2023 Rojas Riffo & Guerra

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Original Research

April-June 2023: 1–11
Ó The Author(s) 2023
Word Retrieval After the 80s: Evidence DOI: 10.1177/21582440231178796
From Specific and Multiple Words
Naming Tasks

Carlos Rojas1 , Bernardo Riffo2, and Ernesto Guerra3

Older adults show a progressive cognitive decline, and although language processing appears to resist advancing age, studies in
word retrieval report that elders show important difficulties. Previous research reports that such failures increase from age
70 years, which suggests that during the fourth age word retrieval would exhibit even stronger constraints. At the same time,
extant evidence suggests that only retrieval of a specific word might decline in advanced aging, and not the recovery of multiple
pieces associated with a given semantic category. However, those studies did not explicitly assess these phenomena in a group
of older adults in their fourth age, and thus cannot be considered conclusive with regards to this particular group. In the pres-
ent study, we examined word retrieval in three distinctive advanced age groups (60–69, 70–79, and 80 + years) in two pro-
duction tasks: a picture naming task, and a lexical availability task. We compared the fourth-age group against the other two
third-age group in their reaction time (RT) and accuracy as well as, on the lexical availability index (LAI) and total words
retrieved in a lexical availability task. Fourth-age group exhibited longer RT in the picture naming task, yet a high level of accu-
racy. They also showed a reduced number of retrieved words, as well as, a reduced LAI, relative to the control groups. We
discuss our results in the context of the decline of fluid intelligence, and the information transmission deficits hypothesis.

aging, word retrieval, fourth age, picture naming, lexical availability

Introduction Gordon et al., 2018; Paesen & Leijten, 2019; Vogel-Eyny

et al., 2016), accompanied by a moderate deficit in word
Aging is characterized by functional and structural recognition that is accentuated only after age 80 (Ratcliff
changes (Baltes & Smith, 2003; Fletcher et al., 2018) that et al., 2004; Rojas et al., 2022).
affect several cognitive processes (Duncan et al., 2017; Studies in word naming report that older people show
Margrett et al., 2016; Mitchell et al., 2013). Thus, the significant difficulties in accessing proper names, labeling
changes during old age shape different evolutionary a delivered definition, naming visually presented objects,
stages, such that today there seem to be two very marked and consecutively naming words within a given semantic
groups: third age (60–79 years old) and fourth age (.80 category (Ferré et al., 2020; Gertel et al., 2020; Goral
years; Baltes & Smith, 2003; Höpflinger, 2017). In this et al., 2007; Macoir et al., 2018; Vogel-Eyny et al., 2016).
last phase, cognitive decline is accentuated, compromis- These failures appear most frequently from age 50 years
ing the cognitive performance of elderly people (Margrett
et al., 2016; Mitchell et al., 2013). 1
Department of Health Rehabilitation Sciences, Universidad del Bı́o-Bı́o,
Although language processing appears to resist advan-
cing age, there is evidence that attrition may appear 2
Department of Spanish, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
around age 60 years, and it is dominated by a deteriora- 3
Center for Advanced Research in Education, Institute of Education (IE),
tion in production versus relative maintenance of com- Universidad de Chile, Chile
prehension (Abrams & Farrell, 2011; James & Goring,
Corresponding Author:
2018; Pelle, 2019). At the lexical-semantic level, older Carlos Rojas, Department of Health Rehabilitation Sciences, Universidad
people show an early and progressive word retrieval defi- del Bı́o-Bı́o, Andrés Bello 720, Chillán, Ñuble, Chile.
cit (Abrams & Davis, 2016; Farrell & Abrams, 2011; Email: crojas@ubiobio.cl

