using the skills of the population and the ecological services from the landmass it manages in a manner
that can be maintained in perpetuity. It is accomplished through a combination of :
1. Technological Development is the creation or enhancement of systems of infrastructure with an
expectation of an increase in the efficiency that people can use their time to convert resources
into the means to meet their wants and needs, such that it will increase the quality of life of a
community and,
2. Human Development is the identification and removal of the obstructions within the self, family,
or community that prevent people from being able to meet their needs, and by so doing, increase
the freedoms, choices, and capabilities of the population.

Advantages can be achieved in the long run.

1. It allows the next generation of people to have access to a better quality of life for the community.
2. It makes life meaningful and worth living for us. Imagine if we can reduce the number of
greenhouse gases in the air, this will lessen the effect on the ozone layer and the resulting climatic
disasters. Maybe then we will have to face less heat globally.
3. With sustainable development, we can feed a hungry world and sustain and save quality aquatic
floral and fauna life.
4. Sustainable development also teaches us to be responsible. Don't throw plastics in the ocean,
don't burn openly, don't throw wastes in drainages, don't waste food. All this means we're taking
charge of our lives. And in the end, it is all to our benefit.
5. Sustainable development also helps us cut down costs and reduce waste. You don't buy what you
don't need. You don't order for an amount of food you can't exhaust.

Disadvantages are in the concise term - one has to pay for the investment in whatever before the
returns start coming in. It may take years for the investment to have paid itself off in full.

1. The satisfaction of human needs and aspirations in the major objective of development. The
essential needs of many people in developing countries for food, clothing, shelter, jobs - are not
being met. Beyond their basic needs, these people have legitimate aspirations for an improved

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

quality of life.
2. A world in which poverty and inequity are endemic will always be prone to ecological and other
crises. Sustainable development requires meeting the basic needs of all and extending to all the
opportunity to satisfy their aspirations for a better life.

3. Living standards that go beyond the basic minimum are sustainable only if consumption
standards everywhere regard long-term sustainability. Yet many of us live beyond the world's
ecological means, for instance, in our energy use patterns.

4. Perceived needs are socially and culturally determined, and sustainable development requires the
promotion of values that encourage consumption standards within the bounds of the ecological
possible and to which all can reasonably aspire.

5. Meeting essential needs depends in part on achieving full growth potential. High levels of
productive activity and widespread poverty can coexist and can endanger the environment.
Hence, sustainable development requires that societies meet human needs by increasing
productive potential and ensuring equitable opportunities for all.

Current Trend for Sustainable living:

Minimalist Lifestyle. Today, many people have realized living in a big house is so expensive in space and
energy requirements. The solution they found is downsizing everything except for the essentials. Living
with the bare minimum is now the trend to prevent mortgages and enormous taxes for real properties.
They were saving more money for needs and the future. Aside from the peace of mind that no huge bills
are coming to every end of the month, make life more sustainable in the long run. What are three
reasons people choose to buy a tiny house? Here are five of the best reasons to buy a tiny house!

1. Get all the charm of a full-sized home In a fraction of the space of a home and garden.
2. You can buy a tiny house for less than the cost of a whole house, more savings.
3. You'll save on energy costs because the space is so cute and does not require much energy. It is
sometimes built off the grid or sustained by solar panels.
4. A minimalist lifestyle is mentally beneficial because you save yourself from stress coming with
5. Tiny homes are customizable depending on style and how many members of the family.
6. It can be built on wheels saving more money for trips and hotel accommodations for people who
go places for their work.

Sources: Living Big In A Tiny House

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises
will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Directions: Based on the text you read above, give your definitions of the following terms below.

Sustainability - focuses Sustainable

Trends (downsizing except for
on meeting the needs of development - essentials/minimalist lifestyle),
the present without development that meets Advantages (The development
compromising the ability the needs of the present of
without an economy in a way that
of future generations to doesn't deplete natural
meet their needs—the compromising the ability
resources), and Disadvantages
ability to be sustained, of future generations to
(it is normally
supported, upheld, or meet their own needs. It more costly to create goods and
confirmed is a way of services in an environmentally
organizing society so safe way than in a non
that it can exist in the sustainable and harmful
long term. manner)

Exercise 2: How can you make a difference, in making this world sustainable for the next generation?




Since you are done with this, you may now proceed to the next activity.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

Exercise 3: Let’s do it again. Please read the statement, and answer it with True or False

_____1. A sustainable world is the outcome of the different programs that will keep the world in existence
over a
long time.
_____2. Sustainable development is economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural
_____3. Sustainability is using natural resources for developmental processes and also conserving them
for the
future generation.
_____4. Downsizing means cutting expenses on energy, water, taxes, and unnecessary living spaces.
_____5. Tiny houses are the representation of minimalism, and living green downsized for sustainability.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. In the Philippines, do we have a sustainable development program?

Answer: Yes! The Philippines, like other countries in the world, has its sustainable development program
implemented and for implementation in different sectors of society like: for workers/laborers, quality
education, climate/environment, peace, justice, healthcare, and strong institutions, and reduction of inequality,
basic needs of the people and the society, etc.

Question 2. What are the challenges in the implementation of sustainable development?

Answer: Actually, the subject /reason for having sustainable development program of the country are also the
challenges met in the implementation of the program, and these are: poverty and exclusion, unemployment,
climate change, conflict, and humanitarian aid, building peaceful and inclusive societies, building strong
institutions of governance, and supporting the rule of law. The sustainable development program is being
created/made to address these problems and sustained its improvement and growth for a better

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker

What contributed to the

quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to it.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?


What important question remains unanswered?



Lesson Review:
1. Traditional Economy 3. Command Economy 5. Mixed Economy

2. Economic System 4. Market Economy

Exercise 1:
1. Sustainability - focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their needs—the ability to be sustained, supported, upheld, or

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

2. Sustainable development - development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is a way of
organizing society so that it can exist in the long term.
3. Trends (downsizing except for essentials/minimalist lifestyle), Advantages (The development of
an economy in a way that doesn't deplete natural resources), and Disadvantages (it is normally
more costly to create goods and services in an environmentally safe way than in a non-
sustainable and harmful manner)

Exercise 2: See rubric for checking the answers for the essay questions.
Exercise 3: 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True
Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Question

comprehensive, but not complete. Key completely stated. incomplete. Key s are not
(50%) accurate, and points are stated but Key points are not points are lacking. It answere
complete. Key ideas not supported. addressed and not does not incorporate d.
are clearly stated Include some supported. It does not information from
and supported. pertinent and detailed include pertinent class discussions
Include pertinent information from class information from class
and detailed discussions. discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiza Well organized, Mostly clear and easy Inadequate Organization and Question
tion developed, and easy to follow. Usually organization. The structure draw away s are not
to follow. Maintains maintains focus but structure of the from the answer. answere
(30%) focus on the topic. occasionally presents answer is not easy to Provides no d.
information that is follow. Presents information that can
different from the information that is be understood.
topic. sometimes unclear.

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Question
and punctuation, and distracting problems. distracting problems. distracting grammar, s are not
Gram- sentence structure There are one or two There may be three to spelling, punctuation, answere
mar have no errors. errors in grammar, four errors in and sentence d.
spelling, punctuation, grammar, spelling, structure problems
(20%) and sentence punctuation, and to make it
structure. sentence structure. substantially


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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