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Made By Kovid Aggarwal

Time Allowed: 1 hour. [Maximum Marks: 20]

Reading Skills

1. Read the passage given below:

(1) I know many friends of mine who drink coffee regularly but do not know that coffee exists
in different forms other than instant coffee. There are many who swear by Flora café classic
or Coco gold, which they consider premium coffee. I may sound offensive but instant coffee
is not the only way; in fact, it’s a very bad way of making coffee! Instant coffee cannot
match up to brewed coffee’s flavor nor does it have Arabica beans. It uses Robusta beans that
are lower in flavor. Don’t know the difference?! Read on...
(2) That plant might be a genius! It created a chemical that would keep pests away. Fortunately
for us and unfortunately for the plant — that plan did not work the way it was intended
to. The chemical might have averted a few pest attacks, but attracted a far greater
— human beings. The plant I am talking about is coffee and the chemical is caffeine.
(3) To begin from the beginning — coffee is from a more mature part of the tree — the seed.
— unlike other stimulants. The ripe berry is picked and de-pulped leaving cs with a seed
called ‘green bean’ or ‘green coffee’. Green beans are uncharacteristically bland with a taste
nowhere close to that of coffee, but it is valued for its higher antioxidant levels.
(4) It’s an interesting phenomenon to see how this bland green bean turns to a flavorful coffee
bean. Coffee bean is a seed and like any other seed is rich in proteins, fats, and all necessary
ingredients for giving birth to a new plant. When exposed to heat, the fats and carbohydrates in
the bean turn into essential oils, which give the characteristic taste and aroma to the coffee
bean. The degree of roasting depends on the need or purpose of use.
(5) These beans are ground so that the surface area of the bean is increased, which makes
extraction easier. The bean can be ground or crushed but making the particles uniform will
ensure equal extraction, or else the smaller particle will get over extracted and the larger
one under extracted. Hence, the burr grinder is used to ensure that the coffee bean gets
ground in a uniform way in which all particles are of similar sizes.
(6) Does under extraction give a lighter coffee and over extraction a stronger one ‘? No. For lighter
or stronger coffee less or more coffee powder has to be used. Why? Under extraction will
not get all the flavors of the coffee as the water runs too quickly. It will not get what you
want — it will taste sour. Over-extraction will bring out all unnecessary flavors rendering
the taste bitter.
On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer the questions given below:
10x 1=10
(i) Complete the sentence by choosing an appropriate option.
The author complained that his friends _.
(a) consumed only Flora classics.
(b) we’re not aware of different forms of coffee.
(c) were severely addicted to drinking coffee.
(d) considered Coco gold as premium coffee.
Comment on the writer’s reference to the unique feature of the coffee plant. (paragraph 2)
List the reason why the author refers to humans as ‘great threat to coffee’ plants.
Select an option that conveys the same meaning as “‘energizer’ from words used in paragraph 3.
(a) bland (b) mature
(c) antioxidant (d) stimulants
(v) Complete the given sentence with an appropriate inference with respect to the following:
Fats and carbohydrates turn into essential oils leading to
Comment on the writer’s reference to the interesting phenomenon in paragraph 4.
Over extraction does not give a stronger coffee. Based on your understanding of paragraph 6,
list one method to get stronger coffee.
(vi) The writer would not agree with the given statements based on paragraph five EXCEPT
(a) The burr grinder grinds coffee beans uniformly.
(b) Less surface area makes extraction easier.
(c) Grinding gives a stronger aroma.
(d) Good coffee is a mix of smaller and bigger particles.
Why is it fair to say that the right degree of extraction of coffee is important?
Select the most suitable title for the above passage.
(a) The Art of Coffee Making
(b) Benefits of Consuming Coffee
(c) Green Coffee — The perfect antioxidant
(d) The Coffee Addict

