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Say What?

Quick Social Responses Cheat Sheet III

When someone says: You can say:

1. It’s really cold! 1. Yes, it is!

2. I hope it warms up. 2. Me too!
3. I had to get my winter coat out. 3. Yes, it’s really cold today.
4. The leaves are turning color. 4. Yea, they’re cool.
5. I think a storm is coming. 5. Yes, we should go inside.
6. Look at all those dark clouds. 6. It looks like a storm.
7. We got a lot of snow. 7. Let’s go sledding.
8. Would you like something to drink? 8. Yes. What do you have?
9. He/she was rude to me. 9. What did he/she do?
10. I’m really mad at her/him 10. Why?
11. That’s pretty! 11. Yea it’s beautiful.
12. I think ___ is beautiful. 12. ____ is beautiful.
13. You look nice. 13. Thank you!
14. I like your ____. 14. Thank you!
15. You did a great job! 15. Thank you!
16. Have you seen _____? 16. Yes I saw him/her ____.
17. Let’s go! 17. Where are we going?
18. I need to use the restroom. 18. It’s right over there.
19. We need to get going. 19. OK, let’s go.
20. Times up! 20. Bummer, OK!

Copyright 2015 Carla Butorac

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