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2 SAGE Open

and they increase in the middle stages of old age reduction of the available lexicon and the stabilization of
(70 years about; Goral et al., 2007; Huijbers et al., 2017; a varied vocabulary (Horton et al., 2010) described in
Verhaegen & Poncelet, 2013). Consequently, word retrie- early old age appear, at first glance, contradictory.
val deficits are a main and progressive linguistic diffi- However, poor performance in lexical availability tasks
culty in old age (Davis, 2020; James & Goring, 2018; is largely due to the slower speed of lexical retrieval, as
Schmank & James, 2020). well as on the reduction of compensatory strategies (i.e.,
Difficulties on word retrieval in old age is explained— fluid intelligence and information operation skills) that
mainly—by the systematic weakening of connections support lexicalization and phonological encoding pro-
between lexical and phonological nodes, responsible for cesses. These abilities decline rapidly from the intermedi-
cortical activation not being robust enough to achieve ate phase of aging onwards (Gordon et al., 2018) and we
information transfer, according to the transmission defi- predict that they should decline further in individuals
cit hypothesis (TDH; MacKay & Burke, 1990). Thus, over 80 years old, as a consequence of generalized cogni-
the progressive nature of this lower activation, coupled tive decline (Baltes & Smith, 2003; Margrett et al., 2016;
with the multiple levels of processing involved in retriev- Mitchell et al., 2013).
ing a specific word (i.e., lexical, semantic, and phonologi- Goral et al. (2007) examined the effects of aging on
cal; Abrams & Farrell, 2011), allow us to assume that in word production in a longitudinal study of 238 partici-
very advanced stages of aging word naming tasks would pants, ranging in age 30 to 94 years (mean age 61.7, with-
evidence strong access constraints, reflected in a signifi- out differentiating between third and fourth age) using
cant increase in response times (RT), higher number of both, picture naming and multiple retrieval task. The
phonological blocks, and a reduction of the available lex- authors predicted that if lemma selection happens before
icon. However, our knowledge on word retrieval in peo- lexeme activation (serial model; Schriefers et al., 1990)
ple over 80 years old is still scarce; we do not know how retrieval deficits would be reflected in both tasks, as
severe this deficit could be and what kind of tasks would words would require to be selected and subsequently
generate greater difficulties. encoded, one at a time, causing constant blocking. By
contrast, if lemma selection is simultaneous with lexeme
activation (cascade model; Peterson & Savoy, 1998), poor
Assessing Word Production in Older Adults performance should be observed in the picture naming
Several studies using tasks that assess the retrieval of spe- retrieval task (Verhaegen & Poncelet, 2013), but not in
cific lexical items (i.e., picture naming) have shown a sys- the multiple retrieval task. As a result, the picture naming
tematic increase in response times after age 60 years and task exhibited a marked reduction in lexical retrieval from
beyond compared to younger adults (Ferré et al., 2020; intermediate stages of old age. The multiple retrieval
Gertel et al., 2020; Macoir et al., 2018; Paesen & Leijten, methods, on the other hand, exhibited a gradual decline
2019). This effect may be predictable, a product of the throughout aging, with no evidence of a marked accelera-
decline in fluid intelligence and operating skills described tion in the late stage. The authors conclude that the defi-
in the older people population (Cooley, 2020; Mitchell cit in lexical retrieval of specific words could be explained
et al., 2013). However, this slowing is usually compen- by the TDH (MacKay & Burke, 1990). Performance in
sated by a good level of accuracy (Hoyau et al., 2017; the multiple retrieval task could be explained by the cas-
Riffo et al., 2020; Rojas et al., 2022). Such RT-accuracy cade model (Peterson & Savoy, 1998) since the simulta-
dissociation suggests that in the early stages of aging neous activation between lemma and lexeme would allow
there is compensatory mechanisms that allow a correct access to all available and pre-activated concepts for a
recovery and act independently of the decline of fluid given semantic category (Goral et al., 2007).
intelligence (Ferré et al., 2020), and the increase of cogni-
tive reserve (Cooley, 2020; Wulff et al., 2016, 2019). It
The Present Study
remains unclear, however, whether this RT-accuracy dis-
sociation remains stable across the different stages of old According to the systematic weakening of connections
age, and whether word retrieval accuracy retains its good between lexical and phonological nodes, which would be
performance after the age of 80 years. responsible for cortical activation not being robust
In turn, studies using tasks that assess the retrieval of enough to achieve information transfer (TDH; MacKay
multiple words associated with a given semantic category & Burke, 1990) and the decline of fluid intelligence in the
or domain (lexical availability task) show that after age advanced aging (Margrett et al., 2016; Rojas et al., 2022),
60 years the available lexicon decreases, not because of a the differences between a picture naming and a lexical
lack of vocabulary, but due to difficulties in retrieving availability task in older adults after 80 years old should
the lemmas associated with the semantic category evalu- be minimal. However, evidence of Goral et al. (2007)
ated (Goral et al., 2007; Vogel-Eyny et al., 2016). The showed a significant reduction in specific lexical retrieval
Rojas et al. 3