2. Read the passage given below.

(1) News — If you can’t remember the last time, you saw a teenager reading a book, newspaper
or magazine, you’re not alone. In recent years, less than 20 percent of teens report reading
a book, magazine or newspaper daily for pleasure. More than 80 percent say lhey use social
media every day, according to research published by the World Psychological Association.
(2) “Compared with previous generations, teens in the 2010s spent more time online and less
time with traditional media, such as books, magazines and television”, said lead author of
the book yGen and professor of psychology at ABC University. “Time on digital media has
displaced time once spent enjoying a book o r watching TV.”
(3) Swaner and her colleagues analysed data concluded from an ongoing study of a nationally
representative sample o1 approximately 50,000 eighth, tenth, and twelfth grade students
annually. They looked at survey results from 1976 to 2016, representing more than 1 million
teenagers. While the study started with only twelfth-graders in the 1970s, eighth- and tenth-
graders were added in 1991.
(4) Use of digital media increased substantially from 2006 to 2016. Among twelfth-graders,
internet use during leisure time doubled from one to two hours per day during that period.
It also increased 75 percent for tenth-graders and 68 percent for eighth-graders.
(5) “In the mid-2010s, the average twelfth-grader reported spending approximately two hours a
day texting, just over two hours a day on the internet — which included gaming — and just
under two hours a day on social media,” said Swaner. That’s a total of about six hours per
day on just three digital media activities during their leisure time.”
(6) In comparison, tenth-graders reported a total of five hours per day and eighth-graders
reported four hours per day on those three digital activities. Consequently, the spent time
in the digital world is seriously degrading the time they spend on more traditional media
such as print books and newspapers.
(7) The decline in reading print media was especially steep. In the early 1990s, 33 percent of
tenth-graders said they read a newspaper almost every day. By 2016, that number was
only 2 percent. In the late 1970s, 60 percent of twelfth-graders said they read a book or
a magazine almost every day; by 2016, only 16 percent did. Twelfth-graders also reported
reading fewer books each year in 2016 compared to how much they read in 1976, and
approximately one-third did not read a book (including e-books) for pleasure in the year
prior to the 2016 survey.
(8) There’s no lack of intelligence among young people. However, due to over dependence on
digital media they find it difficult to focus for long periods of time and to read long-form
text. Subsequently, they find it challenging to understand complex issues and develop critical
thinking skills.

Social Media Usage by Age


one social media site

Adults who use at least




18—29 30—49 50—64 65+ Age
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below: 10 x1=10
(i) Does the following statement agree with the information given in paragraph 1?
The writer believes that very few teens indulge in reading as a pleasurable activity.
Select from the following:
True: if the statement agrees with the information.
False: if the statement contradicts the information.
Not given: if there is no information on this.
(ii) Select the option that displays the most likely reason for this research.
In order to find out...
(a) reading choices of teenagers.
(b) digital competency of teenagers.
(c) speed of reading text.
(d) the decline of time spent on traditional media.
(iii) Complete the statement based on the following statement:
Traditional media has been replaced by digital media, we can say this because_
Do you think that the researchers of study added tenth and eighth graders to the survey
Support your answer with reference to the text.
(v) Complete the given sentence by selecting the most appropriate option:
The concluding sentence of the text makes a clear case for by listing it as a core
competency for analysis and application.
(a) following social media
(b) reading long texts
(c) building focus and concentration
(d) developing constructive habits
(vi) Complete the given sentence by selecting the most appropriate option:
The digital activities that the twelfth-graders indulge in are_
(a) texting, gaming, television
(b) texting, gaming, social media
(c) newspaper, books, magazine
(d) television, books, gaming
(vii) Complete the sentence appropriately with one/two words:
Teens today hardly read print media for
Based on the reading of the text, state a point to challenge the given statement:
“Time on digital media has displaced time once spent enjoying a book or watching T.V.”
What does the author mean by ‘degrading the time’ in para 6?
(n) spending less time (b) waste of time
(c) consuming more time (d) saving time
(x) As per Fig. 1, the percentage of people over 50 yrs is the percentage of teenagers
using social media.
(a) greater than less than
(c) equal to (d) negligible to
In lieu of Q. 2(x)
(x) The decline in reading print media was especially steep.
What does ‘steep’ mean in the above sentence?
(a) slow (b) sharp
(c) steady (d) gradual
(a) You are Sujoy/Sujata of Nehru Colony, Indore. You recently visited Shimla with your family.
You were perturbed to see the tourists throwing empty water bottles and cans all over
the place. Write a letter to the editor of national daily in about 120-150 words expressing
your concern and offering suggestions to improve the situation. Use the given cues along
with yclur clwn ideas to cclrnpusc thc lcttcr. 5
Eco-Friendly Travel
create less waste.
dispose garbage properly.
40% pollution increase during the tourist season
do sustainable travel.
waste and pollution have far-reaching impact on
wildlife, environment, visitors & communities
create — clean and healthy vacation destination
Ecological Conservation — A need of the hour.
3. Attempt any ONE from (a) and (b) given below:
(a) You are Rahul/Rekha. There are frequent power cuts in your locality. You strongly feel that
it is time to shift to solar power. Write an article in about 120-150 words on the topic
“Solar Power. An Apt Global Solution for Energy Crisis”. Support your ideas with the
cues given below. 5
• renewable energy
(b) Your school recently conducted an inter-school Heritage Quiz Contest. As a student reporter,
• reduce energy bill
write• a completely
report of theclean
air or120-150 words tono
water pollution, begreenhouse
published ingas
your school
effects, magazine.
You arefree;
no emissions Mention day, date, time and venue. 5
• low maintenance cost Know Your Heritage
An Inter-School Quiz Contest
Attractive prizes for audicncc qucsticln
Friday 14" March, St. Marks School

