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Name: DELOS SANTOS ANDREI Date: 04/26/2023

Professor: REYES MAGDAMAG TODO Subject: VRTS112

How to Improve Listening Quiz

Directions: Explain the following questions briefly in 3-4 sentences. (5 points each)

1. Listening is a skill which may require critical thinking? Yes, or no? Why?

• Yes, you have to have critical thinking when you're trying to listen to other people
because you have to use it for analyzing what people want to say to you and have
good judgment on the message for you to give them. Critical thinking while
listening can help a person to understand and evaluate each other to avoid

2. Give one (1) importance of listening and explicate. You can cite a scenario of your
conversation to your classmate or friend.

• The importance of listening to your friends is because it brings positive connections

between you, such as, it creates trust, strengthens your communication to others and
they feel more important if you listen and ask a proper question from what they are
saying. For example, your friend is telling you something about academic but your
mind is floating or you’re just watching TikTok then she/he asked you an opinion
about on what she/he is telling you but you cannot comprehend the moment because
you’re not listening earlier, it will create barrier between you and your friend, they
will feel disrespected and unimportant because you could not listen just for a minute.

3. What are the benefits of listening and how is it imperative to you as a student?

• The benefits of listening are to have a positive communication and discussion with
whoever you're talking to, it might be an elderly, parents, teachers and friends and
classmates because sincerely listening to others creates a positive bond. As a
student it is crucial to critically listen to other people especially to your teachers,
not because you just like listening to them but you’re trying to understand what
they are saying especially on discussion you have to really focus and analyze on
what they are saying, because it will be helpful on your part and you can use it.

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