and a gradual decline throughout aging using multiple task), the LAI, and total words retrieval (lexical avail-
retrieval methods. But Goral et al. (2007) did not sepa- ability task). On the contrary, the maintenance of seman-
rate the sample into groups of third and fourth age or tic skills will allow an adequate conceptual performance.
reported the sample size of participants beyond 80 years Thus, we expect no differences in accuracy (picture nam-
of age (i.e., fourth age). Thus, the relatively good perfor- ing) between early, intermediate and advanced stages of
mance in the multiple retrieval task in an underspecified aging.
sample of older adults could have obscured potential dif-
ferences in performance in the advanced age stage, rela-
tive to younger participants. Therefore, it is relevant to Methods
assess how word retrieval progresses throughout aging
(particularly in advanced stages) using both methods, to
determine the effect of TDH during advanced aging, and A sample of 90 older adults participated voluntarily in
whether the cascade model continues to favor lexical this study. It was divided into three groups of 30 individ-
retrieval in the lexical availability task. uals according to the age of the participants. Group 1: 60
In addition, there are lexical variables that allow eas- to 69 years (average age = 65.7 years, SD = 2.99; average
ier retrieval of certain words over others (i.e., high- years of education = 13, SD = 1.23); group 2: 70 to
frequency words, lower syllable length, high imagery, 79 years (average age = 74.0 years, SD = 2.89; average
among others), whose effects have been extensively years of education = 13.1, SD = 1.81); and group 3: 80
reported in young people and early and middle stages of to 92 (average age = 82.5 years, SD = 3.10; average
old age, but not among the oldest old people. For exam- years of education = 13.03, SD = 1.71). Groups 1 and 2
ple, picture naming tasks show that high lexical fre- represented the third age and group 3, the fourth age.
quency words are retrieved in lower RT and obtain All older adults belonged to three local senior clubs
higher accuracy (Paesen & Leijten, 2019; Brysbaert et al., associated with the university. The following inclusion
2014). A similar case occurs with words of shorter sylla- criteria were established: 60 years of age or more, have
ble length. Cuetos et al. (2015) propose that these are completed at least 8 years of schooling, self-report as
processed faster, since their phonological coding corre- actively aging (mental, physical and social), have normal
sponds to the linear relationship between their length (or corrected) hearing and vision, have urban residence,
and the time needed to process them (Haberlandt & and complete the experiments in a maximum period of
Graesser, 1985), and they are also more common, which 2 months. We also established the following exclusion
facilitates their retrieval (Abrams & Davis, 2016; Abrams criteria: have a history of cerebrovascular disease, have a
& Farrell, 2011; Farrell & Abrams, 2011). On the other diagnosis of neurodegenerative disease, have depression
hand, data on lexical availability show that semantic or a psychiatric illness, and finally, presenting risk scores
categories more familiar to the individual (i.e., animals, on any of the following tests applied: Montreal
clothes) increase the lexical availability index (LAI) and Cognitive Assessment (MoCA score of \21 points),
total words retrieval since they represent words of higher Yesavage Yesavage score of .11 points), or Boston
frequency, typicality, and early acquisition (Hernández Reading Comprehension subtest score of \4 points.
& Izura, 2010). In this context, it is also interesting to Approximately 140 older individuals were invited to par-
explore whether the effects of these factors (lexical fre- ticipate. We established a sample size that could reach at
quency, syllabic length, and semantic category type) least 2,000 data per experiment. Of those interested in
remain stable later 80 years of age, a stage in which cog- participating, older adults who did not meet the inclu-
nitive decline marks the evolution of this group. sion and/or exclusion criteria were excluded.
In this study, we evaluated the effect of advanced To participate in this study, all the older individuals
aging on two tasks: A picture naming task (from which read and signed an informed consent, approved by the
we obtain RTs and accuracy) and a lexical availability Ethics Committee of the sponsoring University. The
test (from this we counted the LAI and the total retrieved objectives and details of the study were presented to the
words). Also, we explore whether advanced aging main- authorities of each club. Then, older adults interested in
tains a stable effect on lexical frequency, syllable length, participating were assessed for cognitive (MoCA), emo-
and semantic category type. We predict that the progres- tional (Yesavage), and basic reading comprehension
sive nature of the transmission deficit between lexical and (Boston) performance. Finally, the selected older individ-
phonological nodes (TDH) and the decline of fluid intel- uals were invited to the University’s Specialty
ligence will further affect words retrieval after the age of Laboratory to perform the picture naming and lexical
80, which will negatively impact RT (picture naming access task.
4 SAGE Open