Literature 40 Marks

4. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. Attempt any ONE: 6 x1=
(a) 6 A thing o1 beauty is a joy forever
Its loveliness increases, it will never
pass into nothingness: but will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health and quiet
and breathing.
Therefore, on every morrow are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth;
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
O1 all the unhealthy and o’er darkened ways
Made for our searching.
(i) Keats defines beauty as
(a) transient (b) eternal
(c) illusionary (d) short lived
(ii) ‘will keep a bower quiet for us’ means all of the following EXCEPT
(o) create a peaceful, shady place (b) provide a shelter
(c) will decrease noise pollution (d) nature’s canopy
(iii) On the basis of the extract, choose the correct option with referencc to thc two
statements given below:
1. Beautiful things uplift the soul.
2. Beauty is everchanging.
(a) 1 can be inferred from the extract but 2 cannot.
(b) 2 can be inferred from the extract but 1 cannot.
(c) both 1 and 2 can be inferred from the extract.
(d) both 1 and 2 cannot be inferred from the extract.
(iv) The things that cause unhappiness are
(1) lack of noble nature
(2) old tunes
(3) dull days
(4) calm mind
(5) a flowery band
(6) strong relationships
Choose the most appropriate option:
(a) (1) and (2) (b) (1) and (3)
(c) (4) and (5) (d) (3) and (6)
(v) Complete the analogy. Do not repeat from used example:
flowery band : metaphor :: _ : alliteration
(vi) According to the poet ‘every morrow’ we are
(b) Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen,
Bright topaz denizens of a world of green, 6xl=6
They do not fear the men beneath the tree:
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttered through her wool
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of the uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.
(i) Denizens of the world of green refer
(a) huntsmen (b) Aunt Jennifer
(c) uncle (d) tigers
(ii) Choose the option that displays the same poetic device as used in the second line
of the extract.
(a) heart of stone (b) trees sprouting
(c) silver spoon (d) white murder
(iii) The men setting beneath the tree are
(iv) What quality of uncle can be inferred through these lines?
(a) compassionate nature (b) courageous
(c) confident (d) dominating
(v) The tigers in the extract are symbolic of
(n) creativity and courage (fi) confidence and gentleness
(c) cruelty and fear (d) aggression and starving
(vi) Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across
(1) the screen (2) the fields
(3) the embroidered tunic (4) the cage
Which of the following is the most appropriate choice?
(a) (1) and (2) (b) (2) and (4)
(c) (1), (2), and (3) (d) (1) and (3)
8. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. Attempt any ONE: 4x1=4
(a) To make sure, I walked over to the newsboy and glanced at the stack of papers at his feet.
It was The World and The World hasn’t been published for years. The lead story said
something about President Cleveland. I’ve found that front page since, in the Public library
files, and it was printed on June 11, 1894.
I turned toward the ticket windows knowing that here — on the third level at Grand Central — I
could buy tickets that would take Louisa and me anywhere in the United States we wanted
to go. In the year 1894. And I wanted two tickets to Galesburg, Illinois.
(i) The newspaper that covered the lead story about President Cleveland was
(a) The Pioneer (b) The New York Times
(c) The World (d) The Times
(ii) The narrator wanted to buy tickets
(iii) Which of the following in the extract most nearly means the opposite of ‘stare’?
(n) glance (fi) peek
(c) ignore (d) examine
(iv) Charley wanted two tickets because he wanted to go with
(o) Sam (fi) Cleveland
(c) Louisa (d) the Psychiatrist
(b) When I was studying in the third class, I hadn’t yet heard people speak openly of untouchability.
But I had already seen, felt, experienced and been humiliated by what it is.
