Business Case

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Bangladesh, a land steeped in the rich aroma of tea, is experiencing a
new kind of high. Unlike the fleeting euphoria of certain illicit
substances, the invigorating energy of coffee breeds a different kind
of buzz. Coffee shops are no longer just pit stops for a quick pick-me-
up; they're becoming vibrant social hubs, the backdrop for
conversations, laughter, and the forging of new connections.

This cultural shift mirrors a growing desire for experiences that

energize and stimulate the mind and body. Gone are the days when
socializing solely revolved around traditional tea breaks. Coffee offers
a platform for more dynamic social interaction, a space where ideas
flow freely, fueled by the rich aroma and stimulating effects of this
popular beverage.

This trend isn't just about a

change in drink preference;
it's a sign of a nation evolving.
As disposable income rises
and the youth demographic
expands, the desire for a
more stimulating social life is
brewing. Coffee shops are
becoming the crucibles where
new ideas are being filtered,
fostering a more vibrant and
connected society.

According to recent statistics, although Bangladesh ranks a modest

111th globally in coffee consumption, domestic consumption has
grown steadily in recent years. In fact, consumption increased from
3,500 metric tonnes in 2016 to 4,000 metric tonnes in 2019, which
indicates a positive trend that is likely to continue as the coffee
market matures.


All these factors combined are creating exciting opportunities in the
coffee industry in Bangladesh. With the rise in coffee consumption,
there is an increasing demand for high-quality beans and unique
coffee blends. Therefore, it is a great time for entrepreneurs to invest
in the coffee industry in Bangladesh and capitalize on this growing

As the demand for coffee grows in Bangladesh, leading coffee brands

have been quick to capitalize on this trend by introducing new flavors
and unique ideas to put their brand on the front line. However, recent
social movements have caused Nescafe to be boycotted by many in
the country, leaving a golden opportunity for local coffee
entrepreneurs to conquer the market with products of their own. This
presents a chance for locally sourced and produced coffee to take
center stage and establish itself as a dominant player in the industry,
providing opportunities for entrepreneurs to invest in the sector. With
a growing number of young people with disposable income and a
desire for unique and stimulating experiences, the coffee industry in
Bangladesh is poised for growth and success.

At this stage, Prantar, a company

recognized for its willingness to
take risks and push boundaries,
came up with something different
yet similar. Instead of releasing a
new product, they have created a
premium coffee blend that is bold
and unexpected. Prantar enters
the coffee market from a position
of financial strength and stability.
As a company with a product
portfolio encompassing 200+
brands, ample resources, strong
distribution, and a solid financial
foundation, Prantar stands ready
to leverage its expertise and
market insight to launch a
distinctive coffee brand.


At Prantar, they are poised to revolutionize the coffee market with
their commitment to the unique selling propositions (USPs) that set
them apart from the competition. Their dedication extends to offering
exceptional value for money, as they strive to ensure that every
customer receives a premium coffee experience at an accessible
price point. Moreover, they are eager to embrace environmentally
friendly packaging practices, recognizing the importance of
sustainability in today's world.

By leveraging eco-friendly materials and innovative packaging

solutions, they aim to minimize their environmental impact while
maximizing consumer satisfaction. Additionally, they are enthusiastic
about catering to unique tastes, including those with non-native taste
buds. Their versatile coffee blends are crafted to appeal to a global
audience, delivering a harmonious fusion of flavors that transcends
cultural boundaries.

You have 01 unread Notification

Calm down and drink a cup of coffee before you continue reading. You gotta reach the
Finale remember? All the best!


Eco-Friendly Packaging: Their commitment to environmentally
friendly paper packaging with less than 5% plastic reflects their
dedication to environmentally-conscious consumers who prioritize
sustainability and seek products that align with their values.

Flavors: They pride themselves on offering unique flavors unlike

anything currently available in the market, catering to
adventurous taste buds, and setting new standards for coffee
enthusiasts everywhere. The three flavors they are planning to
launch the brand with are Caffè Mocha, Caramel Coffee, and
Hazelnut Coffee. However, the company has yet to decide what
they are going to call these different flavors.

Taste & Price: They aim to provide coffee of superior quality at

an affordable price. Initially, they are going to launch only 3 SKUs
for the 3 flavors in sachets of 18 grams to test the acceptability of
their unique flavors in the mass market. The Sachet will be priced
at 10tk per packet. According to a recent survey, their coffee has
been rated better than the market leader by 70% of participants,
proving that exceptional taste doesn't have to come at a premium

In their pursuit to create an inclusive coffee experience, they aim to

resonate with individuals who share their values and aspirations. Their
offerings are designed to appeal to those who appreciate the
balance between quality and affordability, recognizing the
importance of value in their purchasing decisions. Moreover, they
seek to connect with environmentally conscious consumers who
prioritize sustainability and seek products that align with their eco-
friendly ethos. Beyond this, their products beckon to the curious souls,
the adventurers eager to explore new tastes and experiences, inviting
them on a journey of discovery with every sip.




Build the Brand Persona:
Brand Name, Product Names (for the different flavors)
Value Proposition
Archetype (e.g., the nurturer, the explorer)
Voice: (e.g., friendly, informative, authoritative)
Color Palette etc.
None of these are mandatory. Include the ones that you believe
are relevant for your idea to shine. Judgment will be based on
creativity and feasibility rather than the quality of the mock-ups.

You can cater to one or more of the target markets that your team
deems fit for the product by using your brand communication

You can incorporate one or more differentiations as mentioned in

the case of your branding communication

Brand Promotion Plan:

You can develop one or multiple campaigns leading to the
product launch. The campaigns need to be focused on branding
and promotion only, not selling.

Financials: The budget must be focused only on branding the


Justify your ideas with logic and explanation.


Participants must carefully review the case and present a compelling
and justifiable solution.
The solution has to be submitted in PDF format. No other format will
be accepted.
The presentation file should be limited to 15 slides, excluding the
introductory slide we provided you.
Make sure your file size is less than 100MB.
No presentation for this round.
Your solution file (PDF) should be named in the following manner:
Team name_Round 1_BreakingBrand2024
The participant’s name or institution’s name should not be mentioned
on any slide, otherwise, your team may lead to disqualification.
Submission Link:
Submission Deadline: March 20, 2024 [06.00 P.M.]
The solution must be submitted only through the Google Form.
Submissions must be in this mode only. No other mode is acceptable.
Usage of AI to craft solution is prohibited.
Any submission after the deadline will lead to a penalty.
Breach of competition rules may lead to penalties or disqualification.

IBA-JU Business Club holds the authority to update or change any rules
and regulations of the competition at any time without any prior notice.



Situation Analysis 10

Target Group Analysis 05

Alternative Evaluation 10

Big Idea (Branding) 20

Brand Promotion Plan 10

Feasibility 20

Timeline 05

Financials 05

Monitoring and Evaluation 05

Idea Creativity 10



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