Materials and Design For the lexical availability task, the older adults were
instructed to name all the concepts that were associated
Picture Naming Task with the proposed semantic category. The task was admi-
This task was implemented as a 2 3 3 design, including nistered in one block. We started with the instructions
images that combined the lexical frequency of use (lexical and the training semantic category (colors), then each
frequency) of the target word (high/low) and its syllabic semantic category was randomly presented. Each stimu-
length (bi/tri/tetrasyllabic). Lexical frequency was lus presented a structure starting with a warning asterisk
checked through Spanish Lexical Database (www.bcbl. in the middle of the display for 2000 ms, immediately this
eu/databases/espal/) and all selected words had an early instruction: ‘‘Name all the words you know related
acquisition. Images were extracted from Shutterstock vir- to.’’, was displayed for 4000 ms. The semantic category
tual library (https://www.shutterstock.com). Only real was then displayed for 2 minutes, while the spoken
digital images were included, which were edited at a size responses were recorded. An alarm indicated that the
of 20 3 20 cm. To corroborate that the images faithfully time had expired, accompanied by a 1000 ms ‘‘response
represented the target words, a normative study was con- recorded’’ feedback. Subsequently, the next trial began.
ducted with 20 older people (other than those selected We recorded all the answers given. The whole task took
for the experiments). In this normative, the older adults 16 to 18 minutes, approximately.
only had to write the name that best represented the
observed image. All images with an average of more
than 70% agreement with the expected response were
Data Analysis
chosen for the final selection. The experiment contained Picture Naming Task Data
of 150 stimuli (Supplemental Appendix A). Specifically,
For the picture naming task, the total of correct/incorrect
60 images representing high-frequency words and 60
stimuli was counted according to participants’ audio
images representing low lexical-frequency words were
recordings. Although if the response to the trial was a
presented, subdivided into 20 bisyllables, 20 trisyllables,
product of involuntary activation of the vocal key, this
and 20 tetrasyllables, respectively. Finally, 30 filler trials
was considered invalid (5.23% of the task). Regarding the
and 3 training trials were included.
RT of each stimulus, the criterion of Ratcliff et al. (2004)
was used, which consisted of excluding responses outside
Lexical Availability Task the interval between 200 and 6,000 ms. To perform the
inferential analysis, the TR data were log-transformed to
We selected seven semantic categories derived from the approximate a normal distribution. Mixed-effects regres-
Panhispanic available lexicon project (López & sion models (RT data) and generalized regression models
Stramburger, 1991), which, according to Urzúa (2018), (accuracy data) were used for statistical analysis using R
are weakened as people ages. These categories were software (R Core Team, 2020). Both regressions evaluate
clothes, furniture, objects placed on the table at meal- the effects of three variables on the RT and accuracy: age
times, kitchen and its tools, the school, means of trans- group (60–69/70–79/80 and older), lexical frequency (high/
portation, and animals. low), and syllable length (bi/tri/tetrasyllabic). The regres-
sions incorporated interactions between fixed effects, ran-
Procedure dom intercepts by participants and by items, and random
slopes justified by the design. Considering that this study
The tasks were performed in an individual room, with focuses on people aged 80 years and older, we used this
adequate lighting and soundproofing. In the picture group as the reference category (the intercept). Thus, we
naming task, participants had to name each of the images assessed the effect of each predictor in this group (i.e., lexi-
as quickly as possible and without making mistakes. cal frequency and syllable length) and compared it directly
Stimuli were randomly presented on a 15.6$ computer with the third age groups.
screen using E-Prime 3.0 program. Each trial started with
an asterisk in the middle of the screen for 1000 ms, fol-
lowed by the visual stimuli. Three practice trials were Lexical Availability Task Data
given, before the actual materials were presented. The For the lexical availability task, we unified and homoge-
oral response of the participants and the time at which it nized participants’ responses using the following criteria:
occurred was registered, but if they did not respond after (1) repeated words in the same semantic category were
10 seconds or more, the experimenter started the next eliminated at the participant levels; (2) plural noun or
trial. The task consisted of three blocks, separated by a adjective words were edited to their singular form, and
short pause. The entire experiment lasted approximately (3) any mispronounced words due to sociocultural var-
30 minutes. iants were corrected to their correct form. Data were
Rojas et al. 5

Table 1. Linear Mixed Model RT Results for Picture Naming Task.