I was walking home from school one day, an old bag hanging from my shoulder. It was actually
possible to walk the distance in ten minutes. But usually, it would take me from half an
hour to an hour to dawdle along watching all the fun and games that were going on, all
the entertaining novelties and oddities in the streets, the shops, and the bazaar. 4 x1=4
(i) The narrator was humiliated because
(ii) The narrator ‘dawdled along’ as she
(a) enjoyed looking at the various sights
(b) was getting late for school
(c) she didn’t like going home
(d) she enjoyed haggling and shopping
(iii) On the basis of the extract, choose the correct option with reference to the two
statements given below:
(I) The distance from school to home was very short.
(II) She was feeling upset and so dawdling her way home.
(a) (I) can be inferred from the extract but (II) cannot
(b) (II) can be inferred from the extract but (I) cannot
(c) Both (I) and (II) cannot be inferred from the extract
(d) Both (I) and (II) can be inferred from the extract
(iv) The word ‘novelties’ in the passage most nearly means
(n) colorful trinkets (b) wooden toys
(c) unique and interesting items (d) expensive souvenirs
9. Rcad thc following cxtract and answcr thc qucstions that follow. Attcmpt any ONE. 6 x1= 6
(a) “I sometimes find a rupee, even a ten rupee note”, Saheb says, his eyes lighting up when you
can find a silver coin in a heap of garbage, you don’t stop scrounging, for there is hope
of finding more. It seems that for children, garbage has a meaning different from what
it means to their parents. For the children it is wrapped in wonder, for the elders, it is
a means of survival.
One winter morning I see Saheb standing by the fenced gate of the neighbourhood club, watching
two young men dressed in white, playing tennis. “I like the game”, he hums, content to
watch it standing behind the fence. “I go inside when no one is around” he admits. “The
gate keeper lets me use the swing.”
(i) Saheb found a rupee
(a) on the street (b) in the garbage dump
(c) in Firozabad (d) on the tennis court
(ii) Which emotion of Saheb is revealed in the phrase ‘his eyes lighting up’?
(a) anxiety (b) envy
(c) happiness (d) greed
(iii) For the elders garbage is and for children it is
(iv) On the basis of the extract, choose the correct option with reference to I and II
given below:
I. Saheb watches the game from outside.
II. Saheb had lost the previous match.
(o) I is true and II is not (fi) II is true but I is not
(c) Both I and II are true (d) Both I and II are untrue
(v) ‘Scrounging’ in the passage most nearly means.
(a) digging (b) searching
(c) flinging (d) burying
(vi) “There is hope for finding more”. Explain with reference to the above extract.
(b) “Or an actress. Now there’s real money in that. Yes, and I could may be havc the boutique
on the side. Actresses don’t work full time, do they? Anyway, that or a fashicln dcsigncr.
You know—something a bit sophisticated”. And she turned in through the open street
door leaving Jansie standing in the rain. “If I ever come into money I’ll buy a boutique”.
“Huh,if you ever come into money ... if you ever come into money you’ll buy us a blessed
decent house to live in, thank you very much.”
Sophie’s father was scooping shepherd’s pie into his mouth as hard as he could go, his
plump face still grimy and sweat—marked from the day.
“She thinks money grows on trees, don’t she Dad ? Said little Derek, hanging on the back of his
father’s chair.
Their mother sighed. 6xl=6
(i) Sophie wants to become an actress to
(a) become famous (b) to earn money
(c) to support her father (d) to compete with Jansie
(ii) Jansie wanted Sophie to spend her money on
(n) her marriage (fi) her career
(c) to open a boutique (d) buying a house
(iii) Sophie is daydreaming about
(iv) The phrase ‘money grows on trees’ indicates that Sophie

(v) Sophie’s mother’s sigh is one of

(a) regret (b) delight
(c) relief (d) helplessness
(vi) From the extract Jansie comes across as a person.

