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Dear future me,

What is up with you? How are things going on with you right now? All good, I guess.

May it be a chartered accountant or a monk but I'm pretty sure either way you are a very happy man. I
know you’ve made lots of mistakes throughout all these exhausting years. And you’ve learned from
those mistakes rather than repeating them over and over. You must have grown into a matured person
who I would idolize at the moment. Our interest definitely differs by now since it's been a whole ten
years. I'm very proud of how much you might have enhanced yourself and that you now know how to
differentiate between the rights and wrongs. You must be very selective with who you trust and get
along with because that wasn’t the picture when you were me. You're not running away from your
responsibilities, at least now you have become truly self-independent. You are lucky to have your
parents happy and well at home with you. I hope by now you have a thorough understanding of your
hectic and unpredictable work life. You probably have accumulated a lot of stamina and strength to
withstand the hardship and stress that you are facing by now. I congratulate you for having achieved so
much and got so far. I just hope you’re not wasting your time on the wrong things idling around in such
circumstances that would be harmful to yourself and to others.

I envy you because you probably now have a peaceful and settled life with the proper vision of your
desires. I desperately want your self-esteem boosted by a mega ton.

Which company are you working for though? By any chance if you have become very affluent and have
made profitable investments, I would like you to contribute to the welfare of the society. If so, you are
having a very good time with your passive incomes, touchwood.

Truthfully yours,
Ningtamba Naorem
Your 21 y/o self

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