Estimate SE t Pr(.|t|)

Intercept (fourth age) 7.092 0.078 91.206 .000***

Group 60–69 20.270 0.051 25.271 .000***
Group 70–79 20.122 0.050 22.429 .016*
Syllable length 0.072 0.024 3.050 .003**
Frequency 20.115 0.073 21.584 .116
Group 60–69: syllable length 20.005 0.012 20.453 .651
Group 70–79: syllable length 20.006 0.011 20.512 .609
Group 60–69: frequency 20.007 0.033 20.223 .824
Group 70–79: frequency 0.002 0.031 0.080 .936
Syllable length: frequency 0.028 0.023 1.185 .238
Group 60–69: syllable length: frequency 20.003 0.011 20.260 .795
Group 70–79: syllable length: frequency 20.006 0.010 20.616 .538

*p\.05. **p\.01. ***p\.001.

processed using the Dispogen 1.6 software (Echeverrı́a factor on RT. In particular, people in the fourth age
et al., 2005), allowing us to calculate the LAI for each group obtained significantly higher RT than did group 1
word and the number of words produced per participant. (60–69 years; b = 2.270, SE = 0.051, t = 25.271, p
The LAI corresponds to the value given to an evoked \ .00) and group 2 (70–79 years; b = 2.122,
lexia, which ranges from 0 (no availability) to 1 (high SE = 0.050, t = 22.429, p = .016). Also, the fourth age
availability) after weighting its absolute frequency by the group showed main effects on syllable length, which
order of occurrence (Urzúa, 2018). We selected only demonstrate facilitation for short-length words com-
those words that were present in all age groups (exclud- pared to long-length words (syllable length: b = .072,
ing non-repeated words), so that the word pairings SE = 0.024, t = 3.050, p = .003), result of the high pho-
homogenized the comparison between groups and nological encoding cost generated by long words. As for
semantic category. lexical frequency, no significant effects were observed for
Inferential analysis of the LAI data was carried out the third and fourth ages, probably because during the
using a linear mixed effects ‘‘beta’’ regression model (see process of lexical retrieval the differences in RT among
Brooks et al., 2017) suitable for proportion with bound- high and low-frequency words were not so accentuated
aries 0 . and \1 (Ospina & Ferrari, 2012). The data of (see Figure 1).
total words retrieved were fitted using a Poisson regres- In addition, the generalized linear regression model
sion model, since they correspond to count data. The (see Table 2) exhibited that the level of accuracy of the
beta regression had age group and semantic category as responses remains stable during aging, specifically, no
predictors, establishing the levels fourth age, and the significant differences are observed between the accuracy
semantic category ‘‘kitchen and its utensils’’ as the inter- rates for initial (third-age) and advanced (fourth-age)
cept. The latter, since we obtained the lowest LAI fre- aging groups. However, in the fourth-age group we
quency in that semantic category. This allowed us to visualize a main effect of lexical frequency (b = 1.515,
contrast that semantic category with the others, and the SE = 0.598, z = 2.534, p = .011) and syllable length
participants in the 80 + years of age group the other (b = 2.684, SE = 0.191, z = 23.584, p \ .00), which
two groups of 60 to 69 and 70 to 79 years. In addition, confirms that the error rate grows significantly when
these models also included random intercepts by partici- processing low-frequency and long-length words (see
pant and item. The regression for the total number of Figure 1).
words retrieved incorporated the variables age group and As for the results in the lexical availability task, linear
semantic category as predictors, establishing the overall mixed-effects (Table 3) exhibit a main effect of aging on
average of the advanced aging group (80 + years) and LAI. Specifically, fourth-age adults present a signifi-
the semantic category ‘‘animals’’ as the intercept, given cantly lower LAI compared to both third-age groups
the higher frequency of words in this semantic category. (group 60–69: b = .283, SE = 0.032, z = 8.754, p \ .000;
group 70–79: b = .103, SE = 0.033, z = 3.135, p = .002).
Also, the advanced aging group exhibits main effects for
the semantic categories: animals (b = .836, SE = 0.151,
In the picture naming task, the mixed linear regression z = 5.527, p \ .000), clothes (b = .757, SE = 0.170,
model (see Table 1) exhibited a main effect of the age z = 4.452, p \ .000), furniture (b = 1.090, SE = 0.127,
6 SAGE Open

Figure 1. Mean log-transformed response time and accuracy (upper panel/lower panel) as a function of Age Group (80 + , vs. 60–69
and 70–79), Lexical Frequency (High vs. Low), and Syllable Length (bisyllabic vs. threesyllabic vs. tetrasyllabic). The error bars represent
within-subject adjusted standard error of the mean.