(a) practical (fi) dominating

(c) immature (d) starstruck
10. Answer any FIVE out of six questions given below in about 40-50 words: 5 x2=10
(a) What does Gandhi refer to as a ‘conflict of duties’?
(b) What does the expression ‘polished traffic’ refer to? What does it reveal about city people?
(c) Why did the iron master compare Edla to a parson?
(d) What is the significance of the word ‘but’ in ‘but all I said was see you soon, Amma? (My
Mother at Sixty-Six)
(e) What handicap did Douglas suffer from? How did he overcome that?
What, according to Pablo Neruda in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’, is the lesson that we should
learn from mother earth?
11. Answer any TWO out of three questions given below in about 40-50 words: 2 x2=4
(n) Why was Dr. Sadao not sent abroad with the troops?
(b) What was the hidden agenda behind the Tiger King’s marriage with the princess in the
neighbouring state'?
(c) What are the significant features of ‘Students on Ice Programme’?
12. Answer any ONE in about 120-150 words:
(a) The last lesson reflects the flaws in human character that led to the sad plight of people in
Alsace. Substantiate your answer with evidence from the text. 5
(b) A Roadside Stand is a social satire depicting the two contrasting worlds existing in society.
Justify this statement with rcfcrcncc to the pclcm. 5
13. Answer any ONE in about 120-150 words:
(a) Mr. Lamb stands as a symbol of optimism and hope. Support your answer with examples from
the text. 5
(b) Dr. Sadao emerges as a saviour of humanity. Substantiate your answer with evidcncc from thc
1. (i) (b) were not aware of different forms of coffee.
(ii) Coffee plant produces a chemical called caffeine. This chemical protects the plants from pest
(iii) The author refers to humans as ‘great threat to coffee’ plants because they are known for
excessive exploitation of natural resources. So, the real threat to the plants come not
from the pests but from humans.
(d) stimulants
thc charactcristic tastc and aroma to thc coffcc bcan
The interesting phenomenon is changing of bland green bean into a favourable coffee bean.
When the bean is exposed to heat, the fats and carbohydrates in the beans turn into
essential oils which give the characteristic taste and aroma to the coffee bean.
(vii) For a lighter or stronger coffee less or more coffee powder has to be used. It dcpcnds on
the quantity of coffee powder used.
(b) Less surface area makes extraction easier.
It is fair to say that the right degree of extraction of coffee is important because under-extraction
will not get all the flavours of the coffee because the water runs too quickly. Over-extraction
will bring out all unnecessary flavours and make the taste of the coffee bitter.
(x) (a) The Art of Coffee Making
2. (i) True
(ii) (d) the decline of time spent on traditional media
(iii) the young generation relies more on digital media
!‘ ) Yes, the researchers of study added tenth and eighth graders to the survey deliberately in
order to draw attention to the use of digital media among teenagers.
(V) (b) reading long texts
(vi) (fi) texting, gaming, social media
(vii) pleasure
(viii) Digital mcdia has bccomc morc promincnt but it has not complctcly rcplaccd traditional forms
of the usage of media. A lot of people still enjoy reading books and watching television
for their pleasure and entertainment.
(«) spending less time
(b) less than
For visually Impaired candidates
(x) (b) sharp
3. ( ) Minerva Public School, Bhopal
8 March 20XX
Career Counselling Workshop
This is to inform all the students that our school is planning to organise a career
counselling workshop for the students of classes 9-12. It will help in giving their career
a new direction. Counsellors of repute will conduct the session to ensure best advice
for the students.
Latest Examination Paper 13

The details of the workshop are as follows:

Date 12 March 20XX, Day : Monday
Time : 09:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Venue : Common Room of the school
All students are requested to participate in the workshop and make it a success.
Head Boy


(b) D-5, Street No. 4 SLV Public School,

Ajanta Colony Lucknow
10 April 20XX
10 July 20XX Water Conservation Awareness Programme
Our Ajit
school is organising a Water Conservation Awareness Programme for the
students. It has been organised to make students aware about the uses of water and how
Not only hope but also trust that you must be pulling on well. I would like to sharc a good ncws
to conserve it. The details of the programme are as follows:
with you. I have recently purchased a 3BHK apartment at Shastri Nagar, Meerut. I would
like you to join the house-warming 15 April 20XX
ceremony along with your family. The details of the
ceremony are as follows: Day Tuesday
Date 20 July 20XX Time : 09:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Day Sunday Venue Conference Hall of the
Your participation is necessary to make it a huge success. If you have any query
regarding it, please contact the undersigned.