z = 8.577, p \ .000), and objects placed on the table at the same did not happen with the 70 to 79 years age
mealtimes (b = 1.066, SE = 0.078, z = 13.739, p \ .000); group, with which no significant differences were
which showed a significantly higher LAI compared to observed (see Figure 2). Also, the advanced aging group
the semantic category kitchen and its utensils (compari- shows main effects for the semantic categories kitchen
son intercept), which exhibited lower lexical availability and its utensils (b = 2.131, SE = 0.060, z = 22.189,
in advanced aging (see Figure 2). p = .029), objects placed on the table at mealtimes
Furthermore, the generalized linear mixed-effects (b = 2.209, SE = 0.061, z = 23.416, p = .001), furni-
regression (see Table 4) exhibited a main effect between ture (b = 2.494, SE = .067, z = 27.409, p \ .000), and
aging and the total number of words retrieved, specifi- means of transportation (b = 2.331, SE = 0.063,
cally, the elders of fourth age retrieved significantly fewer z = 25.214, p \ .000); which reflects that significantly
words compared to the older group 60 to 69 years old fewer words are retrieved in these semantic categories
(b = .183, SE = 0.071, z = 2.586, p = .010). However, compared to the semantic category animals (comparison
Rojas et al. 7

Table 2. Generalized Linear Mixed Model Accuracy Results for Picture Naming Task.

Estimate SE z Pr(.|z|)

Intercept (fourth age) 4.757 0.641 7.424 .000***

Group 60–69 0.782 0.533 1.467 .142
Group 70–79 0.436 0.498 0.874 .382
Syllable length 20.684 0.191 23.584 .000***
Frequency 1.515 0.598 2.534 .011*
Group 60–69: syllable length 20.085 0.131 20.651 .515
Group 70–79: syllable length 20.117 0.119 20.980 .327
Group 60–69: frequency 20.211 0.407 20.517 .605
Group 70–79: frequency 20.101 0.363 20.279 .780
Syllable length: frequency 20.288 0.188 21.530 .126
Group 60–69: Syllable length: frequency 0.094 0.121 0.772 .440
Group 70–79: Syllable length: frequency 0.020 0.109 0.187 .851

*p\.05. **p\.01. ***p\.001.

Table 3. Beta Regression Mixed-Effects Regression on LAI Results for Lexical Availability Task.

Estimate SE t Pr(.|z|)

Intercept (fourth age/kitchen) 23.161 0.103 230.591 .000***

Group 60–69 0.283 0.032 8.754 .000***
Group 70–79 0.103 0.033 3.135 .002**
Animals 0.836 0.151 5.527 .000***
Clothes 0.757 0.170 4.452 .000***
Furniture 1.090 0.127 8.577 .000***
School 0.231 0.123 1.878 .060
Objects placed on top o of the table. 1.066 0.078 13.739 .000***
Means of transportation 0.246 0.171 1.438 .150

*p\.05. **p\.01. ***p\.001.

intercept), which, in turn, facilitate word retrieval during cognitive tasks (Margrett et al., 2016), including in lexi-
the fourth age. cal access, and particularly in word retrieval. Such slow-
down, though, is compensated by an adequate precision
of the process, thanks to crystallized intelligence.
Discussion Although no specific fluid intelligence and crystallized
The purpose of this research was to verify how word intelligence tests were taken in the study sample, the
retrieval is affected in individuals aged 80 years and over asymmetric decline of these two types of intelligence is
in a picture naming and lexical availability associated well established in this population (Ferré et al., 2020, see
with a given semantic category tasks. A significant also Ratcliff et al., 2004). In general, a ‘‘normal asymme-
increase in the RT was observed to retrieve specific words try’’ is described when crystallized intelligence tends to
and a marked reduction in LAI when multiple words compensate for fluid intelligence deficits.
were retrieved in the advanced aging group (fourth-age Specifically, the age effect in the strong increase in RT
group) compared to both third-age groups separately. In in this class of tasks would be justified because fourth-
addition, the advanced aging group retrieved fewer age individuals ostensibly decrease their information
words than the third age groups, although the difference processing speed (Baltes & Smith, 2003; Mitchell et al.,
was significant only with the initial aging group (60– 2013), continue to reduce their fluid intelligence skills
69 years). On the other side, there was no difference in (Margrett et al., 2016; Rojas et al., 2022) and mainly
accuracy in retrieving specific words between the initial because they exhibit a significant weakening of neural
and advanced aging groups. connections between lexical and phonological nodes,
The results obtained in this study might be associated which would be largely responsible for cortical activation
with the known accentuated deficit in fluid intelligence in not being robust enough to achieve information transfer
the fourth age, which causes a generalized slowing of (MacKay & Burke, 1990). Thus, the systematic nature of
8 SAGE Open

Figure 2. Mean LAI and the total number of words (upper panel/lower panel) as a function of Age Group (80 + , vs. 60–69 and 70–79)
and Semantic Category. The error bars represent within-subject adjusted standard error of the mean.