4. (a)
14 Th English Core—12
Time 10 a.m. onwards (Hawan, Kirtan, etc. followed by lunch)
Venue New House premises
Rajesh Sharma
M.No. : 951225XXXX
(b) P-112, Navneet Apartments
Sector-3, Rohini
Ncw Delhi

10 May 20XX
Dear Vijay
Thanks a lot for your invitation. I would like to congratulate you first for your selcction in IIM,
a prestigious and acclaimed management institute. It really made me proud that you
have achieved such an astounding success. I will definitely join the party to celebrate
your success. I will be there on 20 May 20XX at 8:00 p.m. sharp at Atithi Palace Hotel,
Janakpuri, New Delhi.
I am coming along with Sanjay, my bosom friend.
See you soon.
5. (°) A-29, Road No. 5, Indra Nagar
10 May 20XX
The Manager
S.K. Global Solutions
J.P. Nagar, Bengaluru
Dear Sir
Subjcct: Application for thc post of softwarc cnginccr
In response to your advertisement in the Times of India, dated 05 May 20XX, I wish to apply
for the post of software engineer. I feel my qualification and experience are suitable for
the above mentioned post. I am enclosing my bio-data, a testimonial and attested copies
of certificates along with photographs for your perusal.
I hope to receive a positive response from you.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Latest Examination Paper 15

Name Ranjan
Father’s Name Ajay Kumar
Date of Birth 7 January 1998
Address A-29, Road No. 5, Indra Nagar
Contact No. : 971769XXXX
Marital status : Unmarried
Languages known Hindi and English
Name of Exam Board/University Year Percentage
class — X CBSE 2012 90%
Class — XII CBSE 2014 85%
B. Tech IIT, Roorkee 2018 87%
(Computer Science)
Working Experience 4 years as software engineer at V.K. Info Solutions, Chennai
Core Competencies Developing well-designed software, layouts, software development,
Hobbies Playing cricket and listening music
References 1. Dr A.K. Saxena
Dean, IIT, Roorkee
Ph: 79828XXXXX
2. D.K. Roy
Professor, IIT Roorkee
Ph: 758281XXXX
Place : Bengaluru
Datc : 10 May 20XX

(b) P-39, Street No. 7
Nehru Colony
28 February 20XX
The Editclr
The Times of India
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi 1100XX
16 Th English Core—12
Dear Sir
Subject Concern over throwing empty water bottles and cans by tourists
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to share my concern over
throwing empty water bottles and cans by the tourists all over the places wherever they
It is really a matter of grave concern that tourists who come to visit India create a mess by
throwing away empty water bottles and cans on the roads. We know the government
generates more revenue from them and they also add more for the development of our
economy. But the tourists also add to pollution. During the peak tourist season, 40%
pollution increases. Being educated, they must abstain themselves from such typc of
activities. At every corner of the tourist places and towns, dustbins are put in. They must
put all the empty water bottles, cans, etc. in those dustbins. They should do eco-friendly
travel. As we all know waste and pollution have far reaching impact on environment,
wildlife, visitors and communities. Eco-friendly tourism is being promoted as a means
of ‘giving nature value’ and hence of achieving sustainable tourism. Clean and healthy
vacation destinations must be created. Ecological conservation is a need of the hour. We
must protect our environment from being degraded. The government machinery, NGOs,
and common people, too, should come forward to protect our environment and stop the
tourists from doing so. Then only can we hope for a greener and pollution free India.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
6. ( )
Solar Energy : An Apt Global Solution for Energy Crisis
by Rahul
Due to frequent power cuts, now time has come to shift to solar power. Solar energy is the
energy which the earth receives from the sun and converts into thermal energy. Solar
energy is a renewable source of energy. Neither does it affect our earth nor it causes any
kind of pollution. It is environment-friendly. Solar energy is cost-effective, It also helps
in reducing energy bill. Solar power is also used for cooking and heating up our homes.
As the pollution level is increasing tremendously, it is our duty to use more solar power
and protect our earth from getting polluted. It can also be used in those areas where
there is no access to power grid. Nowadays with the increasing use of electronic gadgets,
including refrigerator, computers, air conditioners, etc. more energy is consumed. Industries
also need much power for their sustenance. The demand of electricity is growing but it
has become quite difficult to fulfil the need. Now, it has become our duty to use more
solar power. The government should also encourage the people to make maximum use of
solar power. It will be helpful in cleaning our environment. There will be no air or water
pollution, no greenhouse effects and emissions. It will also save our pocket from getting
burdened. Being a sensible and responsible citizen, it should be our due to make the
best and sufficient uses of solar power and protect our earth from getting endangered.
Latest Examination Paper 17
(b) Heritage Quiz Contest
by Archana, Student Reporter
New Delhi, 4th December, 20XX
An Inter-school Heritage Quiz contest was organised on 14th March, 20XX at St. Marks School.
Near about twenty students participated in this contest. This contest was organised to
make people acquaint with the cultural heritage of the country. The chief guest was
Dr A.K Kumar, the renowned academician. All the preparations such as arrangement of
guest chairs, participants’ chairs and tables, etc. were made. The chief guest lightened
the candle and the Quiz started. It covered a wide range of areas including history,
mythology, culture, monuments, handicraft, etc. In the starting round, some easy questions
were asked. About 15 students passed the screening test. In second round, the questions
were very catchy. Seven students also got eliminated in this round. In the final round, the
questions asked were too difficult to answer. In history section, questions pertaining to
ancient, medieval and modern history were asked. Some visual clips were also shown on
culture and monuments. The audience were also at liberty to raise questions. They also
asked some difficult questions which the participants answered satisfactorily. Attractive
prizes were also given for audience questions. Mr Ajay, the student of art stream, emerged
victorious. Hc rcplicd about 90% of thc qucstions satisfactorily. Thc chicf guest awarded
him cash prize worth T10,000 and a certificate. Remaining participants were also given
consolation prizcs. The principal, management and all the tcachers congratulated Mr Ajay.
It was really an interesting event.
7. (a) (i) (b) eternal
(ii) (c) will decrease noise pollution
(iii) (a) 1 can be inferred from the extract but 2 cannot.
(iv) (b) (1) and (3)
(v) flowery band : metaphor : : noble natures : alliteration
(vi) the poet wants to highlight ever present and eternal aspect of beauty.
(b) (d) tigcrs
(c) silver spoon
hunters who stalk and kill tigers
(d) dominating
(a) creativity and courage
(d) (1) and (3)
8. (a) (c) The World
Galesburg, Illinois
(c) ignore
(c) Louisa
(b) he had never heard people speak openly of untouchability
(a) enjoyed looking at the various sights
(a) (I) can be inferred from the extract but (II) cannot.
(c) unique and interesting items
18 Th English Core—12
9. (a) (i) (b) in the garbage dump
(ii) (c) happiness
(iii) For the elders garbage is a means of survival; and for children it is wrapped in
(iv) (a) I is true and II is not.
(v) (b) searching
(vi) Saheb is hopeful that he will find more and more silver coins in a heap of garbage.
(b) (i) (b) to earn money
(ii) (c) to opcn a boutiquc
(iii) becoming an actress or a fashion designer and owing a boutique, while believing that
actresses don’t work full time.
(iv) Sophie has imaginary expectations about money. She believes that money can be
earned easily.
(v) (d) helplessness
(vi) (a) practical
10. (a) On the one hand, Gandhiji did not want to be a lawbreaker but, on the other hand, he could
not ignore his humanitarian and national service as demanded by his conscience. He told
thc court that finally hc had dccidcd to listcn to thc voicc of his conscicncc and help the
poor peasants of Champaran. This is what he refers to as ‘conflict of duties’.
(b) The expression “Polished traffic” refers to the cars and other vehicles that pass by the new
shed of the road. The city people are in a hurry. They have less time to spare for the