Table 4. Generalized Linear Mixed Model Total Words Results for Lexical Availability Task

Estimate SE z Pr(.|z|)

Intercept (fourth age/animals) 2.967 0.051 57.798 .000***

Group 60–69 0.183 0.071 2.586 .010**
Group 70–79 0.132 0.071 1.853 .064
Kitchen 20.131 0.060 22.189 .029*
School 20.110 0.060 21.851 .064
Objects placed on top o of the table. 20.209 0.061 23.416 .001***
Furniture 20.494 0.067 27.409 .000***
Clothes 20.057 0.059 20.973 .331
Means of transportation 20.331 0.063 25.214 .000***

*p\.05. **p\.01. ***p\.001.

Rojas et al. 9

these deficits during old age could explain why people the age of 80, which further impairs lexical selection and
aged 80 years and older are slower in selecting specific phonological encoding skills. This also allows us to
words from the mental lexicon and encoding them pho- assume that regardless of the semantic activation model
nologically, compared to early and intermediate aging that explains the word retrieval deficit in old age (serial
individuals. of Schriefers et al., 1990; or cascade of Peterson & Savoy,
Our data suggest that under healthy cognitive condi- 1998), during the fourth age there would be a generalized
tions, people aged 80 years and older can present a good restriction to access a certain word or to access all the
conceptual performance retrieving words with a high concepts that the person knows for the semantic category
level of precision (Wulff et al., 2016). We assume that evaluated, which directly impacts on the increase of the
this adequate performance is related to the maintenance RT and the decrease of the lexical available indexes.
of semantic skills along aging (Cooley, 2020; Riffo et al., Nevertheless, words retrieval deficits in advanced aging
2020; Wulff et al., 2016, 2019), skills that would function were accompanied by an excellent accuracy of the pro-
independently of the speed at which the lexicon is cess, which allows us to suggest that after the age of
accessed. Thus, the results obtained confirm that, inde- 80 years certain compensatory or adaptive mechanisms
pendently of the cognitive variations inherent in continue to operate that allow correct retrieval and act
advanced aging, responsible for the marked difference independently of cognitive decline (Ferré et al., 2020),
between the decline of specific abilities and the mainte- such as the maintenance of semantic abilities and the
nance of others (Tucker et al., 2019), the vocabulary and increase of cognitive reserve (Cooley, 2020; Wulff et al.,
lexical knowledge (crystallized intelligence, Cooley, 2020; 2016).
Wulff et al., 2016, 2019) remain stable. This validates the
idea that the difficulties of retrieval of specific words
would lie in the selection and/or phonological encoding Conclusion
of lexical items (Verhaegen & Poncelet, 2013) and not in
the knowledge of them, which allows us to ensure that The present research contributes to a better understand-
the RT-accuracy dissociation (Ferré et al., 2020) remains ing of lexical access behavior and specifically word retrie-
stable until very advanced stages of the aging process. val during the more advanced stage of aging. The applied
On the other hand, the results from the lexical avail- tasks exhibited that people aged 80 years and over exhibit
ability task show that people aged 80 years and older, a marked deterioration in the ability to retrieve a specific
not only present significant difficulties when they must word or multiple words associated with a given semantic
retrieve a specific word, but also when they must retrieve category. Specifically, the RT increases significantly
multiple words associated with a given semantic cate- when specific lexical items are retrieved, and in addition
gory, which is consistent with the progressive decline in the LAI and total words retrieved are also reduced when
lexical access and word retrieval that have been described multiple words are retrieved. Although, in parallel, a high
in early and middle stages of old age (Abrams & Davis, level of response accuracy was observed in the specific
2016; Gertel et al., 2020; Ouyang et al., 2020; Vogel- retrieval task, similar to what was observed in both
Eyny et al., 2016). Our findings indicate that the lexical elders’ groups. Our findings are consistent with the data
access deficits that increase during fourth age affect word supporting that during aging the deterioration of fluid
retrieval indistinctly, independent of the method applied intelligence, information processing speed and the reduc-
for its evaluation. We infer that the generalized decline in tion of neural connections and transmission between lexi-
cognitive processing during advanced aging, the progres- cal and phonological nodes, decreases the skill to retrieve
sive slowing and the accentuated deficit in fluid intelli- words from the mental lexicon, deficits that according to
gence (Baltes & Smith, 2003; Mitchell et al., 2013) could our results become more acute after the age of 80 years,
justify, in part, the strong difficulty in retrieving multiple impacting equally the lexical retrieval of specific and mul-
words associated with a given semantic category in peo- tiple words. On the contrary, the preservation of the crys-
ple of the fourth age. tallized intelligence improves the accuracy of lexical
Goral et al.’s (2007) research showed that word retrie- access, which could be responsible for maintaining to
val deficits during advanced aging increase mainly when some extent linguistic functionality during advanced
specific lexical items are retrieved and not when multiple aging. Our findings should be considered basic evidence
words are retrieved. In contrast, our evidence shows that on word retrieval in oldest old people. Future studies
these difficulties are independent of the task applied. should delve deeper into the physiological aspects of lexi-
Everything seems to indicate that deficits in fluid intelli- cal access described in this research, thus increasing the
gence, information processing speed and especially the knowledge of how people aged 80 years and older mani-
TDH (MacKay & Burke, 1990), increase strongly after fest their cognitive-linguistic changes.
10 SAGE Open

Author Contributions dilemmas of the fourth age. Gerontology, 49, 123–135.

CR: conceptualization, methodology, data curation, data anal- https://doi.org/10.1159/000067946
ysis, original draft preparation, and writing—reviewing and Brooks, M. E., Kristensen, K., Van Benthem, K. J., Magnus-
editing. BR: methodology, data analysis, original draft prepara- son, A., Berg, C. W., Nielsen, A., Skaug, H. J., Mächler, M.,
tion, and writing—reviewing and editing. EG: software, data & Bolker, B. M. (2017). GlmmTMB balances speed and flex-
curation, data analysis, visualization, original draft prepara- ibility among packages for zero-inflated generalized linear
tion, and writing—reviewing and editing. mixed modeling. The R Journal, 9(2), 378–400. https://doi.
Brysbaert, M., Stevens, M., De Deyne, S., Voorspoels, W., &
Declaration of Conflicting Interests Storms, G. (2014). Norms of age of acquisition and concre-
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with teness for 30,000 Dutch words. Acta Psychologica, 150,
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this 80-84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2014.04.010
article. Cooley, S. (2020). Cognitive reserve. The wiley. In H. Paul, E.
Salminen, J. Heaps, & M. Cohen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of
health psychology (pp. 293–298). John Wiley and Sons.
Funding https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119057840.ch34
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup- Cuetos, F., González, J., & Vega, M. (2015). Psicologı´a del len-
port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this guaje. Médica Panamericana.
article: This work was supported by the National Research and Davis, B. (2020). Language, aging, and dementia. In S. Conrad,
Development Agency (ANID) Fondecyt Iniciación 11230984 A. Harting & L. Santelmann (Eds.), The cambridge introduc-
(CR); Fondecyt Regular 1211754 (BR); and by the Vice tion to applied linguistics (pp. 278–292). Cambridge Univer-
Rectory Office for Research and Development, Universidad de sity Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108658089.025
Chile, through the PROA001/19 research grant (EG). Funding Duncan, J., Chylinski, D., Mitchell, D. J., & Bhandari, A.
from ANID/PIA/Basal Funds for Centers of Excellence Project (2017). Complexity and compositionality in fluid intelli-
FB0003 was also gratefully acknowledged (EG). gence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the United States of America, 114(20), 5295–5299. https://
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The share study was approved by the University’s Ethics, grama computacional para el análisis de la disponibilidad le´xica
Bioethics and Biosafety Committee. All participants provided [Conference session]. Conference, Universidad de Concepción
written informed consent. Farrell, M., & Abrams, L. (2011). Tip-of-the-tongue states
reveal age differences in the syllable frequency effect. Jour-
nal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and
Cognition, 37(1), 277. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0021328
Carlos Rojas https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2889-3982 Ferré, P., Jarret, J., Brambati, S. M., Bellec, P., & Joanette, Y.
Ernesto Guerra https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7403-5271 (2020). Task-induced functional connectivity of picture nam-
ing in healthy aging: The impacts of age and task complex-
ity. Neurobiology of Language, 1(2), 161–184. https://doi.
Data Availability
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be Fletcher, E., Gavett, B., Harvey, D., Farias, S. T., Olichney, J.,
made available by the authors, without undue reservation. Beckett, L., DeCarli, C., & Mungas, D. (2018). Brain vol-
ume change and cognitive trajectories in aging. Neuropsy-
Supplemental Material chology, 32(4), 436. https://doi.org10.1037/neu0000447
Gertel, V., Karimi, H., Dennis, N., Neely, K., & Diaz, M.
Supplemental material for this article is available online. (2020). Lexical frequency affects functional activation and
accuracy in picture naming among older and younger adults.
Psychology and Aging, 35(4), 536. https://doi.org 10.1037/
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