people who live in the countryside. They do not care much for the rural people who are
always in need of earning more to fulfil their needs.
(c) Edla was very generous and compassionate. A parson is philanthropic and always works for the
welfare of others. Both had similar traits. Edla was also more concerned about the little
match girl although she was a stranger to her. The ironmaster was too impressed with
Edla’s nature and the nobility and kindness inherent in her. That is why the ironmaster
compares Edla to a parson.
(d) Thc poct, Kamla Das always had a fcar of gctting scparatcd from hcr mothcr. There was a
sense of insecurity and fear of losing her mother. The line, “but all I said was see you
soon, Amma” is highly appealing and emotional. The word ‘but’ suggests that the poet
is holding back her true feelings and emotions. ‘But’ is used to denote contrast here.
(e) Douglas had an aversion to water. This fear had become his handicap. Whenever he was alone
in water, the vestiges of fear used to haunt him. To overcome his fear, he swam across
various waterbodies, followed his instructor completely. The instructor held on to the
end of the rope and along with Douglas went back and forth across the pool, hour after
hour, day after day. This way Dauglas overcame his fear.
The poem, “Keeping Quiet” refers to stopping of all activities for a moment and calls for
introspection. He tells us to remain silent for a moment. It will help us to analyse the
kind of deeds we are doing for our selfish purpose but it adversely affects our nature.
Balance and harmony must be made between nature and human beings for our existence
on the Earth. We must make our mother Earth a better place to live in.
Latest Examination Paper 19
The General was very ill and he was being treated by Dr. Sadao. He needed to be operated.
And for that no one was more trusted than Dr. Sadao. The General had already been
under the care of the surgeon. Moreover, Dr. Sadao was doing a research to render ‘the
wounds entirely clean’. That is why he was not sent abroad with the troops.
(b) The Maharaja had killed all the tigers available in and around his kingdom. Even then thirty
more tigers were required to complete his mission to kill a hundred tigers. So, he decided
to marry a girl from a royal family whose state had a large tiger population. This was the
hidden agenda behind the Tiger King’s marriage with the princess in the neighbouring
(c) ‘Students on Ice Programme’ is an educational journey to Antarctica. Students are the future
generation of policy-makers. Through this programme, they would understand the
seriousness of the threat that the end of the earth is too near. They would be provided
an opportunity to have this life-changing experience at a young age in order to foster a
new understanding and respect for our planet. It would help them to absorb, learn and
morc importantly, act for thc bcncfit of thc planct.
12. (a) “The Last Lesson”, a story by Alphonse Daudet, was written in the backdrop of thc loss of
language and culture due to war and political rivalry. It mainly highlights the flaws in
human character that led to the sad plight of people in Alsace. One must have excessive
love for one’s country, language and culture. In ‘The Last Lesson’, Franz, the main
character of the story did not take his French lessons seriously. He always believed that
he could learn it later on. He only realised its importance when M. Hamcl, the French
teacher was about to leave the country. On the other hand, the German officials were
more concerned about their power and control over the region rather than preserving
the local language and culture. They had nothing to take from the emotional and cultural
impact that their actions would have on the people of Alsace. Thus, this lcsson sums up
the flaws in human characters. One must preserve one’s language and culture.
(b) In the poem, A Roadside Stand’, the poet, Robert Frost has made a sarcastic remark on
depicting the two contrasting worlds existing in the society. It deals with the lives of
poor and deprived people of the villages. The urban rich are always on the move. They
are always in a hurry. They have no time to inquire about the goods put up by the rural
people for sale. On the other hand, the rural poor are standing and pleading for help.
The roadside stand is a metaphor for the people of the countryside who live in abject
poverty. The poem also talks about the power dynamics where the urban people have
the capacity to buy whatever they want and the country people are deprivcd of all these
things due to resource crunch. They are quite powerless and they have not the capacity
to take decision on their own. Thus, it can be said, that A Roadside Stand’ is a social
satire that shows the sharp contrast between the two worlds existing in the society.
Mr. Lamb stands as a symbol of optimism and hope. He has positive attitude towards life. He
keeps the door of his house always open to welcome people in his house. He gladly accepts
the friendship of Derry despite his disfigured face. Appearances are always deceptive. He
gives Derry a place of refuge in his garden where he could feel safe and accepted. Derry
always keeps himself isolated from this world. But Mr. Lamb also supports him and trics
20 Th English Core—12
to bring him into the mainstream of life. He tells Derry to explore the world and to be
afraid of setting goals and achieving them. Mr. Lamb always motivates Derry to enjoy
life fully ignoring his deformity, appreciate and enjoy the beauty of the world. Mr. Lamb
is open-minded and always has optimistic views towards life.
(b) Dr. Sadao was an intelligent, efficient, committed and dedicated doctor. He had much devotion
towards his duty. It was his primary duty to save the life of people, irrespective of his
country and identity. When torn between loyalty towards his country and his duty as a
doctor to save life, he chose humanity over country. For a doctor, his patient is beyond
any prejudice. When Dr. Sadao saw the white man, he realised that the man would die
if he was not immediately operated. So, he took the man to his house and treated him
and saved his life. For his well-being, he did whatever was possible from him. Lastly,
Dr. Sadao also helped the prisoner of war to escape from there. He even offered him a
safe passage by suggesting him to take a Korean fishing boat and escape. All these noble
traits show that Sadao was not only noblc by naturc but also a saviour of humanity who
helpcd the ncedy in the hour of crisis.
Latest Examination Paper 21

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